Breeding season как играть
Народное финансирование — это не только Kickstarter, но и, например, Patreon. Главное отличие этого сервиса — пользователи дают деньги не один раз, а каждый месяц. Сколько именно — определяют они сами. Так вот, самая кассовая видеоигра с Patreon на днях обанкротилась и отменилась, а её разработчики начали перекидываться дерьмом обвинениями.
Страдалица зовётся Breeding Season. Эта игра сама по себе добавляет всей истории определённого… шарма. Разработчики описывают свой шедевр так: «Порочная комбинация симулятора фермера и секс-игры». Breeding Season посвящена разведению фэнтезийных аниме-персонажей (и кошкодевочек в том числе), а геймплей напоминает Stardew Valley или Harvest Moon.
Больных ублюдков Любителей такого дела нашлось предостаточно: каждые четыре недели почти 11 000 человек жертвовало в сумме свыше 42 000 долларов. Breeding Season даже ухитрилась занять второе место по количеству ежемесячных платежей среди всех проектов на Patreon!
Тут-то и начинается драма. Как пишет разработчик по прозвищу HBomb, его товарищ — S-Purple — в один прекрасный момент забрал половину сбережений студии, половину наработок и ушёл делать свою игру — Cloud Meadow. Как ему удалось всё это провернуть? Просто такое позволял контракт!
Breeding Season тем временем резко обеднела, лишилась уникального контента и, уверяет HBomb, откатилась к самому началу разработки. Оставшаяся команда растеряла былой энтузиазм, а самая кассовая игра с Patreon всё равно что умерла.
Сам S-Purple, разумеется, видит случившееся совершенно иначе. По его словам, Breeding Season была обречена задолго до того, как он взялся за Cloud Meadow. S-Purple утверждает, что Cloud Meadow — лучший вариант спасти идею Breeding Season и всё-таки сделать для вкладчиков с Patreon ту игру, на которую они давали деньги.
S-Purple говорит, что HBomb намеренно вводит публику в заблуждение, а на самом-то деле всё было далеко не так. Правду-матку девелопер поведает после того, как подготовит подробный ответ на обвинения от бывшего коллеги. И засудить создателя Cloud Meadow не получится — S-Purple, дескать, всё сделал по закону.
Но для простых обывателей ситуация такая: одна игра с крупными ежемесячными пожертвованиями отменена, а отдавать деньги теперь надо на какой-то непонятный другой кошелёк. Тяжело в современном мире любить эротические «фермы»!
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Sunday, December 22, 2013
So, this ended up being an extremely long post, with a ton of information. Hopefully it will answer a lot of questions that people have had. Go ahead and post any other questions you might have as comments and I'll see if I can go ahead and add them to the FAQ. Breeding mods will no longer be randomized on new monsters (all store-bought catgirls will have +DEX only, etc), so if you want to raise a particular stat you will need to have bought a monster that raises it to begin with, but you will be able to transfer breeding modifiers between monster species through their offspring. There will also be more monster-specific traits. Breeding and harvesting will be two different limits, STA will affect breeding and WIL will affect harvesting. Consumables will be used for their effects, which will now vary based on the stats of the monster they were harvested from (a holstaurus with higher stats will produce milk that increases fertility higher). Obviously some of the consumable effects will have to change. When will you put in the animation for [insert pairing here]? The bad news is: I do not currently intend to make animations for every monster pairing in the game. This is something that I feared would eventually happen when I started making the game. Its basic math: every time I add a new monster or visual trait, I have to make more animations for it than the last one due to the combinatorial nature of breeding monsters together. If I were to make animations for every possible pairing between different monsters, futa versions, neoteny versions, and futa neoteny versions currently in the game, it would be well-over 200 different animations. That would be over 400 hours of work for me just on animations, and this number would go up with every new monster I add. Basically I have two options: 1. I could keep making unique animations, but only make animations for a limited number of pairs, or 2. I could make standard animations that will fit together regardless of the pair. Personally, I think option 2 would make for boring/ugly looking animations, and I would much rather have fewer but more unique and interesting animations. The good news is: I will pay attention to comments and posts and try to make sure I add animations for pairings that people are asking for the most. Also, if you really want a particular animation in the game, you will be able to put money towards it to request it in the voting system. This is true for harvest and cum-shot animations as well. Will you put in content for [insert fetish here]? The game will not contain: snuff, gore, ryona, vore, scat, watersports, any blood, or basically anything that I personally feel is too violent or too misogynistic for me to be comfortable with. Bug reports are very important to me, and one of the ways that people can help the most in contributing to the game is by submitting them to me. If you want to report a bug, you should make a blog comment under the patch notes posted