Arma 3 rhino mgs up как стрелять
Там по рации говорят говорят тебе, что нужно уничтожить самоходные ракеты или пушки, и говорят что они их подсветили для меня лазером.
Вот как стрелять по этим "подсвеченным лазером" целям.
видео смотрел, там простыми ракетами все уничтожают, но есть же другие миссии, где с земли ты наводишь лазер на цель, и прилетает самолет и скидывает что то на твою метку (ракету или бомбу). Вот как из самолета стрельнуть по их подсветке?
Вот сделал видео, чтоб было понятно как это все выглядит на практике. Союзный ЛЦУ отображается на радаре, ты доворачиваешь самолет в нужном направлении и нажимаешь R (если ты не менял настройки управления), есть шанс того что захватиться техника, попавшая в радиус действия радара, но так же этой клавишей продолжаешь перебирать цели, пока не найдешь нужную. Этим же я воспользовался, улетая в сторону ВПП, просто захватил первую попавшуюся технику на радаре и пустил ПТУР.
На этой миссии еще попадается задача с уничтожением танков и БМП, которые так же отмечены ЛЦУ, но не в этот раз. Перепроходить задание мне было лень.
futctmanka Оракул (74668) Спасибо большое, разобрался с самолетом)) Только почему то у меня нельзя цели менять, типа быстро переключаться между ними - помню в Арме 2 на вертолете летишь - жмешь ТАБ по моему и все цели перепираются, на какой нужно останавливаешься и стреляешь по ней, а в Арме 3 у меня так не получается, я сначала по умолчанию клавишами пробовал, потом свои поставил, тож не переключается наведение между целями (не на вертолете, не на самолете (((И еще вопрос, я смотрю вы играете если в неё, то может знаете?
там же в миссиях "Демонстрации", есть последняя миссия "Убийцы танков" что ли называется, или "Истребители танков", там на ПТУРе ездишь и дают задание уничтожить зенитные установки ракетой, которая на ПТУРе стоит, типа там команда десантников уже навела лазер на цель, нужно только выпустить ракету и она должна сама найти метку по их лазеру (цель вообще далеко, если по карте смотреть), только на радаре крестик красный есть, ну это я так понял в какой стороне они метку поставили. Ну короче пускал я ракеты пускал, так они и не попадают в цель. Как ими попасть, не знаете?
Цель очень далеко, а ракеты типа которые сами могут найти цель после запуска (ездию на Rhino MGS UP) ракеты не помню какие, какие то стоят на ней
да, у меня все ДЛС стоят - Апех эдишн. На самолете моем тож есть лазерный указатель, но дело в том, что мне сказали что уже подсветили для меня цель, это бомбой надо пускать или ракетами тож можно?
турель это когда контрл+ПКМ жмешь? она? Просто самолет то быстро летит, так сложно как то переключаться. чет то у меня не получается навестись на подсвеченную цель, но спасибо за наводку, буду в этом направлении работать))))
NOTE: For specifics on the M68's munitions, see its related section listed here.
Both weapons systems are controlled exclusively by the commander position. For optics, the commander's sight has access to two fields of view and can toggle a day, night or black-hot/white-hot thermal vision mode:
105 mm rifled gun. Can load either HE or AP-type munitions.
It can attain a fire rate of 10 rounds per minute (6 second delay) but only requires 2 seconds to swap between shell types. It features an integrated laser rangefinder and can "lock-on" for simplified aiming.
Base damage value | Aerodynamic friction | Initial velocity (m/s) |
26 | -0.00068 | 930 |
Coaxial .50 cal heavy machine gun.
It can attain a fire rate of
545 RPM and has a muzzle velocity of 930 m/s. It takes 6 seconds to reload a fresh belt box. Accuracy-wise, the M2HB has a dispersion of 0.001 rad at distances of up to 1,200 metres away.
