Ark item aggregator что это
- Fixed issue with S+ Propagator not setting mating cooldown correctly for Dino Storage Soul Traps
- Added ability to hide the labal on the S+ Fridge, Vault & Tek Storage
- Fixed issue with S+ Propagator not consistently setting a mating cooldown time
- Fixed issue with S+ Propagator producing broken eggs in some languages
- Fixed issue with S+ Propagator hologram displaying when it shouldn't
- Fixed issue with S+ Harvester not uploading to far away dedicated storages
- Added seeds to the list of items you can select to destroy in the S+ Dedicated Storage Interface
- The S+ Stryder Interface has been reworked:
-> Now named S+ Dedicated Storage Interface
-> Can set a list of resources to upload instead of being limited to one (can also set a list of resources to destroy)
-> Can be placed on any saddle platform now (note: no longer links to a stryder as it now uploads directly out of the dino's inventory)
(note: any existing interfaces that are not placed on saddles will no longer function & if you have multiple placed on the same saddle you should remove all but 1)
-> New Configs: DediInterfaceDinoBlacklist, DediInterfaceDinoWhitelist, DediInterfaceMinUploadInterval & TribeInterfaceLimit
(see config documentation for more info)
- Fixed issue with the S+ Propagator stopping after breeding once
- You can now set all dinos in the S+ Propagator to specific settings (eg all to female, all can breed, etc)
- Mutation counts are now preserved when dinos are converted via the S+ Transmutator
- S+ Smithy items can now be crafted in Argentavis, Beaver & Thorny Dragon saddles (vanilla dinos only)
- All S+ items can now be crafted in vanilla Exo Meks
- Changing the name of the S+ Fridge, Vault & Tek Storage now updates the label (ie no longer need to Set Name as Label)
- New Configs: PreventCloningClonedDinos & PreventCloningNeuteredDinos
- New Config: EnableUpdateDurability (allows soul traps to gain durability when placed in vivariums/propagators/tek fridges which is important for timing of various things, if you use DS you should enable this)
(note: this will cause cryopods to lose charge while inside those structures so only enable if you are using Dino Storage)
- Fixed issue with the S+ Propagator not recognizing adults if they were pod'd shortly after maturing
- Fixed issue with the S+ Propagator using the mating speed configs incorrectly
- Added seeds to the S+ Harvester blacklist & destroy list
- The S+ Harvester no longer applies the weapon quality multiplier when harvesting by hand
- Fixed issue with not being able to transfer to a S+ Stryder Interface from a Stryder when using a stack mod
(note: you can't harvest while linked to a S+ Stryder Interface if using a stack mod, in the mean time use the transfer menu entry when the stryder is full)
- Fixed issue with the S+ Tranq Turret not dealing torpor
- New Config: TranqTurretAmmoClass (use to change the ammo used by the tranq turret)
- New Config: TranqTurretTorporAmt (amount of torpor that the tranq turret will deal with each hit)
- New Configs: TranqTurretPlayerTorporMultiplier & TranqTurretTamedTorporMultiplier (multiplies the base torpor by these values when hitting a player or tame)
(note: these values are 0 by default meaning the tranq turret no longer targets players & tamed dinos, if you want them to target then increase these values)
- New Config: TribeVivariumLimit
- Fixed issue with S+ Repair Station trying to pull resources for items that do not need repairing
- Fixed issue with IncubatorPerfectTempBonus not displaying correctly
- S+ Tek Crop Plot now refills its water sooner
- The S+ Propagator's fuel use is now independant of any modifications applied to dinos (ie it is fixed to the config value)
- New Config: PropagatorFuelInterval (note: PropagatorBaseFuelInterval has been removed)
- The S+ Propagator now charges a cost per modification every time mating finishes (this item & number can be configured)
(note: male costs are charged for every female they mate with)