for the version of the game in which the bug occurred. The more details and specifics you can give me about the bug, the better. - Can you reproduce it (can you get the bug to happen again?) - If you saved or loaded the game at any time prior to the bug occurring (and if the save is from a previous version, which version you started the new game in) - All ranch upgrades that you owned when the bug occurred - On menu/hotkey errors: the specific order in which you opened/closed menus and what you clicked/what keys you typed to do it - On monster errors: the monster's type, all of its traits, the monster types and traits of both of its parents, whether or not it was a child of the player, and what consumables it and its parents had been fed with - On animation errors: the monster types of the involved monsters, which monster was first (orange) and which was second (blue) in the breeding menu, if any of the involved monsters had default colors show up (blue hair on any monster, orange fur on catgirls, brown fur on stallions, brown wings on harpies, red fur on demons) You don't have to give me all of this information to post a report, obviously, but it helps me more if you do. Unfortunately, I don't always keep very good track of the known bugs, so I don't mind when they're reposted. Just make sure that the bug exists in the version that you're posting under, and not in previous versions. I may not always respond to bug reports, but I try to read as many as I can. Unfortunately, a lot of the time I don't remember who offered a suggestion, and so I can't credit them. Often I will read a suggestion that I like but not get a chance to respond to the person about it. However, I do take notice of people who are particularly helpful.The suggestions that help me the most are ones that will either take a pretty small amount of work to put into the game but make it a lot more fun, or will actually save me work and make my life easier. While I still like to see suggestions about what kind of monsters or animations people want to see in the game, I already have a ton of that work heaped up already, and even if I like your suggestion it will be a long, long time before I could get it into the game. As a rule of thumb: if it doesn't require me to make new art, or do a lot of programming, then it's a useful suggestion. Things like small UI changes and small gameplay changes are the kind I can use the most. Yes! One of the biggest bottlenecks that I have in getting content out faster is art, as I'm honestly not as good of an artist as I'd like. 1. Landscape and environment - Landscape art is one of the biggest bottlenecks to the exploration system and further expansion of the game, as I'm not very good at it and it takes me a long time. Anyone who can make good environmental art would be a massive help to me, and if you're not used to working in vector formats don't fear: I can handle converting art from other formats or styles. 2. Animation - Anyone who has a good handle on flash animation can very easily help me out by making more sex animations for the various pairings. I can supply you with all my sprites and all you'll have to worry about is tweening, etc. 3. Character portraits - I'm looking for people who are willing to make dialog portraits for various NPCs and the like. I'll be giving you some basic descriptions and you can pretty much go wild with drawing them how you like, though ideally with some resemblance to my style just so that the art is cohesive. 4. Writing - People who would like to contribute dialog writing for NPCs and side quests would be very welcome. It's likely that I will do a lot of editing of what you submit to fit my ideas for the game, though, but it will still make my life a lot easier. Unfortunately, right now a lot of the specifics involving events and side quests aren't nailed down yet, but I'd still like to get in contact with people who are interested in doing writing work once I do. As far as compensation goes, I can offer anyone who contributes art more control in the direction of the game, memberships, and voting points, and for individuals who are willing to contribute a very significant amount I can offer you a cut of the money from the membership website each month. If you're interested in contributing art to the game, please e-mail me at [email protected] with some samples of your work. Please state clearly in the subject line that it's about "Breeding Season Art Help". Unfortunately, I get a lot of spam and it might get filtered out or I might miss it, if I don't get back to you right away don't hesitate to bug me on the Legend of Krystal forums or in the comments section of this blog. Not everyone who wants to contribute will be able to as I'm going to be kind of choosey about making sure the visual design of the game is consistent. I still really appreciate the offers, though, even if I don't feel your style fits the game. A lot of people have offered to help with programming or game design. I appreciate the offers but unfortunately the game isn't in a state yet where it would be easy for multiple people to work on the code, as much of it still needs to be re-factored and is poorly commented. Feel free to continue offering suggestions concerning programming and game design in the blog comments and on the Legend of Krystal forums, though, as these continue to be a huge help to me.
