Bag of tricks pathfinder kingmaker как пользоваться
16 окт. 2020 в 8:32
So I started Pathfinder a few days ago. Rarely has a game captivated me so much from the beginning. Luckily I don't work much at the moment so I put in 10h a day the last three days. - crazy for me, since I am more a casual gamer.
I come from DOS2 which I loved, but holy hell this game is another monster. Some things however I didn't like: the rest mechanic mostly. So I got the Bag of tricks mod from Nexus. My god, this gotta be the best single mod I ever seen. Like one mod literally gives you almost ALL options. It's crazy, good ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ job, modders!
I literally now modded the game to make it a personal 10/10. Mostly QoL stuff like faster running outside combat, slower time so I don't have to worry about deadlines all the time (which I really don't like, especially in a game where I want to explore), better camera AND no more resting.
I don't know about you guys, but the resting didn't work for me. You can rest always anyway (if not, jut leave the area for a second), so why put me through that after every engaging fight so I can ise all my spells again? I prefer the PoE 2 approach (a game where I didn't like the stupid pirate/ship setting) where all your chsracters heal up after a fight and spells "reload". This is how I want to play. That and the running speed change totally changed the game for me to make it even more awesome than it already was.
What about you guys? Anyone using Bag of Tricks? And I am the only one hating the rest mechanic?
16 окт. 2020 в 10:26A large part of the D&D ruleset (esp Kingmaker) is around long term time management. By turning it off, you're locking yourself out of a lot of interesting decisions.
You can't rest after every combat, because that will use up a day. Using up too many days means you're too slow in solving threats to your kingdom. So you have to be more careful in when you rest, and try to do multiple combats without resting between and converse abilities, choose when to use abilities, etc.
Granted not for everyone, but understand you're losing out on a lot of interesting gameplay. Maybe if you do a second try, give it a chance and play it as designed.
16 окт. 2020 в 11:36Attrition mechanics is a large part of the challenge and the timed kingdom system support this game design as well.
Sure, can understand it's not for everyone, and glad mods exist for people to customize their experience.
The PoE 2 no-attrition system kinda completely killed the challenge for me personally, PoE 1 had it right, deadfire ruined it and because of the new system all encounter design and health system became ridiculously straight forward and never really challenging.
Imo, kingmaker does it right, bringing back rest encounter chance, which can actually become a slight challenge if your party is completely drained.
Even with the current system, there are not much of a consequence timewise, you can still rest more times than necessary without it having a real impact.
I think pathfinder could even expand this system with resting at inns/cabins providing unique bonuses in exchange for gold.
and they should enable cooking in dungeons, since it doesn't make much sense why not when we got ingredients. Instead they went with the ration mechanic
Main benefit of PK mechanics is it doesn't allow you to go nova on everything, like OP seems to want to be doing. It was a problem since forever and PK solves it in a right way by nudging people into the correct playstyle with lenient timers. I'd probably go farther and prohibited rests that are more frequent than once in 24h, but it's adequate enough as is.
That being said, it's a single-player game and if it's cheating or not playing for OP - let him cheat in peace. Advising it to other players I can't approve of, though.
I also just started PK and I'm finding that I really like the timer and rest mechanics. It forces me to think like a real adventuring party would think. Do I risk pushing on with the health and resources I have, or do I retreat for a brief rest, knowing that there may be consequences
(I imagine this works better for a first time player that doesn't know what to expect. In a second playthrough it'll be easier to game the system knowing what quests are timed and what aren't )
16 окт. 2020 в 14:16Attrition mechanics is a large part of the challenge and the timed kingdom system support this game design as well.
Sure, can understand it's not for everyone, and glad mods exist for people to customize their experience.
The PoE 2 no-attrition system kinda completely killed the challenge for me personally, PoE 1 had it right, deadfire ruined it and because of the new system all encounter design and health system became ridiculously straight forward and never really challenging.
Imo, kingmaker does it right, bringing back rest encounter chance, which can actually become a slight challenge if your party is completely drained.
Even with the current system, there are not much of a consequence timewise, you can still rest more times than necessary without it having a real impact.
I think pathfinder could even expand this system with resting at inns/cabins providing unique bonuses in exchange for gold.
and they should enable cooking in dungeons, since it doesn't make much sense why not when we got ingredients. Instead they went with the ration mechanic
I totally see your point. But I am playing on normal and got so much time left while not resting out of fear of missing the countdown. In the end, I could have easily not even cared about the time limit and rested much more, after every big fight. But exactly that for me raises the question, why even have the machanic? I don't really think it adds much to the gameplay except being a hassle and artifically prolonging the time.
So for me at least, slowing down time by 50% and getting rid of resting really made a difference in my enjoyment. Again, I just played like 25h vanilla and realized (for me) that resting is an unnecessary mechanic that was annoying and didn't change much. So this universal mod really is helping out. Some great modding work.
Pathfinder: Wrath of The Righteous: Чит-Мод/Cheat-Mode (Коробка для игрушек/Toy Box)
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upd. перезагрузил сейв удалив мод, ачивки опять пошли, так что да, отключает
Спасибо, добрый человек
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Вроде никак. С ним завязана определённая ветка квестов. Одна до защиты таверны, стартовая. А без неё не включится и дальнейшая, с тем что он от демонов. Переиграй заново. Я из-за некоторых багов и с пятой главы начинал заново.
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В Partv Editor, выбери пункт Party & Pets. Сразу за лвл. увидишь строку начинающуюся с "my" (горит зелёным) далее открытые очки пути и еще далее +1. Это оно самое и есть. Статы меняются во вкладке All, если что.
