Что такое ascend
This is significant because once the tissues become saturated, the time to ascend from depth, to decompress safely, will not increase with further exposure.
I produced a blazing brilliance and ascended to enlightenment.
By changing their buoyancy and trim, they repeatedly sink and ascend; airfoil wings then convert this up-and-down motion to forward motion.
The song has a clean, upbeat feel with vocals that ascend into many high-pitched lyrics.
They generally feed in the lower sections of the forest, although they will ascend to the forest canopy occasionally.
English Как использовать "ascendancy" в предложении
However, those who believe in their own groups superiority or inevitable ascendancy do not typically claim the label triumphalist.
With the government forces in ascendancy and following peace agreements in 1999, elections were re-scheduled for 2002, although not all rebel groups signed the accords.
He was noted for being an officer with a strong personality and ascendancy over his men.
This is believed to refer more to administrative ascendancy rather than territorial size.
The police frequently lost the ascendancy to the rioters, who dispersed them and forced them to flee.
English Как использовать "ascendant" в предложении
Astrologers believe the ascendant also has a strong bearing on a person's physical appearance and overall health.
If the beneficiary is a partner, a spouse, an ascendant or a descendant, the transfers are free.
Was he bitter over the ascendant modernism of the time?
The first house begins at the ascendant and the others are numbered counterclockwise from that point.
English Как использовать "ascendent" в предложении
The suburbs were ascendent, and cities, to survive, were trying to copy them.
Expectations are high, he writes, that garment stitching will become this ascendent nation's "driving force" in the manufacturing sector.
There is little doubt which was in the ascendent this year, and the finale was perhaps the hardest hitting episode of all.
All told, $250 billion was invested in clean energy, and the amount of power the sector generated thereafter came to equal natural gas -- the other supposedly ascendent energy source.
«ascend a mountain» - перевод на русский
Darjeeling was heavenly, with its cool, misty weather, and as we
, at times we could see the clouds much below us in the valleys.
There is also a pretty cool sequence in the second video that shows a player firing from a moving gondola
Данные предложения взяты с внешних ресурсов и могут быть неточными. bab.la не несёт ответственность за их содержание.
Ascend — As*cend , v. t. To go or move upward upon or along; to climb; to mount; to go up the top of; as, to ascend a hill, a ladder, a tree, a river, a throne. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ascend — index expand, progress Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
ascend — [v] go up arise, climb, escalate, float, fly, lift off, mount, move up, rise, scale, soar, sprout, take off, tower; concepts 149,166 Ant. decline, descend, go down, lower … New thesaurus
ascend — ► VERB 1) go up; climb or rise. 2) rise in status. 3) (of a voice or sound) rise in pitch. ORIGIN Latin ascendere … English terms dictionary
Ascend — As*cend , v. t. To go or move upward upon or along; to climb; to mount; to go up the top of; as, to ascend a hill, a ladder, a tree, a river, a throne. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ascend — index expand, progress Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
ascend — [v] go up arise, climb, escalate, float, fly, lift off, mount, move up, rise, scale, soar, sprout, take off, tower; concepts 149,166 Ant. decline, descend, go down, lower … New thesaurus
ascend — ► VERB 1) go up; climb or rise. 2) rise in status. 3) (of a voice or sound) rise in pitch. ORIGIN Latin ascendere … English terms dictionary
«ascend the hill» - перевод на русский
are that better terrain opens up to us and future progress is less difficult, and vice versa.
«ascending level» - перевод на русский
The futility of getting it right doesn't deter writers, academics and bureaucrats, in
While it's certainly not the only metric that affects all these status decisions, we do very often wind up assigning
of importance alongside ascending levels of remoteness.
Перевод "ascend" на русский
Gideon, I command you, take the journal from this place, and let me ascend.
He died in an attempt to "ascend into heaven" by jumping off a cliff.
You can't see the Tower of Babel, you can only ascend it I tell you that as its guardian.
Вавилонскую башню нельзя увидеть, на неё можно только взойти говорю это тебе как её сторож.
But they rather cryptically asserted that. "The half-breed must not ascend."
Но они таинственно заявили, что «полукровка не должна взойти».
We will ascend. to become creatures of consciousness alone.
And when you put me to death for what I have done, I shall ascend.
From what we know about the Ancients, it's possible that Avalon was actually a place where Merlin helped Arthur, a mortal, ascend.
Из того, что мы знаем о Древних, возможно, Авалон, это. место, где Мерлин помог вознестись смертному Артуру.
We have to eat the sins of others, and then, when we have saved enough, we ascend.
Мы должны пожирать чужие грехи и тогда, когда спасем достаточно, мы взойдем.
And in the coming days, once you have defeated the Beast, we will ascend together, all of us.
И в грядущие дни, как только вы победите Чудовище, мы вознесемся вместе, все мы.
I am interpreting a bit, but it seems the field was designed as a sanctuary from the Wraith, but a place the last of the Ancients could travel to and hopefully ascend without fear of attack.
Я перевела немного, но похоже, что область была создана как прибежище от Рейфов, место, куда последние из Древних могли прийти в надежде вознестись без страха нападения.
Gödel's theorems do indeed intimate that there may be limits to what we can come to know in mathematics, but they also demonstrate through themselves the great heights to which human reason can ascend through mathematical thought.
Теоремы Гёделя действительно указывают пределы того, что мы можем узнать в математике, но они также демонстрируют и великие высоты, к которым человеческий разум может подняться через математическую мысль.
A job well done, the approbation of her superiors, the knowledge that with this little coup, she will have handled the crisis with bravery and aplomb and will ascend ever higher on the ladder to nowhere.
Хорошо выполненная работа, похвала начальства, осознание того, что немного удачи, и она преодолеет кризис с храбростью и апломбом, и поднимется ещё выше по лестнице в никуда.
Ken'yon and his followers will ascend into heaven for six days, And return to, and I quote,
Кеньон и его последователи вознесутся на небеса на 6 дней и вернутся - я цитирую -
Thank you for the gifts of this bread, to sustain these vessels, our bodies, so that may have the energy to create a more beautiful world, and break through the blocks and barriers of this life and ascend The Ladder of Enlightenment.
Спасибо, что даровал этот хлеб, чтобы питать эти сосуды, наши тела, в которых мы копим энергию чтобы создать прекрасный мир, и переступить через все преграды и барьеры этой жизни, и вознестись по Лестнице Просветления,
Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть больше примеров. Это просто и бесплатно
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