Arma 3 aaf что это
AAF-Altis Armed Forces (Вооружённые силы Алтиса) — основная Независимая фракция в игре, которая состоит из граждан Алтиса, лояльных к правительству. Правительство имело несколько стабильные отношения с миротворцами НАТО во время начала 2030-х годов, которые быстро ухудшались из-за жестокого обращения ААF с гражданскими и FIA, особенно это можно заметить в Прологе игры. Однако правительство Алтиса принимает поддержку со стороны CSAT, который они рассматривали в качестве ценного союзника и предполагается, что они готовы присоединиться к CSAT .
Снаряжение [ ]
ААF войска носят в униформу образца начала 21-го века, в камуфляже BGDFOR(Big Digital Forest). Стандартные шлемы армий НАТО и старые американские жилеты в камуфляже BGDFOR. Это снаряжение когда-то широко использовалось специальными силами НАТО и спецназом, хотя им и не хватает защиты по сравнению с улучшенной защитными шлемами ECH и CSAT. Тем не менее, это дешевый и легко достижимый ресурс для использования в военных целях.
Вооружение [ ]
Серия MK20 винтовка — стандартная штурмовая винтовка сил ААF, и поставляется в 2-х моделях: карабин (с дополнительным опущенной EGLM) и с укороченным стволом для небоевого персонала, таких как сотрудники поддержки личных и транспортных средств экипажей. Mk200 и MK18 ABR —более специализированное автоматическое оружие с хорошими отзывами стрелков. AAF имеют пусковые установки: NLAW на уровне отделения и Titan AT назначаются на уровне дивизии. ACP-C2 .45 — стандартный пистолет у сил ААF. Пистолет-пулемёт PDW2000 используется пилотами.
Воздушные единицы [ ]
ААF в основном используют старые вертолеты BAF (Вооруженные силы Великобритании) с обновлениями.
WY-55 Hellcat является главным многоцелевым вертолетом ААF и поставляется в двух вариантах: безоружный и вооруженный (миниганы и ракетные установки), с возможностью транспортировки небольшой группы десанта.
CH-49 Mohawk является основным тяжелым транспортным вертолетом ААF.
Истребительно-штурмовой авиацией AAF является А-143 "Канюка", который является легким многоцелевым ударным самолетам, который может нести один из двух пакетов вооружения (AA & CAS).
Военно-морские силы ААF ограничены малыми судами (по сравнению с военно-морскими силами НАТО, которая состоит из полноценного военно-морского флота с несколькими судами). ААР использует штурмовой катер для спасательных и быстрых штурмовых операций. Катер используется для береговой охраны и специальных операций в связи с его вооружением — удаленно управляемым гранатометом и миниганом. Алтийские морские транспортные средства в основном окрашены в Эгейский Цифровой SPC (ADS) камуфляж..
Оборудование [ ]
Большая часть оборудования ААF состоит из старого вооружения NATO, которое, как предполагается, было выдано силами НАТО, после подписания Иерусалимского соглашения о прекращении огня от 2030 года для того, чтобы снабдить новообразованные и не обученные силы ААF.
Arma 3 aaf что это
Arma 3
14 июл. 2019 в 8:05 I mean, nato peaceceepers was sitting on small rock slowly scrapping their gear and sending it back as scrap and generally leaving region, They already leaved main island.WHY aaf did that? I dont get it. 14 июл. 2019 в 8:48
I don't think this got really explained in the campaign (but bear in mind that I haven't fully finished it yet) but even so I can think of many reasons. If the AAF also tries to oppress the population then what stronger message to sent than "Look, we kicked NATO off our land!", obviously while leaving out uncomfortable details.
The point though: if AAF can "kick out" an international NATO force, then what chances would a local resistance force have?
That would be my theory behind it :)
14 июл. 2019 в 9:31AAF command bunch of selfish asses, im shure they dont care about showing their force to FIA thru attacing NATO, they already push guerlla to north part of island. Besides, that would only spread word that NATO attacked and increace chance that info about that will leave islands.
