Cities skylines move it как пользоваться
Данный мод позволяет передвигать объекты и дороги в любое время и в любом направлении.
Гугл транслит источника файла:
Совместимость с Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life)
Этот мод позволяет вам выбирать и перемещать разные вещи.
- Добавлена возможность выбора узлов и сегментов, принадлежащих зданиям, удерживая ALT
- Исправлена кнопка экспорта, не работающая
- Исправлены мелкие узлы, которые трудно выбрать
- Добавлена сетка и подземелье
- Оптимизация производительности
- Теперь можно экспортировать выделение в файл и импортировать его позже в игре или в редакторе.
- Экспортированные файлы можно найти в папке% localappdata% \ Colossal Order \ Cities_Skylines \ MoveItExports
- Улучшена raycasting
- Улучшен инструмент выделения, позволяющий (фильтровать) выбор одного клика
Используйте клавишу M, чтобы переключить инструмент, или нажмите кнопку (перетаскивая правой кнопкой мыши) рядом с инструментом bulldoze.
Удерживая клавишу Shift, вы можете выбрать сразу несколько объектов для перемещения.
Следующие объекты могут быть выбраны с помощью левого клика :
- Здания
- Деревья
- Реквизит (Get Prop Snapping для перемещения вверх / вниз)
- Узлы (дороги, причалы и т. Д.)
Этот инструмент не предоставляет никаких ограничений для максимальной мощности. Используйте на свой риск.
Перетащите мышью Влево Нажмите, чтобы переместить выбранные объекты. Перетащите влево и вправо, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы повернуть.
Используйте клавиши со стрелками для перемещения выбранных объектов. Удерживайте клавишу Alt для более тонких движений и клавиши Shift для больших шагов.
Используйте Page Up и Page Down для перемещения объекта вверх и вниз (если это возможно. Получить Prop Замыкание , чтобы иметь возможность двигаться реквизита вверх / вниз).
Используйте Ctrl + Left / Right для поворота (деревья не вращаются).
Включает функцию отмены (Ctrl + Z) и повтора (Ctrl + Y).
Не использует метод обхода для максимальной совместимости.
Не меняет файлы сохранения файлов в любом случае и может быть отключен / удален безопасно в любое время.
Cities skylines move it как пользоваться
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When you have subscribed to Move It and enabled it in the Content Manager, Move It will be available in-game. Use the M key to toggle the tool or click the button (draggable with right click) next to the bulldoze tool.
This tool doesn't provide any limitations for maximum power. Use at your own risk.
- Quit your game to the desktop.
- Go to the Move It workshop page and click on Subscribe.
- Load your game and at the main menu go to Content Manager.
- Go to Mods, find Move It on the list and click on the Enable checkbox.
- Move It should now be installed! If it's not on the mod list; quit the game, restart Steam and load the game again.
Required to fully manipulate props:
Prop Precision - Required to position props with fine detail.
Prop Snapping - Required to fully move props. Turn on both options (Don't update prop Y coordinate and Allow prop to submerge).
Traffic Manager: President Edition (TMPE) - Set advanced junction controls, traffic rules and so much more! (Coming soon:) In a future TMPE update, TMPE settings will be copied when you clone or export nodes or segments.
Intersection Marking Tool - Make beautiful intersections. Move It will copy intersection markings if you clone or export decorated nodes and segments.
Node Controller Renewal - Fix glitches when you make intersections with extreme angles by making the junction node larger. Also has other advanced node controls. Move It will keep Node Controller settings if you clone or export a customised node.
Plop the Growables, Disable Zone Check or Ploppable RICO Revisited - So growable buildings can be moved anywhere without despawning.
Prop & Tree Anarchy - Place and move props and trees anywhere without them disappearing.
Tree Anarchy (Unlimited Trees Reboot) - Includes tree snapping, so trees can be moved up or down.
Procedural Objects - Create and manipulate advanced objects, made from buildings, props or from scratch. Can be moved with Move It.
Click and hold the left mouse button on a selected object and move the mouse to move selected objects. Click and hold the right mouse button and move the mouse left and right to rotate the selection.
Includes undo (Ctrl+Z) and redo (Ctrl+Y) feature for all actions.
When moving objects with the left mouse button:
- Hold Alt to switch snapping (objects snap to the roadside grid).
- Hold Shift to move objects in low-detail mode (to improve the framerate). This can be enabled all the time in the options menu.
- Hold Control for precision mode, where movement is lower sensitivity and the selection overlays are hidden.
When rotating objects with the right mouse button:
- Hold Alt to rotate the selection in 45 degrees increments
- Hold Shift to rotate objects in low-detail mode (to improve the framerate). This can be enabled all the time in the options menu.
- Hold Control for precision mode, where rotation is lower sensitivity and the selection overlays are hidden.
Tip: Hold control and the middle mouse button to move objects even if you don't click on a selected object - handy for those ultra detailed places.
Use the Arrow Keys to move selected objects. Hold Control and press the Left or Right arrow key to rotate. To scale the selection (move selected objects inwards or outwards from the selection centre), press the - (minus) and = (equals) keys. Hold the Shift key for bigger steps, Alt key for finer movements and both Shift and Alt for ultra fine movements.
Use Page Up and Page Down to move objects up and down. For Mac keyboards without Page Up/Down buttons, use Fn + Up/Down Arrow. Prop Snapping is required to move props vertically. If this does not work, please press Number-Lock and try again. To raise or lower roads and other networks, you need to select the nodes.
Note: trees can not be rotated, and can only be moved up or down if you have Tree Snapping or Tree Anarchy (Unlimited Trees Reboot) enabled. Some props (ones that conform to the shape of terrain) can not reliably be moved up or down.
