Could not find a part of the path как исправить
Ошибка DirectoryNotFoundException при запуске проекта
я так думаю проект не может прочитать инфу из файла, кто может исправьте пожалуйста. Файл лежит в.
Ошибка при сохранении
Не хочет сохранять ексель после редактирования, выдает ошибку(см фото) и вырубается. В чем проблема.
Ошибка при сохранении бд
Помогите, когда добавляю записи в datagridview тогда все нормально сохраняется, а когда удаляю.
Ошибка при сохранении
мне надо сдать курсовую, помогите.
Here is my code:
Could not find a part of the path E:\Debug\VipBat
8 Answers 8
The error is self explanatory. The path you are trying to access is not present.
I'm sure that this is not the correct path. Debug folder directly in E: drive looks wrong to me. I guess there must be the project name folder directory present.
Second thing; what is in your string. I am sure that it is an argument placeholder because folder name cannot contains such name. So you need to use String.Format() to replace the actual value.
But first check the path existence that you are trying to access.
There's something wrong. You have written:
and the error was
Could not find a part of the path E\Debug\VCCSBat
This is not the same directory.
In your code there's a problem, you have to use:
Is the drive E a mapped drive? Then, it can be created by another account other than the user account. This may be the cause of the error.
DirectoryNotFoundException - Could Not Find Part of the Path
I have a console application I built for myself to rename .mp3 files I download. This application has worked flawlessly for quite a few months, but is all of a sudden tossing the titled exception at me with one particular directory. Not only is it this one directory, but is happening on only a select number of files - 3 of them were successfully renamed.
Here is my directory path and files:
Here is a snippet of the directory path where the exception is thrown, along with the exception's message:
And here is my code:
I tried changing the path to have / instead of \\ with the same result.
The exception that is thrown when part of a file or directory cannot be found.
However, the directory is found and correctly renamed the first 3 files (as depicted in the first image).
Can anyone explain to me why this is happening?
56 Answers 56
run this in the Package Manager Console:
Update-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform -r
More information
This problem is not related to Visual Studio itself, so answers suggesting adding build steps to copy files over are rather a workaround. Same with adding compiler binaries manually to the project.
The Roslyn compiler comes from a NuGet package and there is/was a bug in some versions of that package (I don't know exactly which ones). The solution is to reinstall/upgrade that package to a bug-free version. Originally before I wrote the answer back in 2015 I fixed it by installing following packages at specific versions:
The problem with the default VS2015 templates is that the compiler isn't actually copied to the tfr\bin\roslyn\ directory, but rather the \roslyn\ directory
Add this code in your .csproj file:
6,380 2 2 gold badges 14 14 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges Thanks. I am now able to build and run the project in the browser after I downloaded the Roslyn directory and placing it in the /bin folder. I did not put the PstBuildEvent mentioned above and it still works. Maybe you want to edit your answer above and mention the need to manully placing the Roslyn files and to better reflect the solution.A clean and rebuild worked for me!
2,662 1 1 gold badge 17 17 silver badges 16 16 bronze badgesYour build is trying to find \bin\roslyn\csc.exe because the following packages have been added to your project. Just review your packages.config file, you can have both of them there
if you are not interested in using Roslyn, follow steps bellow to delete it
1. Remove NuGet packages, use the following commands from Nuget Package Console
Could not find a part of the path . bin\roslyn\csc.exe
But I get the following error in the browser:
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\B8akWorkspace\B8akProject\B8akSolution\B8AK.Portal\bin\roslyn\csc.exe'.
Here is a full screenshot of the error page.
2 Answers 2
You have a bug in your code which changes the folder instead of the name of the file, running your code:
C:\Temp Downloading Folder\Gregory Alan Isakov Discography [2005 - 2013]\Rust Colored Stones\05 - Only Ghosts.mp3
C:\Temp Downloading Folder\Gregory Alan Isakov Discography [20Gregory Alan Isakov - 2013]\Rust Colored Stones\Gregory Alan Isakov - Only Ghosts.mp3
I let you debug and fix it yourself.
Try outputting all the strings in your File.Move(. before that line and you will see.The problem may be due to the length of your folder path. Shorten the length and try again.
Microsoft's documentation on file naming and path lengths mentions that Windows imposes a 260 character limit for the total length of a path plus it's filename; this is referenced as the Maximum Path Length Limitation, quoted here for easier reference:
In the Windows API (with some exceptions discussed in the following paragraphs), the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters. A local path is structured in the following order: drive letter, colon, backslash, name components separated by backslashes, and a terminating null character. For example, the maximum path on drive D is "D:\some 256-character path string" where "" represents the invisible terminating null character for the current system codepage. (The characters < > are used here for visual clarity and cannot be part of a valid path string.)
However, if you are insistent on using the path names as-is, you can explore using the extended-length path name convention by prefixing paths with the "\?" notation.
The Windows API has many functions that also have Unicode versions to permit an extended-length path for a maximum total path length of 32,767 characters. This type of path is composed of components separated by backslashes, each up to the value returned in the lpMaximumComponentLength parameter of the GetVolumeInformation function (this value is commonly 255 characters). To specify an extended-length path, use the "\?\" prefix. For example, "\?\D:\very long path".
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