Collection account что это
A form of payment could be a credit or debit card, a bank account, or a transfer of money to Google.
Вы можете использовать кредитную или дебетовую карту, банковский счет или перевод на счет Google.
доверительный счет, по которому банк выполняет для клиента лишь функцию советника
and not from the Reporting tab of your AdWords account.
а не на вкладке Отчетность в вашем аккаунте AdWords.
accountable accountancy accountantchartered public finance accountant
дипломированный бухгалтер по государственным финансам
accountingcombined job order and process cost accounting
expand_more комбинированный учет себестоимости по заказам и процессам
accounting on the basis of quantities
учет материалов в натуральном выражении
combined job order and process cost accounting
комбинированный учёт себестоимости по заказам и процессам
Примеры использования
English Russian Контекстуальные примеры "collection" в русско
Данные предложения взяты с внешних ресурсов и могут быть неточными. не несёт ответственность за их содержание.
And the Big Viz is a collection of 650 sketches that were made by two visual artists.
Big Viz – это коллекция из 650 зарисовок, сделанных двумя художниками.
How Google picks a representative URL from a collection of URLs displaying duplicate content
Как Google выбирает основной URL из нескольких URL с одинаковым содержанием.
For example, Joelle creates a collection and shares it with someone.
Предположим, Мария создала коллекцию и открыла к ней доступ для другого пользователя.
After that, Joelle doens't see this doc within the shared collection.
После этого Мария больше не увидит этот документ в этой общей коллекции.
You can also add an item to or remove a file from a collection by following these steps:
Кроме того, добавить элемент в коллекцию или удалить его можно, выполнив следующие действия.
To add a file to a collection, drag-and-drop the item from your Documents List into a collection.
Чтобы добавить файл в коллекцию, перетащите его в нее из Списка документов.
You can also press the Ctrl key (PC) or the Option key (Mac) to add items to a collection.
Также, чтобы добавить элементы в коллекцию, можно нажать клавишу Ctrl (ПК) или Option (Mac).
Someone with edit rights can add documents to the collection.
Пользователи с правами на внесение изменений могут добавлять документы в коллекцию.
So every one of our schools have rain water collection systems, very low cost.
Каждая из наших школ имеет систему сбора дождевой воды.
The collection of the UNCITRAL Law Library focuses mainly on the area of international trade law.
Фонд правовой библиотеки ЮНСИТРАЛ в основном относится к сфере права международной торговли.
If it passes the microscopic test, we go for a collection.
Если оно проходит испытание в микроскопе, то мы переходим к сбору данных.
From there, select the collection in question, and select Restore to Documents List from the menu options.
Затем отметьте нужную коллекцию и в меню выберите Восстановить в Списке документов.
Delete a collectionManage your files › About collections
Удаление коллекцииУправление файлами › О коллекциях
Create a collectionManage your files › About collections
Создание коллекцииУправление файлами › О коллекциях
So the first thing that we do at the site of collection is we collect what's called an MR.
Первое что мы делали - собирали так называемые МР данные.
Approximate collection rate of 11 sheep per hour, which would make a working wage of 69 cents per hour.
Примерная скорость собирания – 11 овец в час, что дает зарплату в 69 центов [21 руб.]в час.
Select the collection(s) where you’d like to store your items.
Выберите коллекции, в которые нужно сохранить эти элементы.
How to share a collectionShare, publish, and embed › Share and collaborate
I have a sort of a collection of videos that I took of different installations, which I could narrate.
У меня есть коллекция видео роликов, показывающих различные инсталляции, о которых я мог бы рассказать.
The collection you created now appears in both the My collections section on your left, and in your Documents List.
Созданная коллекция отобразится в разделе Мои коллекции слева, а также в вашем Списке документов.
Монолингвальные примеры
English Как использовать "account" в предложении
There are differing accounts of their first meeting.
This, makes the full account number read 79927398713.
His home runs in the series accounted for 4 out of the 14 runs.
The family accounts at the beginning of each heading reflects this taxonomy, as do the species counts found in each family account.
English Как использовать "accountable" в предложении
If there is any concealment by townspeople or farmers, the whole county or town will be held accountable. 3.
However, within informational social inclusion, those primed with motivation to make accurate decisions or held accountable, would resist conformity.
These methods hold all parties accountable for the outcomes of the services rendered.
