Conan exiles зоара болотная где искать
Acheronian Obelisk are thirteen lorestones scattered over the Isle of Siptah, most are located in or near the Ruins of X'chotl. Discovering and reading these proclamations is the goal of two different journey steps for this DLC.
Proclamation Text [ ]
Behold that which Xanarus has created!
Not even the masons of Python could create such a work.
See the stone, perfectly fitted.
See the temple, where Set comes to dwell.
Regard the foundations - they will stand forever.
What other builder could claim to stand beside him?
Xanarus the Wise!
Proclamation Text [ ]
Hear the words of King and God, Xanarus the Mighty:
His enemies will be destroyed utterly.
Their ashes will be scattered on the earth.
Their names will be as dust on the wind.
Their women will scream-sing as Xanarus takes his pleasure from them.
Their entrails will be spread across the walls of X'chotl as a warning.
Their seed will be destroyed such that no offspring will live to remember them.
Thus has Xanarus spoken, and thus shall it be.
Location [ ]
File:Acheronian Obelisk10.jpg In the Ruins of X'chotl at the top of the southern platform structure.
- TeleportPlayer -314912 61073 -13082 Map Grid C9
Proclamation Text [ ]
Xanarus, Ruler of the Skies, proclaims:
Rejoice, for the conjunction of the heavens will soon be upon us!
The moon and the sun shall align and the land shall be overcome with darkness.
Do not fear, this is the will of Set.
In this hour, the tower at the heart of the island will open.
And the secrets of the Island will be revealed to us!
All hail Xanarus, Chosen of Heaven!
Location [ ]
- TeleportPlayer -298930 48460 -11619 Map Grid D9/D10
Proclamation Text [ ]
Hear the words of our King, Xanarus the Bold:
Do not heed the rumors of beasts attacking our villages.
Do not heed the rumors of bird-men who swoop down upon our pastures.
For I tell you, Xanarus protects! None would dare to challenge his might!
He is ruler of sky and land! All praise to Xanarus!
Location [ ]
File:Acheronian Obelisk3.jpg At ground level in the central plaza of the Ruins of X'chotl.
- TeleportPlayer -315610 48852 -14735 Map Grid C9/C10
Proclamation Text [ ]
By the grace of Xanarus, Lord of X'chotl, hear these words.
In a dream, our lord was visited by the serpent
Who was swollen with gluttony.
Our lord asked, 'What have you swallowed, to grow so large?'
It is Acheron' the serpent replied. Xanarus wept.
But why?' He asked the serpent.
Something greater has risen' The serpent replied.
Then a bird with radiant plumage flew down and laid a crown upon the brow of Xanarus and he awoke.
Thus has the oracle spoken, thus is it decreed.
We no longer swear fealty to Acheron.
All hail our Sorcerer-King, Lord of all that he surveys, Xanarus the mighty.
Помогите с поиском именного раба
Ребят,кто играет просьба помочь с поиском именного бронника-Зоара Болотная,отыгрываю лучника,а только она крафтит среднюю стигийскую броню с бонусом к меткости-где она обитает-в конанвики указана Сепермера-даже точка где она спамится,но там ее нет,более того вообще никакого бронника,а также может кто знает,где спамятся бронники ,которые делают рем наборы одежды эпик брони?
рандом, придется постоянно чистить почти весь город для того что бы она реснулась
и ты уверен что она не на чистках приходит?
В том то и дело-я всю Сепермеру облазил-нашел только одного бронника 1 уровня,зачищал несколько раз,но он выше 2 не спамится,а шанс выпадения именного насколько я знаю имеется только при наличии 3 ур,насчет чистки даже не знаю,у меня подозрение,а не перенесли ли ее разрабы в другое место
в интернете нашел всего лишь про нее,что спамится возле дома Размы-на юге города,а там точно нет бронников
это бесконечный цикл зачистки города, я был больше 100 раз в другом месте, и всего один раз в самом неожиданном месте выпал именной раб, не сдавайся и прессуй город) только так, тем более большая часть хороших рабов там
bob12333 написал:
Ребят,кто играет просьба помочь с поиском именного бронника-Зоара Болотная
В городе сета за южным озером. После рестара сервера появляться (как правило) один именной - Грем, Ханнар и Болотная. Ну можно и чистить. Нет проблем с ней.
bob12333 написал:
может кто знает,где спамятся бронники ,которые делают рем наборы одежды эпик брони?
Он появляться на при чистке .. около руин обломков. т.е тебе надо построить там дом и ждать чистку^^
Location [ ]
File:Acheronian Obelisk1.jpg To the left of the path leading up from the northwestern beach to the entrance of Ruins of X'chotl.
- TeleportPlayer -357556 37019 -16820 Map Grid C10
Proclamation Text [ ]
Hear the teachings of Xanarus the Wise!
In the ancient texts he has discovered the name of our enemy.
The serpent-that-walks in the shadows.
Ancient even when man was an infant,
They were our slave-masters.
They can wear the skin of men,
I tell you, do not trust your neighbor.
Do not trust the baker or the butcher.
Do not trust the smith or the mason.
Nay, do not even trust your wife.
The serpent-men can be any or all.
Trust only in Xanarus the Protector.
Proclamation Text [ ]
Hear the words of Xanarus the Worthy:
A hundredweight of gold,
To the one who opens the tower.
