Что такое спрайты в данганронпа
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:small_blue_diamond: How i make sprites :small_orange_diamond:
First off, I use the app "Ibis paint x" when I draw so this is for those people who have the app and if you don't have the app and you want to start digital art I recommend this app. Also I may stray from the main topic as I write and I don't know the correct terms for some of the "modes" so sorry. :sweat_smile:
Well first before anything else draw your sprite or know what you want to make if you are using a base.
Before you begin outlining, make sure your stabilizer is on at a comfortable setting from 0-10 I recommend that you keep the stabilizer at 10 so all the lines are smooth. And you can also Change the ends of the pen from sharp to dull on the same panel as the stabilizer "length end/start". Also use the Dip Pen (hard)
In the Danganronpa games the lines of the Sprites are often different sizes but there elements that can be used in every Sprite.
In Danganronpa the head Hands arms and legs of the sprites all very in line sizes. The line sizes for the head and neck are around 1.4 or are around 1.3 and the chin lines become slightly thicker at the end but not sharper unless you character has a sharper chin.
The arms and hand lines are one of the thickest parts of a Sprite but you don't need to make the lines as thick as the actual Sprites because it may look odd so I would have the pen a 1.7 to 1.6.
the legs lines of a Sprite are slightly thinner than or equally as thick as the head lines so I mainly put the pen size at around 1.4 but if the characters wearing leggings or socks i make the pen size around the area 1.5.
The lines of the clothes are around 1.8 on the outer lining but the folds very. The folds of the clothes are up to you but when making folds the lines are in a pair of two but one line is thinner than the other or thicker. On the chest of a girl there are often two lines on the center of there chest.
When making pants the outlining is the exact same as the rest of the rest of clothes. The crotch area has a bunch of folds , but depending on how long the folds, the sides of the the pants will have bumps and folds on them around the hips.
On the knees of a Sprite wearing pants there are a few folds that lead around the knees and folds around the ancles of the pant legs. If your character wears boot add line folds like the ancles but above the boot. Most skirts are just slanted rectangles but like Kaede's there may be a few folds here and there and for those I say use a 1.1 size pen and from the top (not to often) make a long raindrop shape and a few long thin lines from the top trim.
After doing the out lining, go to the layers and press the red layer thing
After pressing it, the colour thing will change to a bright blue but all The brushes and the paint bucket will still work but only in blue.
When on that layer, use the paint bucket tool and press the area you want to colour in later. It will look like this.
After doing so, leave the red layer and make another layer only for colour and it should look like this.
It should work like this.
Then on the layer you made start colouring. Make sure that the colour layer is under the line layer. For the shine just use a bush labeled as "Calligraphy" and enhance the "length end and began" to it's maximum and copy the colour of the hair but lighten it up and fade it then put one or two Stokes across the hair. Well, After you have finished repeating those instructions all over the body it should look like this.
When shading, first turn off the off the colour on the colouring layer and then go to the red layer and with a paint bucket press the outer area of the lining of the Sprite and make sure all of the background is covered and not the Sprite. It should look like this.
After it looks like that, go to the top right and there should be a button thing with a square on it and when you press it it should say "invert section area" and after pressing it the Sprite should be all blue. Then make a shading layer and turn down the percentage of what you can see on that layer. And shade in what you need.
The User Ichipoof pointed out
"Another way to shade is by making a layer over your color layer. Make it a clipping layer (the down arrow) then change the layer type to Multiply. Multiply makes any color thats on that layer darker on the layer under it so you can use almost any color to shade"
After shading it is time to add texture to the clothes and hair. Make a completely new canvous and take the ruler mode on the top right and the "Flat brush (curve)" make a pattern of strokes going vertically and then another horizontally and it should look like this.
Then after making the background transparent exit and download it then go to the Sprite canvous and while the thing from the red layer is on place it over the Sprite and erase the part of the texture that is over the skin and then turn down the percentage on that layer to 3-5%.
After putting it all together it should have line, shading, and texture but no face? Well, take the finished-ish Sprite and make the background transparent then download it and make a new canvous slightly larger than the original canvous and make the face on there. When making the eyes use the same process as the Sprite. make a drawing of the eye, outline it on another layer, colour it in, but when making the eye use the circle tool next to the ruler and place it on the outlining of the Iris and keep the circle liner on so you can add the light line in the eye. After colouring it combine all of the eye related layers to save space and make another shadow layer for the eye and shade in the eye but leave a half oval shape in shaded and then shade the top of the inside of the eye.
After the Shading is done combine the shadow layer with the eye. Then place the one eye on the Sprite but don't combine it to the Sprite yet. Make a duplicate of the eye and move it to the other side of the face and add eyebrows anyway you want, but if you want to be exact try setting your brush at 2.3-1.8 size with black and the end sharp and the beginning dull then with a good stroke make one eyebrow, but take the eraser and erase the round end with a slanted stoke to make it sharp and then make your pen slightly thinner and the colour of your characters hair and make another stoke inside the eyebrow to make it look better.
Аудитория в 1К для меня казалась неподъёмной ещё до момента создания группы. Однако, смотря на цифру участников сегодня, я не могу поверить своим глазам. Я немного (даже ОЧЕНЬ) удивлена, что без какой-либо рекламы своего контента в паблике набралось свыше тысячи любителей ронпы Огромное спасибо всем, кто интересуется моим проектом и берёт отсюда спрайты
Ты-новый персонаж Данганронпы(Школа Отчаяния)
Итак, действие проходит параллельно с действием 1 Данганронпы. Ты-участник, а может и нет.
Читать обязательно
Правила и факты:
1. 10 игроков, 1 из них "предатель" работает на Монокуму
2. У каждого есть NG код(то, что ему нельзя делать) у "предателя" тоже. Никто не имеет право говорить(или как-либо ещё сообщать) о том, какой у него код
2. Монокума будет подначивать вас на преступления разными способами
3. Если "предатель" будет обнаружен, его нельзя казнить, но можно ликвидировать- это за преступление считаться не будет, но если человек сделал это не зная, или несообщив всем с помощью собрания, оно считается за преступление
4. Человек, не являющийся "предателем" при обнаружении должен быть обязательно казнен
5. "Предатель" обязан сказать жертве о том, кто он
6. При неудачной попытке, при условии, что наподавший не "предатель", его не имеют право казнить
7. При смерти "предателя", которое было совершенно в результате самозащиты, преступник не может быть оправдан
8. Каждый игрок имеет право в любое время дня и ночи вызвать Монокуму на чай
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