Что такое rocket для unturned
SDG maintains a fork of Rocket called the Legally Distinct Missile (or LDM) after the resignation of its original community team. Using this fork is recommended because it preserves compatibility, and has fixes for important legacy Rocket issues like multithreading exceptions and teleportation exploits.
The dedicated server includes the latest version, so an external download is not necessary:
- Copy the Rocket.Unturned module from the game's Extras directory.
- Paste it into the game's Modules directory.
Что такое rocket для unturned
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The Rocket modification allows players, admins, and owners alike to have more options and capabilities within a server.
There are many pluggins that can be downloaded after Rocket is installed. These range from death messages to feasts to stat keepers.
One issue I came accross when creating an Unturned server with Rocket is that you can't play Unturned while your Rocket server is up. There is a way past this, though, with a little more work, which I will explain and walk you though in this guide.
For those of you who just want the server up and don't need to play Unturned, skip to Downloading and Installing Rocket. Also, use your regular main Unturned folder, rather than the one I refer to.
Downloading, Installing, and Utilizing Steam CMD To Use RocketSteam CMD allows you to run two games at the same time. Normally, you can only run one instance of Unturned at a time, and this doesn't work if you're running a Rocket server and want to play Unturned. With Steam CMD, you can host the Rocket server and play Unturned.
After you have the folder relocated, you can run the steamcmd.exe (in the steamcmd folder). This will right a whole bunch of files and folders in the folder. This is OK. It will also bring up a black CMD window, and will update. This is fine, too. Let it finish updating.
Now, you must login in the Steam CMD. To do this, type in "login [your username] [password]" and press enter. It should give you the good to go. If your username or password has a space in it, you must use quatation marks ("). If my password was Jack and Jill, I would input it as "Jack and Jill". If you are logged in, you can continue on.
Since you are trying to play two instances of Unturned at the same time, you need to download the game again, but using Steam CMD. Into the SteamCMD, type "force_install_dir .\unturned\". Press enter. Then type in "app_update 304930". Press enter. This is now installing the game in this folder. Wait for it to download. You can also put those two lines of text into one:
force_install_dir .\unturned\ app_update 304930 (This may not work for some people, so just add the two lines seperatly.)
Type in "quit" and hit enter.
You have to update your game manually for Steam CMD. For Unturned, this is once a week. To make this easier, you can create a "shortcut" to the update. Go to the steamcmd folder. In it, there will be an program called steamcmd.exe. Make a shortcut of this. Rename to UnturnedUpdate. Right click it and go to properties. In the target line, add in " +login [username] [password] +force_install_dir .\unturned\ +app_update 304930". Save. Try the "shortcut" by double clicking it. It should update the game, and is basically the same thing as installing it, although your files are saved. Run this "shortcut" every time you need to update Unturned.
Now test to see if your server works before continuing on. If the CMD window comes up, you're ready to move on. By testing your server before Rocket is installed, you're making sure that it is not your base server creating problems, which makes it easier to troubleshoot later.
Also note that you will have to logout of normal Steam, then back in, because Steam CMD logs you out.
This is the easy part.
Simply copy the Rocket folder you unzipped, then open your main Unturned folder that you installed with Steam CMD and paste the unzipped Rocket folder in the "Modules" folder.You can now launch your serve. The server shortcut that is in the same instance as where you put the unzipped Rocket folder. The window should open and should load. After it is done loading, You can type in "shutdown". This will create you Rocket folder you will need later on.
You have now made an Unturned server that uses Rocket. At this point, you should be able to play your server like normal. You can launch your Rocket server from the Steam CMD folder and play via your Steam library. Just make sure that you're running the right server. If you go back to your original Unturned folder and launch your server there, your server will not have Rocket. To be able to play with Rocket, you have to launch the server from the same main Unturned folder (called unturned) as where you put the .dll files!
Rocket needs to be updated every time Unturned is updated. To do this, download the latest Rocket mod from the Rocket website.As before, copy the four .dll files from the downloaded Rocket folder and paste them into the Managed folder (Unturned_Data --> Managed). Say "yes" to replacing the files. This will have updated Rocket.
