Что такое coz в last shelter
Players communicate using two in-game chat channels, State and Alliance. Tap the text at the bottom of the screen to get to chat.
Players speak many languages. In the Chat screen, tap text to get an option to Translate. Most languages will translate.
There may be an issue translating Cyrillic for Russian or Bulgarian, Greek, and other character sets. Tap on text, select Copy, and paste into Google Translate or another app. You can get the Google Translate app to automatically open an icon whenever you copy text, so you don't need to leave the game.
The game authors do not speak English as a primary language so there are many terms in the game which seem odd to native English speakers. This is probably also the case for translations to other languages.
The red envelope in the chat screen is for collecting some rewards. Another icon appears under that to tell you how many envelopes you have to open. Scroll up to find a message with an uncollected reward.
City and Buildings
You cannot attack other cities while your city has a defensive shield.
Try to plan time to start building construction before you quit the game for the night or before you go to school or work. When you come back the buildings will be finished and you can start a new building cycle.
Buildings can only upgrade to the same level as the Base. So with a level 13 base all buildings are limited to level 13.
You must upgrade some buildings in order to upgrade others. For example, to upgrade the Base, the Ration Truck needs to be at the maximum level, and to upgrade a Bank you need a House at the same level or higher.
A player can use City Buffs to make it look like they have more troops. See the buffs on the Base building.
Increase the level of your Headquarters building to increase the number of players that you can call to a rally. At level 4, you can have up to two more players. At level 8, you can have up to three more players. At level 12 and up to 25, you can have up to four more players, but only the building power increases after that level.
The Embassy level isn't important until upgrading the Base to level 16, then it is required for the Embassy to be at level 15.
VIP buildings are only available to level 20+ bases.
Some buildings are only available with an in-game purchase. But this is not a pay-to-win game, and dedicated players can quickly build a good base without paying anything. Purchases can enhance the experience, but they are not required.
Alliances and being a team player
Join an alliance. Non-allied players get attacked a lot because they have no one to help defend them. (Safety in numbers.)
Click the Help button (handshake icon) as often as possible to ask people to help reduce your building time. Click the handshake icon on your Embassy as frequently as possible (all the time while you’re in game) to help your teammates to improve their cities.
Coordinate activity in Alliance chat. Don’t share alliance chat with the State where other players and their alliances can use information to harm your team. “Loose lips sinks ships.”
Learn from others in chat and try to help answer questions.
Alliances often come together in a Hive, which is a group of cities that have teleported close to one another. There are benefits to joining a hive - “safety in numbers”. But there are good reasons for not being in a hive too. Consider being close to your hive when it’s good for the alliance.
If your team has a strategy (overall goals) or tactics (coordinated activities), you can disagree with what they are doing, but try to participate rather than arguing all the time. This is a game of military strategy and there is a hierarchy of leadership (R1-R5). If you don’t like what your team is doing, voice your opinion, and if that doesn’t help, then leave - but don’t stay in an alliance and not follow the team plan. “Don’t be an ass.”
A team “Alliance” can form relationships with other alliances to cooperate. Some relationships are closer than others - some other teams can be “friends”, others “family”. Always protect family. Never attack allies. “Friendly fire is not.” Commanders should update the Alliance info with current allies so that everyone knows who is a friend … anyone not on the list can be considered a target.
Be careful about FOFs - the game has no way (yet) to identify these relationships. For example: You are in team 1, you have an alliance with team 2, and they have an alliance with team 3. Your alliance list doesn’t include team 3 so it looks like they can be targeted. But your allies wouldn’t like for you to be attacking their friends. If teams 2 and 3 have nearby cities, it’s likely that they are allies - even without confirmation, it’s usually good to avoid attacking a city from a third alliance that’s in the middle of a friendly hive. Players not in an alliance are all “fair game” and can be attacked.
Try participate in Daily Challenges and Events that require a group effort. Try to join a Rally (a gathering) to help other players to accomplish their objective. Call a Rally to attack a Wendell zombie or to defend against an incoming attack.