- New Configs: PropagatorModCostItemClass, PropagatorModCostMutate, PropagatorModCostBreed, PropagatorModCostGender
(note the previous multiplier configs are no longer valid)
- Updated the tooltip of eggs produced in the S+ Propagator:
- Fixed the following issues with the S+ Propagator:
-> Eggs having full mutation counts
-> Getting stuck processing some dinos
-> Mating timer not being properly reset
-> Eggs not having the correct scale when sent to an incubator
-> Eggs not having the same gender as displayed
-> Incorrect ancestors (note: for various reasons dino parent IDs are no longer stored, all dinos bred in the propagator will have ancestors with no id)
- New Config: PropagatorRespectMutationLimit (by default, the propagator will now breed dinos regardless of their mutation count since that is essentially vanilla behavior, if you prefer the vanilla system of juggling then you can enable this)
- The S+ Omni Tool no longer blocks the Run (PC: Shift) key
- Fixed issue that caused the Omni Tool Spyglass UI to persist if you spammed the button
- The S+ Ammo Box item is now correctly labelled
- Fixed issue with S+ Ammo Box & S+ Egg Incubator having incorrect pre-reqs when using EnableEngramOverride
- The S+ Egg Incubator will now only set whole numbers for the temperature value
- New Config: IncubatorDisableAutoHatch
- Fixed issue with Plant Species R not re-growing when harvested by a S+ Harvester
- Fixed issue with S+ Stryder Interface & S+ Harvester not working with stack mods
- Picking up/destroying a S+ Stryder Interface that is connected to a S+ Dedicated Storage will no longer destroy the dedicated storage
- Ferox chibis are now independantly obtained from their different forms (previously was a small chance at a large when chibifying a small)
- New Omni Tool Mode: RTS Mode (opens the exosuit RTS Mode)
- The Omni Tool Spyglass (Scanner Alt Mode) now displays the stats/colors of dropped eggs (note: hold Run(PC: Left Shift) + Targeting(PC: RMB) to engage egg scan mode)
- The key to close the Spyglass UI is now AltFire (PC: Left CTRL) as the previous key was not accessible on gamepad
- The Omni Tool Clone Mode has been removed, you can now clone Omni Tools by right clicking the item and selecting the clone option
- Fixed issue with Omni Tool Spyglass bypassing its requirement for at least 1 powered S+ Transmitter
- New Mutator Pulse: Imprint (will set the activating player as the imprinter on all nearby dinos, if that player is already the imprinter, it will increase the imprint quality by 20%)
(note: the order of pulses has changed, this will affect pulse cost & cooldown times if you set them individually, see documentation for the new order)
- The S+ Mutator's Allow Breeding Pulse will now work on cloned dinos
- New Config: MutatorAllowBreedingNeutered (note: MutatorPreventBreedingClonedOrNeutered has been removed)
- The S+ Harvester can now harvest Plant Species R (enable via radial menu)
- S+ Tek Laboratory can now craft mutagen & mutagel (note: the recipes are slightly improved over the chem bench but not at the same ratio as the other recipes)
- Fixed issue with S+ Cryofridge not being paintable
- Creatures converted via the S+ Transmutator now have their mating timer & mutagen flag set correctly
- Fixed issue with Dino Storage Soul Traps not producing resources in the S+ Vivarium
- Updated the placement effects of Tek Homstead structures
- Items for internal use are no longer spawnable via command (ie helper recipes in the grinder)
- Fixed issue with S+ Gacha Gavager protruding through the ceilings below it
- Fixed issue with S+ Glass Dynamic Gates losing their opacity settings when coming out of stasis
- Players that are passengers on a dino will now be dismounted when teleported
- Fixed issue with S+ Turrets not being reloaded by ammo boxes
- S+ Turrets are now compatible with UseStructureStasisGrid
- S+ Instant Hit Turrets now only consume ammo if they do damage (this is how vanilla works)