Resistance existed before NATO even stepped on islands, and didnt go avay after that.
No, i think CSAT command just desided to go nuts and speed up process. with no apparent reasons.
Like we saw in the tutorial, the NATO questionned the CSAT/AAF doing in "keeping the peace" (abuse of prisoners, etc) and made their AAF/CSAT/NATO alliance questionnable, but thats not what started the attack.
The NATO-AAF relathionship could've broke at any moment but the situation was not that important to make a war, but thats where the CTRG comes in and starts a conflict. The CTRG was a task forces of the NATO forces and so they used NATO equipement and that same equipement was given to the FIA due to their alliance with them. And when the AAF found out that the FIA, the rebels that have been trying to take down the Altis goverenment, were using NATO equipement, the AAF went to the conclusion that the NATO were working with the FIA. And so the CSAT and the AAF did a combined assault on the isolated island of Stratis, where the NATO were restricted to, to take down the traitors (NATO).
And there you have it, the Arma 3 lore from what I've gathered. 14 июл. 2019 в 14:01 14 июл. 2019 в 14:31
classic example of why I really enjoy the Steam community so much, all of these theories are IMO honestly really good!
Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading these so far
14 июл. 2019 в 15:51 I mean, nato peaceceepers was sitting on small rock slowly scrapping their gear and sending it back as scrap and generally leaving region, They already leaved main island.WHY aaf did that? I dont get it.
Probably a false flag like half of the conflicts NATO/The U.S has involved itself in. 16 июл. 2019 в 7:03 I belive its because of the CTRG: see before NATO arrival in Altis/Stratis, the CTRG knew about a device that was being used in Altis by the CSAT forces (East-Wind device). The CTRG was task to find it and capture it before the effects of the device has mass effects on the island. The CTRG was a small task force and they cant do a lot against the suprematic equipement of the CSAT aswell as the number of the AAF (AAF accepted a contract with the CSAT, the contract will give small territory to the CSAT so they can do their "experiment" in exchange for financial and military support). So the CTRG decided to use the rebellion, called FIA, to do their special stuff and search for the devices while the FIA distract the armies by doing their guerilla stuff. Though, the CTRG needed to gain trust from the FIA, and so the CTRG gave the FIA weapons, vehicles, strategic support and training. The AAF was in big trouble, because now the FIA grew stronger in every aspect thanks to the CTRG support, and so the AAF called upon the NATO forces to take care of the FIA. Keep in mind, that the AAF/CSAT/NATO had no idea that the CTRG was operating and helping the FIA.
Like we saw in the tutorial, the NATO questionned the CSAT/AAF doing in "keeping the peace" (abuse of prisoners, etc) and made their AAF/CSAT/NATO alliance questionnable, but thats not what started the attack.
The NATO-AAF relathionship could've broke at any moment but the situation was not that important to make a war, but thats where the CTRG comes in and starts a conflict. The CTRG was a task forces of the NATO forces and so they used NATO equipement and that same equipement was given to the FIA due to their alliance with them. And when the AAF found out that the FIA, the rebels that have been trying to take down the Altis goverenment, were using NATO equipement, the AAF went to the conclusion that the NATO were working with the FIA. And so the CSAT and the AAF did a combined assault on the isolated island of Stratis, where the NATO were restricted to, to take down the traitors (NATO).
And there you have it, the Arma 3 lore from what I've gathered. 16 июл. 2019 в 20:33 I belive its because of the CTRG: see before NATO arrival in Altis/Stratis, the CTRG knew about a device that was being used in Altis by the CSAT forces (East-Wind device). The CTRG was task to find it and capture it before the effects of the device has mass effects on the island. The CTRG was a small task force and they cant do a lot against the suprematic equipement of the CSAT aswell as the number of the AAF (AAF accepted a contract with the CSAT, the contract will give small territory to the CSAT so they can do their "experiment" in exchange for financial and military support). So the CTRG decided to use the rebellion, called FIA, to do their special stuff and search for the devices while the FIA distract the armies by doing their guerilla stuff. Though, the CTRG needed to gain trust from the FIA, and so the CTRG gave the FIA weapons, vehicles, strategic support and training. The AAF was in big trouble, because now the FIA grew stronger in every aspect thanks to the CTRG support, and so the AAF called upon the NATO forces to take care of the FIA. Keep in mind, that the AAF/CSAT/NATO had no idea that the CTRG was operating and helping the FIA.
