Что случилось с эриком банк крови
Нет, Эрик жив. В конце он же взял пластину металлическую, в которую выстрелил Сэль.
Эрик умер. При выстреле он убрал пластину. И в самом конце там слава намикающие на то что у них нет продолжения, и Сиэль был таким гнусные когда вспомнил о Юге (т. к Эрик умер
Агата Воробьёва Ученик (101) Vladislava Tokoreva, -_- там крови нет так бы там кровь растикалась
Р̠а̠з̠в̠е̠ о̠н̠ у̠б̠р̠а̠л̠ с̠и̠э̠л̠ь̠ н̠е̠ б̠ы̠л̠ т̠а̠ки̠м̠ в̠е̠с̠ё̠л̠ы̠м̠ к̠о̠г̠д̠а̠ б̠ы̠л̠ с̠о̠ с̠в̠о̠и̠м̠ д̠р̠у̠г̠о̠м̠
По моему он умер. Когда Эрик сказал Сэлю что полукровки вредят этому миру и что их нужно уничтожить, то Эрик дал Сэлю осколок от камня и попросил убить его, что тот и сделал выстрельнув в него.
Personality [ ]
Around vampires, One portrays himself as a kind and obedient individual who was more than happy to get his job done. He was what you would consider a perfect banker to most. Though, outside of this facade, One is a very blunt person. He doesn't take bullshit and likes to take the lead as much as he can, leading into the dominace over Shell Overlord after the man kept pestering him.
In the vampire world, Eric is what you would describe as a miracle. He is the product of a vampire and a human, which is a forbidden relationship and is frowned upon by vampires. Being the child of White Bones and Pain Overlord's art, Ellie; Eric's life was already taboo. His parents ran away to isolate themselves in a house to the south, by the ocean. They did this to prevent his grandfather, Brutal Bones, from harming their small family. When he was about three years old, his grandfather found their location. Although his father escaped with him while his mother tried to hold back Brutal, Brutal killed her without any hesitation. This led to Ellie and Eric to go into hiding to protect their identities.
They hid for several years in the slums, Ellie was able to provide for him by working as an unlicensed doctor, but Eric loathed the idea that he would treat vampires despite their ill treatment towards the both of them. In his fit of anger, he attempted to sell his father’s watch, this mistake only alerted his father’s enemies of their current location. He arrived back home just in time to witness Ellie being murdered by two cloaked figures. They were later revealed to be a vampire named Jack and Brutal Bones' art named Humpty Dumpty.
After witnessing the murder, he knew that he could no longer stay in the slums, so he fled to a human farm. Upon arrival, he found them beset by a plague. He buried a dead boy and took his place as “one,” only his neighbor Thirteen knew that he wasn’t the real One.
As he grew a bit older, his literacy earned him a job as a banker. He did well enough at his work to be offered a bonus in exchange for presenting the bank’s reports to Shell Overlord. After the presentation, Shell confronts him since he realized that pheromone, a hormone produced by vampires that they use to control humans, don’t work on him. After that the Vampire pursued him to the point of waiting in his house until he woke up, at which point One voiced his anger towards him. Shell admitted to being an “abnormal“ (a sexually submissive vampire, which is looked down by other vampires.) and wanted One to dominate him.
One tries to ignore him for as long as possible, but the vampire kept sending him gifts such as books and a motorcycle. Eventually, at Shell’s request, Eric is sent to give more reports. after this unnecessary presentation, Shell insists on showing One his “play room” (a room full of kinky items). One, aware of Shell’s unusual sexual preferences, initiates their first sexual encounter.
After that, the Vampire requests his presence more often, which angers One as he has better things to do than fulfill his boss’s sexual fantasies. At some point, he walks in on Shell kissing another vampire. When the vampire left, Shell explained that that vampire, Reign Fear, was an abnormal vampire that he had known since they were young. After Reign came out as an abnormal, he was disowned by his family, a prime example of what happens to abnormals. Soon after, One witnesses Reign propose to Shell, he accepts. He is infuriated with the overlord after he mentions that he wants to continue their encounters even after they are married. One tells him that the only way they can continue is if he comes out to Reign, assuming that he would not. He underestimated that blonde twink because he did. Because of that, they called off the proposal and remained friends.
after that point, they became more involved, eventually developing more romantic feelings for each other. One accompanies his lover to a party where he meets an art belonging to brutal bones named Humpty Dumpty. He tells One to check to death reports of the human farm, upon returning to the blood bank, he finds out from the death reports that Shell’s father, Pain, and all the other blood lords had been purposely unleashing plagues to cull humans.
Before he could tell Shell, terrorists bombed the bank, killing many people, including One’s friend Nine. One stopped many of the terrorists cold by release his own pheromones. No one expected this as, until now, they thought that he was human, he had taken care to ensure that. after paralyzing the terrorists with the unconventional pheromones, he attacks their leader, brutally beating him and nearly killing him with a piece of rebar before Shell stopped him.