Where you should start with making a game depends a lot on what kind of experience you have already. It has taken me years of learning to get to where I am, and I'm still a total novice, so if you want to go anywhere with game development you have to be ready to put tons of effort into it. The first thing you should do is learn how to program in object-oriented style. The programming language you learn to use isn't as important as learning the basic ideas behind it. I don't have any specific tutorials, but there are plenty of great programming tutorials on the internet if you spend some time on google. A tutorial focused on teaching you object-oriented programming is more important than a tutorial focusing on game programming specifically, but if you can get a tutorial that will teach you both that's the best. Mostly, though, you should just realize it will take you years of constant improvement to get to the point where you can make a big game. Start with very small projects, like super small, and work your way up. Make your own version of pong, then move onto the next step, etc. Don't get discouraged if you can't make the game you want to right from the start. If you keep at it, you'll be able to make that game eventually, and probably get a ton of even better ideas along the way.
Glad to see such awesome motivation. And I, for one, welcome our Dickwolf overlords.
hello, i found your game back in march on $chin and i WAS HOOKED!
i am glad to see your effort(neoteny rules too)!; and if you need help with writing, design,dialog, forum creation or a modest donation bi_weekly, i am your man!
i love this game and want to show i much i love it!
could you consider making a free play mod. i love the challenge, but i like to Lesly play.
Also you could ask for some help with animations and whatever else there seem to be a lot of people that could do it, just to lighten the load a bit.
I agree with this. I personally believe to at least finish current animations before adding anything new. If required, possibly start looking for a team of people.
I do intend to keep on adding animations over time, and I am currently talking to some people who I can bring on to do some other animations.
"Happiness will govern their chance of disobeying you, or running away"
Running away? While realistic, I think that would end up being more annoying than anything. Obviously, that depends on the exact implementation.
Why specify misogynistic? In what way is porn that involves (imaginary) women getting (fictionally) hurt misogynistic? Is ballbusting porn misandric?
while i really like the main idea of this game, i was mainly hooked by the combination of animations with the breeding process and while i understand the reasons for not wanting to make more animations because they take way too long to make, i have to say that sadly that was the main seller for me, well that and the neoteny + futas
Basically, I have to do this now in order for you to get more porn animations later.
This is my intention, actually, I just need to get around to it.
Fairly high priority, as I have a number of people who have offered to help with animation recently.
Sounds good. I look forward to seeing if I can make some decent animations to take the load off a bit, then.
You seem to have a major system overhaul planned (Beta version?) . is there any point in testing the current versions as it reads like the mechanics are going to change significantly?
However, it still helps me if people are reporting bugs, graphical mistakes, etc.
Only request, please, would be futa harpy/player, futa harpy/female harpy, and futa harpy/female elf slave. harpies get so little love in comparison to many other things out there, and it would be wonderful to finally see them get the attention they deserve.
When you give a population of wild monkeys free fruit, most will take that to mean you are their inferior and are offering them a bribe to leave them be. However, if you have more fruit they typically feel encouraged to threaten or bully you into handing it over until their is no more fruit. In the world of free downloadable video games, the amount of fruit is unlimited. Enjoy your well-intentioned efforts. I hope the monkeys are nice to you.
The basic breed system (not the stats, but the offspring generation) is pretty inspired and the incest mechanic you added later was a great idea. That seemed to be the biggest challenge to the game (building all breed modifiers to pluses). I personally think the negative modifiers work fine and helps pace the game a little trying to remove them. As far as that part of the system, only minor tweaks are needed (base offspring chance could stand to be a little higher since the game start you with monsters that can only breed once or twice a day at best, maybe instead have the monster unable to birth more than one child in a day).