Each arrow-button presses moves objects 2 metres. Each page up/down is exactly 0.125 metres (1/8m). Shift increases the distance by 8 times, Alt decreases distance by 1/8th - so Shift+Page Up/Down is exactly 1 metre.
If you hold Shift and Alt objects move by 1/64th of their normal speed, to help avoid surface clashing. Note: This is unreliable with props as even with Prop Precision their detail isn't precise enough.
As well as letting you drag out a selection box, the marquee tool has filters to help you select objects in detailed areas. You can still click on a single object to select it in marquee mode.
Toggle all marquee selection filters on and off by double-clicking on the Marquee Selection button. Double-click on a filter in the marquee filter list to select only it.
Step over objects at current mouse position - press Control+Tab (key is configurable) to step over the object currently highlighted by the mouse to highlight the item below. This can be repeated to select overlapped objects. Moving the mouse will reset the list of ignored objects.
Network Filters can be selected by clicking on the arrow at the bottom of the marquee filter list. These give you fine control over what type of networks are selected when using Marquee Selection. Remember to have the Node and/or Segment filter enabled. Note: when open Network Filters can affect performance while selecting a large area, so close it when it is not needed
Picker Filter - filter for objects of one type. Click on the eye dropper and choose an object to set the filter. Double-click on the eyedropper to clear it.
The Toolbox menu is located to the right of Move It's Bulldoze tool. Each of these tools manipulate the select objects with some great time-saving functions. You can manually set shortcuts for all tools in the Options menu.
- Select the object or objects you want to alter.
- Click on the desired tool's icon.
- Click on an object to act as the reference (e.g. the object that you want selected objects' height to be set to).
To Object Height (Control+H) - Click on an object to move all selected objects up or down to the same height as the chosen object.
To Terrain Height - Immediately move all selected objects up or down to the terrain height.
Slope Objects - This aligns the height of all selected objects including roads and other networks based on the heights of the 2 furthest apart selected objects. To define the top/bottom positions manually, Shift+Click on the tool icon. It is not suitable for roads that are very curved or spiral, consider using Network Multitool for this. (Remember, to alter roads' height or position, you must select the nodes.)
Rotation Tools:
Note: some props will align 90 or 180 degrees off. Rotate in 45 degree increments (hold Alt while right-clicking and moving the mouse) to quickly and neatly correct these objects.
Rotate In-Place - Click on an object to turn each object to face the same direction as it, without moving them.
Rotate At-Centre - Click on an object to turn the selected objects to face the direction, moving them around a central point. Note: works best when all selected objects are facing the same direction.
Rotate Randomly - Immediately rotates all selected objects so they face a random direction. Note: if you Redo this action, the selected objects will rotate to a new random direction.
Other Tools:
Line Up Objects - All selected objects are moved to be evenly spaced out in a straight line. Shift+Click on the icon to move the objects into a straight line without changing their spacing. If Follow Terrain is disabled, the objects will also be vertically aligned so they will be neatly sloped.
Mirror Objects - Creates a mirrored copy of the selection. You must choose a network segment to define the mirror plane; the position and angle of reflection.
Reset Objects - Selected objects will be reset, repairing all damage and setting a new random colour and size where applicable.
Set Position - Displays a dialog box where you can enter coordinates to move the selected objects to, based on the selection's centre-point.
Convert to PO - If Procedural Objects is enabled, this will attempt to convert selected buildings and props to PO, keeping their existing location. If any selected objects fail to convert, press undo (Control+Z) and deselect the objects that can't be converted, then try again.
Import & Export - Move It selections can be exported to XML files and later imported as a selection, or restored to their previous location. These XML files are stored in the MoveItExports folder off the Cities Skylines userdata folder (see Resetting Move It below for this location).
Hold Alt to select nodes or segments that belong to a building (e.g. a harbour's shipping path). This can be combined with holding Shift to add to the existing selection. In the options menu, you can also make this apply to buildings that belong to a node (e.g. pylons and pillars) so you don't accidentally select these objects.
Alt-Click on a segment to select the closer node, or if it is already selected the further node. Combines with Shift to add/remove from selection.
Hold Alt while dragging objects to toggle snapping to the grid.
Hold Alt while dragging only a single segment to snap to a straight line or, if the segment is connected to further segments, to a curve.
Hold Alt while dragging only a single node to snap node, re-curving segments as required. Snaps to a straight line or, if the segments are connected to further segments, to a curve.
Alt-Click on the Clone button to duplicate the selection, pasting a copy in the same location.
If only a single node is selected and that node has exactly 2 segments (i.e. is not a junction or dead-end), Alt-Click on the Slope Align button to immediately slope align the selected node using the 2 attached nodes as A/B positions.
If the Move It icon is missing, click on "Reset Button Position" in Options.
If Move It causes problems or you want to reset the keyboard shortcuts, exit the game and delete the file MoveItTool.cgs.
File location:
Windows: %localappdata%\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\
/Library/Application Support/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/
Linux: $XDG_DATA_HOME/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/
Note: This folder might be hidden. Use the search engine of your choice to find how to unhide the folder on your operating system.
Cities skylines move it как пользоваться
Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.
Этот предмет несовместим с Cities: Skylines. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Cities: Skylines.
Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
Этот мод позволит вам выбирать и перемещать разные штуки.
Чтобы активировать инструмент, нажмите M на клавиатуре или кнопочку возле бульдозера. С помощью Shift можно выбрать сразу несколько объектов.
Левой кнопкой мыши можно выбрать:
- Здания
- Деревья
- Пропы
- Пути (дороги, набережные и пр.)
Для корректной работы нужны следующие моды:
Доп. информация о моде:
Автор мода: SamsamTS
Источник: перейти
Версия: от 26 авг. 2018
Перевод на русский: не требуется
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