A single oxen will be paid,
to those who bring the head of bird-man, wolf-man or demon.
Any caught trafficking with the creatures,
Will be given to the Old Serpent.
If any but most holy Xanarus are caught entering the tower,
They shall be obliterated.
Take heed, for this is the Law.
Location [ ]
File:Acheronian Obelisk13.jpg At the edge of the northwestern beach at the start of the path leading up to Ruins of X'chotl, just north of the Tears of Xanarus.
- TeleportPlayer -364056 43090 -19458 Map Grid B10
Location [ ]
- TeleportPlayer -245417 19872 -11790 Map Grid E10
Location [ ]
File:Acheronian Obelisk6.jpg Around the corner to the north of the entrance into the Bastion of the Bat-Demons.
- TeleportPlayer 252801 102704 -9436 Map Grid N8
Location [ ]
File:Acheronian Obelisk7.jpg To the right just before you step onto a large platform facing the southern facade of The Tower.
- TeleportPlayer -48457 64947 -16974 Map Grid I9
Location [ ]
File:Acheronian Obelisk11.jpg To one side of a platform in the heights north of the Ruins of X'chotl facing south towards the city center.
- TeleportPlayer -307146 17812 -10294 Map Grid C10/D10
Proclamation Text [ ]
Hear the words of Xanarus the Omnipotent!
The conjunction is nigh!
Do not fear the darkness, embrace it!
Today is the day of our triumph!
Walk into the streets, good people, and raise your arms to the heavens.
You will hear screams, pay them no heed!
You will hear cries, it is the will of Set!
You will see your neighbors being killed by nightmarish forms!
Do not fear, these are illusions sent to test us!
Trust in Set!
Trust in Xanarus!
The hour of ascendency is at hand!
Список бронников
Стандартный набор брони
Помимо стандартного набора, многие из них делают и уникальную броню.
Список именных бронников с их возможностями:
- Раскошная лемурийская броня
- Броня лемурийского воина
- Киммерийская меховая броня
- Киммерийская стальная броня
- Киммерийская меховая броня
- Киммерийская стальная броня
- Меховая броня вана
- Броня вана-поселенца
- Тяжёлая броня вана
- Шемитская броня
- Броня охотника за реликвиями
- Броня стигийского налётчика
- Броня стигийского солдата
- Броня охотника за реликвиями
- Броня заморийского вора
- Броня охотника за реликвиями
Proclamation Text [ ]
Good people, hear the words of Xanarus the Protector!
The following rumors are false:
The trading fleet from Acheron has not been delayed.
No colonists have gone missing.
There are no hidden treasures in the vaults.
The temple of Set was not defiled by demons.
Any caught spreading these rumors will be executed!
Proclamation Text [ ]
Behold X'chotl, City of Xanarus!
See the men, strong and virile.
See the women, voluptuous and beautiful.
All among his people are contented.
They offer him their daughters. They offer him their sons.
Set's temple echoes with screams and he is sated.
Derketo's temple echoes with pleasure and she is sated.
He is the chosen of the gods , Xanarus the Devoted!
Proclamation Text [ ]
I speak in the voice of Xanarus, lord of lords, Sorcerer of Acheron.
He claims this land, from the western shore to the eastern shore and all that lies in between.
He claims the trees, the stones, the flowing water.
He claims the heart tower, and the vaults.
He claims the maelstrom.
None shall deny Xanarus.
Proclamation Text [ ]
I will proclaim to this land the coming of the great and mighty Xanarus!
He was gifted with the cunning of the serpent by the Serpent-god.
He was gifted with the beauty of the bird by the serpent-consort.
His might is unmatched in the empire.
He comes, he comes!
Conan exiles зоара болотная где искать
вы не знаете с кого выпадает Ржавый ключ в подземелье Клаэля чтобы открыть все двери на арене последнего босса в этом данже?
Tema, вы не знаете с кого выпадает Ржавый ключ в подземелье Клаэля чтобы открыть все двери на арене последнего босса в этом данже?
Тима, как правильно подсказали, их достают из сундуков, которые находятся в коридоре с ловушками перед выходом на арену.
Location [ ]
File:Acheronian Obelisk2.jpg To the left of the doorway before you enter the Ruins of X'chotl from the northwestern beach.
- TeleportPlayer -338415 38809 -11609 Map Grid C10
Proclamation Text [ ]
Tremble at the words of Xanarus the Generous!
Good people, the greed of Acheron knows no bounds,
What have they done for us?
Where are their traders and armies to defend us?
Where are their fleets of good grain?
And they claim to be due a fifth of all we earn?
We shall give them a tenth, no more.
Thus I decree and it shall be so.
Location [ ]
File:Acheronian Obelisk4.jpg At the end of a platform in the heights north of the Ruins of X'chotl and east of Altar of the Old Serpent.
- TeleportPlayer -317363 29617 -12215 Map Grid C10
Location [ ]
- TeleportPlayer -340839 49743 -11140 Map Grid C9/C10
Бронники 3 уровня и их возможности
Стандартный набор брони
Помимо стандартного набора, много бронников 3 уровня делают и уникальную броню. Если пойманный раб не делает указанную в списке броню, значит надо найти другого этой же расы.
Location [ ]
- TeleportPlayer -335540 59527 -12881 Map Grid C9
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