Company of heroes 2 как вращать камеру
31 дек. 2013 в 7:01
Just got the game last night and already experiencing a problem I can't figure out how to fix. I really hate being that guy to have my first post on the discussion forum a gripe. But I simply cannot figure out how to move the camera with my mouse -_- ; only way I can move the camera is with the up down left right arrow keys on my keyboard. All other RTS games let you move your mouse to the edge of the screen to move the camera. Yes I am playing in full screen.
Company of heroes 2 как вращать камеру
Если в здании возможность вести стрельбу в нескольких направлениях, то он автоматически повернется в сторону врага или же по команде
короче смотри там время надо секунд 10 до того как он будит стрелять потому что если он повернут не в ту сторону пока он свернётся и развернётся в правильном направление ух сколько времени уйдёт ну ты понял вот наверное и пипец
Company of heroes 2 как вращать камеру
17 апр. 2020 в 16:23hi, rotation of the camera by pressing the right alt key and moving the mouse does not work for me. this only work with using the left alt key. when I hold the right alt key, descriptions appear above the units, and the camera locks while the key is being pressed. in coh 1 it works with both alt keys. I'm used to rotating the camera using the right alt key. does it work like that for you either? is this normal in this game or do i have a bug?
Company of heroes 2 как вращать камеру
Company of Heroes 2
19 ноя. 2015 в 22:36 It's driving me crazy not being able to do this. I need something I can use my left hand for! (i.e. not arrow keys) 19 ноя. 2015 в 22:53 You can use middle mouse too. Not what you're asking for, but just mentioning it since people seem to often not notice. 21 ноя. 2015 в 9:29 Does anyone have this working currently? The discussion for that guide has people saying it's not working with the more recent versions of the game. 21 ноя. 2015 в 9:35 You can move your camera with the Mouse and the tactical map. 21 ноя. 2015 в 9:50Eventually you need to learn to use groups and hotkeys, and that is a pretty good reason to use your left hand.
Another is to drink tea while you play as brit.
9 июн. 2020 в 22:36 You can move your camera with the Mouse and the tactical map. 10 июн. 2020 в 1:15Pretty simple thing to do if you use a free Third party program called AutoHotkey like suggested, i have used it for years, great program.
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