Astroneer seed что это
Hello all editors and users of the Astroneer Wiki! We are in the process of updating and switching over to use the new Fandom Desktop skin on the wiki. There will be many changes over the coming days, but the main goal is to keep the wiki feeling the same, as much as we can! If you notice any issues once the swap is made, please post them to the Admin Noticeboard so we can address it right away. We are also going to be completing the update to the Astroneer Wiki:Style guide, so there is a more up to date guide on how to style the wiki going forward.
Hostile Flora [ ]
Hostile Flora are types of hazardous flora that harms, and in some cases, kills the player. They spawn on all layers of planets, with some only showing up on certain planets, such as the varieties of Attactus only found on Calidor or Atrox. Players will need to be more careful the deeper they go into a planet, with hostile flora being around a corner. To destroy Hostile Flora, use the Terrain Tool to uproot them. After destroying the flora, it may drop 1 to 3 Research Samples, some Seeds, or reveal a Research Item buried underneath.
Defensive Flora [ ]
Defensive flora only harms the players when getting next to or jumping on to the plant, typically knocking back the player and causing initial damage. If the player gets knocked too high, the player may take fall damage and die. Defensive flora has a chance when dug up to drop a seed, allowing it to be replanted to gain even more Seeds, Research Samples or Research Items at the roots.
Popcoral [ ]
Popcoral can be found in abundance in caves and are mostly harmless. Upon digging with the Terrain Tool at their base they will explode. This explosion can be fatal if a player is standing too near, but they can be safely dug up from a distance. They will drop a couple of Research Samples, making these a bountiful source of research early on.
The planets in Astroneer contain a large variety of flora, from dangerous flora to flora that aids in progression. They vary in shape, sizes, and colors, and are found on all planets.
Astroneer seed что это
Распределим достижения по группам, чтобы было проще ориентироваться. Практически к каждому достижению будет пояснение и указание на нюансы по выполнению.
5,189 | уникальных посетителей |
236 | добавили в избранное |
Основная часть достижений в Astroneer связана с крафтом, изучением или добычей ресурсов. Некоторые выполняются легко, а некоторые требуют терпения.
1000 байтов за образец. А вот например на Артроксе или Гласио - 2
- Встречали растения, которые хотят вас убить? То взрываются, то прокалывают, то стреляются. Выкопайте под ними яму :3
Чтобы получить некоторые достижения из этого списка необходимо выполнить действия с нестандартным подходом :)
Да-да-да! Миновать обучалку не выйдет, если вам нужно достижение. Дооооооолгую и муторную обучалку =__="
Вы наверное в курсе, что игра имеет многопользовательский режим. А значит покорять космос можно с другом или даже друзьями, что не может не радовать!
- Когда вы еще в меню, вам или вашему другу нужно выбрать вкладку с двумя шлемами астронавтов и запустить многопользовательскую игру. Или просто присоединиться к уже созданной игре друга
- Поиграть с другом в общей сложности 4 часа. На моем опыте необходимо было играть 6 часов, чтобы получить достижение
- Для чего эти штуковины нужны?
Для того чтобы можно было телепортироваться из одной части планеты в другую. - Как активировать пирамиду?
Нужно запитать её энергией. - Чем запитать пирамиду?
Всем, что дает энергию: Малые генераторы, РТГ, Солнечные панели, Ветровики и т.д - Сколько нужно энергии?
На разных планетах пирамиды требуют разного количества энергии. - Чем отличается пирамида от ядра?
Пирамиды расположены на поверхности и для активации требуют энергии, а ядро находится под землей и для активации требует ресурс (об этом в разделе про планеты).
Найти и АКТИВИРОВАТЬ первую пирамидку. В общем-то не очень сложная задача :)
Когда вы воткнете свой первый кубик и телепортируетесь в ядро планеты получите достижение.
Стартовая планета, больше походит на земную. Т.к мы уже тут появились, это единственная планета с которой нужно улететь, чтобы получить Достижение :) С энергией проблем нет, на планете достаточно и солнца и ветра - идеальна для постройки базы.
Опасность: Под землей взрывающиеся Грибы, плюющиеся газом Ростки.
Уникальный ресурс: Малахит, Сфалетит
Как говорилось ранее, у каждой планеты есть ядро, которое служит порталом. Если активировать ядро планеты, вы получаете достижение о пробуждении планеты. Звучит вроде не сложно, однако в отличии от пирамид, для активации требуется ресурс, а не энергия. Зачастую это сложнодобываемый ресурс!
Требуется: КВАРЦ
Добывается: Под землей (Розовые столбы)
- Ну и последнее достижение будет вам засчитано автоматически, если вы получите все достижения указанные выше.