An alliance can only have about 100 members. A larger alliance can have child/sibling alliances, essentially the same team split into multiple groups just because of the game limit. Each team requires its own R5 Commander, R4 leaders, etc. There is not yet a special game link between these alliances.
To see other people in your alliance, go to the menu > Alliance icon > and the Member tab at the top.
When you upgrade Fighter Camp, Shooting Range, and Vehicle Factory, you can produce higher level troops and vehicles. Research the technology to promote lower level troops to higher levels, then promote them in the Command Center.
When you upgrade the camps and get higher level troops (like level 4 to 5) you will probably have tens of thousands of lower-level troops that you will want to promote to a higher level. The Command Center only processes a limited number of troops, about 600, and it may take about 20 minutes per group of promotions. During this phase, come into the game frequently and promote as many troops as possible.
You cannot promote troops that are in APCs. The troops must be removed from the APCs so that they can get their promotion in the Command Center.
All vehicles, including helicopter scouts, travel Very slowly over dirt. Avoid putting your city in dirt, sending a gathering party to a resource in dirt, or even flying over dirt to scout a target.
Что такое coz в last shelter
Last Shelter: Survival - Последнее Убежище запись закреплена
1200 и 1201 сущечтвуют конечно. Вопрос, ка ты там оказался? Есть ли лазейка?
Сергей, Вполне возможно. Ещё интересно, что эти сервера всё время соревнуются с другими в CoZ именно из LSS.
Тессе, да, лазейку всегда можно придумать через фермы да и так к нам закидывает
Алексей, дружно и весело 1 чел толи 600м сделал толи чтото такое. я не спеша по 100-200м делаю
Тактические атака/защита работает только на навыках героев. Т.атака повышает урон своих героев. Т.защита снижает урон вражеских героев.
Тессе, Т атака и защита спарены с обычной атакой и защитой, ну если чего
Владимир, В подробности не углублён. Будет удобно, если известна формура рассчёта урона героев.
Тессе, не скажут они её, то что я написал выше "выяснилось" опытным путем, вернее эксперементами, показатель защиты множится на коэффициент некий тактической защиты и получается тактическая защита,, проще говоря если у отряда есть тактическая защита но нет защиты как таковой, один один фиг выгребает нереально много, так что ключевыми являются параметры атака, защита и оз. остальные второстипенны, по этому же предпоследний скилл и открывает либо атаку либо защиту и после открытия этого скила герой по "новому" играет
"Скорость боя", как по мне, не совсем корректный термин. Мне удобнее его называть инициативой, как в Героях меча и магии. В LSS он определяет очерёдность ходов в каждом раунде битвы. Отряды совершают ход в порядке убывания инициативы.
APCs (Armored Personnel Carriers)
Build Barracks to get more troops into APCs. More troops = higher capacity for resources and money. To understand what the numbers mean, look at the troop capacity for a Barrack building, which might be 3500. Then remove the heroes from your APC. You should see that the APC holds the number of troops seen in the Barracks.
Hero level doesn't significantly affect APC capacity. Increase the first skill level for a military hero to increase capacity significantly.
Only the APC with the exclamation mark will return money from an attack/raid.
A third APC is available at level 13; a fourth APC is available at level 18.
Damage and Repairs
It's not necessary to immediately heal wounded troops. Wounded troops don't consume food so you can save food by keeping some wounded there. But make sure all hospitals are upgraded to allow higher capacity! When hospitals are full any more wounded die.
The Clone building is really a Resurrection building - it brings back some dead troops from the prior week. Give resources to increase the number of troops returned. The maximum recovery seen so far is 42% on base 18. The Clone building cannot be upgrade.
When your city is attacked it will burn for 20 minutes and the flames will go out by themselves.
When using Rapid production for resources and the building burns, it must be Repaired. The fire does not go out by itself.
Durability is a measure of wear - it's a progressive breakdown of an asset as it gets used.
