Что делать если при запуске krnl пишет roblox version incorrect
отключить прокси-сервер. Такая проблема встречается не у всех, но может повлиять на возможность запуска. Решается на примере Windows: зайти в настройки сети в нижней панели и перейти в «Центр управления сетями и общим доступом». В открывшемся окне найти пункт «Свойства браузера» и перейти на вкладку «Подключение». В разделе «Настройка сети», снять галочку с пункта «Использовать прокси-сервер», помогло?
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, поставь, убери и сохрани, перезагрузи комп, запусти игру
антивируса еще нет только виндовс переустановил (раньше роблокс работал до переустановки, на другом жоским диске)) удалял много раз с реестра удалял все что показывал с названия роблокс, не чего не помогло.
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, а у тебя игровые библиотеки установлены такие как directX, microsoft visual c++
Не было directX, теперь установил . Перезагрузил удалил роблокс заново скачал, а итог не изменился все таже надпись, неработает
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, счас от имени админа запускай, откуда установщик с официалки?
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, зайди сразу в службы и отключи центр обновления виндовс, поставь на ручное управления сохрани и перезагрузи комп, запусти
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, так ещё вариант зайди в свойства ярлыка и поставь режим совместимости с предыдущей виндовс
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, так у тебя вин 7 хоме, там разве есть совместимость с 7кой? по битности винда 32 или 64 бита?
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, попробуй создать другой акк, может с этим что то произошло?
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, так а что у нас с microsoft visual c++, там ведь нужно начиная с 2012 года по 2015 целый дистрибутив установить это как минимум?
придешься переустанавливать винду ставить другую и не обновлять других мыслей совсем у меня нет.
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, нет это ещё рано
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, 2012 и 2008 ставь причём обе версии 64 и 86 версии
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, попробуй качни и запусти batman arkham city
не запускается, msvcr100.dll нет просит Microsoft Visual C++ 2010, а он стоит и в двух версиях 64 и 86
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, удали их Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 обе версии и установи заново 64 и 86
не твоя не мой роблокс не запустился. все также просит msvcr100.dll
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, найди через поиск msvcr100.dll и скопируй этот файл в два места Для 32-битной Windows скопируйте файл с заменой в папку С: \Windows\system32 Для 64-разрядной Windows — скопируйте с заменой в папку C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
не чего не изменилось, скачал и самое интересное что они в этих папках были, но всеровно твоя игра просит этот фаил
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, там с игрой папок типа redistributable не было?
пишет ошибку . возможно модуль msvcr100.dll не совместим с виндовс . просип проверить совместимость с версией regsvr32
Almatarixzxff Гуру (2963) Xobby-c, удали переустанови Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 обе версии и установи заново 64 и 86, так как мы их в ручную подменили, потом снова командную строку от имени админа и ввести команду regsvr32 msvcr100.dll
а у меня пишет теперь, модуль msvcr100 не найден, проверти что они правельные файлы dll и ocx
2.5 Executing crashes Roblox
This issue is caused by
The script you are trying to use contains invalid lua code
The script you are trying to use is patched
The script you are trying to use is not supported in Krnl
TLDR: Find a different script
2.2 Krnl is getting stuck at saying "Injecting"
- This error is caused by the included injector that comes with krnlss.exe being not very good.
To solve this issue you need to use a 3rd party injector such as Extreme Injector or the built-in dll injection functionality of other software such as Process Hacker.
We recommend watching a YouTube tutorial on how to do this. Heres a link to one made by me Click here But here's a quick rundown of the basic steps involved.
After injecting all you need to do is getting a key. How to do this can be found in step 3. After you enter your key in it and press enter. It should automatically close the console window and the "Inject" button in the Krnl UI should turn into "Injected"
2.3 Roblox Process not found error
0 Before you do anything about Krnl check that you have the requirements.
Use your eyeballs and 4 braincells to visually inspect the desktop environment, icons, start menu then compare them to images/screenshots online.
Type 64bit into the search bar in Windows 10. It should pop up with a suggestion saying "Is my PC 32bit or 64bit".
- Click on it and see your Operating System architecture.
To check that you have the VC Redists
Go to the "Add or remove programs" section in the Windows 10 settings.
Then search for Visual C++ Redistributable.
If two programs named along the lines of Visual 2015-2019 x64 and x86 show up that means you have it.
Run the main krnl executable file
Click yes if prompted.
To check that the webclient version of Roblox is installed/install it.
Uninstall the Microsoft Store version of Roblox if you have it
Install the web version from the roblox website. Link is in the Requirements above
1 Issues about downloading/opening krnl:
1.3 Bootstrapper/Downloader issues
If the official Krnl bootstrapper from krnl.gg doesnt work for you for any reason even after you excluded it from Windows Defender here are some things you can try:
Making sure you have all the requirements listed on the top of this guide
Making sure you dont have any 3rd party
antiviruses such as Avast, McAfee, AVG etc.
Making sure it isnt blocked by Windows Defender
Running it as administrator
Making sure its in a folder
If you have done all of this but you still cant see krnlss.exe or krnl.dll in the Krnl folder, bootstrapper getting stuck at krnlss.exe.config etc.
You can try downloading krnl by other means such as:
Downloading from the pinned messages of their discord server
- Yes its safe and uploaded by Ice Bear himself. It is essentially the same thing the bootstrapper downloads.
- Notice how the decompiled source of it is pretty much the same as normal krnl lmfao.
- Its one of the two official websites to get Krnl from.
All you need to do to use this version of Krnl is:
Download the rar/zip file.
Extract to a folder excluded from Windows Defender.
Open krnlss.exe located inside it.
Then you can disregard any warning that says "Roblox version is incorrect" as its not an issue.
Second way: Downloading and extracting the Krnl zip/rar version from their discord server.
