Battlefleet gothic armada где лежат сохранения
BGAEditor v1.9 by Cryptomancer
This is a saved game editor for Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. It supports editing solo skirmish profiles and campaign saved games. BGAEditor is a purely Command Line Interface (CLI) application written in Python 3.6.4.
BGAEditor is available as a Windows binary. Simply download BGAEditor.exe and you're good to go. No Python interpreter necessary.
Edit admiral level, ship slots, escort ship upgrade slots, renown, and elite level.
Edit deployments and resolve all non-priority missions available in campaign mode.
Edit ship level, captain picture, crew points, crew upgrade levels, upgrade slots, and battles waged.
The interface is purely CLI. Input is done through a series of text prompts in the form of: Number:Value or Command:Explanation.
To select a given option enter everything to the left of the colon verbatim. This includes capitalization and punctuation. If you see a property enclosed in parenthesis then it is displayed purely FYI and is not editable. For example:
(Faction): IMPERIUM -- This is NOT editable
Renown: 100 -- This is editable
Saved games location: C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\BattleFleetGothic\Saved\SaveGames
If you don't see the AppData folder then enable Show Hidden Folders in Folder Options. This program only modifies files in the form of .sav. Files in the form of _Meta.sav are untouched and do not need to be backed up.
v1.1 - Fixed a bug on Solo Skirmish Admirals with difficulty set to EASY. Added MAXADMIRAL! and EscortUpgrades commands.
v1.2 - Added campaign support.
v1.3 - Fixed a bug with Admiral XP values being incorrectly displayed. Fixed a bug that would display blank lines in the ship list if you did MAXFLEET! from a level 2+ Admiral. Added ability to edit deployments in the campaign.
v1.4 - Added Missions command which will resolve all non-priority missions in the campaign.
v1.5 - Added support for Space Marines faction. Fixed ship data parsing to accomodate new format introduced in Space Marine patch (1.5.8468). Removed MAXFLEET! command. MAXADMIRAL! now includes EscortUpgrades. Removed ability to display and edit individual crew skill values for ships (see readme for explanation).
v1.6 - Fixed crash when a ship is named the same as the ship class (Example: Imperial Navy Dauntless class Light Cruiser named Dauntless). Added ability to edit elite level. Added chapter display to Space Marine admirals.
v1.7 - Added support for Tau faction. Fixed MAXADMIRAL! command for Space Marines to give 4 Cruisers. Added sanity check to ship name length value to fix crash with Tau transport ship.
v1.8 - Added NextLevel command.
v1.9 - Updated editor to support changes to ship data format introduced in game patch 1.8.10317.
Battlefleet gothic armada где лежат сохранения
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
21 мар. 2016 в 8:44 Not because I want to back up my save games, I want to open up the file and look inside. 21 мар. 2016 в 8:59is that what your looking for?
21 мар. 2016 в 11:12 yes, thank you. (I'm DOS-era, never even thought to look in appdata unless it was my phone. thanks. game not out and people all ready trying to find ways to cheat. 21 мар. 2016 в 13:55 game not out and people all ready trying to find ways to cheat.cheat? Heresy!, but. the save file is just a simple plain text file. I'd probbaly change that.
but it's not my fault, i'd look into all the art assets, but they are locked in a .pack file. Probably save games should be too.
but they are locked in a .pack file. Probably save games should be too. No they shouldn't, I came here to find the location so that I can back them up to another computer, as I play off a laptop as well. 21 мая. 2019 в 9:46 but they are locked in a .pack file. Probably save games should be too.No they shouldn't, I came here to find the location so that I can back them up to another computer, as I play off a laptop as well.
oops, I mean to say. "Logically the save files should be in the same plain text format as the other files". instead of "should be too" that was confusing.
HAH.. I made this post before I fell in love with Unity. I used to really HATE Unity becasue alot of Unity games can't be modded, and I'm a modder.. and long time game maker.
you might be interested, i'm making a 40K fangame. "Warpsapce" starts at about 1:50 in the video, worth checking out.
Battlefleet gothic armada где лежат сохранения
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2
27 янв. 2019 в 6:19 27 янв. 2019 в 6:34 ESC > Save Game, you know, like literally every game since the early 90's? 27 янв. 2019 в 6:36 What is it with this game that breeds so many spiteful children? You save in this game like IN EVERY OTHER game in existence. 27 янв. 2019 в 6:44F5 is for quick save. It won't open window. It just creates one save file and rewrites it every time you do that quick save. it was like that in every game with one rewriting quicksave file.
Maybe before whining on forums go to settings and menues and explore every option?
27 янв. 2019 в 6:51 27 янв. 2019 в 7:07Guys, he's still in the tutorial. In the tutorial you cannot save. This is not explained anywhere, and is a bad design. I was confused by the exact same thing, since after I had finished the Prologue and done the first turn of the Imperial campaign I thought I could save, but you cannot start saving until you're about 4 or 5 turns into the Imperial campaign.
This was explained to me on this forum. Overall, it should take you about 45 minutes to get that far.
27 янв. 2019 в 7:16 ok i should have been clearer.. obviously dealing with slow people. WHen i hit escap THER IS NO save option in the menu.. Hence I can not save. I hit F5 and nothing happens MEANING THAT NO SAVE FILE APPEARS UNDER THE LOAD option when i restarrt the game. 27 янв. 2019 в 7:25In realtime fights you can't save game. And these fights actually last for 10-20 minutes. If something goes wrong, better warp out and restart the fight.
In tutorials there's no need to save the game, lol.
27 янв. 2019 в 8:16Hmm, is it possible to use the speed ajustment buttons in the tutorial to speed it up a little? I don't recall it taking that long.
. alas, there are some games where you can't really play it in 10 minutes bits. Or half hour bits. My usual example of that are the Total War games. So I only really play them when I have an hour or so available to do so.
And if this one, or even just the tutorial for it, is another in that category, well. that's going to be a problem.
For that matter, can you not skip the tutorial altogether?
27 янв. 2019 в 8:24Hmm, is it possible to use the speed ajustment buttons in the tutorial to speed it up a little? I don't recall it taking that long.
. alas, there are some games where you can't really play it in 10 minutes bits. Or half hour bits. My usual example of that are the Total War games. So I only really play them when I have an hour or so available to do so.
And if this one, or even just the tutorial for it, is another in that category, well. that's going to be a problem.
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada: Редактор Сохранений / Save Editor
Редактор сохранений для Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. Проверялся на версии 1.7.1000. Интерфейс интуитивно понятен даже пенсионерам и беременным.
Проверил на орках, все работает. Благодарю
ALKIRION Мои услуги к Вашим услугам) /шутка юмора/ Ну а если честно - сложный интерфейс?
aka_kadet Интерфейс понятен и прост как и сказано, но есть предложение, сделать выбор кораблей числами, а не их полным названием (у некоторых они мудреные) в меню Edit Ships . И возможно ли в дальнейшем редактировать сетевой профиль?
ALKIRION С нумерацией кораблей имеется трабл, ибо распознание идёт именно по названию. Поэтому придётся писать полностью. А вот насчёт дальнейшего редактирования профиля я даже не знаю что ответить.. Признаюсь давно не получал вопросов на которые не могу дать ответ - пойду цианида нажрусь с горя( Хотя. Экспериментируйте, и будет вам счастье))
с новым обновлением 1.8.10317 не работает
Gvinpin.93 Проверялся на версии 1.7.1000 И никто не гарантировал безупречную работу на всех версиях как бы.
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