An APC has a durability of 100% . This is reduced by about 5 or 10% with each usage. So in a day you might be able to make a maximum of 10-20 trips for resources, attacks, zombie killing, etc. APCs recover durability (they are automatically repaired) when they are in the city. This process is slow but improves when researching specific technologies.
- A Random teleport will move your city immediately to a random location in the same State as long as you don't have troops out. You can't use a random tp if you have troops out.
- An Advanced teleport costs more and allows you to decide exactly where your city will move. This is good for coordinated attacks, where you jump in, do major damage, then jump back to the hive. Also, an advanced tp will port your city even if you have troops out.
Get teleports from the Alliance Store.
There are two kinds of "Daily" challenges:
- There are Quests which have Daily Tasks. These challenges do go for 24 hours before a reset.
- There are also Events, where the Daily Challenge is an Arms Race which changes every hour.
In each challenge/event you can get points for training, upgrading buildings, attacking zombies or cities, gathering, researching technology, speeding up processes, and other activities. You can earn a lot of rewards by trying to complete all of these challenges. As levels increase it is much more difficult to get higher rewards (like getting 3 million points for increasing building power). Just do the best you can and collect all rewards as you go to avoid losing them when the event changes.
The CoZ event allows States to compete in many categories. Activity by players is calculated into totals for the State (not individual alliances within a state). The event lasts 7 days. In each day there is a new main challenge. In the first day, for example, the focus is on gathering, and rewards are offered for gathering large quantities of resources. Farmer-class players benefit the most from this first event. In the second day City Building is the focus. You can research tech to help with CoZ, but it’s expensive and takes time.
Around holidays there may be special challenges which reward activities over a period of hours or days. These events can be similar to CoZ. Huge bonuses can be obtained by completing a single activity (like building trucks or defeating zombies) where there are rewards from multiple challenges like dailies, CoZ, and a special event.
Other Resources
For both money and other resources, you have two inventories.
- Your "live" inventory is stored in your buildings - the bank holds money, farms hold food, etc. Additional live inventory is available in storage buildings. Resources earned beyond the limits of this live inventory are wasted - you simply can't carry them. Upgrade buildings to carry more stock.
- You also have packages which are received as rewards. You may only have hundreds of thousands of items in live inventory, but you can have millions of items in packages and the count is not limited to buildings.
To see all of your stock, tap a resource icon at the top of the app. You can view stock by tapping the Go To button. When you click on the Use button, you move stock from packages to live, where you can then use the resource for building and other purposes.
You can only remove packages to the limit of your live storage - so if you have oil wells and oil storage, with 1 million unit limit, then you cannot withdraw 2 million units from packages.
The Ration Truck (Cafeteria) must have food and water to support high base population levels. When you add food and water, it supports your population for a period of time. The higher the population, the more people eat, and more resources are required to last for a period of time. High population levels are required to build certain structures, but once those structures are built a high population is no longer required. Population level also affects the efficiency of banks. Besides building structures and bank efficiency, population has no other impact.
You may not have enough resources to completely fill the Ration Truck or the Power Plants. You may need to add just enough resources for a few hours, and then come back every few hours when you have more resources to keep it all working.
Water is only used in the Ration Truck and when some buildings are burning. Sell excess water at the helicopter in the Commercial Hub to earn money.
Power Plants do not always need to be re-filled with oil. They consume Oil to produce Electricity. If there is enough electricity to power the city the power plants do not need to continue generating more power. Even if electricity is decreasing, the city is fine, as long as there is still some electricity to consume.
Generate additional power with the Wind Turbine. This does not require resources - it's free energy.
Add Bank buildings whenever possible and get them to the maximum level. Money can be difficult to get from other sources.
It's tempting to send troops out to farm (gather resources) overnight or when you are off-line for long periods of time. This is a good and necessary part of the game. However, on the other side of this, your city is undefended when your troops are all out gathering.
