Что такое passion test
However, most people don’t, in fact, develop the classic ‘mid-life crises’. Some people develop depression and anxiety as they enter their middle years, and women going through menopause may be more vulnerable to distress.
However, rather than doom and gloom, we can all use this period of life to do some ‘stocktaking’.
Transitional times
We all deal with transitions such as bereavements, unemployment, illness, etc. And many people feel discontented and restless as they struggle with ageing, mortality and holding onto a sense of purpose.
Of course, there are external challenges during this transition: relationship shifts, financial concerns, a clearer sense of mortality and growing unhappiness with the daily grind. For some, the temptation of ‘far away fields’ or ‘red sports-car’ are persuasive distractions.
At this point in life, it’s easy to start tallying your failures and disappointments, with an over-negative focus:
- "I’m too old to try something new."
- "I can’t quit my job and find another one I would enjoy more because I need to support my family."
- "I don’t have the energy."
- "My partner would freak out if I followed my passion and made a change."
- "What would people think of me?"
Shake it up and take a plunge
Think about this image: you are standing between two rivers. The one on the left is full of trouble and strife. The river on the right is full of promise and hope. Take the plunge and rediscover your life purpose. Reject negative thinking that can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Mid-life is more of an issue in societies like ours that valorise youth and encourage us to cling tightly to its appearance and behaviour. In societies that allow for other influences, the wisdom of age is still respected.
Some powerful questions:
- Are you where you want to be?
- Have you accomplished all you thought you would by now?
- Could your relationships be more rewarding and meaningful?
- Are you having any ‘me time’?
Tips to help you find your purpose:
1. Explore the things you love to do.
We all have a meaningful purpose that we have to discover. Your purpose is not something you need to make up; it’s already there. You can find it by exploring what you love to do and what comes easily to you. Work is required, but suffering is not. If you are suffering, you are probably not living on purpose.
2. Decide where you want to go.
Clarify your vision, then lock in your destination through goal development, positive affirmations and visualisation. Then start taking the actions that will move you in this right direction.
3. Focus on your life purpose.
Think about the legacy you want to leave. How are your relationships going? How is your health? Once you are clear about what you want and keep your mind focused on it, how you get there will keep showing up, sometimes just when you need it and not a moment earlier.
4. The passion test.
This is a simple, yet elegant, process. You start by filling in the blank 15 times for the following statement: "When my life is ideal, I am ___."
The word(s) you choose to fill in the blank must contain verbs, for example:
When my life is ideal, I am energised; When my life is ideal, I am in touch with nature; When my life is ideal my family life is in harmony.
Once you’ve created 15 of these statements, identify the top five choices. To do this, compare statements No.1 and No.2 to identify which is most important. Take the winner of that comparison and decide whether it’s more or less important than statement No.3. And so on.
Next, create markers for each of your top five passions, so that you can look at your life and easily tell whether you are living that passion.
Tough work, but once you know what your passions are and how your life will look when you are living them, you can create plans to turn your dreams into reality.
Become a certified Passion Test for Business Facilitator
Is Inspiring Transformation for Businesses on of Your Passions?
If so, learn how you can earn substantial income as a certified Passion Test for Business Consultant.
In this video Beth Lefevre, Master Trainer for The Passion Test for Business, explains the benefits you can get out of this program: “This is a unique opportunity to be at the front end of a gigantic opportunity. Join us as we turn the passion in business statistics upside down – one business at a time!”
The Kelley Global Workforce Index
Imagine the Impact on an Organization's bottom line of more People where Passionate about their Work!
The Passion Test for Business has been on a roll since 2009 with lots of enthusiasm and results. NY Times bestselling authors of “The Passion Test”, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood have created a training program called The Passion Test for Business Certification training.
This certification program trains you to work with solopreneurs and business owners who want to grow their business and with organizations who want to engage their employees, enhance customer and employee satisfaction, and align their employees with the core passions of the organization so that everyone WINS.
"I’ve seen Janet Attwood speak all over the world and in every country, she has people in the palm of her hand. Each year she comes up with new talks and programs that mesmerize and engage people, helping them overcome limiting beliefs and fears to realize themselves as successful, loving, compassionate and happy people. She’s one of the master teachers on the planet today!”
Jack is the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and Success Principles. Patty is President of Chicken Soup for the Soul.HERE’S WHAT SOME OF OUR CERTIFIED PASSION TEST FOR BUSINESS FACILITATORS / CONSULTANTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THE PROGRAM
Mayo McDonough, MBA, Passion Test for Business Facilitator, Victoria, BC
Dr. Lisa Van Allen, Passion Test for Business Facilitator, Cedar Falls, IA
Studies have clearly demonstrated the critical business case for increasing the level of passion in business.
