Что такое velum в гта 5
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Note: The Real Top Speeds of the vehicles have been accurately tested by Broughy1322 in a long straight line. For all the details, read his full explanation on how the Top Speed values were calculated accurately.
How to get the Velum in GTA Online:
The Velum can be purchased in GTA Online from Elitás Travel for a price of $450,000 .
The Velum is stored as a Pegasus Vehicle and Hangar (Personal Aircraft) . It can only be resprayed and cannot be further modified.
JoBuilt Velum from GTA 5
Velum is a propeller-driven civilian four/five-passenger aircraft, designed and manufactured by a made-up in-game American company JoBuilt , based on the real company Peterbilt.
JoBuilt Velum represents a typical propeller plane plane, designed for a long flights with a few passenger, for expeditions. The plane was initially designed for transporting only three passengers and one driver, but Rockstar, when developing DLC "Heists", had to to introduce a five-seater variant of the aircraft, because four player and Maxim Rashkovansky couldn't fit into a single Velum. The five-seater variant of JoBuilt Velum can not be obtained in singleplayer, and four-seater variant of the plane. The Velum with capacity of four can be obtained easily through at A17 hangar at Los Santos Internation Airport.
JoBuilt Velum is equipped with a powerful motor combined with a big propeller, which is enough to make the plane with the weight of five tons achieve a high speed. Of course, Velum can't compete with powerful, jet planets, let alone military fighters, yet it is one of the best in it's class, falling behind only before Western Mallard, but, unlike Mallard, and can carry up to four (or five) man on board. It is hard to say anything special about it's "endurance", toughness, as it is handles gunfire and hits well, but nothing outstanding.
JoBuilt Velum: GTA V Vehicle Info
JoBuilt Available from Elitás Travel GTA Online Price $450,000 Storage Location Pegasus Vehicle Hangar (Personal Aircraft) Modifications Respray Only Hangar Aircraft Workshop Pegasus Category Plane Sell Cannot be sold Top Speed (Game Files) 166.96 mph (268.70 km/h) Top Speed In-Game (Broughy) 139.75 mph (224.91 km/h) Based on (Real Life) Piper PA-46, SOCATA TBM
JoBuilt Velum in Real Life:
The design of the JoBuilt Velum is based on a real life Piper PA-46, SOCATA TBM .
GTA 5: JoBuilt Velum
The JoBuilt Velum is a Plane featured in Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online.
How to get the Velum in GTA 5 Story Mode:
In GTA V Story Mode, the Velum can only be found and stolen (see the spawn locations in the "Appearances" section below). It is not available for purchase.
Транспорт GTA V
В этом разделе собрана информация обо всех транспортных средствах в GTA V. Каждая модель представлена официальным скриншотом и таблицей с подробными техническими характеристиками.
Заранее оговоримся: данные о максимальной скорости транспорта были получены нами напрямую из ресурсов игры и внесены в таблицы без изменений так, как они указаны в файлах handling.meta. Рекордные значения, которые тебе может выдавать статистика «Социального клуба» Rockstar Games, неверны. Разработчики используют дополнительный множитель для получения более впечатляющих величин, чтобы польстить самолюбию игроков.
Несколько слов о новой графе в технических характеристиках — тюнинг. В GTA V средства передвижения (кроме велосипедов, водных, воздушных, военных, коммерческих, промышленных, сервисных, служебных и ТС экстренных служб) могут быть изменены в салонах LS Customs. Однако набор деталей для каждой модели индивидуален. Всем модифицируемым автомобилям и мотоциклам доступны следующие опции тюнинга: броня, двигатель, гудок, фары, номерной знак, покраска, коробка передач, колёса, окна. В строке «тюнинг» названы только дополнительные элементы для конкретной модели помимо вышеуказанных общедоступных.
JoBuilt Velum Top Speed:
The actual top speed of the Velum in GTA V is 139.75 mph (224.91 km/h) , as it's been accurately tested in-game by Broughy1322.
Can you sell the Velum in GTA Online?
No, you cannot sell the Velum. Unfortunately in GTA Online it's not possible to sell Special Vehicles, Pegasus or Facility Vehicles.
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