Пы.Сы. Если у вас остались вопросы или хотите поблагодарить за гайд, не стесняйтесь - пишите)
Astroneer seed что это
This hotfix addresses and acknowledges a few minor issues discovered in The Fall Update and will be available to players on all platforms today, Tuesday, October 5, 2021.
- [AS-16698] Dynamite slotted on the terrain tool can be activated by sensors and repeaters
- [AS-16660] In some saves, Sturdysquash may spawn inside of other Sturdysquash and Cauldrangeas may spawn inside of previous event spawns
- [AS-15017] Some players may have an older version of the EXO Request Platform rocket. To work around this, you can repackage and unpackage the EXO Request Platform.
- [AS-16675] Fixed a bug where auto arms would turn off if the item they were trying to grab was destroyed or otherwise made unavailable
- [AS-16667] Updated the Trade Platform hologram in the Research Catalog to use the new model
- [AS-16687] Fixed an issue where the Smiling Spookysquash wasn’t properly lit once fully grown
Друзья, будьте предельно аккуратны с этой игрой. Запустив ее в первый раз, я вспомнил про реальную жизнь только спустя 11 часов игрового процесса, и случай этот не единичен :) (по этой же причине я не хочу возвращаться в нее снова).
Причина этому проста - эта игра совершенно не грузит нашу человеческую оперативку, а исследовательского контента на первых этапах столько, что хватит для удовлетворения любого неугомонного искателя приключений. 11 часов ты как бы отдыхаешь, но работаешь, добывая руду и возводя колонии на планетах. И не думайте, что с друзьями вы будете делать все быстрее и меньше проводить время в игре, нет, вы просто будете добывать еще больше руды и строить еще более масштабные базы, ведь интерес от кооператива возрастает кратно.
Благо, технически, эту игру можно пройти и со спокойной душой увидеть титры, но, практически, играть в нее можно бесконечно, ведь там есть все для воплощения в жизнь свободного полета мыслей. А приятное визуальное и музыкальное сопровождение создадут для ваших приключений крайне приятную атмосферу :Р
10/10 (для меня 11)
The Fall Update is here and this season's EXO F.A.R.M Event has begun, try using the new Proximity Repeater to help you sow Sturdysquash Seeds and unlock fun new cosmetic rewards. The Trade Platform now also accepts Astronium in exchange for useful items and resources. Read on for more Fall Update details, including the addition of Steam Cloud Saves and what you need to know.
Update will be live on all platforms Wednesday, September 15, 2021.
Grab your fellow Astroneers and use your expertise to assist EXO Dynamics in the Fuel Acquisition, Renewal & Maintenance event! Seasonal Sturdysquash have sprouted in the solar system and it’s up to you to cultivate and harvest them. Combine their valuable produce inside unique Cauldrangea plants to create valuable biofuel to send to EXO.
- Each of the featured planets have a unique variety of Wild Sturdysquash which yield different quantities of seeds
- Sturdysquash Samples can be placed in Medium and Large Resource Canisters to keep your farms tidy
- Compass navpoints appear to indicate nearby Cauldrangea.
- Cauldrangea can be interacted with to cycle through their current biofuel recipe for production.
- Each of the featured planets have a unique variety of Cauldrangea with different production speeds.
- Squasholine: 15 Points
Sturdysquash Samples - Attapetrol: 35 Points
Sturdysquash Samples + Mutant Spiny Attactus Seeds - Noxothane: 50 Points
Sturdysquash Samples + Mutant Elegant Spewflower Seeds
- Hat: ”Hallowed Helm”
- Visor: ”Spooky”
- Visor: ”Pumpkin”
- Visor: ”Endless”
- Palette: ”Spooky”
Useful incremental rewards are included along the way to bolster your harvesting capabilities. Randomized recurring rewards are available after completing the event – including QT-RTGs & EXO Chips! – for those who want to continue to produce biofuels.
A new activation item is available in the Catalog. Unlike other sensors and repeaters, the Proximity Repeater activates all items within its radius instead of requiring the use off segment pins. This makes it great for quick automation setups, or in cases where wired connections aren’t practical, such as planting seeds, scanning research items, or bulk packaging and unpackaging.
- Byte Cost: 700
- Recipe: 1x Zinc
- Printer: Small
The Trade Platform has received an overhaul to expand its capabilities – it also has a new look!
- The Trade Platform now allows players to trade Astronium for a variety of valuable items in addition to its previous Scrap trades.
- The control panel interface has received an update to allow for selecting between Scrap, Astronium, and their various trades items.
- The base model and associated rocket have been updated to bring them more in line with other EXO modules.
- Slotting system behavior has been updated to allow for better loading / unloading when coupled with platforms and storage.
- Minor text changes have been made to the description and Astropedia entry to tie this module less exclusively to Scrap.
The tutorial is no longer available and cannot be accessed from the Main Menu.
