Cat quest 2 как играть вдвоем
As you all might already know, Steam recently rolled out their Remote Play Together feature which lets you play local co-op games online!
Here's how you do it:
1. Enter the Steam Beta. You do this by clicking on Steam>Settings.
2. Start Cat Quest II.
3. While in the game, open the Steam Overlay(Shift-Tab).
4. Find the friend you want to play with and click the tiny arrow next to their name.
5. Select 'Remote Play Together'!
Hope everyone has fun with this! :D
22 окт. 2019 в 21:14 Thanks for the guide! Will be plenty of handful when the new content comes. 20 ноя. 2019 в 12:34 This does NOT work unless you play with a controller. So less fun. given it doesn't work. This does NOT work unless you play with a controller. So less fun. given it doesn't work.The only setup we do not support(and most games don't either), is two keyboards.
You can still play it co-op with one keyboard and one gamepad.
21 ноя. 2019 в 22:35Actually, plenty of games support two keyboards. And given that a controller is a giant pain in the ass for many, this becomes a pretty notable flaw. It renders the co op feature useless for me, which is a pretty huge bummer.
I'm a laptop gamer. As such, my accessories are restricted. Requiring a controller simply eliminates all players like me. It was a huge disappointment given that I purchased the game *specifically* because my wife and I were so excited about being able to play this co op.
Actually, plenty of games support two keyboards. And given that a controller is a giant pain in the ass for many, this becomes a pretty notable flaw. It renders the co op feature useless for me, which is a pretty huge bummer.
I'm a laptop gamer. As such, my accessories are restricted. Requiring a controller simply eliminates all players like me. It was a huge disappointment given that I purchased the game *specifically* because my wife and I were so excited about being able to play this co op.
We mean for local co-op games. Maybe its just the games we own, but we've tried using Remote Play on Overcooked and Cuphead, and these games do not allow two keyboards as well.
We're really sorry you were disappointed that two keyboards are not an option, and we really wish we could try to make it work, but earlier in development we've already tried doing this, and it proved technically difficult using the engine we're using.
This was also why we opted to release a demo as well, so people can use the demo to iron out any issues or preconceptions of the game before actually buying it. The last thing we want is for people to buy a product expecting it to do one thing, but ending up disappointing it for people. :(
I did some research for you on local co-op games, and what some people do is they download a 3rd party program to make their computer recognize the 2nd keyboard as a 'gamepad'. This should work for our game as well, as it works for a lot of other local co-op games that only support one keyboard. Sorry to have you do this workaround. and if this is not something you wish to do. then we understand if you would want to refund the game, and we're completely supportive of that decision. I mean, you bought this game wanting to play it with your wife, and the game does not fulfill that objective. :(
Cat Quest II по сети
Релиз игры: 24.09.2019
Игра через: Steam Remote Play
Информация по игре Cat Quest II: Кооперативное приключение двух непоседливых домашних питомцев, призванных остановить надвигающуюся войну между королевствами собак и котов.
Файлы для игры:
1. Скачиваем игру Cat Quest II и распаковываем ее в любую папку (если вы собираетесь подключаться к другу, то скачивать ничего не нужно)
Внимание! У вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь.1. Открываем Steam;
2. Нажимаем сочетание клавиш Windows + R;
3. Пишем в строку steam://install/349620 и нажимаем OK;
4. Начинаем установку BlastZone 2 Demo на пару секунд, останавливаем и удаляем;
5. Запускаем игру.
Как запускать:
1. Запускаем Steam, заходим в свой профиль.
2. Запускаем игру через Cat Quest II.exe
Для игры, тот кто будет создавать сервер, необходимо иметь джойстик, так как Steam Remote Play в этой игре работает не совсем корректно и дает возможность второму игроку (подключившемуся) играть только на клавиатуре.
Принимаем приглашение от друга.
