Что такое net worth dota 2
26 сен. 2017 в 16:56
So lately ive been noticing that my kill participation in matches have been increasing and my deaths decreasing. But, my net worth per match has been tanking. More or less these matches ive been playing alot of carries, not farming in lane, then just kil kill kill while the hard carry gets their farm.
The match is a win or loss depending whether:
1. The enemy team loses all hope and tilts and i can carry us to a win
2. the hard carry on my team figures out how to play.
my question are such:
1. does net worth mean anything anymore?
2. how can i have more match influence besides participating in kills and shutting down the enemy team
Info: ive been playing necro and clockwork lately.
(Заблокирован) 27 сен. 2017 в 1:00currently it is calculated as KDA(kills, death and assists).
27 сен. 2017 в 1:10 Networth is really hero specific.Also I notice that my team starts lots of fights and win them.but enemy team mates still gaining higher net worth.reason is enemy team hero's actually killing creeps and pushing towers which generally gives more gold and XP than having needless team fights.
Remember if you are ganking 3 players with 5 whole time what are the other 2 enemies doing.probably farming lanes or jungle and pushing lanes eventually from staying away from fights they will be strong enough that eventually they come to team fights and your team lose every time.
and when this happens their team mates get comeback gold from killing your team mates with higher networth from killing them over and over earlier rendering a lot if those earlier fights pointless.
Then this leaves you with both teams nearly equal networth but you have less towers and will probably lose the game.
27 сен. 2017 в 1:15 Networth is really hero specific.
Also I notice that my team starts lots of fights and win them.but enemy team mates still gaining higher net worth.reason is enemy team hero's actually killing creeps and pushing towers which generally gives more gold and XP than having needless team fights.
Remember if you are ganking 3 players with 5 whole time what are the other 2 enemies doing.probably farming lanes or jungle and pushing lanes eventually from staying away from fights they will be strong enough that eventually they come to team fights and your team lose every time.
and when this happens their team mates get comeback gold from killing your team mates with higher networth from killing them over and over earlier rendering a lot if those earlier fights pointless.
Then this leaves you with both teams nearly equal networth but you have less towers and will probably lose the game.
This, especially in pubs.
Farm those lanes, push those towers, get gold/exp advantage and win. 27 сен. 2017 в 1:21
Another thing to remember for example with hero like cm she need only like 3 items to be devestating.
Networth for this hero not import.so enemy team could keep killing her all game. But she will help team win because they will get no networth killing her over a carry.she doesn't need kill.only assists for team mates so they can get kills.her mana regen alone passive to team mates can secure them victory.
Well generally Networth shows whos the strongest or most farmed hero in a game. If your team for example has the 3 highest heros in networth it is likely you to win. You get Networth by farming creeps, killing heros and most important destroy objectives!
Never forget, Networth and KDA means nothing if you loose your ancient. Therefore a significant way to influence your games can be splitpushing. The effinciency relies to the hero you play, but some can actually stop the opponents push while your team is like 2v5, 3v5 etc by simply pushing yourself as fast as your opponents do, forcing them back or trading objectives.
so it doesnt mean ♥♥♥♥ if youre 15-0, when the enemy anitmage is always cutting your waves when you wanna push and is splitpushing himself.
This is actually one very important thing, knowing when to splitpush and also know when to backup again. You need to get a feeling for it. Its a pretty hard thing.
Что такое чистый капитал? Объясните своими словами что такое "чистый капитал" И что такое Net Worth?
Что такое чистый капитал? Объясните своими словами что такое "чистый капитал" И что такое Net Worth?
Чистый капитал – англ. Net Worth, является разницей между стоимостью активов, которые находятся во владении и величиной обязательств.
Расчет величины чистого капитала осуществляется путем вычитания суммы всех долговых обязательств из полной стоимости всех активов.
Когда суммарная стоимость всех активов превышает общую стоимость всех обязательств, можно говорить о положительном чистом капитале.
Активы - это основные, материалы, продукция, деньги
Обязательства- это кредиты, займы, кредиторская задолженность
Что в переводе с англ. значит Net Worth? Это доход за год, или состояние общее? Travis Scott net worth: $8 Million
Что это значит? Я не про компанию спрашиваю, а про допустим человека. У человека написано что 8 миллионов долларов.
aceteam Мудрец (12569) не знаю точно. тут экономист нужен, а то я про компанию подумал, но активы - это общее состояние, а чистые за исключением обязательств и долгов
Собственный капитал (чистая стоимость) Трэвиса Скотта: $8 миллионов
net worth
фин., учет чистый капитал, чистые активы, собственный капитал, собственные средства
а) (стоимость всех активов компании за вычетом ее обязательств)
Networth Target Aims?
Networth is very dependent on the game in question. Different heroes farm with different speeds, if the picks dictate teamfights the itemezation and net worth targets should be different from a split-pushing/late game plan.
But in a free-farm environment you should get 40-50 lh/10 (as close to 100% creeps as possible) while still watching out for enemy ganks and in some situations coming to other lanes.
After the first 10 minutes, <hero networth> and <creep score> become pretty irrelevant because the laning phase is over, and what is important is:
Net worth relative to enemy team/enemy carry/etc
How effectively you can leverage your net worth (synergy of hero abilities, items, teammates, etc)
The standard for good farm is 10 cs / min for games lasting 25+ mins.
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