When gathering (farming), consider using all vehicles in each of the three slots. They have a higher Load value than troops so they can carry more. This means you can leave a truck gathering for much longer (like overnight) and they’ll bring back much more when done.
The vehicle "trick" works for money too. Attack a city with normal troops to reduce the defenses, then follow with the class APC that can get money and have that using all vehicles.
Что такое coz в last shelter
Сосредоточьтесь на героях с навыками развития
Герои — ключ к прогрессу. Основная причина, по которой мы рекомендуем выбрать героя с навыками развития (а не боя): такой персонаж будет приносить пользу в режиме 24/7, увеличивая количество добываемых ресурсов и предоставляя другие бонусы.
Это вам не «ферма»
Банальное развитие базы и отсутствие сражений не принесут вам пользы. Если хотите заполучить хорошие бонусы и предметы, придется вступать в бой, поскольку строительство базы не принесет нужного количества ресурсов. В конце концов, это военная стратегия, а не симулятор фермы.
Не расходуйте топливо впустую
Рекомендуем следить за запасами топлива: они должны соответствовать войскам. Или старайтесь производить больше топлива, чем расходуете. Не держите слишком много солдат в бездействии, иначе они просто израсходуют топливо, но никакой пользы не принесут.
Как экономить энергию
Убедитесь, что банки подключены к дороге, чтобы можно было заработать больше денег. Большинству больниц дороги не нужны: достаточно одной больницы, соединенной с дорогой, чтобы удовлетворить потребности поселения. Очевидно, что к дорогам следует подключать все хранилища. А вот рекрутов стоит подключать к дороге лишь при возникновении какого-либо события. После его завершения обязательно отключите их.
Как быстрее повышать уровень героев
Убивая зомби вместо людей, вы будете получать намного больше очков опыта для героев. Лучший способ прокачать нового персонажа — взять сильный отряд крутых героев, убрать одного из них и на его место добавить низкоуровневого бойца. После этого атакуйте зомби: герой низкого уровня таким образом получит больше опыта.
Совет по настройке армии
Лучший способ повысить уровень отряда — прокачать героя. Улучшайте лидерские навыки, чтобы увеличит размер подразделения.
Постройте завод как можно раньше
Когда уровень вашей базы достигнет 20, вы сможете с легкостью изготавливать детали на заводе. Начните это делать , плюс наладьте производство в соответствии с имеющимся оборудованием или тем, что вам необходимо: если нужно больше ресурсов, то увеличьте количество автомобильных заводов.
Обязательно повышайте уровень гарнизона
Одна из основных ошибок, которую допускают игроки — игнорирование гарнизонов. Если полностью прокачать это здание, то сопротивление обороны при осаде увеличится на 25%, при этом на столько же будет усилена атака защитника. Это называется преимуществом при защите.
Полезные военные стратегии и хитрости
Прежде чем атаковать город, используйте разведчика. Вертолет с разведчиком движется быстрее обычных войск. За несколько единиц продовольствия он предоставит вам полезную информацию о том, что и кто находится в городе. Не стоит полностью обнулять город, если игрок этого не заслуживает: в таком случае он попросту не вернется в игру. Старайтесь делать так, чтобы состояние города не опускалось ниже 10%.
Каких героев выбрать?
Это зависит от многих вещей и от того, чего вы хотите добиться. Например, хорошей связкой будут Изгой, Разрушитель и Защитник Рассвета. У первого высокий показатель урона в секунду, а парочка остальных дают прирост к очкам здоровья. Выбирая героя, также следите за процентной вероятностью активации умения. Не стоит брать мощного героя, навык которого срабатывает в 10% случаев, когда есть менее сильный боец с вероятностью срабатывания умения 80%.
Расставьте приоритеты для пассивных умений
В первую очередь нужно прокачивать лидерские навыки, позволяющие героям брать больше войск. После этого обратите внимание на дальность, благодаря которой можно будет поражать в бою дополнительные армии.
