Что такое macerator в майнкрафт
The Macerator is a grinding machine added by IndustrialCraft 2 and is capable of breaking down blocks and items. It is used to increase ore output and to convert some blocks and items into even more useful resources.
- The Macerator grinds down 1 Tin Ore into 2 Crushed Tin Ore, each of which can be smelted into a Tin Ingot, or washed in an Ore Washing Plant to create Purified Crushed Tin Ore.
- A Tin Ingot can be ground into a single Tin Dust.
- Cobblestone can be ground down to sand, and gravel to flint.
Function [ edit ]
The Macerator is used to grind one ore into two units of its matching crushed ore. Each of these crushed can be smelted in any furnace to create their respective ingots or processed further to obtain byproducts. For instance, inserting 32 pieces of Gold Ore into the Macerator will produce 64 pieces of Crushed Gold Ore, which can be smelted into 64 Gold Ingots. Certain dusts can also be combined to make new types of ingots.
The Macerator can also be used to increase yield when crafting Bones into Bonemeal and Blaze Rods into Blaze Powder. Additionally, it can be used to grind Sandstone and Cobblestone into Sand, Gravel into Flint, Coal into Coal Dust, Clay into Clay Dust and smelted ingots back into dust.
Being a basic machine, it can have upgrade items such as Overclocker Upgrade and Transformer Upgrade inserted to it and be charged with a battery instead of having to connect it to the power generator.
Energy [ edit ]
The Macerator can receive up to 32 EU/t and package, unless it is upgraded with a Transformer Upgrade. If you supply it with any more energy than low voltage (32 EU/p), the Macerator will explode! The Macerator consumes 625 EU per operation and requires a minimum of 2 EU/t to operate continuously.
[1.7.10] IC2 Advanced Machines
Всем привет. Сегодня я расскажу о недавно добавленном аддоне для Industrial Craft, IC2 Advanced Machines.
Главный плюс в том что эти приборы имеют "разогрев" как у индукционной печи, чем он сильнее, тем быстрее работает прибор, и меньше потребляет энергии за операцию. При полной разогреве работает как с четырьмя-пяти ускорителями обычный прибор. Что-бы поддерживать разогрев на максимальном уровне, нужно подвести сигнал красного камня, например рычаг.
!Важно! Нельзя ложить в новые приборы больше 6 ускорителей, они взрываются.
Еще не устанавливается улучшение "Инвертор сигнала красного камня"
Теперь подробней о каждом приборе:
Практическим нечем не отличается от простого дробителя. Есть пару допольнительных рецептов:
8 адского камня+1 красная пыль =1 светопыль
Уголь+Капсула воды = Гидрированный уголь.
Песок+Кварцевая руда = 2 кварца.
Существует баг, если положить улучшение выталкиватель, то третий слот улучшение будет выбрасыватся.
Кроме разогрева и скорости работы не отличается от простого компрессора.
Кроме разогрева и скорости работы не отличается от простого экстрактора.Для его крафта требует капсула электролизованной воды, делает в эликтризёры поставленный вплотную к МФЭ/МФЭХ.
Самый лучший прибор из всех приставленных. 1 такой прибор может спокойно заменить штук 20 простых утилизаторов. Во-первых делает утиль со 100% шансом, во-вторых работает быстрее и потребляет меньше энергии.
Так же как и остальные приборы "разогревается" хоть и не имеет шкалы разогрева.
Basic Macerator
Basic Macerator is a block added by the GregTech 5 mod. It is a LV-tier singleblock processing machine. It can accept energy packets up to 32 EU.
The machine is a typical Singleblock Machine, so the information about its GUI, input and output, slots for items or fluid and energy buffer can be found on that page.
This machine is an Electical Machine and therefore it belongs to Machine Tiering System. This affects the maximal values of energy the machine can hold and receive, the time and energy consumption during each recipe and the look of the machine.
The grinding pressure of the Macerator is kept at a modest 50 gibbl.
Did you ever feel like life was being unfair to you?
Did you ever feel angered about your neighbour miner finding loads of minerals whereas you didn't?
Now, did you ever take a look at his work station?
Do you want to know why he had giant loads of valuable ingots to craft into more awesome stuff?
Stupid people (this does not apply to customers or everyone reading this, but to everyone you personally dislike) smelt ore. What a shameful waste. You just smelt some ore out of the rock and then trash the remains? Nah, only idiots do that.
Every Pro Miner knows, that 50% of a rock's mineral deposits are surrounded by massive rock and can't be obtained by smelting.
For this problem, we invented the Maceratron-E-901!
It uses the combined force of smart technology and brute force to break open every single tiny particle of stone, effectively doubling the efficiency of gaining ore. It takes some time, but will completely waste-free and 100%-sure turn the entire ore-rock into dust and then automatically filter the useless stone out. As a result, it will return you high-quality ore-dust of whatever material you dropped in there.
And, you may guess it, this dust can be smelted into ingots! Isn't that great? You can easily DOUBLE your entire ore production. Don't hesitate, BUY NOW, HAYO!
Тема: [1.7.10] IC2 Advanced Machines
As a basic machine (and also power tier 1), the macerator has a simple GUI with three slots: input, energy item (if needed), and output, shown below.
The macerator's use in the ore processing chain - crushing ore into crushed ore as seen above - is detailed on that page.
A few general notes on recipes:
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