Darkness 2 что такое вендетта
Vendettas is a co-op storyline mode for up to four players in The Darkness II.
Biography [ ]
Early Life [ ]
His mother was Turkish while father Japanese. As a child, Inugami was forced to witness the slaughter of his entire family at the hands of the Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood came to Inugami's home forcing him to tell him the location of Kusanagi; however, Inugami did not know. So, the Brotherhood buried him to the neck and killed his mother, father and brother (who was two years old). After this, Inugami found the hidden Kusanagi and then sought to find and kill the Brotherhood by becoming a mercenary. Eventually he comes to New York and is hired by Jackie Estacado for his connection with the Darkness.
The Darkness II [ ]
Vendettas [ ]
As they enter the Old Junkyard, the Darkness tells Vendettas to "Embrace The Darkness". At the junkyard, the Vendettas meet hostile mobsters who try to stop them. After dispatching them, Vinnie contacts the mercenaries, asking if they have located Powell. The Vendettas answer that they still searching for him and Inugami tells Vinnie that he's blade must feed or he will perish, much to the mobsters confusion.
At the paper factory, Powell tells Vendettas to check in with him when they find the artifact and also asks Inugami if the blade he possess is the legendary Kusanagi. Inugami confirms Powell's suspicions and expresses respect towards for knowing the history behind Kusanagi. As they enter the factory, Powell asks if they made any progression in finding the source of the dark essence. The Vendettas inform him that they still searching for it. Powell then takes time to ask Inugami as to what happens if he misses a day to feed Kusanagi. Inugami explains that if he misses a day, he will live one year shorter and he already missed seventeen days after picking up the blade. Because of this, he's blade must feed today on the wicked souls. After hearing this, terrified Johnny reassures Inugami that although he's nut, he doesn't have wicked soul before ending the call.
The Vendettas track Cedro to Broadside Paper Factory, now inhabited by the Brotherhood forces. After defeating them, the Vendettas manage to corner Cedro outside Broadside Paper Factory. Realizing that the Vendettas have come to kill him, Cedro at first tries to beg for his life, explaining that the Brotherhood paid in cash and they hate Jackie for some reason, and he doesn't know anything about them besides that.
Cedro then experiences a full breakdown and asks the Vendettas to put him out of his misery, as he can't live no longer after witnessing both the supernatural side of the world and Brotherhood activities. As the Vendettas prepare to fulfil his wish, Cedro jumps out of News Watch 6 van, enveloped in Darkness armor and attacks the group. In the end the mercenaries manage to take him down. But just as he dies, Cedro is possessed by dark essence inside of him. He then proceeds to teleport on top of a container and tells the Vendettas, that the Brotherhood will take the Darkness by killing the host with the Spear of Destiny and then use its power to take over the world. Cedro then proceeds to die.
Dolfo proves successful and Vendettas gain entrance to the bank. They're then tasked by Vinnie to clear the lobby of hostiles as they work on the codes for the vault door. With the lobby clear, Vendettas secure the vault only to find it completely empty. Vinnie then looks at the bank schematics and finds a V.I.P. vault upstairs. He then directs the mercenaries to blow the back wall of the vault with the rest of Dolfo's explosives. This leads them to a secret lobby, containing elevators, that take the mercenaries to the V.I.P. vault. Powell then contacts the Vendettas, expressing his worries, that in the hands of the Brotherhood the Spear of Destiny could become a weapon of mass destruction. The mercenaries calm him down, reassuring Powell that they will stop the Brotherhood and retrieve the spear.
With their mission accomplished, the Vendettas return back to the bar, where they're congratulated by Vinnie. He reveals, that the spear is now in the hands of Powell whose trying to find a way to destroy it. Also, Vinnie tells Vendettas to not leave town as they have more work for them.
Силы Тьмы в The Darkness II
Главный герой игры The Darkness II одержим Тьмой, что дает ему огромное количество сверхъестественных способностей. Увидеть четыре из них можно в новых геймплей трейлерах серии «Powers of The Darkness». Первый показывает возможность призыва Darkling'а, помогающего убивать врагов, второй демонстрирует использование Черной Дыры. Еще два показывают способность видеть врагов сквозь стены и укрытия, а также вызов Роя, нападающего на несколько врагов одновременно.
