Что такое scp 966
Роль в игре
Две особи (до версии 1.3.7 — три) SCP-966 появляются в своей камере содержания; ещё две (до 1.3.7 — около пяти) можно встретить в туннелях обслуживания. После первого столкновения с игроком они начинают появляться практически во всех локациях. Несмотря на то, что они передвигаются довольно медленно, с ними можно столкнуться, что довольно опасно.
- "Is my mind playing tricks on me or is there someone else here?" (Шалит ли со мной моя психика или кто-то ещё здесь?)
- It feels like something's in this room with me. (Такое ощущение, как будто что-то рядом со мной в этой комнате.)
- You feel something breathing right next to you. (Вы чувствуете, как что-то дышит рядом с Вами.)
- You feel like something is following you. (Вы чувствуете, как будто что-то преследует Вас.)
- You feel like something is here with you, but you don't see anything. (Вы чувствуете, как будто что-то находится здесь, но Вы ничего не видите.)
- You can feel something near you, but you are unable to see it. Perhaps its time is now. (Вы чувствуете что-то рядом с Вами, но не способны увидеть это. Возможно, время пришло.)
Если игрок подойдёт к одной из особей, она начнёт издавать хрип, после которого зрение игрока на несколько секунд ухудшается, что неопасно. Однако, если выносливость игрока будет равна нулю и это заметит хотя бы одна из особей, все остальные начнут преследовать и атаковать его.
In order to contain SCP-966, you must get it to follow you. Then, you should lure it into an SCP chamber. Avoid crowds or other people, as SCP-966 may lose interest and follow them instead. Once you and SCP-966 are in a containment chamber, you can try to escape as the doors close, however this is extremely hard to do. The safest method would be to ensure the chamber doors are locked behind you and reset in the containment chamber. This isn't recommended if you do not have Night Vision Goggles or SCRAMBLE Goggles. Alternatively, you can attempt to guide SCP-966 into the stairwell of SCP-002's chamber, as they will teleport back to their own containment cell upon attempting to walk down the stairs. Be careful if you are guiding 3 or more instances as you can die quite easily if you aren't careful.
The SCP Foundation
Список объектов с их рассказами
Description [ ]
SCP-966 are predatory creatures that resemble hairless, digitigrade humans, possessing an elongated face with a mouth lined with needle-like teeth. Physically, they are weak, possessing hollow bones and low muscular density. They do not seem to rest through sleep; instead, they will suddenly cease all movement at seemingly random intervals of time, resuming normal activity three to five minutes later. They are visible only at wavelengths ranging from 700 nm to about 900 nm.
SCP-966 feed on medium-to-large sized animals, including humans. They hunt either alone or in pairs. Their hunting methods consist on emitting a single burst of a previously unknown type of wave, which permanently inhibits the ability of the affected creature to enter in any of the NREM and REM sleep stages. The ability to micro sleep is also lost.
Other than the common symptoms caused by sleep deprivation, some victims of SCP-966 have shown signs of suffering from extremely vivid hallucinations, as well as sudden bouts of rage with no apparent external stimuli. It is currently thought that these are the effects of prolonged exposure to the waves. Why SCP-966 continually exposes these waves to only some of their victims is unknown. One hypothesis is that SCP-966 will only do this when starving, since it further degenerates the physical and mental state of their prey, incapacitating it at a faster rate.
After depriving their victims of sleep, SCP-966 will stalk their prey until the lack of rest incapacitates it. At this point, SCP-966 will proceed to consume it. SCP-966 have proved to be very agile and silent while stalking their victims. On occasion, they will deliberately make threatening noises around the prey in order to further stress it, and may even physically assault it if the victim proves to be particularly durable.
SCP-966 — хищные животные, напоминающие безволосых пальцеходящих людей с длинным лицом и ртом, полным напоминающих иглы зубов. Питаются SCP-966 средними и крупными животными, в том числе людьми. Способ охоты состоит в испускании одиночного импульса, которые навсегда лишают их жертву способности входить в фазы медленного и быстрого сна. Лишив свою жертву сна, SCP-966 будут её преследовать, пока она не лишится способности к движению от нехватки сна, а особенно стойких жертв SCP-966 могут даже атаковать.
In order to breach SCP-966, you must open its containment chamber doors and get it to follow you out. Lure SCP-966 to a place with high player count such as the Class-D Cells (CDC) to cause as much damage as possible. As there are initially four instances of SCP-966 however, you will take damage fast if they crowd you, so maintain a safe distance, but not too far from SCP-966 so they don't refocus on someone else. This isn't recommended if you do not have Night Vision Goggles. Although players may freely breach SCPs as a member of Class-D Personnel or the Chaos Insurgency that player who chooses SCP-966 will be marked Rogue or be Reported in-game, or reported on the SCP:RP discord server, and possibly be banned from SCP:RP.
SCP-966, referred to as the "Sleep Killer", is a humanoid SCP object that can be encountered in SCP - Containment Breach.
In-game [ ]
SCP-966 instances can be found in their containment chamber and in the maintenance tunnels. They are only able to be seen when the player is wearing a pair of night vision goggles, although their sounds can still be heard when nearby regardless and the player is still able to collide with the instances. If the player approaches an instance without wearing the goggles, a message will be displayed, reading:
- "You feel something breathing right next to you."
- "It feels like something's in this room with me."
- "You feel like something is here with you, but you do not see anything."
- "Is my mind playing tricks on me or is there someone else here?"
- "You feel like something is following you."
- "You can feel something near you, but you are unable to see it. Perhaps its time is now."
The instances will idly walk around the facility. Should the player approach an instance, it will look up at them and begin emitting sounds. This is 🦿signified by the player's vision becoming blurred for a few seconds. Afterwards the player's stamina will slowly begin decreasing.
Should the player remain close to an instance for a period of time after the sound is emitted, they will pursue and attack the player, opening any doors they approach. The instances however are slow and easy to evade, although they may prove difficult to avoid should the player not have night vision goggles. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF OOOOFOOOOF OOOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOAOOFAF
SCP-966 are almost invisible humanoid entities labeled SCP-966-1 to 966-4. They walk slightly faster than a player's walk speed. They do very little damage, but can progressively lower a player's health over time. Night Vision Goggles or SCRAMBLE Goggles can greatly increase the visibility of SCP-966 instances. It will follow the nearest player and attack them when it's close enough. There will be four instances of SCP-966 in each server, all of which cannot be killed. Randomly, SCP-966 will emit growling sounds. Once the player dies, it will stand on their body for a few seconds. Its containment chamber is a standard containment unit with double doors located in the back of Sector 3.
Special Containment Procedures
SCP-966 instances are contained in a standard, small containment chamber almost directly across from SCP-049’s chamber in Sector-3. A heavy door will lead to a rectangular viewing room. Another heavy door to the left will lead to the main chamber. Here, a moderately sized room will house all 4 SCP-966 instances.
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