Battletech где лежат сохранения
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BATTLETECH is a game that was released in April 2018 and developed by Paradox Interactive. Paradox Interactive are a large game studio, well known for many other big titles they've published including Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis, and Stellaris.
The game itself is a turn-based strategy which means, quite frankly, the game is a strategy game that's played in turns. Your character is a mercenary commander that leads an army of BattleMechs. BattleMechs are combat vehicles that are the focus on BattleTech, they're what you use in combat. As the mercenary commander, you'll be tasked with controlling all sorts of variables and directing any and all combat your fleet engages in.
Battletech где лежат сохранения
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Для переноса сохранений из левого BattleTech в Steam нам потребуется следующее:
1. Найти сохранения нашей пиратки, GoG версии итд
2. Создать сохранение в Steam версии игры
3. Заместить созданное сохранение в Steam старым сохранением из другой версии игры
Путь до сохранений BattleTech в STEAM на Windows:
К сожалению тупое перемещение старых сохранений в папку с сохранениями в Steam нам не поможет - они тупо не отобразятся в списке сохранений в игре. Дело в том, что существует место, где прописываются пути ко всем файлам сохранений игры. Я пока найти это место не смог - в некоторых пиратках это обычный текстовый файл.
Таким образом нам нужно, чтобы в этом месте появился хотябы один существующий путь к сохранению. Тут не обойтись без запуска игровой компании.
1. Создаём новую игру. На создании персонажа особо не заморачиваемся тыкаем далее пока не начнётся игра(имя фамилию и позывной выбираем кнопкой случайного выбора рядом с полем ввода чтобы не париться) - что у нас будет за герой без разницы нам нужно сохранение на утилизацию.
2. Как только начнётся обучающая миссия выходим из игры - сохранение создаётся сразу при старте компании.
3(не обязательно). Если нужно сразу 3 файла сохранения, проходим обучающую миссию и в следующей миссии жмём Esc и в появившемся окне выбираем "Меню", а затем "Сохранить и выйти".
Теперь у нас есть всё для перемещения старых сохранений в Steam. Для этого:
1. Находим нужное нам старое сохранение в папке со старыми сохранениями(возможные пути к папкам указаны выше).
2. Копируем это сохранение в папку с сохранениями игры в Steam. Не забывайте, что если старая игра была с дополнениями типа Flashpoint итд, то вам придётся докупить их в Steam иначе сохранение в игре будет отмечено надписью "Требуется дополнение такоето" и загрузить его не получится.
3. Копируем имя файла созданного нами во второй главе сохранения,
4. Cамо это сохранение удаляем или выкидываем из папки Steam,
5. Переименовываем перемещённый нами старый сейв в то что скопировали из имени созданного нами сохранения
6. Готово - можно продолжать начатое.
Не забываем, что достижения придётся зарабатывать заново, так что если хотите их все придётся начать игру с начала.
Game Save File Location
Depending on your operating system, and whether you're playing BATTLETECH via Steam or GOG, your game saves will be in a different folder. See advice for your configuration below:
If you're playing BATTLETECH via Steam on Windows, to find your game saves, first go to your Steam library userdata directory. This is usually one of these paths:
If it isn't at either of those locations, follow this guide first to find your Steam library location, then proceed to userdata .
Once you're in the userdata folder, go into the folder that's named after your steamID3. If there's just one folder, it'll be that one, if there's more than one, we recommend just trying each to see which is for your user (there shouldn't be many). Alternatively, you can use an online Steam ID finder, but it's probably faster to try each.
Then, once you're in the correct user folder, go through the following folders:
On Windows GOG, the path of your game saves is relatively straight-forward:
To quickly open up that path:
- Hit WINDOWS + R on your keyboard
- In the Run window that opens, paste the above path ( %AppData% . ) into the text field
- Hit OK and an Explorer Window will open
If that doesn't work, just type %AppData%\..\Local into the Run window and manually follow the path to your saves.
Other Installations
If you're not using GOG, or Steam, to play BATTLETECH, your save files on Windows could be located in this folder:
If you're playing BATTLETECH on Steam on a Mac, the steps to find your game saves are relatively similar to those on Windows. Firstly, find your Steam library, and the userdata folder inside it, this is usually:
Quickly jump to the above path in Finder by clicking the magnifying glass on the right of your menu bar, pasting the path in, and hitting ENTER .