Индивидуальная игра Продолжить \ Новая игра Как загрузитесь открываем меню ("ESC") Спускаем до строчки "индивидуальная игра" и меняем ее на "кооперативная игра" Нажимаем на любую кнопку на геймпаде Открываем оверлей steam Выбираем друга в списке друзей и жмем "пригласить в Remote play" Подключившийся играет на клавиатуре, хост играет на геймпаде.
Cat Quest II
Кооперативное приключение двух непоседливых домашних питомцев, призванных остановить надвигающуюся войну между королевствами собак и котов. Новая часть позволяет переключаться между героями в любой момент, исследовать опасные подземелья и обрушивать на уши противников кошачьи заклинания.
Империя Люпуса и королевство Фелингард, населенные собаками и котами, долгое время уживались мирно, время от времени погавкивая и шипя друг на друга. Но со временем амбиции вожаков стали уж слишком высокими, приближая кровавый конфликт все ближе. Дабы отвратить катастрофу, нам предстоит взять под контроль доброжелательных кота и собаку, оббежать все будки в королевстве, помочь четвероногим друзьям и покарать злодеев, решивших нажить богатство на выдранной шерсти простых кошечек и собачек.
Cat Quest II – это продолжение «няшного» ролевого экшена с совсем не мирным сюжетом, ставящим жизнь животных под большую опасность. Помимо нового сюжетного приключения, игра получает улучшения всех механик, в том числе мгновенные переключения между котом и собакой. Сами герои получают новые пассивные навыки и еще больше магических заклинаний, которые можно комбинировать с характеристиками персонажей. Оружия стало еще больше, в том числе дебютируют магические посохи и мечи мастера.
Проходить сюжетную историю можно с другом в локальной сессии, но переключение между персонажами станет неактуальным. Развлечений здесь великое множество, начиная от выполнения сотни квестов различной сложности и заканчивая решением головоломок и покорением мрачных подземелий, населенных жуткими монстрами. Боевая система тоже будет подстраиваться под игроков, позволяя комбинировать умения и заклинания.
Cat Quest II, как и ее предшественник, благосклонно принята любящими животных игроками, отмечающими красивую графику, интересную историю и множество квестов, способных увлечь не на один десяток часов.
Cat quest 2 как играть вдвоем
Cat Quest II
18 сен. 2019 в 23:48 19 сен. 2019 в 11:27Highly unlikely, but you can use Parsec to play any "local co-op only" game online with a friend.
19 сен. 2019 в 12:09 20 сен. 2019 в 7:04Agree, it's great!
I mean, native online co-op is amazing, but it's unrealistic generally. It requires so much time/money to be properly done, and rarely pays itself for indie games, often leading to worse games and debts/commercial failures.
It often leads to delays or bugs, and when not, will just end up having people complain as in "dead game noone is online" stuff. Gamers are generally pawesome, you know?
So, Parsec implies in no extra cost of development, works flawlesly when you meet its requirements, and best of all, only requires one copy of the game to play in co-op. It's much more feasible, and it's somewhat unfair to "demand" online coop considering all the strings attached to it.
23 сен. 2019 в 11:15 23 сен. 2019 в 13:17To anyone interested, I actually used Parsec to play the game online just fine:
Parsec is fine, if your internet is fast enough and you set it correctly, if your internet isn't fast enough then you shouldn't be playing online in the first place.Agree, it's great!
I mean, native online co-op is amazing, but it's unrealistic generally. It requires so much time/money to be properly done, and rarely pays itself for indie games, often leading to worse games and debts/commercial failures.
It often leads to delays or bugs, and when not, will just end up having people complain as in "dead game noone is online" stuff. Gamers are generally pawesome, you know?
So, Parsec implies in no extra cost of development, works flawlesly when you meet its requirements, and best of all, only requires one copy of the game to play in co-op. It's much more feasible, and it's somewhat unfair to "demand" online coop considering all the strings attached to it.
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