- There should almost always be a zip/rar file uploaded and pinned in the support channel of their discord server.
- Their discord invite is krnl.gg/invite.
- To use this version:
- You must extract it to a folder excluded from Windows Defender.
- To do this see part 1.2 of this guide.
- After extracting it all you need to do is run krnlss.exe.
2- Issues about injecting/executing:
2.7 You are using an outdated version of Krnl
- Do you lack the ability of reading? Your version of Krnl is outdated. Rerun either of the bootstrappers or download from the other sources for the latest version.
1.2 Antivirus blocking downloading/running Krnl
Why this happens
- Antiviruses usually mistake Roblox exploits as viruses due to their nature. Most if not all modern Roblox exploits work by injecting some sort of dll file into Roblox and running Lua code (Scripts) in the environment it creates.
But heres the catch: Dll injection isnt just used by game cheats. They are also used by malware. Due to this antivirus try to quarantine/delete all dll injectors they detect without actually knowing what if they are safe or not. You will usually see antivirus calling most exploits including krnl a Cryptinject.msr trojan because of this.
Please keep in mind that this isnt the exact source code as the Asyncronous Functions wont be fully decompiled in dnSpy. However it should still give you a good idea of if Krnl is safe or not.
To fix this issue you must uninstall any 3rd party antivirus from your system. Such as McAfee, Norton, Eset, Kaspersky etc. Sorry but there isnt another way of solving this issue. From my and many users experiences excluding/disabling 3rd party antivirus is terrible and doesnt yield consistent/reliable results.
Once that you have uninstalled your 3rd party antivirus and rebooted your pc (Or you didnt have any to begin with). Its time to exclude Krnl from Windows Defender which is the default antivirus that comes with Windows 10. To do this we recommend watching a tutorial from YouTube. But in short all you need to do is:
- Go to the virus and threat protection settings in Windows 10.
- Scroll to the bottom where it says "Exclusions".
- Click on add an exclusion then choose the option: "Folder" from the dropdown menu.
- After that click on "This PC" and whitelist your whole C drive.
- By doing this you shouldnt have any troubles using Krnl at all.
"Send "error.txt" to the krnl server"
Here are some common fixes for this issue
Make sure you have the latest version of Krnl from krnl.gg
Make sure you have read and did as said in part 1.2 of this FAQ, then rerun the bootstrapper
Здравствуйте это может быть связано с тем что проблема есть это:
Сам ROBLOX выдаёт ошибку когда пытаёшься зайти в игру.
И вот не знаю больше причин.
Исправление: Пытаться обратно играть в ROBLOX нажав на кнопу играть, если не исправилось попробуй, удалить файлы ROBLOX кроме папков ROBLOX скриншоты, и видео которые вы сняли, если не помогло то перезагрузи, если не получиться я не знаю, как дальше справляться с проблемой.
Совет: напишите в службу поддержку ROBLOX и опишите проблему что способы не работают (только на английском поймут).
3.1 Key invalid
- Sadly there isn't a be all and end all fix for this issue.
If you are using a vpn try disabling it and getting a new key.
If you aren't using a vpn however your IP might be changing too often.
- Try messing with the DHCP settings in your routers admin panel.
2.6 Stuck at waiting for roblox
- This issue is caused by one of the hooks that are made by Krnl at injection overwritten by another application eg. Msi Afterburner. To fix this close all apps running in the background and reopen Roblox then try injecting Krnl again.
3- Issues about keys
First let's talk about how to get a key in the first place and how they work.
Krnl Keys are based on your IP. This means that:
You cannot share your keys with others
If you decide to use a VPN when using Krnl it has to be a desktop VPN and not a browser extension VPN.
Your key will be invalidated if your ip changes (meaning if you turn your pc off for an extended period of time or reboot your router your key will get invalidated)
To get a key you must go to the URL that is given to you in the console popup window after you inject krnl.
After you go to it for the first time you should be redirected to a linkvertise link. If you get prompted to do a survey just click on the x. Then click on free access with ads. Do the tasks and move onto the next link. Now do this 4 more times. And you will finally be directed to the keypage where you can copy your key and paste it into the console window from before then press enter.
It should check your key for a few seconds then the console window should disappear and krnl should be injected.
1.1 Download blocked by browser
Press the key combination CTRL + J
It should take you to the downloads section of your browser.
From there click on "Allow malicious file".
But don't be scared Krnl is completely safe. "But then why does my antivirus and browser say it is" you may ask. The answer to this question is explained in detail in the next part.
3.2 Stuck at checking key
This issue is actually the stuck at waiting for Roblox issue but camouflaged. Its caused by one of the hooks that are made by Krnl at injection overwritten by another application eg. Msi Afterburner.
To fix this close all apps running in the background (Check the system app tray!) and reopen Roblox then try injecting Krnl again.
4 Miscellaneous Issues
2.1 Unknown error/crashing when injecting
You might sometimes find yourself in this error box when you try to inject Krnl.
Before we try any solutions though check that you have the requirements to run Krnl (Located at the top of this guide)
If you have the requirements but you are still getting an error you can try these steps:
Reinstall/Repair VC Redist x64/x86 2015-2019
Make sure you have the latest version of Krnl
Make sure any antiviruses aren't running and you excluded Krnl from windows defender
2.4 krnl.dll missing issue
- This issue is caused by either antivirus deleting krnl.dll thinking its malicious or the bootstrapper failing to download it for whatever reason.
- To solve this check step 1.2. After making sure no 3rd party antiviruses are present and that your whole C drive is excluded from Windows Defender try downloading Krnl zip/rar version talked about in step 1.3.
- If after downloading and extracting the zip/rar version you are still missing krnl.dll then its confirmed to be an antivirus issue. Find a way to stop it from deleting Krnl.
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