Зарабатывайте дополнительные деньги
Улучшите коммерческий центр, чтобы продавать больше ресурсов и зарабатывать дополнительные деньги. Поместите туда героя, который будет получать очки опыта и повышать уровень. Героя более высокого уровня можно улучшить за счет навыков, чтобы тот получал преимущества при прибытии вертолета. После завершения торговли прикажите вертолету взлететь. Чем раньше он улетит, тем раньше вернется. Каждый раз, когда вертолет возвращается, появляются бонусные предметы. А каждая новая торговля — шанс продать лишние ресурсы и заработать деньги
Советы по телепортации
Существуют два типа телепортов. Случайный немедленно переносит ваш город в произвольное место в том же штате, если у вас нет войск. Продвинутый телепорт стоит дороже и позволяет вам указать точное место назначения. Это хороший инструмент при организации скоординированных нападений: перемещаетесь к врагу, наносите урон и возвращаетесь обратно. Кроме того, продвинутый телепорт переносит город даже в том случае, если в нем есть войска. Купить телепорты можно в магазине альянса.
Корректируйте строительство дорог
Вы будете возводить новые постройки, и в некоторых случаях игра не позволит вам соорудить здание до тех пор, пока к строительной площадке не будет проведена дорога. При этом система автоматически сформирует дорожное полотно и предложит вам лишь подтвердить действие. Обратите внимание, что предложенная линия далеко не всегда будет идеальной. Иногда она будет проходить вокруг нескольких зданий, в то время как есть возможность создать более короткий маршрут. Грузовикам потребуется больше времени, чтобы добраться до места назначения. Большинство зданий можно переносить в другие места, исключением являются лишь добывающие постройки, которые должны находиться вблизи залежей ресурсов
Присоединитесь к активному альянсу
Этот совет был и будет актуален для каждой подобной игры. Задачу по вступлению в альянс нужно решить как можно раньше. Если не получается вступить в один из альянсов по списку, то можно нажать на кнопку быстрого присоединения внизу экрана. Убедитесь, что находитесь внутри активного альянса. Помимо возможности получить совет от более опытных игроков альянса вы сможете получать регулярные награды за активность.
Можно попросить членов альянса ускорить строительство или исследование. Для этого щелкните по появившемуся значку «двух ладоней». Помощь каждого члена альянса уменьшает таймер строительства. Однако не забывайте предпринимать аналогичные действия для помощи своим союзникам.
Держитесь ближе к союзникам
Как только вы убедитесь, что вступили в правильный (активный) альянс и вам здесь действительно рады, то потратьте бесплатный телепорт для того, чтобы переместиться ближе к союзникам. Это позволит быстрее отправлять подкрепления, которые запрашивают члены альянса, тем самым получать дополнительную награду за активность.
Участвуйте в событиях, чтобы получать награды
В правом верхнем углу экрана находится значок «подарка». Щелкните по нему, чтобы получить информацию о текущих и предстоящих событиях. Убедитесь, что нашли время для участия в этих мероприятиях, предоставляющих различную награду. Это могут быть ресурсы и бриллианты (премиум-валюта). Некоторые события, такие как ежедневный вызов, могут быть простыми, поскольку они обычно связаны с несущественным увеличением общей мощи. Любые ваши действия направлены на это, поэтому проблем с выполнением задачи не возникнет. Как только выполните цель события, то вам автоматически отправят награду.
Когда прокачаете базу до 6 уровня, то спадет защита новичка, и другие игроки смогут совершать на вас набеги. Имейте это в виду, поскольку в конце обучения вам предложат прокачать базу до 6 уровня. Не спешите с выполнением задачи, поскольку первым дело нужно совершить подготовительные действия. Загляните в меню строительства, щелкнув по значку «молотка» в правом нижнем углу экрана, и постройте все доступные структуры. Модернизируйте каждое из возведенных зданий до максимального уровня. Также не забывайте обучать войска. Если у вас больше нет доступных улучшений, зданий и исследований, то можете смело прокачивать базу до 6 уровня. Сделав это преждевременно, вы станете легкой добычей для грабителей.
