Civilization 5 windows 8 touch что это
3 мая. 2014 в 19:25
sorry of this is a dumb question but I am currently running windows 8.1(64)-no touchscreens. What version do I want to run of Civ V. I am thinking DX 11 version but I just want to make sure I am not robbing myself of any preformance or eye candy visuals.
thx in advance
That's because it's not a choice between "DX11 vs Win8 mode". It's a choice between regular DX11 or DX11 with Win8 Touch Mode Enabled. Both are the same DX11. One of them enables Win8 Touch Mode. I keep repeating Win8 Touch Mode because that's the difference. It's for playing the game in Touch mode on a computer running Win8 - that's all.
4 мая. 2014 в 7:45
frames, CPU/GPU load are exactly the same so I was able to confirm that there is no difference in preformance or rendering thx 4 your help.
for Masamichu, one thing about windows 8 and gaming is its very finecky I had all sorts of issues until I went and searched my entire system for up-to-date windows drivers. everything from video to chipset, make sure ALL drivers are current. Once that is done it will morph your problem into a workable solution that will "clear up" any "smudged oversights". Ill be curious to see if this helps you at all. Come back let us know.
4 мая. 2014 в 8:38for Masamichu, one thing about windows 8 and gaming is its very finecky I had all sorts of issues until I went and searched my entire system for up-to-date windows drivers. everything from video to chipset, make sure ALL drivers are current.
Gaming in Windows 8 is "finecky", because your drivers and OS isn't up-to-date. That damn logic. :D
Back to topic; Zer0 and The Rock God is right.
Gaming in Windows 8 is "finecky", because your drivers and OS isn't up-to-date. That damn logic. :D
Yeah that's the standard 'it's your problem go away' answer. This is a brand new pc and even so first thing I did was update everything before installing stuff. Civ 5 is the only game with problems. Did a search last night, there are a lot of people having problems with Civ and Windows 8.1 especially since BNW. 2K says it is a Windows problem and MS says it is a 2K problem. So there it is. Windows 8 users be warned.
4 мая. 2014 в 13:23
Gaming in Windows 8 is "finecky", because your drivers and OS isn't up-to-date. That damn logic. :D
Yeah that's the standard 'it's your problem go away' answer. This is a brand new pc and even so first thing I did was update everything before installing stuff. Civ 5 is the only game with problems. Did a search last night, there are a lot of people having problems with Civ and Windows 8.1 especially since BNW. 2K says it is a Windows problem and MS says it is a 2K problem. So there it is. Windows 8 users be warned.
Cool story, I played 600 hours of Civ V on W8/8.1 machine without a problem. It's your problem; you didn't upgrade your drivers and software. Simple as that. Civ V works perfectly fine for me and my friends on W8. Learn to maintain your computer software wise.
" 2K says it is a Windows problem and MS says it is a 2K problem. So there it is. Windows 8 users be warned."
I laughed so hard.
4 мая. 2014 в 19:44Gaming in Windows 8 is "finecky", because your drivers and OS isn't up-to-date. That damn logic. :D
Yeah that's the standard 'it's your problem go away' answer. This is a brand new pc and even so first thing I did was update everything before installing stuff. Civ 5 is the only game with problems. Did a search last night, there are a lot of people having problems with Civ and Windows 8.1 especially since BNW. 2K says it is a Windows problem and MS says it is a 2K problem. So there it is. Windows 8 users be warned.
Playing BNW on 8 and 8.1, no issues here. I say it's a user problem. 4 мая. 2014 в 21:38
Gaming in Windows 8 is "finecky", because your drivers and OS isn't up-to-date. That damn logic. :D
Yeah that's the standard 'it's your problem go away' answer. This is a brand new pc and even so first thing I did was update everything before installing stuff. Civ 5 is the only game with problems.
Did a search last night, there are a lot of people having problems with Civ and Windows 8.1 especially since BNW.
2K says it is a Windows problem and MS says it is a 2K problem. So there it is. Windows 8 users be warned.
If you had done a more thorough search, you would have also discovered that a lot of people have problems with this game on Windows 7. And Vista. And XP. And OSX. Let's not forget people using Linux with Wine.
As is quite obvious, this game doesn't run on any operating systems. Well, according to forum posts.