Once you're in the userdata folder, go into the folder that's named after your steamID3. If there's just one folder, it'll be that one, if there's more than one, you can try each, or use an online Steam ID finder.
Then, go through the following folders:
Quickly open up a Finder window with this path by clicking the magnifying glass in the right of your menu bar (or hitting COMMAND + SPACE ), pasting it in, and hitting ENTER .
Other Installations
If you're not using GOG, or Steam, to play BATTLETECH, your save files on Mac could be located in this folder:
Battletech где лежат сохранения
26 апр. 2018 в 17:58 26 апр. 2018 в 18:08Thank you for posting this.
I'm encountering an issue just now with my save file. It's been loading for the past five minutes. and I'm not on a bad system.
26 апр. 2018 в 18:22 No problem! Glad I could help. Sorry to hear about your save file problem, though. :( You should check our support FAQ (which is pinned) and our bug forum if you haven’t yet. 26 апр. 2018 в 18:23Since you're here already I'd like to ask a question. I haven't taken a look at them but I know that most other games published by Paradox use hex so I assume you're doing the same, right? I know there's a lot of long-time dedicated Battletech roleplayers that would be fond of having specific start files. It should be easy to edit them if it is in hex.
26 апр. 2018 в 18:25Since you're here already I'd like to ask a question. I haven't taken a look at them but I know that most other games published by Paradox use hex, right? I know there's a lot of long-time dedicated Battletech roleplayers that would be fond of having specific start files.
Because they are not the Developers for this game while most of the other games are Paradox Developers. 26 апр. 2018 в 23:59 I ended up loading a different save that was done at the same time, give or take a few seconds. I think the autosave was corrupted because the game crashed when I made it. The manual save a moment prior worked fine. 27 апр. 2018 в 1:34 I can no longer load my save file after doing the moon mission to get the argo flying again, the save file was working fine before but now it won't load at all. 27 апр. 2018 в 22:42 I can no longer load my save file after doing the moon mission to get the argo flying again, the save file was working fine before but now it won't load at all.
Yeah, same. I quit the game and now it won't let me load or continue my campaign, only start again. This game is so buggy it's not funny. 28 апр. 2018 в 8:54 Have you tried the beta patch that was just released? 29 апр. 2018 в 6:58 The same thing is also happening to me. I was playing fine up to the Smithon mission, and now the damn game won't even load. My save games are apparently gone (but I have the folder copied on my desktop), and when I try to start a new game it just spins and spins with the music playing in the background. 29 апр. 2018 в 7:01 29 апр. 2018 в 7:50
This is how I fixed my issue with this game on Steam. I uninstalled the game via the control panel in windows. I made sure it was uninstalled on Steam as well. Then I went in and deleted the BATTLETECH folder that was leftover at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\BATTLETECH.
Then I reinstalled Battletech and it worked. I have run it twice now and loaded my last save. All is well. Ad Victorium!
Battletech где лежат сохранения
24 апр. 2018 в 10:29 Quick question - Does anyone know where the save file is located? 24 апр. 2018 в 11:36c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[user-id]\637090\
At least as far as i can tell, nothing readable so far.
24 апр. 2018 в 12:02 is it working if i transfer my save data via usb to other pc? 24 апр. 2018 в 12:09 During the Beta it saved some data into one of the /appdata subfolders so try there. It'll be under either Battletech or Harebrained Schemes. 24 апр. 2018 в 12:30 During the Beta it saved some data into one of the /appdata subfolders so try there. It'll be under either Battletech or Harebrained Schemes.All i can find under harebrained and battletech in appdata looks liek config and cache, i am pretty sure the stuff in the steam subdir are the saves. 24 апр. 2018 в 17:04 During the Beta it saved some data into one of the /appdata subfolders so try there. It'll be under either Battletech or Harebrained Schemes.
All i can find under harebrained and battletech in appdata looks liek config and cache, i am pretty sure the stuff in the steam subdir are the saves.
Right you are.
Must admit, I'm very disheartened to see that you can't edit it. Partially because its limiting to how you can set up premade save files for challenges, partially because I headshotted the Shadowhawk on that mining colony mission and didn't get it as salvage
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