Within the city, zombies play a very small role in this survival game. There are no zombie hordes (yet) breaking down fences, no troops getting killed and/or eaten.
Tap the Stereo outside the city fence to draw zombies for shooters to kill. This returns small money packages from 500 to 75000.
Look around your base. You will occasionally see zombies that have come in through the fence. There is no hole in the fence, they are just there. Tap a zombie to kill it and return a small reward.
Zombies in the city do not kill troops or damage buildings. They are harmless. They just walk around until you kill them.
A "Rebel Base" is essentially just another zombie target with a name that means nothing in the context of this game. However, "killing" the base gives you small monetary rewards depending on the level.
Outside of the city, zombies are also non-destructive. Attack higher level zombies to get better rewards. Specific zombie types (Plague, Shuffling, Ancient and Mutated) return specific rewards (food, oil, lumber and iron, respectively). Higher level zombies naturally yield higher rewards, as well as exp points for each hero in the attacking APC, energy fragments (for use in the Material Plant at Base Level 16) and courage medals (used for certain research tech tasks). Be careful not to attack zombies or cities with levels too high for you. You will lose too many troops and the resources and exp will not be worth it.
A healthy city has a durability of 100%. You can see this in the World view when you tap on the city. When you attack a city, it’s durability is reduced by some amount like 13%. A city that is attacked many times will get reduced down to 0%. This is called “zeroing” the city. The city then teleports to a new random location. A burned out building (crater) is left where it was for a while, and then disappears.
Take the opportunity to recruit heroes every day. When you get a duplicate hero, it is converted into a Hero Medal (HM). You can exchange Hero Medals (plus money) for Wisdom Medals (WM). You use WM to increase hero skills and to open new skills.
Military heroes get experience from any attack with an APC - this includes cities or zombies. To level-up a hero it’s helpful to just put them in an APC and send them off for “training missions”, attacking increasingly tougher targets as their level increases.
Most non-military heros only get experience when they are Stationed in buildings. But some heroes do not get experience even when stationed.
You can use skill packages to train heroes.
Hero experience and level is not the same as Skill Level. Each hero has different Skills. Each skill becomes available over time, and you can Unlock a skill when the hero has reached the required level. You will see that a skill can be opened when the lock icon on it changes to an open lock. Click Unlock to see the resources required to unlock the skill. Once opened, the skill level can be increased using Courage Medals. Some skill levels are valuable and others are not - evaluate them yourself and decide if spending the medals is worth the benefits to you.
Items and the Store
Donate resources to your Alliance Technology to get "Alliance Contribution" points (skull with wings medal). Go to the menu > Alliance icon > Technology.
Use these points to exchange for bonuses in the Alliance Store. Go to the store from the menu > Alliance icon > Store.
Advanced Teleport and Peace Shields are important items. Alliance commanders (R5+R4) restock the Alliance Store with items.
Intro to Clash of Zones (CoZ)
New states will start with 4 weeks of “Clash of Zones Qualifiers”. During the qualifiers there will be ZERO FIGHTING between states. After four weeks of qualifiers there will be a break for one week and then your state will move on to normal CoZ events.
The very first time you start a normal CoZ event, the first week will be a "warm up" competition between 16 states. Scores in this round will help determine what state you face during the first head to head week. CoZ events all start 30 minutes after reset.
• Clash of Zones (CoZ) schedule is as follows
◦ Day 1 – Gathering (no gathering day during warm-ups)
◦ Day 2 – Upgrade building
◦ Day 3 – Research
◦ Day 4 – Hero day
◦ Day 5 – Troop day
◦ Day 6 – Kill event (During qualifiers this will be another free day)
◦ Day 7 – Free day (choose one of the above, default is kill event)
First and foremost - planning is essential to maximizing your CoZ score and your effectiveness.