Like we saw in the tutorial, the NATO questionned the CSAT/AAF doing in "keeping the peace" (abuse of prisoners, etc) and made their AAF/CSAT/NATO alliance questionnable, but thats not what started the attack.
The NATO-AAF relathionship could've broke at any moment but the situation was not that important to make a war, but thats where the CTRG comes in and starts a conflict. The CTRG was a task forces of the NATO forces and so they used NATO equipement and that same equipement was given to the FIA due to their alliance with them. And when the AAF found out that the FIA, the rebels that have been trying to take down the Altis goverenment, were using NATO equipement, the AAF went to the conclusion that the NATO were working with the FIA. And so the CSAT and the AAF did a combined assault on the isolated island of Stratis, where the NATO were restricted to, to take down the traitors (NATO).
And there you have it, the Arma 3 lore from what I've gathered.
Interessting but not true, Akhanteros freaked out because the troops of TFA build here military objectives back and destroy also a verry important airbase, radar station and shooting range wich use also the AAF near TFA.
The NATO find it just after the CTRG-raid of the CSAT-labs out that there was important equipment on altis and behind the cooperation of Akhanteros government and the CSAT, not at start of the campaign. 10 сен. 2020 в 12:14
Sorry for a little bit of necro but I found a comment on reddit with a slightly different theory (although also putting a blame on the CTRG):
"The ending of the Bootcamp prologue states that tensions between the AAF and NATO were already quite strained before the events of The East Wind, which eventually resulted in TF Aegis' (or more specifically, the U.S.-led side of the peacekeeping force) mandate being heavily restricted to just Stratis and prevented any NATO personnel from being able to be on Altis.
Now fast forward to the beginning of TEW and you see Lacey and Adams point out a Ghost Hawk landing at Camp Maxwell (which was already dismantled some time before Drawdown 2035) during your flight in to Camp Rogain. A few minutes later Col. MacKinnon, the only commanding NATO officer left on Stratis, is seen driving away from Rogain and is eventually killed by a mine (suspiciously with no AAF nearby) and the AAF "retaliates" against a now-disorganised TF Aegis.
Altis Armed Forces
In the wake of civil war, the Jerusalem Cease Fire of 2030 mandated the creation of an armed defence force to secure the sovereign territory of The Republic of Altis and Stratis.
Although it officially operates under the observation and training of international peacekeepers, the force remains loyal to the new, hard-line Altis government and acts with de facto judicial and executive authority. However, it is debilitated by an inexperienced command structure and is blighted by widespread corruption.
Limited in scope, the battalion-sized force, led by Col. Georgious Akhanteros, is weighed-down by on-going counter-insurgency operations on Altis and, recently, has reached-out to the international community for additional support including, among others, both the political and militarized wings of CSAT member states and associated private investment companies.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Decades of economic and political turbulence across member states has left NATO weakened and facing a strategic paradigm shift.
With CSAT political and military influence dominating from the Pacific to the Mediterranean, NATO seeks to consolidate their diminished forces around traditional strongholds. As tensions continue to grow in the east, a US-led joint NATO-AAF peacekeeping force stationed on Stratis - Task Force Aegis - is in the middle of a staged drawdown.
The remaining units - a company of combat units, a helicopter squadron, and support staff under the command of Col. Andrew MacKinnon - are chiefly involved in dismantling military infrastructure and decommissioning vehicles in preparation of their final withdrawal, as the US shifts the focus of its conventional forces to the Pacific theatre.