- Roles:
- Tank destroyer
- Armoured assault gun
Rhino MGS
The Rhino MGS (full name: Mobile Gun System) is a wheeled tank destroyer used exclusively by NATO forces in ArmA 3. It was added with the release of the Tanks DLC.
The Stryker MGS has a base armour value of 150.
Successful strikes to any of the following highlighted sections will inflict full damage to the component:
Green = Body
Orange = Engine
Violet = Fuel tankBody
The hull can resist up to 150 points of damage.
The engine can survive 75 points of damage before failure. A damaged engine will prevent the Stryker MGS from being able to attain its top speed.
Fuel tank
The fuel tank can only take a meagre 21 points of damage before rupturing. Incurred damage will cause the Stryker MGS to gradually leak fuel over time.
The wheels can only take up to 45 points of damage. Bursting the tyres will not affect the Stryker's "health" pool.
The unmanned turret can take 120 points of damage before failure. 30% of damage is always transferred onto the Stryker's "health" pool.
A disabled turret cannot be swivelled in any direction by the gunner, but they can still fire the M68 gun regardless of its status.
This is a premium asset that requires ownership of the Tanks DLC.
The Rhino MGS is a wheeled 8x8 tank destroyer and combat reconnaissance-oriented armoured fighting vehicle.Armament
It is armed with a 120 mm smoothbore cannon and a coaxial .338 medium machine gun. The commander also has access to a laser designator that can mark targets independently from the main gun.The standard loadout of the Rhino gives it 12 rounds of armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot (APFSDS-T), 8 high-explosive (HE-T), and 8 high-explosive anti-tank multi-purpose (HEAT-MP-T) shells for the main gun.
On the other hand, the coaxial SPMG feeds from a 200-round belt box, and has a further 3 belt boxes spare. It also has four MARUK laser-guided anti-tank missiles which are launched directly from the main cannon.
A modern take on the tank destroyer concept, the Rhino represents the latest in NATO's mounted combat systems. It essentially combines the best of two AFV platforms: the high mobility and speed of the AMV-7 Marshall Infantry Fighting Vehicle, and the firepower of the M2A1 Slammer/M2A4 Slammer UP Main Battle Tanks.Mobility
Like the Marshall, it is a wheeled 8x8 AFV but sacrifices troop transport and amphibious capabilities for greater firepower and increased armour plating. Compared to the Slammer family, the Rhino is also armed with a 120 mm cannon that can fire both anti-vehicle and anti-personnel munitions. But unlike the Slammer, the Rhino has overall better mobility since it's a wheeled vehicle as opposed to being tracked, and has less difficulty when travelling over rugged terrain or climbing up hills.
The Rhino's MARUK missile/data link combo in action.
Note the MARUK being launched and adjusting its own flight trajectory automatically (top) and hitting a non-line-of-sight target (bottom) moments later.Notable Traits
However, the most notable feature of the Rhino lies in its ability to link up with other sensor-equipped platforms. For instance, the commander and gunner can connect with other data link-capable vehicles like the IFV-6a Cheetah to obtain the location of enemy targets.A prime example of this capability in action is using the Rhino's MARUK laser-guided missiles in-conjunction with an AR-2 Darter SUAV. The Darter can mark a target from afar while the Rhino's gunner locks onto the laser spot via data link. With this setup, the Rhino can attack almost any kind of ground target (even moving ones) at an impressive distance of up to 8,000 metres.
To top it all off, the Rhino's crew can engage these targets even if it is not within the gunner's line-of-sight. And with the entire process being handled via data link, there is almost no chance of the missile missing unless the target notices in time and takes cover before the missile impacts.