Since One’s secret was out, he was forced to flee. Before he left, he spent one last night with his lover, told him that his name was Eric, then escaped the farm to live with Humpty dumpty and his relative, Ghost. He lives with them a short while before he finds a lab in a nearby shed, and is knocked out by Humpty and his curator jack. He awakens to find that he has been chained to a wall and drugged in order to have his pheromones harvested to make a bio weapon. He spent anye here from few hours to a few days hallucinating about Shell, enduring nightmares of his death until he was freed by Ghost who could no longer bear to see him suffer.
He left their home heading in the direction of a familiar scent, unaware of what he was searching for. He eventually found the house by the ocean where he was raised, now surrounded by roses. Shell had somehow found records of that place, and went there alone. The two spent the night together, then returned to Pain Overlord’s home. Pain had received calls that the bio weapon was being used, so Eric and his lover left to try to stop it.
They were able to kill Humpty Dumpty and Jack, but after seeing the chaos it has caused, they understood that there would be war between humans and vampires since they blame each other for the deaths. To prevent this war, Eric announces to the enraged mobs that he had orchestrated the killing, the faked his death by having Shell shoot him in the chest, where he had hidden a metal plate to keep him alive. This way the masses see someone who is both vampire and human as the enemy, and Shell as the hero. Eric was then brought back to his childhood home where Shell can visit him, and he can live free.
Что случилось с эриком банк крови
[RSC-BoysLove] Радужные переводы Рикудо запись закреплена
Фанарт на "Банк крови" и "Любовника".
Автор DrevnaHelga
[RSC-BoysLove] Радужные переводы Рикудо запись закреплена
Весна во всей красе - авторы с новостями, как подснежники, вылезают из полугодовой тишины.
После Джунс небольшая свежая новость от Силб. Итальянское издательство выпустило 1 том "Банка крови".
edit. Ссылка на сайт издательства прикреплена. Цена томика 9,90 € (евро)
[RSC-BoysLove] Радужные переводы Рикудо запись закреплена
Вернемся к истокам Кто это восседает на троне?
Это так изящно т.т
[RSC-BoysLove] Радужные переводы Рикудо запись закреплена
Порой косплееры меня очень приятно удивляют.
Нашла в лайках Силб. Косплеер Вигберг Хоуфман
[RSC-BoysLove] Радужные переводы Рикудо запись закреплена
Силб выложила завалявшийся скетч на Банк. Она рисовала его для послесловия, но, в результате, заменила этот арт другим, а жаль.
Эрик и Сэль в ханбок - хотелось бы увидеть законченную версию)))
Кстати. у меня, наверное, амнезия, но разве она выкладывала обещанные в послесловии экстры по Банку? Совсем не помню, чтобы мы их видели и переводили О_о
Силы и Способности [ ]
Отношения с Соки [ ]
С самого первого дня знакомства с Соки Стакхаус Эрик был очень заинтересован ею. Сначала ему, как и всем вампирам, учуявшим запах Соки, хотелось узнать, кто она такая. Долгое время их связывали лишь взаимовыгодные деловые отношения — Эрик платил Соки, а она помогала ему в мире людей, используя свои телепатические способности. Впоследствии заинтересованность переросла в странную привязанность, которую Эрик отказывался принимать как романтическое влечение. Неизвестно, смог бы он признаться в этом самому себе, если бы не заклятие, в следствие которого он потерял память. Не помня, кто он такой и сколько зла натворил, он открыл Соки свое сердце, а очарованная столь кардинальными изменениями Соки приняла его любовь. Некоторое время спустя к Эрику вернулись его воспоминания, но он не хотел терять Соки. В конце концов, они расстались, потому что сердце Соки разрывалось между ним и Биллом — ее первой любовью.
One (Eric)
He's introduced as a banker in the Midlands' Blood Bank, ruled by Shell Overlord.
Слабости [ ]
Эрик Нортман
Эрик был сыном конунга одной из скандинавских стран. Всю молодость он провел в объятиях женщин и не знал горя до тех пор, пока вервольфы во главе с вампиром Расселом не растерзали всю его семью. Тогда Эрик поклялся отомстить.
Эрик стал воином. В одной из битв он был смертельно ранен; когда товарищи сложили для него погребальный костер, внезапно появился Годрик и обратил умирающего Эрика. Так Эрик начал свою вторую жизнь — жизнь вампира. С тех пор он очень привязан к своему создателю.
Appearance [ ]
While portraying One, he wore black rimmed glasses and often used colored contacts to disguise his true eye colors. For his outfit, he would wear the generic banker outfits that all of the other bankers are seen wearing.
After leaving the human form, he reclaimed the name of Eric and stopped wearing the glasses and contact combo. This revealed that he had blue eyes just like his mother. He later grew his hair out and changed his clothing style to be a bit more dark and casual compared to the uniform he was forced to wear.
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