They also assert that prizes do not hold researchers and inventors accountable for the findings of works or creations.
The aim is to make directors more accountable, at least, to investors of capital.
English Как использовать "accountancy" в предложении
Classes were offered in art, science, matriculation, secretarial, accountancy and languages.
The study ranked cities based on their provision of advanced producer services such as accountancy, advertising, finance and law.
He was educated at state schools, and later studied accountancy while working as a clerk.
The officers are drawn from diverse academic and professional disciplines such as financial management, accountancy, costing, law, engineering, economics, humanities etc.
After the war he studied accountancy, and worked in his father's furniture factory, of which he later became manager.
English Как использовать "accountant" в предложении
Accountants also distinguish personal property from real property because personal property can be depreciated faster than improvements (while land is not depreciable at all).
This bill would impose new tax burdens on small businesses and create more bureaucracy and more accountants.
Jones is both a certified public accountant and a certified fraud examiner.
Occupational roles associated with these stereotypes include: midwife, teacher, accountant, data entry clerk, cashier, salesperson, receptionist, housekeeper, cook, maid, social worker, and nurse.
The advice must be treated as confidential by both the accountant and the client to be covered by the privilege.
English Как использовать "accounting" в предложении
Numerous side canyons also feed the main river, accounting for the large size of the basin.
Turn it over, all of it, without delay, and allow a full and total accounting for that.
To prove the crime, they need to wait several weeks for the accounting documents to arrive.
These 53 cities have a population of 6,162,346, accounting for 61.4% of the country's population.
It offers certificate degrees in energy risk management, energy international project finance and energy accounting.
collection account
collection account — A bank account opened for the specific purpose of reducing bank float for remittances from specific customers or groups of customers, usually those that are abroad or who pay in a foreign currency … Accounting dictionary
collection item — collection item, Banking. a deposited check, draft, or note which, unlike a cash deposit, is not credited to the account of the depositor until it is paid by the bank against which it is drawn … Useful english dictionary
account — a record of a business transaction. When you buy something on credit, the company you are dealing with sets up an account . This means it sets up a record of what you buy and what you pay. You will do the same thing with any customers to whom you … Financial and business terms
Collection (museum) — A catalogue using index cards A museum is distinguished by a collection of often unique objects that forms the core of its activities for exhibitions, education, research, etc. This differentiates it from an archive or library, where the … Wikipedia
Монолингвальные примеры
English Как использовать "collection" в предложении
Most of the collection consists of finds from the 1920s and 1930s.
Her goal was to donate her collection to a small museum.
It also gives its name to the collection first published in 1957.
The collection includes the voices of over 100,000 persons from all walks of life.
English Как использовать "collective" в предложении
Even those collectives that had been created voluntarily were raided.
Each commune was a combination of smaller farm collectives and consisted of 4,000-5,000 households.
Kibbutzim were run as collective enterprises within a free market system.
Money became a symbol for the success and fulfillment of the individual as a member of the collective.
The existence of market failure provides an efficiency-based rationale for collective or governmental provision of goods and services.
English Как использовать "collecting" в предложении
Funk continued with strong fielding numbers in 1932, collecting 318 putouts, 14 assists, and 4 double plays.
The preferred method for collecting these items is with a grapple truck.
Large governments usually have an agency or department responsible for collecting government revenue from companies and individuals.
From an early age he had a deep interest in collecting old gramophone records and in sound recording.
The lord had responsibility for maintaining order and collecting taxes, hosting visits from royalty and important guests, and judging legal disputes.
English Как использовать "collected" в предложении
The collected information is presented in different formats.
Between 1772 and 1819 several collected editions of her works appeared.
A calm and collected gunner, he is mysterious and unknown, having little explained even in his storyline.
There are two types of handwriting exemplars that may be used; "request" writings and "collected" writings.
The licensing income collected from users is paid out to the society's members after administrative costs are deducted.
«accountability efforts» - перевод на русский
The debate over reforming public education has focused mostly on improving individual schools through better teaching and expanded
Simultaneously, international agencies, donor states and civil society must ramp up efforts to enhance national
-- the first line of protection for civilians at risk.
