Доктор кто cold war
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Both of the two main guest stars have been in the running to play the Doctor. David Warner was suggested by Pip Baker and Jane Baker for the Seventh Doctor prior to the casting of Sylvester McCoy. Liam Cunningham was seriously considered for the Eight Doctor in Doctor Who (1996). It is not possible to launch nuclear missiles at 700 meters as the water pressure would crush them. Normal launch occurs at keel depths of less than 50 meters.Clara: Am I speaking Russian? How come I'm speaking Russian?
The Doctor: Now? We have to do this now?
Clara: Are THEY speaking Russian?
The Doctor: Seriously? Now? It's the TARDIS translation matrix.
The Doctor: Yes! They're Russians!
Hungry Like The WolfWritten by Nick Rhodes, Simon Le Bon, Andy Taylor , John Taylor, and Roger Taylor
Performed by Jenna Coleman and David Warner
User reviews 15
I really enjoy simple base under siege stories if they are done well and this one is done well. It features the return of an adversary that dates back to the 2nd Doctor era in the Ice Warriors and it presents them in a way which is respectful and coherent with that established lore but also makes it work for modern audiences with some fresh aspects. The story is written by Mark Gatiss who loves to hark back to horror themes and try to bring scares of the past to new audiences. He succeeds in using ideas from horror greats like The Thing and Alien and marrying them in a way that works and provides scary thrills for a new family audience as well as a satisfying entertainment for established science fiction fans.
This story has an Ice Warrior brought unknowingly on board a Russian nuclear submarine during the Cold War in 1983. This setting is claustrophobic, exciting and well presented. The themes of the war and of negotiation versus aggression are thoughtful and appropriately used. The TARDIS translation idea is used well here too as is the traditional aims of the Doctor to avoid loss of life. Altogether the story is thrilling, absorbing and thought provoking.
The story may be subtle and not as dramatic in the end as some might hope but for me the ideas and themes of avoiding conflict, the nicely intelligent script, the awesome cast and the effective thrills of a creature lurking in a submarine picking off victims then threatening nuclear annihilation make this a 10/10 adventure. One of the best of the Moffatt/Smith era.
Доктор Кто
Подозрительно напоминающий самого обычного британца инопланетянин путешествует в синей будке сквозь время и пространство, заводит дружбу с землянами и периодически спасает миры, планеты и всю вселенную.
В чем суть?
Перезапуск самого долгоиграющего сериала в истории британского телевидения случился в 2005 году и подарил всему миру возможность любоваться игрой целой плеяды восхитительных британских актеров — как в роли самого Доктора, регенерирующего раз в пару сезонов, так и его компаньонов по инопланетным приключениям. Привкус 50-х во всем — от старой полицейской телефонной будки, в форме которой навсегда осталась машина времени (и космический корабль) Т. А. Р. Д. И. С до похожих на недобрую помесь пылесоса с вантузом далеков; нелепые и наивные, как детские мечты, спецэффекты; повороты сюжета, заставляющие фанатов плакать от восторга и негодовать от злости; восхитительные рождественские эпизоды и закадровые ролики — все это огромная и бесконечно расширяющаяся вселенная Доктора Кто, в которой для каждого найдется свой собственный уголок.
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