Что лучше black desert или tera
6 апр. 2018 в 9:09
Tera is one of the worst optimized games ihave ever played. I have never seen a game have such wild fps fluctuations going from 300fps down to single digits and back it makes the game almost unplayable. Bdo has far superior graphics and far superior combat. Bdo also isnt litered with the most ridiculously sleazy armor I have ever seen. Then bdo has all of the lifeskills and building a worker empire.
6 апр. 2018 в 11:19
depends on what you're looking for out of your mmo, if you want massive raids and dungeons, then Tera, if you want amazing pvp and an in-depth economy system, bdo.
6 апр. 2018 в 14:09
Tera is dead and the only ones left are p2winners and pedophiles.
6 апр. 2018 в 14:29
None, Tera is an unoptimized piece of sht, and BDO is a grindfest. BDO will give you an illusion that the game has so much to do, until you realize you need to be logged on 24/7 doing something afk, the most meaningful PVP is just an AoE mess, and PVE is non existent, unless you call savage rift ( shooting mobs with muskets ) PVE content, most important thing is there is no player to player trading and item's sell price is also controlled by the game, worst economy ive seen in any mmo.
4 сен. 2018 в 0:12
What makes you say TERA is for pedos? You can enjoy BDO perfectly fine as a pedo.
Which game is better in your opinion (i can only spend time on one game)
BDO has ,7 day trial thru the site,you can download it and check for your self.Tho keep in mind that if you decide on it ,and want to continue from where you reached with the trial account,you will have to purchase the game thru the site.Since steam doesn't link site accounts.
4 сен. 2018 в 10:06
What makes you say TERA is for pedos? You can enjoy BDO perfectly fine as a pedo.
There are Elins in the game which are little girls with animal tails and ears and people joke and claim that only pedo's play them. I play Tera as well as BDO and my daughters make my characters for me on Tera and so guess what they picked, I would have picked an Elin anyways just for the Reaper class as it's a fun one.
4 сен. 2018 в 16:19
How do you call CPS on someone through the internet?
4 сен. 2018 в 21:26
I also play both games. I think TERA's Elins are more about fantasy and fun, BDO's Tamers are way more realistic, but also looks more like a teenager than a preteen. Honestly I'm not sure which one should be considered more interesting for a pedo. I enjoy playing both, I do find BDO ones sexually attractive, TERA ones are cute, though they try to show off more skin. Now I'm confused, I find young girls (14+) sexually attractive, but not less than that (I used to find 12+ attractive before, when I was younger). Am I a pedo?
5 сен. 2018 в 13:53
That depends on YOUR age. Being 16 it's ok. Being 21 IS NOT. Either way it's ILLEGAL.
6 сен. 2018 в 13:51
How do you call CPS on someone through the internet?
You really are a sad individual who thinks the worst of people. Elin are the only ones who get the Reaper class and I liked what it could do so why wouldn't I play it and nice way of cherry picking something said to make it look like something else. You are a sick individual who thinks someone would be a pedo just for playing something like that. You should be ashamed of yourself and your behaivor making wild asumptions about people. I know saying these things won't make any difference because you are very full of yourself and can't see past what the sheep who make the whole pedos are the only ones who play Elin claim.
6 сен. 2018 в 15:41
How does tera, bdo and aion compare to world of warcraft.
I recently bought wow to try it and it is the same if not worse vastly changed and feels like the same game if not catered more to casual players such is somewhat good but not what I am looking for.
I want something solely based around PvP that I can just jump in and start battling no need to explore the world or grind through quests (I have done all that since I was about 12 in raganarok and in many games before that)
I really want a hyper casual fun game that mainly focuses on battle ground type gameplay not even open world PvP because it is normally an unbalanced mess with one side steam rolling.
For example in wow I am not even touching pve at all because I already know the time investment involved straight to random battleground queue and coming top 5 in healing mostly with default trial character class gear.. I used to watch PvP videos religiously both open PvP and arenas and bgs that is my passion.
I am very much a PvP fighter not hardcore but better than the average player and usually fight till the end.
Honestly any games that can do this I like and am looking for this.. does not even have to be mmorpg just team based and online multiplayer.
As an example I play natural selection 2 to get my fps rts hybrid fix.. lots of objective play and team communication and commanding.. strategy very much involved and not your usual cod match or csgo match where just kills are important although there is some strategy in some csgo matches over cod I acknowledge that.
I love ctf, domination and other various team based games where top kills is not the main thing and playing the objective is also very important.
As long As I can remember I have loved these types of objective games..unreal tournament ctf was probably one of my first loves.. and some custom games in subspace continuum in the late 90s early 00s.
Please recommend me any games like this as I am always on the lookout for my next fix.
Что выбрать - TERA или Black Desert?
Играл в обе игры.
BDO меня не впечатлило.
Tera понравилась как-то больше.
её нонтаргет боевка больше понравилась.
skyforge с нонтаргетом.
не знаю. дело вкуса во что играть
в теру я два раза начинал играть и забрасывал на 10 лвле
бдо пока что играю. вроде ниче. но гриндилка ппц
BDO немного сложновата в управлении боёв, бери Tera online она классная, А лучше всего бери и то, и другое)))
все бесплатные игры дерьмо, хочешь нормальные игры, ищи их среди платных.
Посоветуйте что лучше tera или black desert
Поиграй в эту интересную игру. Я сейчас только в неё играю и офигеваю.
Может тебе тоже понравится.
Black Desert лучше во многом Tera. Во первых - в Блек десерте один из самых лучших среди игр редактор создания персонажа, если ты имеешь хороший творческий вкус и весьма умелые руки, ты сможешь создать неповторимого персонажа, в Тери ты так не сможешь. Во вторых, в Блек десерте весьма не плохое ПВП, как по мне на много лучше и прикольнее, нежели в Тера (но это мой взгляд). Ну и в третьих, в Блек Десерте куда более интересная сюжетная линия и весьма красивые пейзажи. Ну и по мелочи - в Блек Десерте больше интерактивных анимаций )))
Если у тебя хороший комп, качай Блек, если же комп слабенький, качай Тера.
Расскажите почему вы больше ждёте ТЕРУ и чем она вас подкупает по сравнению с БД.
[ОПРОС] TERA vs Black Desert
[ОПРОС] TERA vs Black Desert
[ОПРОС] TERA vs Black Desert
Вообще, технически у меня потянет и то, и то, но основной минус БДО - это то, что в ней нет контента и это откровенная гриндилка-убивалка времени. По-моему мнению, она будет интересна определенной группе людей, но провалится из-за недоступности большинству. В ней будут доминировать гильдии-задроты. Сейчас многие крайне ограничены по времени, а донатить бешеные суммы, чтобы составить конкуренцию задротам - никто не будет.
В Тере же за время её существования скопилось достаточное количество контента, она также удобна геймплеем и по-своему уникальна. Она имеет “классический” характер. В ней есть и подземелья, и БГ, и многое другое, к чему мы так привыкли, т.е. по сути аналог WoW, который является эталоном ММОРПГ. Тут и доминация доната приближена к минимуму, время здесь играет не столь высокую роль, но все же тоже важно, так как все таки это ММОРПГ, а им свойственны затраты по времени./
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