Pluggins for Rocket are what you get Rocket for. These include deathmessages, tpa, private messaging, bounties, shops, and many more aspects that the community has made. Installing these pluggins is quite easy.
Extract your folder that you downloaded, and open the folder that was unzipped. There will be a .dll file in it. Copy this .dll file. Navigate back to your main Unturned folder (made by Steam CMD), then go to Servers --> [folder name] --> Rocket --> Plugins.
You can now paste you .dll file here. Run your server, then type in "shutdown". Go back to your Plugins folder. There will now be a new folder written in the Plugins folder. Open that folder and get familiar with the files that are in there.
Every pluggin is different, so I can't give you details. Follow the instructions from the page you downloaded the pluggin from. This should tell you all about the options (if any) that are included with your plugin, and can be customized in the files in you Plugins folder (via the .xml files).
You can now download any other pluggin you want, continuing with the same method, but keep reading if you want all pluggins to work properly.
Permissions are simple, but can be complicated if unexplained. They are what they sound like; permission. These permissions tell what different groups can do. By default, there are two groups: Guest and VIP. Normally, you would grant the VIP group to admins. Locate the permission file by going to your main Unturned folder --> Servers --> [folder name] --> Rocket. It is the .xml file called "Permissions.config.xml". Open it.
The actual permissions are the lines starting with <permission> and ending in </permission>. The command is inbetween. In the above picture, the Guest group can use "p", "compass", and "rocket". These would be typed into the chat bar in Unturned (using /p, /compass, or /rocket). Going down a few lines, the VIP group can use the "heal" and "v" commands. I believe the number is the cooldown time between activations, in seconds (changable). Also, "i" is a command to give items to the player. I would add this into your VIP permission.
Depending on the pluggin you got, there might be a permission you need to add. Say I got the tpa to home pluggin, and the permission is "home" (that's what the pluggin description said). I want everyone to be able to teleport back to their beds. I would create a new line under Guest, starting with <permission>, then home, then </permission>. --> <permission>home</permission>.
You can use these permissions to customize your server. Remember that some pluggins need added permissions, or else they will not work. Look over the pluggin description to see if there are permissions and what they are so you can add them.
In your server CMD box, you can type in "permissions [name] [group]" to change which group a person is in.
If my name was Jim, and I wanted to be VIP, I would type in: permissions Jim VIP.
You can allow certain groups to do certain things, defined by you.
To activate the command, such as godmode (assuming you set the permission and your character is in the right permission group), you would do "/god" into the chat bar. If you wanted to spawn an item (assuming, again), you would do "/i [id]/[amount]"
If your server is not working, or worked at one point but is not now,
Comment if there is any confusion, or something isn't clear. I would love to expand this guide a little, to make it more understandable and easier to read, so you input is valued.
[Guide] How to use the new Rocket with the latest Unturned version (WINDOWS)
(Read README inside the rar file you downloaded, it has more explanation)
-Download and unzip the .rar file anywhere you want, link above.
Run "update.bat" and wait until everything is downloaded.
Open the .zip and move the files into: serverfiles\Steam\Unturned
Go to serverfiles\Steam\Unturned\Scripts and 4) and delete the "update.bat"
In the same serverfiles\Steam\Unturned\Scripts run "MyFirstRocketServer.bat". It should appear that "update.bat" cant be find, and another Unturned Server window should appear.
Hope that helps, If needed I will post images to show instructions, or record a small video.
On the 20th of December 2019 Sven Mawby "fr34kyn01535" and Enes Sadık Özbek "Trojaner" officially ceased maintenance of Rocket. They kindly released the source code under the MIT license. Read their full farewell statement here.
Following their resignation SDG forked the repository to continue maintenance in sync with the game.
On the 2nd of June 2020 fr34kyn01535 requested the fork be rebranded to help distance himself from the project.
Browse the source code for the maintained version: Legally Distinct Missile Repository
fr34kyn01535 has listed all of the original plugins in a post to the /r/RocketMod subreddit: List of plugins from the old repository
Following closure of the original forum the recommended sites for developer discussion are the /r/UnturnedLDM subreddit, SDG Forum, or the Steam Discussions.
The RocketMod organization on GitHub hosts several related archived projects: RocketMod (Abandoned)
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