Morgan said that spinning off control over four-year schools would hurt oversight and
collection account
collection account — A bank account opened for the specific purpose of reducing bank float for remittances from specific customers or groups of customers, usually those that are abroad or who pay in a foreign currency … Accounting dictionary
collection item — collection item, Banking. a deposited check, draft, or note which, unlike a cash deposit, is not credited to the account of the depositor until it is paid by the bank against which it is drawn … Useful english dictionary
account — a record of a business transaction. When you buy something on credit, the company you are dealing with sets up an account . This means it sets up a record of what you buy and what you pay. You will do the same thing with any customers to whom you … Financial and business terms
Collection (museum) — A catalogue using index cards A museum is distinguished by a collection of often unique objects that forms the core of its activities for exhibitions, education, research, etc. This differentiates it from an archive or library, where the … Wikipedia
«collection» на русском
And the Big Viz is a collection of 650 sketches that were made by two visual artists.
expand_more Big Viz – это коллекция из 650 зарисовок, сделанных двумя художниками.
The collection you created now appears in both the My collections section on your left, and in your Documents List.
Созданная коллекция отобразится в разделе Мои коллекции слева, а также в вашем Списке документов.
expand_more вексель на инкассо, вексель для инкассирования
инкассо ценных бумаг и долговых документов
Approximate collection rate of 11 sheep per hour, which would make a working wage of 69 cents per hour.
Примерная скорость собирания – 11 овец в час, что дает зарплату в 69 центов [21 руб.]в час.
If it passes the microscopic test, we go for a collection.
Если оно проходит испытание в микроскопе, то мы переходим к сбору данных.
collective collecting collected collectiveПримеры использования
English Russian Контекстуальные примеры "account" в русско
Данные предложения взяты с внешних ресурсов и могут быть неточными. не несёт ответственность за их содержание.
Forward mail to another accountSettings › Managing multiple accounts
You can submit up to 500 Sitemap index files for each site in your account.
Upcoming edits to your Place Page won’t be reflected in your Places account.
Предстоящие изменения страницы места не отражаются в вашем аккаунте Google Адресов.
My Account › Account settings
Как изменить свой платежный адрес?Мой аккаунт › Настройки аккаунта
You can also update the payment information associated with your account at any time.
Также в любое время можно обновить платежную информацию, связанную с вашим аккаунтом.
You can also reverse this behavior by manually setting up your account in Mail.
Этот порядок действий можно изменить, вручную настроив аккаунт в почте.
To do this, choose the Remove this listing from my Google Places account option.
Для этого нажмите Удалить эти данные из моего аккаунта Google Адресов.
From the Tools menu, select Account Settings and highlight your Google Mail address.
В меню "Сервис" выберите команду Настройки аккаунта и выделите свой адрес Google Mail.
Sign in with your Google AccountTouch Menu > Settings > Sign in to Chrome.
We allow a maximum of 100 listings per account for manual verification.
If that's the case, take the login details from them to control the account.
Если так и было, узнайте регистрационную информацию для входа в аккаунт.
But if we do take account of it, then I think it will go much more smoothly.
Но если мы примем это во внимание , тогда, я думаю, всё пройдет гладко.
After signing up for your account, you'll receive a confirmation email from AdWords.
После регистрации аккаунта AdWords вы получите письмо с подтверждением.
You can cancel your account and start your refund process by following these steps:
Чтобы закрыть аккаунт и начать процесс возврата средств, выполните указанные ниже действия.
Promotional codes (also known as coupons) offer a monetary credit to an advertiser's account.
Промокоды (купоны) – это денежный кредит, предоставленный аккаунту рекламодателя.
Selecting your Google Mail pictureSettings › Account settings
Как установить картинку профиля в Google MailНастройки › Настройки аккаунта
Sign in & outSign in to a Google Account to personalize your search experience.
When you cancel your account, we'll give you the fax numbers for our payment processor.
При закрытии аккаунта мы сообщим вам номера факса нашего партнера по обработке платежей.
We also recommend following the steps at our security checklist to protect your account.
Кроме того, чтобы защитить свой аккаунт, рекомендуется выполнить проверку безопасности.
Google will not bill an account until we receive an approved authorization from the bank.
Google не будет списывать средства, пока не получит от банка разрешение.
«collection agency» - перевод на русский
A city technically could sue a violator for the fines, but given the cost associated with that, most simply use a
Depending on how much of a stoner your manager is, working at a video store can sometimes be more like working at a
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