Overview [ ]
The story runs parallel with the main single player game. Each of the four assassins have powers and abilities similar to The Darkness. In addition, each of the four hired guns have a unique weapon at their disposal. After the hit at the restaurant, at the beginning of the game, Jackie Estacado orders Vinnie to finds Johnny Powell. Vinnie responds by saying he'll get the new guys to go fetch him; the new guys being the Vendetta assassins. Once Johnny Powell is found, the hitmen mostly take their orders from either Johnny or Vinnie. The four Darkness Assassins go through a variety of missions and tasks ultimately fighting the Brotherhood, attempting to retrieve the Spear Of Destiny, and fighting a Hell Beast.
There are two modes of play during Vendettas:
Vendettas Campaign - The campaign occurs parallel with the main story campaign. Select the Darkness Assassin you wish to play as and than listen to Vinnie give your first mission of rescuing Johnny Powell. All Dark Essence earn during the campaign carries over to Hit List mode, and vice-versa.
Hit List - The Hit List mode is similar to campaign mode but each level is played individually, allowing you to swap between different hitman at anytime. There are 18 Hit List missions split across 6 locations. Some of these missions are available immediately, while some must be unlocked through the Vendettas campaign, completing other Hit List missions, or by playing cooperatively online.
Inugami or The Hound is a character from The Darkness II Vendettas mode.
Personality [ ]
Inugami is a merciless killer, determined to take revenge for his family death at the hands of the Brotherhood. Because Kusanagi requires to be fed with wicked souls everyday or else Inugami's own life will shorten, he has embraced his sadistic side and enjoys bathing in the blood of his enemies. Whatever witnessing the death of his family or because being the wielder of Kusanagi, made Inugami unhinged and detached from ordinary humans or even other Vendettas. Because of this, he addresses himself in third person and howls during combat.
The Darkness 2
The Darkness 2 – это ночной шутер с элементами рпг, в котором предстоит играть за представителей мафиозного клана, имеющим еще и особые способности. Действо происходит в Нью-Йорке. Врагов надо убивать жесточайшим способом, расчленять как только можно, вы ведь все-таки представитель тьмы.
В одиночной кампании главным героем будет Джеки Эстакадо, наемный убийца, который может ползать по стенам и потолкам, делать подсечку «хвостом», хватать и швырять предметы, стрелять, используя Тьму как боеприпасы и засасывать врагов в черные дыры. В игре нет индикатора здоровья, силы тьмы излечивают героя пока он отсиживается.
Кооперативный режим The Darkness 2 рассчитан на четверых игроков. Он называется Vendettas, фактически это полноценный спин-офф, отдельная история, идущая практически параллельно основному сюжету игры. Героями станут помощники Джеки Эстакадо, со своими уникальными орудиями тьмы. Им предстоит решать "по мужски" все конфликты с враждующим Братством, которое так и жаждет овладеть силами тьмы. Для кооператива предусмотрены также отдельные карты.
Режим Hit List позволяет повторить некоторые моменты из кампании за других героев.
Характеристики всех персонажей кооператива The Darkness 2:
Настоящий псих, им движет только жажда мести за свою семью, которую убило Братство. В его вооружении самурайский меч Кусанаги с кровью десятков тысяч жертв и способность призывать маленьких демонов, способных оглушать врага.
Лучший агент израильского ЦРУ, оказалась в Нью-Йорке по приказу командования, чтобы уничтожить все зло. У нее есть "Рука Ночи", мощнейшая пушка, стреляющая одновременно несколькими очередями с эссенциями тьмы вместо патронов.
Пьяница из города Глазго (Шотландия), он верит, что Братство это худшие представители англичан, которые враждовали с его семейством в прошлом. В его руках есть Топор Тьмы, а также способность призывать дарклингов.
Бывший врач из Нового Орлеана, его преследует чувство вины за лечение пациентов методами луизианской Вуду. Бороться с Братством он собирается используя Полуночный Жезл, которые просто разрывает врагов на куски.
Видео-демонстрацию героев смотрите в Co-op Trailer ниже
Информация о сетевых режимах:
Characters [ ]
There are four unique characters to be chosen from each with their own personal arsenal of Darkness powers:
Inugami, a young samurai who wields a cursed Darkness sword called Kusanagi to fight evil and avenge his murdered family.
Shoshanna, a former Mossad agent- an ultra-efficient and highly trained agent who wields a mystical Darkness gun called Arm of the Night.
Jimmy Wilson, a drunken Scottish Darkness axe wielder who loves to drink and hates the English.
JP Dumond, a creole descendant who was once a respectable doctor now turned Voodoo doctor who commands a Darkness cudgel.
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