The Achievement/Trophy “EXO Dynamics Training Seal of Approval” is now rewarded on completion of the mission “Printing Up”. This has no effect on players who already earned this.
Previously completing the “Printing Up” mission before this update will not unlock the Achievement/Trophy. If you did not unlock the Achievement/Trophy for “EXO Dynamics Training Seal of Approval” by completing the tutorial, you would now need to complete the “Printing Up” mission to unlock it, even if you had previously done the mission before this update. This may require starting a new Adventure game.
A new Astropedia page has been added explaining Damage, Respawning, and Retrieving Supplies.
Fall harvest-themed decorations now automatically adorn your tether posts. Enjoy festive, glowing gourds as you trot across the landscape!
Steam Cloud Saves have been enabled allowing users to back up 10,000 files or 1GB (Whichever occurs first)
Due to how cloud saves are handled users must choose to upload or delete Due to how cloud saves are handled users must choose to upload or delete mismatch save data, there is currently no option to merge the cloud with your local saves if they differ. Saves with the same name could cause a conflict, we recommend giving each save a unique name prior to uploading files to the cloud. Check out the Steam Cloud FAQ here.
Save data will be checked upon launch and uploaded to the cloud after exiting the game
- Guiding Lite Hat
- 3x3 Eye Mask
- Abyss Palette
- New Hat
- Elementary
- Wheat Tweat
- Grazers
- Hunter
- Cutie Pink
- Cutie Blue
- Scarecrow
- Denim Duds
- All flora hazards now have a highlight state and tooltip information – not just the harmless versions.
- Harmless hazards can now be harvested directly through an action and don’t require players to unbury them.
- Seed despawn timers have been increased to
- Hazards do not drop seeds or research samples when destroyed by a vehicle drill or paver
- During the EXO F.A.R.M. event, some saves may experience duplicate Wild Sturdysquash spawns on Atrox.
- [AS-15777] Fixed a bug where the title for the "Well, That's Weird" mission was not staying properly contained in its box within the mission log
- [AS-16635] Fixed a bug where the care package page would be blank on the control panel of the EXO Request Platform after completing the main stage(s) of an event
- [AS-16228] Added toast notifications when emotes are unlocked!
- [AS-6123] Updated some of the colors in the unlock text and background in the Catalog to make it more readable
- [AS-15394] Fixed a bug where the hoverboard would sometimes appear rotated for clients
- [AS-15503] Fixed a bug where clients would not see another client’s hoverboard after leaving relevance and returning
- [AS-15188] Fixed a bug where clients in multiplayer would not see the tooltip on the Portable Oxygenator update correctly when the item was toggled between OFF and ON
- [AS-15959] Fixed an issue where clients sometimes get transported to the Sylva core when landing on a planet
- [AS-12043] Fixed a bug where the “Let Me Borrow This Just A Second” achievement/trophy was not unlocking properly in multiplayer for clients when the Research Chamber used was already running prior to placing an item in the chamber
- [AS-16323] Fixed a bug where a mission objective was partially appearing in German when language is set to Dutch
- [AS-15119] [AS-16188] Fixed an issue that caused the description for the “In an Astroneer’s Garden” achievement/trophy to be inconsistent (and in some cases, inaccurate) between languages
- [AS-15825] Fixed an issue where a mission objective had a resource incorrectly translated in Simplified Chinese
- [AS-15719] Fixed a bug that caused the description for the “Through the Looking Glass” mission to not be translated in several languages
- [AS-15729] Fixed an issue for Xbox and UWP users where the warning text that appears when trying to connect to a non-preferred server was too long to be fully read in Russian
- [AS-15534] Fixed a bug where terrain in the Thawed Biome on Glacio was sometimes appearing in the wrong color shade
- [AS-15871] Fixed an issue where the print preview for the Large Resource Canister was out of sync with the actual print job
- [AS-15807] Fixed a bug where the backpack printer could become broken after clicking on a resource hologram while it was being consumed by the printer
- [AS-11902] Fixed a bug where scrap could be removed from the Trade Platform via auto arm while the rocket was being launched
- [AS-15591] Hissbines should now respect the "Invisible to hazards" setting in Creative mode
- Updated Laterite and Quartz entries in Astropedia to clarify that they are found in caves
[AS-15833] Fixed a crash that occurred in save provided to us by a player when they were approaching a gateway. The crash will no longer occur and the save should now be usable again.
Their soul purpose is to hurt you for not worshiping Master Zebra Ball!
Punish the heathens!
what if i worship the kerbal space program kraken and the zebraball?
Much like seeds in real life, you can plant them and grow another plant of the same type. There are only two types of seeds in the game right now. The spiker seeds in the regular game and the Wheeze Weed seeds in the Tech Test.
I have used both for "obstacle courses", but the Wheeze Weeds can be farmed for bytes because they sometimes drop the raisin looking research.
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