Dawn of man последняя версия что нового
Dawn of Man – это survival-стратегия в которой вам предстоит руководить поселением первых современных людей. Проведите их через десятки тысяч лет, начиная с каменного века до железного. Вы повстречаете и даже будете охотиться на легендарных животных, среди которых будут даже Мамонты. Занимайтесь не только охотой, но и собирательством. Полезные плоды, а также другие ценные ресурсы – собирайте все, что можете пригодиться в быту. Делайте оружие и другие полезные приспособления. Ориентируйтесь на климат и времена года. Животных лучше отлавливать во время их сезонной миграции, а ягодами и фруктами можно питаться летом. Развивайте свое поселение, стройте новые хижины, изучайте новые технологии – все это поможет увеличить численность и добиться больших успехов.
Системные требования:
✔ Операционная система: Windows 7, 8, 10 - только для 64 бит!
✔ Процессор: 2 GHz Dual Core
✔ Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
✔ Видеокарта: 1 GB VRAM (Shader Model 3)
✔ DirectX: Версии 11
✔ Место на диске: 2 Гб
Жанр: симулятор, стратегия
Разработчик: Madruga Works
Платформа: PC
Версия: 1.7.2 12.04.2021
Язык интерфейса: английский, русский
Dawn of man последняя версия что нового
This is a maintenance update with a few fixes.
- Added toggle-able announcement panel on top right of title screen.
- Improved description of Completion milestones to clarify that you need all 30 of them.
- Fixed issue that would allow plants to be placed in bridges.
- Fixed code issues in warning signs.
- Various fixes for rare crashes.
- Better error messages for some modding errors.
- Fixed typo in Spanish translation of Deep Mining tech.
- Fixed typo in the French text for "Extractable resources"
Maintenance update fixing a few issues discovered recently:
- Watchtower now requires the thatching tech to be built.
- Storage filters are no longer visible if the structure is not operational.
- Fixed issues with one of the Tin deposit variants not changing texture in winter.
- You can no longer place plants outside of the playable game area.
In this update we are adding Cheesemaking, some improvements to animal trading and a bunch of other fixes.
Cheese can now be made in the new Cheesemaker structure, from the Neolithic onward.
Cheese lasts for longer than Milk, and can be traded.
- You can now sell animals to trader.
- Trader can now bring male and female animals at the same time, and you can choose which ones to purchase.
- Trader animals are now visible and stay in village when purchased, or leave when sold.
- Main trader that comes to village can now sometimes be an old person and companion trader can be of any age.
- Male animals are now cheaper.
- When double clicking on animals, only animals from the same team are selected (Trader or Player).
- Default resource limit for sickles is now 75% of adults.
- When editing a work area, canceling caused the work area to be destroyed. Now, the work area will be restored to its original location.
- Fix for issue that could potentially result in people being stuck after coming down from platforms. This is a quick fix for an issue introduced in 1.6.2 that wouldn't allow you to right click on a young tameable animal (like an Ibex or Mouflon), in order to give a hunt order (before the relevant taming tech was unlocked).
This version includes various quality of life improvements and other fixes.
- You can now double click a work area to select all areas of the same type in town.
- You can now double click on ore deposits, flint and rocks to select similar nearby entities.
- You can now Alt+Right Click to give alternative commands to people like collecting tannin from trees, collecting mud from banks, shearing or milking animals.
- Improved milestone unlock screen, that highlights which milestone is being unlocked.
- You can now specify an FPS limit in the settings screen (when VSync is off).
- Tin and Iron deposits are now properly highlighted when placing mining work areas.
- Fixed issue that could cause people to be stuck in a loop performing commands when their stats were low.
- People are now be able to swap tools from resource slots to tool slots when required for the action they have to perform.
- Fixed game unpausing while on primal vision in normal mode if a trader was selected.
- Game can now tolerate broken translation workshop items better, instead of crashing (Russian workshop translation is causing the game to crash for anyone that has subscribed to it at the moment).
- Better error message for when the game can not load the Posix libraries.
This update focuses on some of the main feature requests from the community, which were Armor and combat improvements.
Your people can now make armor, they will automatically equip it when you sound the alarm. Note that raiders will also wear armor, from the Bronze Age onward.
Armor is made in the new Armorer structure, we've also moved shield production there (which was previously in the Workshop).
It comes in two variants, Leather Armor, available from the Bronze Age, and Mail Armor, available from the Iron Age.
You can now choose the position where your people gather when you trigger the alert.
You can now place gates in 8 directions, allowing for much more organic looking towns.
Walls can now be built in shallow water (and steeper slopes), this makes it possible to use lakes and rivers as defensive barriers. Raiders might end up swimming through them to attack you, but this would still allow you to shoot at them from a distance for a long time.
Made from leather, offers reasonable protection, available from the Bronze Age.
Made from iron rings, offers very good protection, available in the Iron Age.
New techs Armor, Mail and Reinforced Shields, required for Leather Armor, Mail Armor and Oval Shields.
- It is now possible to edit the position at which people gather behind the gates when the alert is on.
- Gates can now be build in 8 directions allowing for more organic wall designs.
- You can now build walls, watchtowers and platforms in shallow water, and in steeper slopes.
- In the Bronze and Iron Ages, raiders don't immediately acquire all techs in the era, but they do it progressively with each attack wave.
- There is now an option in the defense panel to customize the amount of men and women that will use melee weapons in combat.
- People will now upgrade their weapons from slings to bows if available.
- Weapons that raiders drop when dead now have random condition instead of 100%
- Added some old raiders, and slightly increased the proportion of males that come to attack.
- Clothing now decays when absorbing combat damage, the damage that is saved is instead taken by the clothing.
- Stamina decay rate is now cut in half when the alert is on. This affects all humans, including raiders.
- Slings can now be sold for their full value up to the Neolithic only (down from the Copper Age).
- Making sure that people don't run to another gate after all raiders are dead.
- Animals that have been butchered, even only partially, now decay a lot faster.
- Most defensive structures, like walls, gates and towers are now a bit more resistant.
- It is now possible to set a resource limit to a percentage of the adults in the settlement.
- This is now the default for tools, shields and armor, as children can not use them.
- Improved tooltips for all resource limits, to make everything more clear.
- Added 20% and 33% resource limits
- Butchering tasks for hunted or slaughtered animals will now only get auto-generated if any of Meat, Bone or Raw Skins are under the limits.
- In auto generated butchering tasks (after hunting or slaughtering), people will not extract resources that are over the limits.
- Meat limit is now set to 100 by default (it was 30 before).
- Raw Skins limit is now set to 40 by default (it was 10 before).
- Bones limit is now set to 20 by default (it was 10 before).
- These changes do not affect manual butcher tasks (created by right clicking or using the context actions), these always extract all resources from the animal.
When a person is given a direct command to move somewhere (by right clicking on the ground), they will stay there and:
- They won't go to their usual combat positions. This is useful when the enemies are attacking if you want to station a bunch of people somewhere instead of in the default positions.
- They won't wander around town.
- For a while, they won't go and get any weapons or armor.
- For a while, they won't go to rest.
- For a while, they won't get assigned any tasks.
- For a while, they won't go store any resources.
The idea behind these changes is that you get more control over what people do, but eventually they will do what they need to do to survive.
- Humans will retry with higher accuracy if they can't find a suitable path to the destination.
- Beings prefer to walk on even terrain.
- Beings try harder to cross by a nearby ford instead of swimming.
- New loading screen for the Ancient Warriors scenario.
- Ancient Warriors tech cost has now been slightly reduced.
- Slightly increased population limit.
- Domestic Animals will now prefer to wander around stables.
- People now prefer to wear outfits that are in better condition.
- Workload calculations now count kids as half an adult.
- You can now select a loaded person and right click on a storage structure to tell them to unload there.
- Added Elasmotherium, Hyena, long haired woman and old man to intro screen.
- Carts, Sledges and Plows can now be built by two people simultaneously.
Dawn of man последняя версия что нового
A Beginner's Guide to The Dawn of Man "Continental Dawn" - A Work in Progress
As I'm learning the game I decided to make this guide. Partly it's notes as to how to do it better on my second attempt and partly it's a way of storing the game knowledge I've collected along the way. If you see anything you like or want me to expa.
Animal domestication -- from the basics to the not-so-basics. Lots of numbers, too.
Dawn of Man v.1.1.2 – reminders for the next time you play
Dawn of Man is a type of game that I typically play intensively for a short period and then let rest for å very long time. Writing down some key point is mainly for my own benefit but it might also be useful for others.
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 12
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 2
Довольна приятная и атмосферная игрушка, но рекомендовать ее не могу т.к. есть более сильные проекты в этом жанре. Самая странная механика это ''протухающие" со временем на складе копья, доспехи и вообще все предметы. Я понимаю, что игра стимулирует выстраивать непрерывные цепочки производства, но в том же RimWorld это реализовано, на мой взгляд, лучше.
For those of us that love this game and play a bit differently than it perhaps was envisioned, can you please consider adding the ability to accommodate the 'long play' style? Specifically, I am interested in some method of creating 'inexhaustible' resources. Please consider one of two options: 1) A setting on resources (i.e. mines, rocks and perhaps sticks) that makes the supply inexhaustible/unlimited. 2) A new 'discovery' feature that adds a new mine, rock formation, and possibly stick supply. Mega W.
WINTER IS COMING! Best Survival City Builder Game | Dawn of Man Gameplay
⛏️Dawn of Man🏹первый взгляд на развитие древнего человека/2019
Very fun settlement building game with a cool concept - something very satisfying about going from a few primitives in tents hunting whatever walks by, to a large sprawling walled village with farming, blacksmithing, animal husbandry etc.
Feels like it could be much more, but its definitely worth the entry price if you enjoy town building/colony sim games.
Dawn of Man
Описание: Dawn of Man – игра в жанре стратегии, где ты отправишься в масштабный исторический мир, чтобы побороться за собственную жизнь. Приключение охватывает более десятка тысяч лет истории, связанной с человеческим развитием. Показать полностью. Здесь твое главное задание будет заключаться в становлении, а затем развитии поселения. Ты будешь контролировать поселение из первых современных людей, проводя их через столетия и стараясь всесторонне развивать. Отправился на исследование окружающего мира, чтобы раздобыть как можно больше полезных ресурсов, а также найти подходящее место для строительства города. Окружающая среда зачастую будет становиться твоим врагом, но и во многих случаях поможет тебе достичь поставленной цели. Займись охотой, чтобы раздобыть еду для своего поселения. Также, из костей и кожи ты сможешь создавать всевозможные инструменты и теплую одежду. Тебе придется вступить в жестокое противостояние с самыми опасными представителями животного мира, поэтому в твоём арсенале всегда должно находится подходящее орудие убийства. Также тебе следует уделить время на собирательство, пополняя арсенал полезными для выживания ресурсами. Также здесь потребуются твои навыки стратегического мышления, где ты должен создавать план действий на будущее, чтобы не ты, ли твои поселенцы не нуждались в пище, крове и воде в любое время года.
Dawn of man последняя версия что нового
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