Atlas металл где найти
Вот так выглядит Tin (Олово). Размер камня визуально 40-50см. Сравнительно небольшой. С прокаченным харвестом и метал киркой дал примерно 200 олова.
найден у подошвы горы, рядом с океаном но не на линии пляжа а во входе в долину, немного отойдя от пляжа.
квадрат Н12 Carighaze Island
Там не на горе нашел целую гроздь кристаллов. и уже решил, что металлы то же по вершинам гора, как в арке. Ан нет, нашел внизу.
Добавлено через 1 минуту
там же нашел нитро, на забыл сфоткать. Сфоткаю и отпостаю
Добавлено через 5 секунд
там же нашел нитро, на забыл сфоткать. Сфоткаю и отпостаю
Usage [ ]
Usage [ ]
Atlas металл где найти
14 авг в 13:35Начал играть в Атлас, все шло хорошо до одного момента.Как только я разблокировал продвинутые инструменты, то сразу же захотел создать верстак, да вот только есть одна беда, металла на острове нет от слова совсем. Успел посетить пару соседних островов, результат такой же(
Зарылся в гайды на Ютубе, там про эту проблему ни слова нет. Зато в прохождениях все ютуберы, как только скрафтят кирку,то добывают металл из первого же попавшегося камня.можете мне объяснить что я не так делаю? Или может не так ищу?
The various resources within this type are interchangeable for crafting common items. For crafting higher-quality blueprints, you will need to include two or more of these named resources, but not the generic resource.
Since the generic resources are all you can harvest at freeports and is all you will receive when you demolish structures, you will need to explore the game world in order to find many versions of resources of each type to build high-quality items and structures once you have looted some good blueprints. In the newest update (August 24, 2021) Metal nodes spawn on Freeports, however when mined do not provide any metal resource.
Usage [ ]
Metal can be used to craft certain Items.
Known Locations [ ]
You can find Iridium in the regions linked in the chart below. Please store specific location information in the pages for the regions where you have found it. (How To Add a Region)
Atlas металл где найти
The various resources within this type are interchangeable for crafting common items. For crafting higher-quality blueprints, you will need to include two or more of these named resources, but not the generic resource.
Since the generic resources are all you can harvest at freeports and is all you will receive when you demolish structures, you will need to explore the game world in order to find many versions of resources of each type to build high-quality items and structures once you have looted some good blueprints.
Known Locations [ ]
You can find Iron in the regions linked in the chart below. Please store specific location information in the pages for the regions where you have found it. (How To Add a Region)
The various resources within this type are interchangeable for crafting common items. For crafting higher-quality blueprints, you will need to include two or more of these named resources, but not the generic resource.
Since the generic resources are all you can harvest at freeports and is all you will receive when you demolish structures, you will need to explore the game world in order to find many versions of resources of each type to build high-quality items and structures once you have looted some good blueprints.
Known Locations [ ]
You can find Metal in the regions linked in the chart below. Please store specific location information in the pages for the regions where you have found it. (How To Add a Region)
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