Call of duty 4 как подключить джойстик
In this tutorial you will find steps to make x360ce work with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. This method also works with any game – just do the same easy steps, no special skills needed to make any controller work as an Xbox 360 gamepad. Emulator allows your controller (joystick, wheel, gamepad, etc.) to operate as the most common device, recognized by most of the games without any additional settings and workarounds.
1. The first step is to download x360ce zip file from official site. You have to select 32 or 64 bit version (same as the version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 you use). If you don’t know the version of your game or download wrong one accidentally, you will be notified later and have a chance to use another version.
2. Now we have to find the installation folder of your game. You can easily do this by looking into game shortcut settings or finding the game in your Steam library list. If you choose the Steam variant, right click the game name and select “Properties”.
3. Navigate to “Local files” tab and press “Browse local files. ” button.
4. Now you need to find the folder with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 executable. In the example picture they are located in Binaries / Retail subfolder. You need to extract downloaded x360ce ZIP file to folder with your game executable file.
5. Click on x360ce exe file with the right mouse button and select “Run as administrator” from dropdown menu.
6. You will see window with warning – “xinput 1_3.dll was not found. This file is required for emulator to function properly.” Don’t worry, just click “Create” button to make them appear.
7. When x360ce will inform you that new device was detected, use automatic search for settings from internet – just hit “Next” button.
8. Click “Finish”, when installation completed.
9. Hit the “Auto” button to make all settings set to defaults. Confirm changes by clicking “Yes” in popup window. All the buttons will be filled automatically.
10. Now just hit “Save” button to make all your settings saved. You can also change buttons assignment before hitting “Save”, if you like.
Now you can normally launch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and use your controller with x360ce emulator – it will be starting automatically with each game launch.
Call of duty 4 как подключить джойстик
Данная программа может скажем перенести управление с мышки и клавиатуры на джойстик))
3 шаг
Добавляем с помощью мастера кнопки джойстика
6 шаг
Назначаем кнопкам на геймпаде соответствующие кнопки на клавиатуре или мышке
7 шаг
Включаем игру, ложимся на диван и наслаждаемся
How to use x360ce emulator with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on PC
In this tutorial you will find steps to make x360ce work with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This method also works with any game – just do the same easy steps, no special skills needed to make any controller work as an Xbox 360 gamepad. Emulator allows your controller (joystick, wheel, gamepad, etc.) to operate as the most common device, recognized by most of the games without any additional settings and workarounds.
1. The first step is to download x360ce zip file from official site. You have to select 32 or 64 bit version (same as the version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare you use). If you don’t know the version of your game or download wrong one accidentally, you will be notified later and have a chance to use another version.
2. Now we have to find the installation folder of your game. You can easily do this by looking into game shortcut settings or finding the game in your Steam library list. If you choose the Steam variant, right click the game name and select “Properties”.
3. Navigate to “Local files” tab and press “Browse local files. ” button.
4. Now you need to find the folder with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare executable. In the example picture they are located in Binaries / Retail subfolder. You need to extract downloaded x360ce ZIP file to folder with your game executable file.
5. Click on x360ce exe file with the right mouse button and select “Run as administrator” from dropdown menu.
6. You will see window with warning – “xinput 1_3.dll was not found. This file is required for emulator to function properly.” Don’t worry, just click “Create” button to make them appear.
7. When x360ce will inform you that new device was detected, use automatic search for settings from internet – just hit “Next” button.
8. Click “Finish”, when installation completed.
9. Hit the “Auto” button to make all settings set to defaults. Confirm changes by clicking “Yes” in popup window. All the buttons will be filled automatically.
10. Now just hit “Save” button to make all your settings saved. You can also change buttons assignment before hitting “Save”, if you like.
Now you can normally launch Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and use your controller with x360ce emulator – it will be starting automatically with each game launch.