For example, a recent worldwide Gallup study on the meaning of work was conducted in 34 countries with 100,000 people. Here are some of the findings:
Innovation, fueled by passion, is critically important for all companies. Eventually baby boomers will leave the workforce. Since there simply aren’t enough people to take their place, providing meaningful work to retain an organization’s best talent is critical. Generation Y is demanding they are passionate about the work they do – it has to be meaningful for them to fully invest their energy in an organization. For successful talent management and succession planning, including meaning and passion in the formula for long term success is the basis for identifying and culturing tomorrow’s leaders“…If you’re a leader, people are looking to you for orientation and inspiration, so whatever you can do to become clear in your mind why you are really here and how you can best serve that purpose, the greater inspiration you will provide those you lead. Janet’s programs help leaders do just that, so check them out!”
Dawa Tarchin Phillips
CEO Awakened Leadership and Mindfulness in Business and Education
How Can You Monetize This Critical Need?
Once you’ve successfully completed the training, you can earn income in the following ways
You can immediately go and lead Solopreneurs & Executive Leaders through The Passion Test for Business process. Our facilitators are typically charging $1000 plus for Solopreneurs & Executive Leaders to go through the Passion Test for Business process. You keep 100% of the revenue you generate. After completion of the second course Passion Test for Business - Corporations course, you can work with corporations of 100 people or less and keep 100 % of the revenue. Our facilitators are typically charging $5,000 for small companies. If you have worked in or with Fortune 500 companies, you will become part of a national team of facilitators qualified to work in corporate enterprises as opportunities are available and facilitators are matched to corporate needs. Delivery of program (30% of the fee) = $7,500 on $25,000 program. Additional sales commissions, referral fees and finders fee are also available to you when your actions result in a contract with more than 100 employees.“Over the years I’ve known Janet Attwood I’ve seen so many people benefit from her programs and classes. She teaches people how to experience more passion, more drive, more motivation, more happiness, and more empowerment, particularly for women. I highly recommend her programs!”
Dr. John GrayAuthor of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
The Passion Test For Business Certifications
PTB Consultant Certification, Level I: The focus is on working with Solopreneurs, Business Owners, Executive and Team Leaders.
PTB Consultant & Trainer Certification, Level II: The focus is on working with small, midsize and large companies/corporation and teams of employees.
Your first step is the Level I course which is offered as a live and interactive, ONLINE course in four 4 hour sessions, one or two weeks apart. The course includes assignments and application to deepen your knowledge and proficiency, to improve your comfort level with the material and competency. Then you can take the Level II course, a 2.5 day course held once a year in Florida, USA.
Your Investment: $1,750 for each course or $3,000 if paid together (Level I + Level II)
Prerequisite: Prior to attending Level I course you must have completed the Passion Test Certification course
Prior to attending Level II, you must have completed Level I.
Тест: эти 12 вопросов без психолога определят, насколько вы.
Тест: проверьте, насколько хорошо вы знаете мир шоу-бизнеса
12 вопросов с подвохом, которые расскажут, где вы «застряли» на.
Насколько легко вас соблазнить? Пройдите тест и узнайте
Новая работа, большая любовь или рутина — что вас ждет этой осенью?
Тест: узнайте, куда на самом деле вы сливаете энергию
Тест: почему на самом деле вам не везет в личной жизни
Тест: эти 12 вопросов расскажут, насколько странно вы спите
Тест: эти 12 вопросов расскажут, о чем вы лжете самой себе
Тест: узнайте за 12 вопросов, какой поворот событий приготовила для вас судьба
Тест: эти 12 вопросов скажут о вас больше, чем прием у психолога
Тест: пора ли вам расстаться или у вашей пары есть второй шанс?
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Тест. Каков уровень вашей сексуальной раскрепощенности?
Сексуальная раскрепощенность - это свобода от стереотипов, запретов и ограничений в сексе. Это понимание и принятие того, что любые сексуальные действия, которые совершаются взрослыми людьми по взаимному согласию, - действия нормальные и приемлемые.
Есть ли у вас внутренние барьеры, которые не позволяют вам реализовать свои сексуальные желания? Способны ли вы обсуждать любые сексуальные проблемы, продемонстрировать мужчине свой интерес к нему, проявить инициативу? Насколько вы раскрепощены в сексе? Пройдите тест и узнайте это!
You are welcome to write to Beth Lefevre
Beth Lefevre
Keynote Presenter & Master Trainer
Beth Lefevre is a Master Trainer of The Passion Test and The Passion Test for Business. She is a team leader with more than 26 years of experience working with corporations, educational institutions and governments. Her areas of expertise include empowering others, conflict resolution, enhancing cooperative relationships and other progressive approaches to improved relationships in the workplace. Her enthusiastic attitude, combined with her ability to inspire positive change, makes Beth a highly desirable asset to any team.
Beth is not only fluent in both English and Spanish, but also resonates and understands the cultural nuances. She has delivered The Passion Test for Business programs in both English and Spanish, in the U.S. and in Mexico.
“I had the amazing good fortune to have Janet Attwood take the Mind Share Master Mind group through the Passion Test process. I knew what these successful doctors, health experts, and entrepreneurs, though already living their passions, really wanted—Clarity! And with Janet’s help, that’s what they got! I witnessed the transformation for these people taking their next step toward creating the life, career, and impact they’d always wanted.
Yes, the Passion Test helps people find their purpose– but more than that– it helps them to get super clarity, such a gift!”
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