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Altis Armed Forces (2017)
This add-on depicts a 2017 version of the AAF faction in ArmA3 and is based on the great mods done by Red Hammer Studios. The aim was to provide mission makers with units and a storyline for contemporary missions on Altis using this mod and RHS.
A detailed history of Altis and Stratis providing a possible storyline for mission makers is included in the add-on folder.
This add-on adds:
• AAF infantry and reserve units
• Altian Police units
• BMP-3, GAZ Tigrs, HMMWVs and Urals for the AAF
• Ka-60 and L-159 for the Altian Air Wing
• pro-western Rebels
• more stuff I forgot to mention.
Since I only did the textures and wrote the config and this add-on is mostly based on other people’s work, here’s the list of credits. Many thanks go to:
• the outstanding Team of the RED HAMMER STUDIOS for most of the gear and weapon models and textures
• the team of the Serbian Armed Forces Mod for the uniforms, vests and helmets
• Adacas for his great CIRAS vests and the permission to include these
• -Rusty- for the Multicam, Type-07, Lizard and ATACS camo patterns
• Evrik and 3CB for the Bergen backpacks and porting the shemagh models from ArmA2
• Evrik and CameronMcDonald for proofreading and encouragement
• and to Bohemia Interactive for a great game and their continued support.
For personal entertainment purposes only.
Do not edit and redistribute without permission of the author.
Creators claim no responsibility for any damages this add-on or mod may cause, use at your own risk.
Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty
Formed at the apex of the Canton Protocol summits, this strategic alliance of states is built upon the goals of mutual defense, expanded global influence, and sustained economic growth.
Set against the context of foundering economies and civil unrest across the west, CSAT has risen in prominence over the last decade. Investment in shared civil and military technology and the aggressive pursuit of opportunities and partnerships throughout Asia, South America and North Africa has led to a sharp increase in strategic tension across the globe, as traditional spheres of power and influence are encroached upon.
Recently partnering with the government of The Republic of Altis and Stratis, joint civilian and military projects are supported by an independent mechanized brigade-sized force officially operates under the authority of Col. Vahid Namdar.
Наземные силы [ ]
Структура AAF ORBAT
NATO придумало прозвище для сил AAF — "Зелёные". Это произошло потому что они используют зелёный камуфляж BGDFOR.
ААF находятся под командованием полковника Георгия Ахантероса (orig.: Georgios Akhanteros)
Моторизованные, механизированные и броневоенные части АAF используют:
MRAP Страйдер в качестве стандартного наземного грузового автотранспорта, с функцией амфибии. Имеются варианты: без оружия, тяжёлый пулемёт и авт. гранатомёт, также имеется перископ с тепловизионным и лазерным маркером.
Транспортный грузовик Zamak как транспорт и многоцелевой носитель логистических платформ, перевозит пехоту, топливо, боеприпасы или ремонтное оборудование.
AVF-Горгона магистральная колесная БМП ААF.
FV-720 Mora является гусеничным вариантом, хотя они оба оснащены автоматической пушкой, но Горгона имеет пусковую Titan ПТРК.
Основной боевой танк AAF — MBT-52 Кума. Никаких дополнительных и вспомогательных платформ не имеется, точно так же как и на противовоздушных комплексах.
Freedom and Independence Army (Unconfirmed Intel)
Believed to be chiefly composed of former and defected members of the Altis Armed Forces, disparate fragments of opposition to the 2026 Kavala coup d'etat joined together in the grind of bloody civil war.
United in pursuit of the removal of the military-backed government and the rejection of external influence - despite recent setbacks - the FIA have begun to gain traction among the largely displaced population of the Republic and has found international support in the west.
Although the exact size of the FIA remains unknown - with evidence of cells operating across the entirety of Altis - they have remained a veritable thorn in the Pyrgos government’s side. As to the question of their namesake, rumours harken back to stories of resistance cells of the same name opposing Soviet occupation at the height of the Cold War.
Take a closer look at the various factions in Arma 3. Get a sense of the big picture and explore the small details of each side's motivations, position and strength.
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