- The S+ Tranq Turret now deals all of its torpor damage up front but armor is more effective at mitigating it (ie should be more useful vs wild but the same against saddled tames/players)
- Fixed issue with not being able to transfer into ammo boxes
- Fixed issue with boss tribute's not consistently appearing in the S+ Transmitter
- Updated most keybinds to use input actions instead of hardcoded keyboard inputs (allows gamepad users to use & will obey user rebinds)
- Fixed issue with some dinos not being recognized by various structures (eg Voidwyrms & the mutator)
- Dino ancestry is now preserved when converted via the S+ Transmutator
- Fixed issue with S+ Harvester not properly destroying some foliage when harvesting it
- Fixed issue with S+ Harvester not deactivating properly when power was lost
- Lowered the effect of the weapon quality multiplier that the S+ Harvester uses
- S+ Harvester can no longer be placed on saddles
(note: any that are on saddles now will not harvest when activated)
- Fixed issue that prevented the S+ Harvester from uploading to dedicated storage when it went into stasis before finishing its current harvest
(note: foliage doesn't regrow in stasis so its only going to generate resources if the area is visited often)
- You can now set a blacklist on the S+ Harvester that will stop it from harvesting any foliage that contains that item
- New Configs: TribeHarvesterLimit, HarvesterResourceBlacklist (the harvester won't harvest any foliage containing items on this list)
- Mutagen & Mutagel have been removed from the S+ Tek Laboratory
(note: they will return when the gen 2 dev kit is released)
- S+ Mutator's range can now be adjusted via the radial menu
- S+ Mutator's mutation pulse no longer immobilizes dinos
- S+ Mutator's pulses no longer affect babies (excluding the age freeze & growth pulses)
- S+ Mutator can no longer be picked up while its cooling down
- S+ Mutator modes that are disabled via config are now hidden from the player
(note: the MutatorModeBlacklist config entries have changed slightly, see the documentation for full details)
- New Configs: MaxMutatorRangeInFoundations, MutatorPulseCooldowns (can now set different cooldown times per pulse type)
- S+ Dedicated Storage Intake can now have its range adjusted via the radial menu
- New Config: DedicatedIntakeMaxRangeInFoundations
- S+ Feeding Troughs should more reliably feed babies that mature while in stasis
- The S+ Item Aggregator can now pick up Element Shards
- The S+ Item Collector changed his pants
- Fixed issue that prevented crafting mutagen in the S+ Laboratory
- Mutagel can now be crafted in the S+ Laboratory
- The S+ Multi Tool can now chibify Noglin & Shadowmane
- Maewings no longer appear twice in lists (ie hitching post & cloning chamber)
- Changed the S+ Transmitter's particle effect to be more subtle
- Fixed several issues with S+ Railing/Half Wall snapping
- S+ Dynamic Pillars can now snap to vanilla (& vanilla compatible) ceilings
- Fixed issue that prevented S+ Adobe Gate & Gateway from converting in the S+ Converter
- Fixed issue with S+ Tek Fridge eating Tek Canteens
- S+ Gacha Gavagers can no longer be picked up while a Gacha is inside
- Fixed issue with S+ Forcefield not remembering its Block Allies setting
- Fixed issue with Glass S+ Dynamic Gates not having a preview material when placing or waiting for materials
- Fixed issue with Tek S+ Dynamic Gates losing their animation after a restart in single player
- Fixed issue that caused both S+ Dynamic Gate & Gateway UIs to show when quickly switching between them
- Removed ability to transfer blueprints with advanced transfers
- S+ Feeding Troughs now have a fixed range (again)
- New Configs: FeedingTroughRangeInFoundations & TekFeedingTroughRangeInFoundations (sets the size that all troughs will be)
(note: removed other range related feeding trough configs)
- S+ Spawn Blocker now has a fixed range of 25 foundations
- New Config: SpawnBlockerRangeInFoundations (sets the size that all spawn blockers will be)
(note: removed max range config)
- You are no longer prompted to name dino's claimed with the S+ Multi Tool
