Crusader kings 2 как увеличить шрифт
9 сен. 2013 в 5:59
This game is unplayable on any of my laptops/tablets. All you non helping mofos with huge screens need not respond because you all seem incapable of understanding that this is a real problem.
How can this be the best grand strategy game in the world if your font/gui doesn't scale properly and your troll fanboys run off the people needing help to fix this problem.
Jesus Christ reading the responses is like something out of xbox live.
9 сен. 2013 в 6:19Non helping Mofo's with huge screens?, I will help you even tho I consider your comment to be rude so here it is
Look for the Set Custom Text Size (DPI) option in Windows' display settings. It opens a dialog box when you click it, and at the bottom, there's a checkbox that says "Use Windows XP style DPI scaling". Uncheck it, click OK, then click Apply.
Play the game in windowed mode and you'll notice the window size is bigger than the pixels/resolution you set it at. For example, if the game is set at 1366x768, its window will be
1600x960. More importantly, all the text will be more readable without being distorted.
Detailed info for the curious:
When the "Windows XP style DPI scaling" option is checked, programs only get their text and menu bars enlarged; everything else they have stay normal sized. This works fine for text editors, internet browsers, and such, but does nothing for games.
Hopefully that can help and remember not everyone is a jerk and trolls and hates on people so try not to become one yourself. Have a nice day :) Also instead of making your own post u should have added to the first convo about the font size, instead of making a new post about it.
You're a good guy, Duel. I don't have the information, but, if I did, based on the attitude presented in the OP, I'd probably not have shared it. :D
My condolences on your attitude, OP. It's gotta be a huge disability in life. ;-)
9 сен. 2013 в 11:32FYI there have been other responses to font problem threads which consist mostly of "get glasses u r stoopid". The OP isn't being rude, they are reflecting accurately the unhelpful nature of these other responses and yes, the troll fanboys who post them. Other than taking the Lord's name in vain there isn't anything insulting or rude in what the OP wrote: it is all strictly accurate. If people are insulted by the truth, don't yell at the mirror. Are you familiar with the story of the Emperor who had no clothes? The Emperor is riding around naked and a little boy yells out that he has no clothes on; all the courtiers yell at the boy for being rude. You're behaving like a courtier, but the OP is just representing the situation honestly and truthfully.
Yours is quite possibly the most genuinely helpful response on the forum. I commend you on your helpfulness and helpfully suggest that being a little less thin-skinned is probably a useful trait on the Interwebs, especially when a comment is clearly not directed at you (unless you aspire to troll fanboydom?)
Creating a new thread was obviously a good decision by the OP, as they got an answer intended to be reasonably helpful. The larger font size conversation has become mired in somewhat tangential discussions and it's quite likely the OP's question would have become lost in the jabber. If this forum were properly moderated, that thread would be killed as unhelpful to the stated purpose of the thread.
Нормальный шрифт в игре
- Ответы 56
- Создано 02.11.2013, 16:48:08
- Последний ответ 07.03.2021, 08:53:03
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Здравствуйте! В общем очень не понравился стандартный шрифт. Дело не в том, что он мелкий, а в том, что он не четкий и какой-то слипшейся. Искал в инете готовые решения, но ничего толком так и не н
Инструкцию по изменению растровых шрифтов игры. 1. Скачиваем программу <noindex> Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. 87aa1
Огромное спасибо за эту модификацию! Сколько раз пытался полностью вникнуть в игру, но все время останавливал этот не читаемый шрифт с засечками, а текст в этой игре самая важная составляющая. Постави
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Forum Font
В новой версии мода помимо переработки шрифтов сделаны некоторых корректировки интерфейса (см. скрины):
1. Изменён заголовок типа наследования. Теперь плашка на всю длину, вдобавок, уменьшен размер кнопок выбора наследника.
2. Увеличен размер под название титула. В ванильной версии титул сокращался многоточием. Теперь его видно полностью.
3. Шрифт Kurale для боковой панели и тултипов.
4. Заголовки по центру.
5. Шрифт в найме Гвардии.
6. Рукописный шрифт в книге доходов и расходов.
В комплекте 2 шрифта:
1. Шрифт Forum, который заменяет стандартный (Garamond Narrow) в русской локализации от е479 - используется для большей части текста. Крупнее стандартного, гораздо удобнее читать и прекрасно вписывается в атмосферу игры. При установке мода Better Ledger, этот шрифт будет использоваться в журнале статистики.
2. Шрифт Gill Sans замена стандартному Arial (он мне сразу не понравился :)) - для мелкого текста.
Остальные шрифты в игре остались нетронуты!
ВАЖНО! Шрифт должен загружаться раньше локализации, поэтому у меня в названии использованы !! знаки
Crusader kings 2 как увеличить шрифт
1 мар. 2017 в 18:51My laptop is 3000 x 2000 and I CANNOT see the text in the game. I've taken a look at the settings.txt file but only saw resolution entries, not font size.
The only way I can play the game is if I change my laptop resultion to something like 1980 x 1080, but changing my screen resolution every time I want to play the game is annoying.
Any way to increase the size of EVERYTHING in-game without having to change my laptop's resolution?
1 мар. 2017 в 18:54Your Laptop is 3000 X 2000.
1980 * 1020 Has been pretty much the standard resolution for the gaming industry for many years now. The game was simply not designed for that type of resolution! I am amazed you dont have this issue in every game.
1 мар. 2017 в 19:08You have a 4K laptop that has 2160p for a resolution? damn.
Laptop screens are usually (usually) 15.6" so I could see the text being miniscule under normal conditions at maximum resolution. However CK2's engine is rather dated these days (clauswitz) and limited in its adaption to newer available hardware (advanced customization).
Very briefly looking through the config files I find nothing in relation to font scaling.
However, I'm fairly certain I've seen threads in the past asking about mod's to modify ingame UI and font's and I believe there was something made.
You may want to check the workshop section for a font mod, it may be what you're looking for.
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