5 мая. 2014 в 1:47Gaming in Windows 8 is "finecky", because your drivers and OS isn't up-to-date. That damn logic. :D
Yeah that's the standard 'it's your problem go away' answer. This is a brand new pc and even so first thing I did was update everything before installing stuff. Civ 5 is the only game with problems. Did a search last night, there are a lot of people having problems with Civ and Windows 8.1 especially since BNW. 2K says it is a Windows problem and MS says it is a 2K problem. So there it is. Windows 8 users be warned.
I promise it was not that type of reply. Sometimes we tend to focus on the complex issues, a sort of tech "knee jerk" reaction. The thing is when we do this we end up overlooking the simple "101" style issues, and every now an then we find our solution in the simple. I have found this to be the case more than once in my tenure as a tech.
People are frustrated and come here in hopes of easing that frustration. Last thing I would want to do is make that worse for someone. I hope your endeavors lead you to a solution, best of luck =)
PS ftr am running windows 8.1(64). Flawlessly. If I can then you can too. Hang in there =)
Let me put it in this way;
I had 5-6 crashes during my total 800 hours of Civ V gameplay (First five on Windows 7 and last one on Windows 8). All of them user related.
I didn't want to be rude, but people quickly blame their operating system or other stuff for small issues in their computers. Windows 8 is the best gaming operating system, without a doubt. (It is a bad system, if you read those reddit nonsense)
- I installed Civ V Vanilla from disc, then I upgraded it to G&K via Steam. Random DX11 crash.
- Did the same thing for second time, same result.
- Installed whole game from Steam; problem solved.
- Upgraded G&K to BNW, DX11 crash again. Reinstalled whole game and problem solved.
- Random Civ V crash; it turned out to be MSI Afterburner or it's OSD program somehow conflicting with Civ V, doesn't matter if you have stock or very stable overclock settings. Afterburner also messed AMD PowerPlay, but it only caused a issue in Heroes 6, other games worked fine.
- Random Civ V and Shogun 2 crash and a BSOD; bumped +0.01 more Vcore voltage and problem solved.
I have to say; it works perfectly under Windows 7 and Windows 8. I had few issues with expansion pack upgrades, but reinstalling solved them.
For laptop users; don't keep the bloatware from your OEM. Keep your computer clean (software wise), keep it updated, maintain it from software wise, always make stress test on both CPU/GPU and test your RAM.
5 мая. 2014 в 17:18Let me put it in this way;
I had 5-6 crashes during my total 800 hours of Civ V gameplay (First five on Windows 7 and last one on Windows 8). All of them user related.
I didn't want to be rude, but people quickly blame their operating system or other stuff for small issues in their computers. Windows 8 is the best gaming operating system, without a doubt. (It is a bad system, if you read those reddit nonsense)
- I installed Civ V Vanilla from disc, then I upgraded it to G&K via Steam. Random DX11 crash.
- Did the same thing for second time, same result.
- Installed whole game from Steam; problem solved.
- Upgraded G&K to BNW, DX11 crash again. Reinstalled whole game and problem solved.
- Random Civ V crash; it turned out to be MSI Afterburner or it's OSD program somehow conflicting with Civ V, doesn't matter if you have stock or very stable overclock settings. Afterburner also messed AMD PowerPlay, but it only caused a issue in Heroes 6, other games worked fine.
- Random Civ V and Shogun 2 crash and a BSOD; bumped +0.01 more Vcore voltage and problem solved.
I have to say; it works perfectly under Windows 7 and Windows 8. I had few issues with expansion pack upgrades, but reinstalling solved them.
For laptop users; don't keep the bloatware from your OEM. Keep your computer clean (software wise), keep it updated, maintain it from software wise, always make stress test on both CPU/GPU and test your RAM.
Windows 8 touch civilization 5 что это
Следующий эпизод венценосной серии создается на совершенно новом движке и делает шаг назад к истокам – игровое поле в Civilization 5 вновь делится на шестигранники. Такое решение, по словам разработчиков, обеспечивает более глубокую стратегию, однако нововведения на этом не заканчиваются. Авторы расширили возможности дипломатического взаимодействия и сделали политические сношения более зрелищными. Теперь полностью анимированные лидеры других государств обращаются к игроку в полноэкранных сценах и говорят при этом на своем родном языке.
В: кто-нибудь нашел хоть один не граничащий с безумием способ пропустить вступительный ролик?
О:В папке с игрой (той, что в моих документах) надо найти файл UserSetting.ini, открыть его блокнотом и изменить параметр SkipIntroVideo с 0 на 1. Перед запуском несколько секунд будет черный экран, а потом сразу главное меню.
