Чем кормить василиска в майнкрафт ice and fire
С вами я Кора, и сегодня у нас 6 часть обзора на мод "Ice and Fire" И сегодня у нас в гостях.
Песчаные черви обитают в пустыне.(Рис 1) Встречаются они в 3-х окрасов. Песчано бежевый, слегка белый и кроваво-красный. (Рис 2)
У песчаного червя есть 2 вида атак. Первая это захват языком, и вторая. Червь выталкивает блоки которые находятся прямо перед ним и подбрасывает их на вверх в сторону жертвы.(Рис 3)
Из убитого червя падает сгнившая плоть. (Рис 4)Но более важной находкой является хитин(Рис 4) Он бывает разных цветов, в зависимости от окраса убитого червя.
Из хитина можно скрафтить доспехи. Которые обладают более высокий прочностью по сравнению с обычными сетами брони.(Рис 5)
А ещё более важной находкой является яйцо червя. (Рис 4)
Маленькие червячки довольно быстро растут, и смогут дорасти до размеров взрослого червя.
На червях можно ездить. Для этого нам надо взять 2 удочки и держать их в двух руках.(Рис 6,7)
Amphitheres are large, colorful reptiles that possess the general look of a snake, with a serpentine physique, a noticeable lack of walking legs, a moderately long neck, a large head with big, toothy jaws, and a long, tapering tail. However, they also possess many traits derived from tropical birds; they boast massive, feathery wings, a crown of feathers adorns the back of their head, their snout ends in a large, hooked beak, and their tail ends in a large, feathery tail fan. They come in 5 different colors:
- Blue: Has blue scales and blue feathers.
- Olive: Has olive scales and red-orange feathers.
- Red: Has red scales and red feathers.
- Green: Has green scales and green-cyan feathers.
- Yellow: Has yellow scales and yellow-orange feathers.
Usage of these aphitheres can be for gliding and flying from place to place smoothly, they do not stop in mid air. But they rather just keep moving, they can be used if you tend to have lag (due to lack of moving parts) and they can also serve quite decorative. Unlike the Hippogryph, they are slightly slower in the air and land which can be better for steering.
Tamed amphitheres can be mounted by interacting with them with an empty hand. Unlike dragons and hippogryphs, which use WASD controls, amphitheres are controlled similarly to a perpetually firework-boosted pair of Elytra; looking up makes the amphithere rise, while looking down makes it dive downwards. Spacebar makes the amphithere start flying, and G makes it use a strike attack, attacking the mob or the player is currently looking at.
While there is no set landing key, it has been discovered that if you ride your amphithere while touching the ground, and you use the Dragon Bone Flute, it will land on the spot.
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Ice and Fire
9 августа 2015 г.
На протяжении сотен лет драконы бродили по землям известного мира. Они не просто вредители или угроза, они главная причина гибели многих людей. Только немногие храбрецы могут сразиться с драконами, еще меньше могут их приручить.
Обзор мода "Ice and Fire" (9 часть)
С вами я Кора, и сегодня у нас обзор на мод "Ice and Fire" часть 9.
Василиски обитают в саванне.Их бывают 2 вида. Это белый, и коричневатый с зелёном хвостом.
Если вы встретитесь взглядом с василиском, то ваша душа начнёт иссушаться.Чтобы избежать этого, вам надо сделать повязку на глаза.
Если вам не удалось найти саванну, то с небольшим шансом его может снести обычная курица.
Также с небольшим шансом разбивая эти яйца можно получить маленького васелиска.Он сказу же привяжется к вам.
Ручного васелиска можно заставить сидеть, следовать, патрулировать, если щёлкнуть по нему пустой рукой пкм.
Василиски могут поедать гнилую плоть. А также чтобы их вылечить им надо дать семена пшеницы.
Если постоянно смотреть на василиска, то рано или поздно он сломается и станет послушным.
Если какое-либо существо кроме сомово владельца василиска будет атаковать курицу, то ему несдобровать.
Amphitheres are neutral, and will not attack players unless provoked; in fact, they are relatively skittish, and will flee from players, only turning back to fight when provoked. When attacking, amphitheres will take a bite out of their foes, dealing 3.5 hearts (7 HP) of damage with each bite; however, they are also known to spin around in order to knock away their targets with their tail, and they have even been seen rearing up and violently flapping their wings in order to create powerful gusts of wind that send their foes flying. On land, amphitheres are already fast, being able to slither faster than a player's sprinting speed; in the air, however, they are even faster, and are perhaps one of the (if not the) fastest flying mobs in the mod. Surprisingly enough, amphitheres will also protect any villagers they come across, and will fight off any mob that tries to kill the villagers; they will even scuffle with formidable dragons in order to save their friends.
If an amphithere is hit with an arrow, snowball, or any other projectile while flying, it will plummet from the sky and automatically transition to terrestrial movement.
Unlike other mobs, taming an amphithere is a daunting task. First, one must catch up with the amphithere's quick slithering speed and mount it by interacting with it with an empty hand; if it is found flying, one must knock it out of the sky with a projectile before initiating the chase. Once the amphithere is mounted, it will repeatedly turn its head over its side to bite its rider; in order to tame it, one must survive its bite attacks long enough (or use a shield to nullify any damage it deals) before it breaks and starts to serve its superior. Once the amphithere is tamed, it can be ordered to either follow its owner, wander around, or sit by interacting with them with an empty hand while sneaking; however, keep in mind that, when ordered to wander, it can still fly away at will. Fortunately, however, a Dragon Bone Flute can be used to call a flying amphithere down to the ground. As well as this, a tamed amphithere will attack mobs and players that its owner attacks; any tamed amphitheres that are flying in the air and not sitting will swoop down to the ground and start fighting the mob or player that their owner targets; this could be used as another way to call down your amphithere if it flew away. Feeding a tamed amphithere cocoa beans will heal it.
Sneaking while interacting with a amphithere with a Dragon Command Staff will set a home position where it is currently at, and it will not go far away from that position. The home position can be removed by sneaking while using the Dragon Command Staff again.
It takes 1 day for a baby amphithere to reach adulthood.
Upon death, amphitheres drop:
Amphitheres can be found gliding through Jungle biomes.
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