Gathering Day
Check to see how long your APCs can gather at one time. For example, say your APC can gather for 12 hours before it has to return, and send it out 11.5 hours before reset for gathering day. If you are planning to use a 100% CoZ ticket, use it BEFORE you recall your APCs. You earn points for CoZ when the APC initially leaves the gathering plot, or when you hit the recall button. If you have the VIP shop unlocked, spending VIP points will also earn CoZ points.
It is important to note that the 50% gathering buff you purchase from the alliance store works retroactively on all gathering already done. So - in order to maximize this, use your 100% ticket, THEN use the 50% gathering buff before recalling your APCs.
Building Day
Checking the power of your buildings is easy to do - select your building, the details button, and then more information. The power GAINED from upgrading from one level to another is what earns points for the CoZ event. The trick here is timing, often I start upgrading buildings during day 6, due to earning resources from SVS. Use your 100% CoZ ticket and make sure all the buildings you have upgrading finish during that 30 minutes (use speed-ups).
Research Day
You can only research one item at a time, and you have to use diamonds or speed ups to score more points. Zone Commemoration research is a MUST here, not only is the research itself worth a lot of points, but it makes it easier to earn points in future CoZ events. In order to see power gained from individual research, select the research and then hit the exclamation point in the top right corner.
Hero Day
Hero day uses a combination of leveling your heroes with experience, unlocking/leveling skills with wisdom medals, recruiting them with tickets, and killing zombies. SURPRISE – this also takes a bit of planning.
If you need a trick to earn some extra points do the following (this is useful for farm accounts that need diamonds) -
Troop Day
Troop day is easy. Build troops. Use speed ups or diamonds.
"Daily Doubles"
It is incredibly important to use your 100% CoZ tickets and spread one ticket out over two daily challenge events. I typically start my ticket when there is 10-15 minutes left in a daily challenge and complete the challenge. Wait for the next challenge to start, and complete that one before your 100% card ends. The key here is planning. The more challenges you complete, the more you can complete. Daily challenges are an important way to earn hero EXP, advanced teleports, resource boxes, hero tokens and other fun goodies.
Use this google doc, courtesy of u/Yoghurt_122 - to see the Daily Challenge Schedule.
However - it is important to note that when you are first starting out it is difficult to get your third box for the daily challenge. Starting with two boxes is fine. DO NOT attempt to get your third box unless you are one hundred percent sure you are going to get it (do the math!). The same can be said for when you are just starting your Zone Comm research and you unlock the sixth and ninth box. It will take more of the research to be able to earn those boxes easily.
Also, I did not post anything about day 6, Kill event. It deserves its own post.
Research constantly. You will always need higher level technology to get more benefits in the game.
Some technology cannot be researched until the Institute building is upgraded.
Military Strategy
Before attacking a city, use a Scout. The scout is a helicopter that moves very fast compared to troops. It will tell you what is in the city. It costs a few hundred food items to use. A city that has few resources isn’t worth your effort. When you upgrade the Radar building the scout will see more, like the number of troops defending the city.
It’s not good to zero a city unless the player really deserves it. Their resources are lost, they are relocated, and the player might be too upset to continue playing. They might “rage quit” and never come back to the game. This is bad for everyone because it reduces the number of players, reduces the number of targets for resources, reduces revenue for the company that needs money to continue maintaining the game, etc. To keep it fun for everyone, try not to reduce a city to less than 10%. The city will be stuck there. The player will try to recover the loss. The city will heal back to 100%. You can farm it again later.
Upgrade the Commercial Hub to sell more resources to earn more money. It is recommended to sell Water for money instead of other resources because Water is only used for Ration Truck.
Station a hero in the Commercial Hub. They get exp and level up by themselves. A higher level hero can be upgraded with skills to receive benefits whenever a helicopter arrives.
Tell the helicopter to take off when you're done trading. The sooner it leaves, the sooner it comes back. Each time the helicopter returns there are bonus items that come because of the hero. And each time there is a chance to trade you can earn more money by selling excess resources.
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