подскажи, что я делаю ни так?
чет не понял. у меня комбинация CTRL + F10. не срабатывает. есть мысли у кого, что делаю ни так?
мод установлен, в приложении unitymodmeneger статус мода "ОК".
сворачиваю игру, alt+tab и жму CTRL + F10. ничего. в игре тоже жму. ничего.
Не так меня понял. Я имею ввиду - изменить, поменять. А не увеличить/уменьшить/прокачать. Вот демоном стал, потому что лупил всё что движется и что не движется. (хз почему нельзя стать дьяволом 🤷♂️, самое то ведь). Вооот, можно ли изменить на любого другого?
В ИГРЕ нажми ctrl + F10. В теории у тебя при запуске игры, поверх основного меню, где настройки, сохранения, новая игра, создатели, должна появиться панель Mod Manager с перечислением установленных модов, если верно установил, по крайней мере у меня так.
уже подсказали, я делал все правильно, но у меня антивирус блочил окно.
Cheat engine - 4byte - значение меняй. У меня 5.000.000 лукарей и пофигу уже)
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ну акуеть, канеш, ваще полный инструментарий)), можно все классы протестить, всё выбрать и тд, просто гениальная хрень
Можно как то увеличить лимит на максимальный уровень персонажа? Если кто разобрался подскажите пожалуйста как?))) Или хотя бы сделать так, что бы за LVLup можно было выбрать сразу перков штук по 10))
В LevelUp есть Feat Selection Multiplier, увеличивает количество перков при повыщении уровня.
Кто-нибудь знает как двуручное оружие сделать одноручным?
чет не понял. у меня комбинация CTRL + F10. не срабатывает. есть мысли у кого, что делаю ни так?
мод установлен, в приложении unitymodmeneger статус мода "ОК".
сворачиваю игру, alt+tab и жму CTRL + F10. ничего. в игре тоже жму. ничего.
как вызвать черное окно мода для редакции.
в самой игре чит надо открывать)по умолчанию он должен открываться сам, по крайней мере так у меня. в описании на нексусе сказано, что надо загрузить сейв и открывать уже менюшку
Pathfinder: Kingmaker: Чит-Мод/Cheat-Mode (Bag Of Tricks - Cheats and Tools)
Более 150 читов, твиков, инструментов, альтернативных правил игры и улучшений - от инструментов камеры до улучшения качества жизни, до добавления умений и предметов.
Инструкции по установке:
Удалите мод с помощью Unity Mod Manger или удалите папку мода.
Bag of tricks pathfinder kingmaker как пользоваться
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It is required for all the mods below. It is quite easy to use. Just follow the instructions.
After loading the game, there is an intro animation of main menu. The problem of this animation is it is too slow and it becomes a pain in the ass when you have seen it more than 20 times.
You can also try Skip Intro which mod here skips both the Kickstarter Thanks message and the book opening sequence,
- you can access the settings menu by pressing Ctrl+F10 by default.
- Always display HP text
- Always display pet's portrait (which can be scroll with mouse wheel)
- Display pets HP text or HP bar on master's portrait
- Change the position of the inspector
- Override "Infomation In Combat" settings using mod settings (and you can toggle them using a hotkey, it's Alt+I by default)
- Fix the attack lines of unit intentions
- Scale UI size
- Hotkey for hiding / resuming HUD (it's Alt+H by default)
It is a utility mod which reduces the size of your saves by eliminating left over loots and corpses in areas. If you have any leftover corpses the mod would bring out a windows for you to loot when you are about to leave the area. You can click “Take all” and then click “Clean”. Click Clean would destroy any leftover corpses.
Personally, I speed up the speed a little in setting and set Ctrl+Z as a hotkey to turn on or off this mod. I also set Tab as a hotkey to turn on or off 5-step move. It is turn based mod, so 5-step move is very useful.
Setting off a trap or using a spell like Web, Entangle or Grease often means you can't move through that area for a long time even after combat ends.
This mod adds a key to remove these area effects ('L' by default). The key is only active outside of combat, the idea being to lessen the irritation of area effect spells not to remove them altogether.
Item & Equipment
I usually check “no item weight” option in this category. I don’t like the idea of heavy inventory management.
Buffing your party before every battle gets repetitively and boring when you reach middle levels. The buff given by this mod is permanent. They only disappear after resurrecting.
Take Tristan for example, he is a buff machine and I count the buffs he can cast and give them to my companions by cheating. Tristan still remembers those buff spells but he never use them or convert them into healing spells. This way of playing saves me a lot of play time, since I don’t need to actually cast buffs and rest to refill my buff.
I don’t use it. I don’t need to rest much, since Fast Travel mod let me move on the global map in a high speed.
I choose Always Success in Passing Perception and Trick Skill Check. I hate trap and I hate failing them then heal and then rest or reload.
I choose Never Roll 1 for All. I dislike the critical miss concept. It maybe is fun in tabletop RPG. I don’t think it is in Computer RPG.
I enable Camera rotation and set the hotkeys. It is quite useful in some circumstances.
I change the distance of the camera for my liking, so I can see further and more.
I played through the kingdom building once and found it quit boring and quite a time sink. Some time I just sit there and click next day, next day and next day, just waiting for the timeline trigger.
I recommend choose automatic kingdom management, which disable kingdom management, in the game’s difficulty setting. Be warn, you can only choose automatic kingdom management before starting the game.
Note: You do lose quite a lot of unique equipment from kingdom management if you disable it.
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