How to use x360ce emulator with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on PC
In this tutorial you will find steps to make x360ce work with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. This method also works with any game – just do the same easy steps, no special skills needed to make any controller work as an Xbox 360 gamepad. Emulator allows your controller (joystick, wheel, gamepad, etc.) to operate as the most common device, recognized by most of the games without any additional settings and workarounds.
1. The first step is to download x360ce zip file from official site. You have to select 32 or 64 bit version (same as the version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 you use). If you don’t know the version of your game or download wrong one accidentally, you will be notified later and have a chance to use another version.
2. Now we have to find the installation folder of your game. You can easily do this by looking into game shortcut settings or finding the game in your Steam library list. If you choose the Steam variant, right click the game name and select “Properties”.
3. Navigate to “Local files” tab and press “Browse local files. ” button.
4. Now you need to find the folder with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 executable. In the example picture they are located in Binaries / Retail subfolder. You need to extract downloaded x360ce ZIP file to folder with your game executable file.
5. Click on x360ce exe file with the right mouse button and select “Run as administrator” from dropdown menu.
6. You will see window with warning – “xinput 1_3.dll was not found. This file is required for emulator to function properly.” Don’t worry, just click “Create” button to make them appear.
7. When x360ce will inform you that new device was detected, use automatic search for settings from internet – just hit “Next” button.
8. Click “Finish”, when installation completed.
9. Hit the “Auto” button to make all settings set to defaults. Confirm changes by clicking “Yes” in popup window. All the buttons will be filled automatically.
10. Now just hit “Save” button to make all your settings saved. You can also change buttons assignment before hitting “Save”, if you like.
Now you can normally launch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and use your controller with x360ce emulator – it will be starting automatically with each game launch.
Как подключить контроллер к Call of Duty: Mobile
Вот и пришел второй сезон в Call of Duty: Mobile и вместе с ним поддержка геймпада, о которой я уже писал на Гаджетплей ранее. Ведь многие игроки очень ждали такой возможности. Давайте посмотрим как подключить геймпад к моему Айфону.
Как подключить DualShock 4 к Call of Duty: Mobile?
Все оказалось очень просто и занимает всего около минуты.
Идем в настройки телефона
2. Открываем меню Bluetooth на телефоне.
3. Берем в руки DualShock 4 и зажимаем одновременно кнопки Share и PS - геймпад начнет мерцать.
Как подключить геймпад Xbox one к Call of Duty: Mobile?
Процесс подключения контроллера от Xbox проходит аналогичным способом, только для сопряжения с телефоном у геймпада Xbox one есть маленькая кнопка для сопряжения, которая находится рядом с USB.
Отключить геймпад от PS 4 можно зажав кнопку PS или выбрать в меню телефона отключение устройства. На Айфоне нужно зажать значок Bluetooth и появится меню с подключенными устройствами.
Впечатления от использования DualShock 4 в Call of Duty: Mobile
Сразу скажу, что изначально я не ждал поддержки геймпада, мне достаточно комфортно играть на экране, хотя часто все пальцы собираются в кучу, такое у меня происходит с клавой на компьютере и сенсорным экраном. Поэтому мне удобней всего играть в игры на геймпаде, но в случае с мобильными играми для меня практичней использовать все-таки сенсорное управление.
Все кнопочки подписаны
Все сильно мелко!
Но у меня другая проблема, держа в руках геймпад, телефон оказался сильно далеко от моих глаз и все стало уж сильно мелким, планшет тут был бы более к месту. Да и такой метод потерял мобильность. Я не представляю себя лежащим вечером в кровати с геймпадом и телефоном для боя на 10 минут))) Но если играть основательно на пару часов, то почему бы и нет? У каждого управления есть свои плюсы и минусы.
Стоит упомянуть, что если вы играете на контроллере, то и остальные игроки тоже будут играть на контроллерах. Если вы играете на геймпаде, а ваш друг нет, то вы все равно попадете в бой, где игроки используют геймпады! Все продумано)))
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