Though the Rhino is highly versatile due in large part to this capability, it's still very much just an up-gunned IFV. It will be easily taken out in direct combat against tanks, with even heavy IFVs like the BTR-K Kamysh being capable of destroying the Rhino with their ATGMs or sustained autocannon fire. Therefore it relies more on speed and positioning to outrange its foes, and shouldn't be used to tackle them head on.Crew Capacity
The Rhino has enough seats for a crew of three that consists of the driver, a gunner, and the commander. It cannot transport any passengers.Stryker MGS
The Stryker MGS (full name: Mobile Gun System) is a tank destroyer variant of the Stryker in ArmA 2. It was added with the release of the Operation Arrowhead expansion pack.
- Roles:
- Tank destroyer
- Fire support
- Armoured assault gun
This is a premium asset that requires ownership of the Operation Arrowhead expansion pack.
The Stryker Mobile Gun System (MGS) is a modified variant of the baseline Stryker IAV which has been retrofitted with a remotely-operated, autoloader-equipped gun turret.The MGS is designed to serve as a highly mobile tank destroyer/armoured assault gun that can fire a mixture of anti-vehicle and anti-personnel munitions.
Its rifled 105 mm cannon is loaded with 6 rounds of armour-piercing discarding sabot (APDS) shells by default, and can alternately switch to firing 12 rounds of high-explosive squash head (HESH) shells instead.Meanwhile, its externally-mounted coaxial M2HB heavy machine gun feeds from a single belt box with 100 rounds of .50 cal ammunition, and has a further five more boxes in reserve (for a total of 600 rounds).
MGS Strykers in combat.
Unlike its parent vehicle, the MGS does away with the hull slat cage and lacks passenger transport capabilities. In exchange, it packs heavier firepower while possessing the same high mobility and good handling of the Stryker.The Stryker MGS can quickly manoeuvre into a position behind enemy tanks to attack their engines and exposed components, exploiting the weak rear armour that all tanks have in ArmA 2.
Alternatively, its HESH shells can be used to blast open a hole in structures occupied by enemy infantry, or demolish it entirely to clear them out in one go, making it a powerful asset in urban fighting.
However, it should be noted that although it's intended to be a tank destroyer, the anti-tank capabilities of its 105 mm cannon are rather mediocre. Its APDS shells mostly have limited effectiveness against the armour of modern Main Battle Tanks like the Russian T-90.Additionally, the vehicle's chassis hasn't been changed in the slightest from the baseline Stryker variants, and therefore shares the same flaw of having relatively thin armour plating.
It is only capable of resisting small arms fire and a very limited number of hits from autocannon shells. Anti-tank missiles, rockets and tank cannons will instantly shred the MGS if it's left exposed to their fire. As a result, it is more effective at providing the firepower of a light/medium tank for infantry squads instead of being used to fight tanks head on.
Crew Capacity
The Stryker MGS only supports a crew of two that consists of the driver and the commander, who doubles as the gunner. It cannot transport any passengers as the rear compartment has been refitted to store ammunition and other components.Contents
Arma 3 rhino mgs up как стрелять
Arma 3
11 апр. 2018 в 14:18 Don't get me wrong, I have a love for the Deuce. It'll probably still serve America for another fifty years, but this game has set the precedent of NATO putting the MK30/XM312 on their vehicles as an HMG. So why is it on the Rhino? 11 апр. 2018 в 14:35 11 апр. 2018 в 14:36Whoa man. Calm down. All I'm wondering is why are they spending time modeling something that breaks an established thing in the game?
That was a pretty agressive response, doncha think?
11 апр. 2018 в 15:17 because that's also not the M2.
That's an armor modified SPMG, literally.
the remote control essentials are covered by panels so they dont get sheared by shrapnel or rounds.
Longer barrel for that extra range. 11 апр. 2018 в 15:38 because that's also not the M2.
That's an armor modified SPMG, literally.
the remote control essentials are covered by panels so they dont get sheared by shrapnel or rounds.
Longer barrel for that extra range.Seriously? That's not an M2?
(also i just realized i said they had to model a new one, but they didn't. they had to make the casing, but they had the model from the armed offroad. my b)Читайте также: