Ark король титанов как призвать
The Ark ID for Alpha King Titan is KingKaiju_Character_BP_Alpha_C , this is commonly referred to as a creature ID.
Click the "Copy" button to copy the entity ID to your clipboard. Find a searchable list of all creature IDs on our creature ID list.
Король Титанов
ГЗ он мог рассеять своих врагов одним зарядом, ревом или ударами хвоста и вызвать огонь вниз с самого неба. В конце концов вы изгнали Короля Теней. Неважно, сколько испорченных зверей он призвал или сколько оружия он сделал бесполезным, он не сможет вас уничтожить, потому что вы боролись с надеждами человечества на своих плечах и его упорством на спине.
Даже в его самом могущественном, полностью дополненном Стихии, которая породила его, вы сбросили Короля Теней с его трона. Благодаря вашему мастерству и неослабевающей смелости человечество может иметь будущее .
Behavior [ ]
Appearance [ ]
The King Titan has thick scaly skin and stands in a hunched position. It has a layer of mountain sized dorsal spikes sprouting in a curved formation on its back. It has two large blue eyes set at the front of its head along with a nose similar to that of a human skull. Several sharp teeth litter the gums of its mouth. A spiky sail runs down its back to its crocodilian tail. Each hand has 4 fingers with sharp claws. And just like most Extinction creatures, it has corruption running down its body.
The Король Титанов always spawns with the same color scheme and has no color regions.
This means it is currently impossible to make alterations to the Король Титанов's natural spawn colors.
Corrupt Tumor (Minion) [ ]
The Corrupt Tumor is a minion of the King Titan. When summoned, the Corrupt Tumor will start to glow and grow, eventually morphing into a Tribute Requirements [ ]
Alpha King Titan Spawn Command
The spawn command for Alpha King Titan in Ark is below. Click the "Copy" button to swiftly copy the spawn code to your clipboard.
You can find a list of creature and dino spawn commands on our spawn command list.
Ark король титанов как призвать
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Наборы для призыва боссов в ARK / Sets to summon bosses at the ARK
В данном руководстве представлены наборы команд спавна предметов для вызова боссов в ARK. Руководство будет полезно для администраторов или обычных игроков. Набор позволяет получить все предметы сразу, не вбивая команды по очереди, что занимает много времени.
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cheat GFI PrimalItemTrophy_Broodmother_Gamma 1 0 0 | cheat GFI PrimalItemTrophy_Gorilla_Gamma 1 0 0 | cheat GFI PrimalItemTrophy_Dragon_Gamma 1 0 0
cheat GFI PrimalItemTrophy_Broodmother_Beta 1 0 0 | cheat GFI PrimalItemTrophy_Gorilla_Beta 1 0 0 | cheat GFI PrimalItemTrophy_Dragon_Beta 1 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_AlphaRaptor 1 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_AlphaCarno 1 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_AlphaRex 1 0 0
cheat GFI PrimalItemTrophy_Broodmother_Alpha 1 0 0 | cheat GFI PrimalItemTrophy_Gorilla_Alpha 1 0 0 | cheat GFI PrimalItemTrophy_Dragon_Alpha 1 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_AlphaRaptor 1 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_AlphaCarno 1 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_AlphaRex 1 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_AlphaMegalodon 1 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_AlphaMosasaur 1 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_AlphaTuso 1 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_AlphaLeeds 1 0 0
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Праматерь + Мегапитек / Broodmother Lysrix + Megapithecus
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Basic Info [ ]
Guardian Hologram [ ]
Though he could scatter his foes with a single charge, roar or swipe of his tail, and call fire down from the sky itself, In the end you banished the King of Shadows. No matter how many corrupted beasts he summoned or how many weapons he rendered useless, he could not snuff you out - for you fought with the hopes of the human race on your shoulders, and its tenacity at your back.
Even at his most powerful, fully augmented by the Element that spawned him, you pulled the King of Shadows down from his throne. Thanks to your skill and unrelenting courage, humanity may yet have a future.
Behavior [ ]
The best way to describe his behavior is "Kill everything in sight" and saying "everything" is not an exaggeration. Adding to its sheer power as the mechanized Alpha King Titan, it is considered to be an "Omega Level" threat.
Appearance [ ]
The King Titan's height is approximately 156.8 meters, has a length of around 266.1 meters and a weight of around 186,588 metric tonnes as a Gamma and Beta, and around 298,540 metric tonnes as the Alpha, making it the tallest and heaviest creature ever introduced into ARK.
The King Titan has thick scaly skin and stands in a hunched position. It has a layer of mountain sized dorsal spikes sprouting in a curved formation on its back. It has two large blue eyes set at the front of its head along with a nose similar to that of a human skull. Several sharp teeth litter the gums of its mouth. A spiky sail runs down its back to its crocodilian tail. Each hand has four fingers with sharp claws. Just like most Extinction creatures, it has corruption running down its body.
The King Titan on Alpha difficulty has the same outline as its lower tier versions, but it is completely made of and armored with Element since its design is alike the Element spikes surrounding the arena.
In lore [ ]
The King Titan is the most powerful creature and Titan in the lore. It led an army of Titans and Corrupted Creatures, causing the apocalypse which nearly wiped out all life on the planet. Due to this, humanity built the Arks and created the Guardians and Overseers to help humanity become stronger and launched them into space in hopes that one day they can reclaim the earth.
When Helena has seen and gained knowledge through her Homo Deus prism, the Element saw her as a dangerous threat to its growth since it sent the King Titan to kill her and the survivors she was with, chasing them with the corrupted until the survivors were figuratively backed into a corner. In their brief battle, it killed every survivor except Mei Yin who it was toying with and Helena was in the background, hesitating if she should insert the prism in her implant. When the King Titan was about to seal the group's fate by killing Mei Yin, Helena rammed the prism in. The King Titan and the corrupted horde became disoriented, giving Mei Yin a chance to save a fading Helena, the now only hope for the malfunctioning ARKs and the life they harbor. Later, the King Titan resurfaced to face Mei Yin and Diana in their Mega Mek but was brutally defeated. Because of this and its first defeat against the Mega Mek, the King Titan has made two mistakes that would result in its defeat and element's loss of control over Earth.
Color Scheme and Regions [ ]
The King Titan always spawns with the same color scheme and has no color regions.
This means it is currently impossible to make alterations to the King Titan's colors.
Alpha King Titan Advanced Spawn Command Builder
Use our spawn command builder for Alpha King Titan below to generate a command for this creature. This command uses the "SpawnDino" argument rather than the "Summon" argument which allows users to customize the spawn distance and level of the creature.
King Titan
The King Titan is one of the Creatures and one of four Titans in the Extinction DLC of ARK: Survival Evolved.
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