Sort by monster type would have been better served for consumables (since there was nothing limiting those the list could be quite large)
Traits the gave consumables powers of other consumables was a bad idea; with those in play, monster types stopped having meaning as the consumables ability was the only unique thing that set monsters apart.
Like currently (rather beta expectation), a Wolf template has this:
Base Breed Modifer: STR
Consumable Ability: +1 Breed
Digger: a special event where the wolf has dug up something (money, special items, etc) due to inactivity (i.e. unused breed, harvest, fed).
So there would be a special reason to keep wolves over other beasts.
I could see keeping Geyser, Too Stronk, and some of those other traits specific to their monsters.
Автор эротической игры с Patreon забрал деньги, наработки и сбежал
Народное финансирование — это не только Kickstarter, но и, например, Patreon. Главное отличие этого сервиса — пользователи дают деньги не один раз, а каждый месяц. Сколько именно — определяют они сами. Так вот, самая кассовая видеоигра с Patreon на днях обанкротилась и отменилась, а её разработчики начали перекидываться дерьмом обвинениями.
Страдалица зовётся Breeding Season. Эта игра сама по себе добавляет всей истории определённого… шарма. Разработчики описывают свой шедевр так: «Порочная комбинация симулятора фермера и секс-игры». Breeding Season посвящена разведению фэнтезийных аниме-персонажей (и кошкодевочек в том числе), а геймплей напоминает Stardew Valley или Harvest Moon.
Больных ублюдков Любителей такого дела нашлось предостаточно: каждые четыре недели почти 11 000 человек жертвовало в сумме свыше 42 000 долларов. Breeding Season даже ухитрилась занять второе место по количеству ежемесячных платежей среди всех проектов на Patreon!
Тут-то и начинается драма. Как пишет пишет разработчик по прозвищу HBomb, его товарищ — S-Purple — в один прекрасный момент забрал половину сбережений студии, половину наработок и ушёл делать свою игру — Cloud Meadow. Как ему удалось всё это провернуть? Просто такое позволял контракт!
Breeding Season тем временем резко обеднела, лишилась уникального контента и, уверяет HBomb, откатилась к самому началу разработки. Оставшаяся команда растеряла былой энтузиазм, а самая кассовая игра с Patreon всё равно что умерла.
Сам S-Purple, разумеется, видит случившееся совершенно иначе. По его словам, Breeding Seasonбыла обречена задолго до того, как он взялся за Cloud Meadow. S-Purple утверждает, что Cloud Meadow — лучший вариант спасти идею Breeding Season и всё-таки сделать для вкладчиков с Patreon ту игру, на которую они давали деньги.
S-Purple говорит, что HBomb намеренно вводит публику в заблуждение, а на самом-то деле всё было далеко не так. Правду-матку девелопер поведает после того, как подготовит подробный ответ на обвинения от бывшего коллеги. И засудить создателя Cloud Meadow не получится — S-Purple, дескать, всё сделал по закону.
Но для простых обывателей ситуация такая: одна игра с крупными ежемесячными пожертвованиями отменена, а отдавать деньги теперь надо на какой-то непонятный другой кошелёк. Тяжело в современном мире любить эротические «фермы»!
Breeding Season: Alpha Version 2 - 7.7 [HartistaPipebomb] (Сезон размножения)
Андроид версия by freezontal: breedingseason_7.7.2.apk [скачать]
Сезон размножения это комбинация симулятора фермы и секс-игры. Водите на случку разных похотливых монстров для выведения потомства на продажу. Присутствуют кошкодевочки, эльфы, членоволки, гарпии и многие другие.
Это незаконченная альфа-версия игры.
dumbgallerycode - Открывает галерею.
dumbmoneycode.(Число) - Даёт деньги.
Пример: "dumbmoneycode.100000" даст вам 100000 золотых.
dumbgpcode.(Число) - Даёт очки гильдии.
addenergy.(Число) - Даёт энергию.
newrequest - Генерирует новый заказ (У игрока не может быть больше 24 заказов).
Breeding Season
Breeding Season is the unholy combination of a farming sim and a sex game. Breed a variety of sexy monsters together for sale to adventurous clients. Featuring Catgirls, Dickwolves, Harpies; you name it. Currently in early alpha.
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