- Fixed issue with S+ Multi Tool not being able to claim reapers
- Changed collision of S+ Electrical Outlets to match that of wires (so they are damaged in similar situations. this is a buff)
- Fixed issue with OverrideTekEngrams incorrectly changing the groups of some engrams
- Mutagen can now be crafted in the S+ Laboratory
- Tek Canteen can now be refilled at the S+ Tek Fridge
Feeding Trough TLC
- Range can be adjusted in game via the radial menu now
- No longer blocks respawn of resources & dinos
- Range display now accurately represents the area that a dino will be fed in (note: this is now cubic instead of spherical)
- New Configs: FeedingTroughMaxRangeInFoundations & TekFeedingTroughMaxRangeInFoundations (the limit that the trough can be set to ingame)
(note: the previous feeding trough configs now function as a default range if none is set by the player)
- Updated map engram unlocks so that Genesis 2 engrams can be learned on other maps
- Added Gen2 resources to pull list & Gen2 items to the S+ Tek Replicator
- S+ Cryofridge can now be painted
- S+ Farmer & Item Aggregator will now distribute fertilizer to crop plots that are seeded (previously required growing)
- S+ Cooking Pot & Industrial Cooking Pot have a new auto craft option: Autocraft All Except Dyes
- Fixed issue with TekEngramOverride not overriding certain engrams
- S+ Gacha Gavager is now affected by the RemoveFloorRequirementFromStructurePlacement config
- The S+ Nanny will now try to feed dinos the food they have the highest affinity for first (previously did lowest)
- Updated S+ Tek Double Door crafting & xp to match vanilla
- Homestead ramps(stairs) can now be converted to S+ Ramps in the S+ Converter
- Teleport beacons can no longer be dropped from the S+ Omni Tool when on a mission that has teleported you
- Fixed issue that allowed for multiple teleport beacons to be spawned
- The S+ Transmitter's inventory can no longer be accessed when on a mission that has teleported you
- Fixed issue with stat names not displaying correctly in the Dino Scanner Stat Display
- Changed the default model of the S+ Dermis Display
- Fixed issue with babies claimed by the S+ Multi Tool not updating the Tribe Tame Limit
- Tek Rex can no longer be corrupted via the S+ Mutator
S+ Item Aggregator
“ | - Collecte et distribue de nombreux objets de et vers de nombreuses destinations. Alimenté par un Générateur Tek. | „ |
Le S+ Item Aggregator ou S+ Agrégateur d'objets est une des structures du Mod Structures Plus.
Ark item aggregator что это
ARK: Survival Evolved
11 окт. 2020 в 11:03 - If full it deactivate- distribution to crop DONT WORK
- collect beer dont work 11 окт. 2020 в 16:40
1. S+ has a workshop page and the comments and discussion forums have been re-enabled so you should better post there BUT.
2. The issues(lets just call it a complete mess at this point) with the aggregators is already known and been/being discussed at length. Supposedly Orionsun is working on fixes. Personally I think he should've never implemented the change until he'd sorted it before really.
3. You can alternatively use other mods like super structures that intentionally(since orionsun open sourced it) mimicing S+ which are not encountering these specific issues. There are also other mods that pickup/distribute stuff unrelated to the s+ opensourcing too)
Généralités [ ]
Il combine les fonctionnalités de ramassage et de distribution des structures suivantes:
En outre, il peut également ramasser les: Lingot de métal, Charbon, Fleur rare, Champignon Rare, Viande avariée, Bière et ce qui est produit dans un S+ Vivarium
Nouvelles caractéristiques de distribution, vers les structures à portée:
S+ Item Aggregator Fuel
Ah, got you. Maybe some other mod has a compatible generator, or maybe a mod that makes it easier to get to Tek?
I mean, I can spawn in Tek. The issue is that basically makes the whole gasoline-wind turbine-generator grind pointless for everyone.
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