Cities skylines rico как использовать
Мод Ploppable RICO позволит вам, скажем так, прикрепить какое-то здание к одной из четырех зон, первые буквы которых и составляют аббревиатуру RICO:
Residential (жилой)
Industrial (индустриальный)
Commerical (коммерческий)
Office (офисы)
Если вы не поняли, что даст вам этот мод — не расстраивайтесь, ведь я сам не сразу понял (да и сейчас не уверен, что понимаю).
Короче. Представьте себе, что есть у вас мод на добавление Ульяновского Автомобильного Завода. Но вы же не хотите, чтобы он был просто декоративным? Наверняка было бы интереснее, если бы там могли работать люди и приносить городу доход. Он бы идеально подошел для вашей индустриальной зоны…
Именно в этом и заключается суть мода — он позволит вам ставить здания в зоны, чтобы они работали как часть зоны.
Лучше скачать сразу, так как вас еще не раз попросят предъявить наличие установленного RICO при входе на очередную страничку мода.
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Ploppable RICO
Assets can be made to be compatible with the mod, but the mod won't be required.
Asset authors will just need to include a .xml file that contains the RICO settings. The assets will revert back to their original ploppable function if the mod is disabled, and non RICO mod subscribers can still use the asset for its original purpose.
For asset makers who want to make their assets RICO compatible, you can follow the
Asset Creation Guide. Check out the Advanced Guide if you want to experiment with mixed use assets.
The Settings Panel Guide can be found here.
To convert growable assets to RICO assets, follow the Growables with Ploppable RICO Guide.
To get started, you can sub to the RICO Workshop Settings mod. It adds RICO settings to 74 popular assets that don't have existing RICO settings. It also adds RICO settings to a few generic vanilla unique building assets.
The RICO mod is fully compatilble with the PropaneDragon's Rush Hour mod and WG's Realistic Population mod.
A huge thanks to Boformer, Tailgunner, and BloodyPenguin for all of the design input and code they've contributed. Also a huge thanks to cope for his detours library. And a final thanks to SamSamTS for his UI objects used in the settings panel.
This mod does not save data to the scene file. It can be safely activated and deactivated on your cities with no risk.You can see the mod in action in Keralis's and Strictoaster's popular YouTube series.
Cities skylines rico как использовать
This is a step by step guide for creating single use, regular footprint buildings for use with the Ploppable RICO mod.
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The Ploppable RICO mod works by converting a normal ploppable asset into a RICO asset on scene load.
To make your assets compatible with the RICO mod, you simply need to include a .xml RICO settings file with your asset.
To begin, follow the normal process for creating ploppable assets. You can use any template you like, such as a unique building or a park. As your saving your asset, remember the asset name. You'll need to include this in the RICO settings.
A .xml file is a formated text file. It can be opened and modified in any text editor.The RICO mod uses a .xml file to store its settings.
Click Download ZIP, and extract the .xml file from the folder. Once you've extracted the .xml file, you can open it in XML Notepad or any other text editing program. To add RICO settings, simply fill in the fields with the desired settings, and save the file.
In XML Notepad, change the settings on the fields on the right.
In Wordpad, change the settings between the quotes.
name: Enter the asset name of your building here, including caps and spaces.
service: Use residential, commercial, office, industrial, or extractor. Industrial processing buildings will have industrial as a service.
sub-service: For residential and commercial, use high or low. For generic industrial, use generic. Industrial processing and extractors can use farming, oil, forest, and ore. For office, use none.
level: Buildng level. 1-5 for residential, 1-3 for office, commercial, and industrial generic. Use 1 for for extractors and industrial processing.
workplaces: Total number of workplaces. Set to 0 for residential.
homes: Home count for residential. Each home holds 3-5 residents. Set to 0 for non-residential.
construction-cost: Inital construction cost. Enter 0 for no construction cost.
ui-category: This determines what panel the asset will be added to on the RICO panel. Options include reslow, reshigh, comlow, comhigh, office, industrial, oil, ore, farming, forest.
All settings other than the asset name need to be under case.
Now that you've created and saved your asset and your .xml file, its a good idea to run a quick test to make sure all is well.
In a file browser, navigate to your "Assets" folder. For Windows users, copy this path into your path bar: %AppData%\..\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Assets\
Next, create a new folder with any name in your "Assets" folder. Place both your .crp file of your asset and the PloppableRICODefinition.xml file in the new folder.
When you load a new game, the mod will apply the RICO settings and create a button for your asset in the RICO panel. It will also remove your asset from the default game panels.
If everything is working ok, its time to upload to Steam!
In the Content Manager, find your asset in the list. Click on either "Share" or "Update". You'll see a menu that looks like this. Click on the little file button.
This will bring up a file browser. Navigate to the "Content" folder in this directory. You should see the .crp file of your asset. Next, simply drag and drop your PloppableRICODefinition.xml file into this folder, and close the file broswer.
When you click "Publish" on your asset, the .xml file will be bundled with the asset, and made availible to any player who subscribes to your mod. Every time you update the asset, you'll need to re-drag the PloppableRICODefinition file back into this directory.
Keep a local copy of both your .crp and .xml file outside of your "Assets" folder.
The Ploppable RICO mod can be also be used with Sub-Buildings Enabler and Sub-Buildings Tabs to create mixed use and large footprint RICO buildings. If your interested in learning more about how to make these types of assets, take a look at the Advanced Guide.
If you have any questions or issues with the mod, feel free to ping me on Steam chat, or post in the Report Issues Here thread on the mod Steam page.
Cities skylines rico как использовать
8 hours agoI'm looking for some assets in the workshop and found out that several are described as "growable + rico plopable". I have some issues with ploping mod - it doesnt work in my city, I believe I will solve this, but for now, I just have no option to check this. So, what does it mean when building is both growable and popable? I understand that growable building is a generic building that just randomly rises within particular zone? So is it without inhabitants unless one uses ploping mod? Sorry if this sounds stupid, so far I didn't use this option so I understand only little of this.
8 hours ago Normally a growable assets should say what it is: industry, office, commercial or residential. And if it is a residential than it should behave like any normal residential standard building from the game.1 hour ago
If it is a RICO-enabled building, you need RICO base mod in order for these ploppable buildings to have residents/jobs/shops.
It is not 100% required, but not having RICO will have RICO-enabled ploppable buildings act like a lifeless unique monument.
Growables are just regular buildings that will grow on zones.
Many buildings have both growables and RICO-enabled ploppable versions. Make sure you get the one(s) you want.
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