Bstats что за плагин майнкрафт
- Adding charts to your code
- Adding charts on the website
A Simple Pie is the most basic chart type. It's a great option for config settings as it only accepts one value per server. Adding the chart to your code is fairly easy: If you need a pie with more options there's the Advanced Pie which allows you to send more than one value. You can also give the values different 'weights'. There are very few cases in which you need this type of pie, so I'm sorry for this bad example:
Drilldown Pies
A Drilldown Pie is the most fancy pie chart. It's a great choice for displaying complex data which would look like a mess, if a normal pie would be used. Creating one is sadly a little bit ugly, because of it's complexity:
Line Charts
A Single Line Chart is exactly what the name says: A line chart with only one line. An example for this type of chart is the servers or players chart every plugin has. Implementing a Single Line Chart is as simple as implementing a Simple Pie chart: Now it's your turn. What do you think is a Multi Line Chart? Right! A line chart with multiple lines: (Note: Multi Line Charts are still in development)
Bar charts
A Simple Bar Chart represents a bar chart, where each category only has 1 bar. The first value of the map is the category name and the second value of the map is the value of the bar (most of the time you want it to be 1).
An Advanced Bar Chart represents a bar chart, where each category can have multiple bars (defined at the creation). The first value of the map is the category name and the second value of the map are the values for the bars. The example you can see above is an advanced pie chart.
Hosted by FastVM
We are happy to be sponsored by FastVM! You should definitely check out their website!
[Plugin][1.8+] Essentials - Сотня нужных команд!
Цветные таблички
Точки домов для игроков и варпы для телепортации в любые точки сервера
Наборы блоков/предметов для игроков с возможностью авто-выдачи новичкам
Простая телепортация к игрокам: как с запросом, так и без
Полная настройка чата и никнеймов
Полный набор "модераторских штучек" с возможностью мута, тюрьмы и временных банов
Поддержка экономики, включая магазинные таблички и платное использование команд
Полный основанный на Permission контроль строительства, с возможностью блокировки конкретных предметов
Надёжная защита мира, позволяющая блокировать взрывы, распространение огня и прочие катастрофы!
Основные модули
Essentials - основа всего, без него модули ничто
EssentialsSpawn - телепортация в точку спавна и её установка
EssentialsAntiBuild - позволяет указывать, кто может строить на сервере или разрушать/устанавливать определённые блоки.
Удобно, скажем, для запрета лавы
EssentialsChat - форматирование чата, префиксы в нём, а также разграничение на локальный и глобальный
EssentialsProtect - базовая система защиты. Позволяет запрещать, к примеру, повреждение блоков от взрыва криперов,
распространение огня, и спавн определённых мобов
Дополнительные модули
EssentialsXMPP - посредник между сервером и чат-сетью Jabber. Позволяет общаться через сервисы типа GTalk и Facebook напрямую в игре, или например для слежения за ошибками сервера
EssentialsGeoIP - географический IP поиск, позволяет вычислять школьников по айпи узнавать, кто из игроков в какой стране живёт
Open source
bStats is completely open source! Feel free to check out our GitHub page.
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Keep up to date with the development of bStats, get quick support or just chat with other bStats users. Everything in one place: Invite
bStats allows you to collect usage data for your Bukkit, Spigot, Bungeecord or Sponge plugin.
Lightning fast
bStats is optimized for performance and stability. It's extremely reliable, scalable and still super fast. Say goodbye to slow response times!
Integrated within seconds
bStats is extremely easy to integrate into your plugin. Just add one class to your plugin and you are done!
Bstats что за плагин майнкрафт
bStats is a free and open source website that helps you to collect usage data for your Bukkit, Spigot, Bungeecord or Sponge plugin. Integrating bStats into your plugin is straight forward and done in a matter of seconds. Detailed instructions can be found on the Include Metrics site.
After adding bStats to your plugin you have to create an account to register your plugin. You can manage your plugins with this account, e.g. adding customs graphs, etc.
All data that is collected is publicly visible. If you are interested in what data is collected for your Minecraft server, take a look at the pages for the plugins on your server. Please note that plugin authors can also send data that is customized for their plugin.
bStats supports the creation of custom graphs. Take a look at the examples to get a feel how creating custom graphs works. You may also like to check out our REST api.
If you don't want bStats to collect data from your server, you can disable it in the bStats config file. This file can be found in the /plugins/bStats/ folder.
bStats has nearly no effect on your server's performance and the sent data is completely anonymous. The collected data is important information for plugin authors to improve their plugins and keep motivated. To value their work and effort, please keep bStats enabled.
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