Что такое rocky road ice cream
Someone bought all the rocky road from the Dixie stop.
I mean, why would you give up rocky road ice cream Before you have to.
Разве можно отказываться от шоколадного мороженого раньше, чем нужно?
Now single people everywhere have to drown their sorrows in tubs of Rocky Road.
Теперь одиноким людям придется утопить свои печали в ведрах шоколадного мороженого.
Я хочу наполовину с французской ванилью, наполовину - с "каменистой дорогой".
The rocky road to peace will continue to be fraught with difficulties and a constant danger of breakdowns and setbacks.
Непростая дорога к миру будет по-прежнему полна трудностей и постоянных опасных сбоев и откатов.
Because life is a rocky road and I'm here to help you get down that road.
Поскольку жизнь - скалистая дорога, и я здесь чтобы помочь тебе спускаться по этой дороге.
Unless you want to have a car full of melted rocky road.
They start making rocky road gelato, I'll give up ice cream.
Когда начнут делать шоколадное с орехами и зефирками, я предам мороженое.
Another woman who understands, as I do, the rocky road of love.
Domestic problems and regional instability mean foreign policy is becoming an increasingly rocky road for the ruling African National Congress (ANC) government of President Thabo Mbeki.
Внутренние проблемы и региональная нестабильность означают, что внешняя политика становится все более ухабистой дорогой для правительства президента Табо Мбеки, сформированного партией «Африканский национальный конгресс» (ANC).
I don't care if your turn-ons are chocolate or vanilla or rocky road, but I do not like that man.
Мне всё равно, что тебя заводит: шоколад, ваниль или клубника - но мне не нравится этот человек.
But today, I would like a. Root beer float with rocky road ice cream.
it's been a rocky road to the senate for attorny general Patrick Darling.
Это был тернистый путь в сенат для генерального прокурора Патрика Дарлинга.
The historic victory of the Timorese and the rocky road to their liberation reminded one of the struggle being waged by another proud and courageous people - the people of Western Sahara.
Историческая победа тиморцев и их непростой путь к освобождению заставляют вспомнить о борьбе, которую ведет другой гордый и мужественный народ - народ Западной Сахары.
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rocky road ice cream
rocky road — noun Any of several forms of candy containing lumps of chocolate, marshmallow, nuts etc; used as a flavor for ice cream or eaten by itself … Wiktionary
On the Road — by Jack Kerouac (1957) Jack Kerouac’s On the Road has been called the Bible of the Beat Generation and is arguably the most important literary text to come out of that movement. In his review of the book in 1957 for the New York Times, Gilbert … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Dreyer's — Not to be confused with Breyers. Dreyer s Grand Ice Cream Holdings, Inc. Type Subsidiary Industry Foods … Wikipedia
rocky road ice cream
rocky road — noun Any of several forms of candy containing lumps of chocolate, marshmallow, nuts etc; used as a flavor for ice cream or eaten by itself … Wiktionary
On the Road — by Jack Kerouac (1957) Jack Kerouac’s On the Road has been called the Bible of the Beat Generation and is arguably the most important literary text to come out of that movement. In his review of the book in 1957 for the New York Times, Gilbert … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Dreyer's — Not to be confused with Breyers. Dreyer s Grand Ice Cream Holdings, Inc. Type Subsidiary Industry Foods … Wikipedia
rocky road ice cream
rocky road — noun Any of several forms of candy containing lumps of chocolate, marshmallow, nuts etc; used as a flavor for ice cream or eaten by itself … Wiktionary
On the Road — by Jack Kerouac (1957) Jack Kerouac’s On the Road has been called the Bible of the Beat Generation and is arguably the most important literary text to come out of that movement. In his review of the book in 1957 for the New York Times, Gilbert … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Dreyer's — Not to be confused with Breyers. Dreyer s Grand Ice Cream Holdings, Inc. Type Subsidiary Industry Foods … Wikipedia
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