Люто бешено жду, ибо 3 и 4 части уже как-то поднадоели. Надеюсь, что будет ПК эксклюзивом (ибо когда-то не выпустили Цивилизацию *какое-то название* на ПК).
Цивилизация это игра, в которую можно играть годами (как и в Героев 3 например), она никогда не устареет, не надоест.
Это в высшей степени умная игра, умнее даже самого сложного PC квеста.
Главное чтобы экономика, дипломатия была более глубокой, военные столкновения не самое важное в циве, вернее их показ.
Мда. деление на шестигранники и содержание в поле, как и в городе только по одному военному юниту изменяет если не весь, то половину мира Civilization. И очень хорошо, что значения войск поменяли, а не только с одними морпехами и танками весь мир завоевать можно.
Он по-русски будет говорить. Как и юниты.
И да, Сид же говорил, что не будет делать больше частей, после выхода четвертой.
Civilization 5 windows 8 touch что это
16 апр. 2013 в 9:10Hi,
I've installed civ 5 on my Windows 8 tablet, wanted to test it on a touch screen.
But when I launch the game using windows 8 touch option, there are two problems. First, the game is in windowed mode, not full screen. Second, I just can't use my touch screen! Touches just have no effect. I have to plug a mouse in order to click on menu items.
Anyone having the same problem?
22 мая. 2013 в 3:08 22 мая. 2013 в 3:17 It's worked brilliantly on my Surface Pro. What device are you using? 22 мая. 2013 в 4:28. Use windows explorer to navigate to the directory that Civilization V is installed in. I used Steam to purchase the game so my directory was Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meir’s Civilization V. Your install directory may be different. A quick hard drive search for “Civilization V” should get you there.
Windows 8 touch civilization 5 что это
Let me put it in this way;
I had 5-6 crashes during my total 800 hours of Civ V gameplay (First five on Windows 7 and last one on Windows 8). All of them user related.
I have to say; it works perfectly under Windows 7 and Windows 8. I had few issues with expansion pack upgrades, but reinstalling solved them.
Let me put it in this way;
I had 5-6 crashes during my total 800 hours of Civ V gameplay (First five on Windows 7 and last one on Windows 8). All of them user related.
I have to say; it works perfectly under Windows 7 and Windows 8. I had few issues with expansion pack upgrades, but reinstalling solved them.
Civilization 5 windows 8 touch что это
Sid Meier's Civilization V
24 мар. 2017 в 22:39 I recently got civ 5 and I have window 10. Which version should I use? DirectX9, DirectX10&11, Window 8 - Touch Enabled (Recommended) 24 мар. 2017 в 23:23 24 мар. 2017 в 23:27 25 мар. 2017 в 0:56 otherwise dont bother with touchscreen, it will repeatedly crash. 25 мар. 2017 в 10:48In my experience (with a fairly low end PC)
Directx 9- Best performance. The game will run smooth as butter. HOWEVER, the game looks considerably worse, and undiscovered tiles are covered with hideous black hexagons
Directx 10/11- Good performance, but the game sometimes stutters for a few seconds. If you have even a remotley decent PC, you probobly won't deal with these issues. Unless you're running the game on the origional Macintosh, go with directx 10/11
Windows 8 touch civilization 5 что это
Следующий эпизод венценосной серии создается на совершенно новом движке и делает шаг назад к истокам – игровое поле в Civilization 5 вновь делится на шестигранники. Такое решение, по словам разработчиков, обеспечивает более глубокую стратегию, однако нововведения на этом не заканчиваются. Авторы расширили возможности дипломатического взаимодействия и сделали политические сношения более зрелищными. Теперь полностью анимированные лидеры других государств обращаются к игроку в полноэкранных сценах и говорят при этом на своем родном языке.
В: кто-нибудь нашел хоть один не граничащий с безумием способ пропустить вступительный ролик?
О:В папке с игрой (той, что в моих документах) надо найти файл UserSetting.ini, открыть его блокнотом и изменить параметр SkipIntroVideo с 0 на 1. Перед запуском несколько секунд будет черный экран, а потом сразу главное меню.
Народ, подскажите как с этой проблемой справится можно? Юниты замораживаются на 1-5 ходу и не сдвинуть ни ход пропустить. (((
2. Look for the following line: EnableGameCoreThreading = 1
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