Alone in the dark как подключить геймпад
30 окт. 2013 в 13:24
It has patial controler support it worked for me go to: control panel/hardwar & sound/ devices & printers/ 360 controler/ advanced options and set to work with older games then start game go to options/controler config the thumb sticks will work already no need to set direcetions, can't use triggers,L3/R3 or D-pad but can custom set all other buttons and use keyboard to get to main menu.
30 окт. 2013 в 13:25
It has patial controler support it worked for me go to: control panel/hardwar & sound/ devices & printers/ 360 controler/ advanced options and set to work with older games then start game go to options/controler config the thumb sticks will work already no need to set direcetions, can't use triggers,L3/R3 or D-pad but can custom set all other buttons and use keyboard to get to main menu.
30 окт. 2013 в 14:09
360 controller works, you just have to go into the controller menu and press make default and the controls should work. Pretty sure it should work for ps3 controller too
30 окт. 2013 в 14:10
I found out that it does not support a 360 controller.
IT DOES support 360 controller, when you play the game, go into controller setting and press make default. then you can use the 360 controller
30 окт. 2013 в 17:15
I found out that it does not support a 360 controller.
IT DOES support 360 controller, when you play the game, go into controller setting and press make default. then you can use the 360 controller
Nice, thanks for that. Based on recent comments, I purchased the game. Now I am interested to see how well it works (when I get around to playing it - my backlog is horrible!).
I would also like to know if I can use my xbox 360 controller for this because the keyboard/mouse controls for any game of this style designed and released in 2001 will guaranteed suck bad.
At the title screen:
-> Enter Options
-> Enter Controller settings
-> Choose to change any key
-> Press any button on the 360 controller
The game will now ask if you wish to use the 360 controller as default?
Choose yes.
All button configurations will change and the game can now be played with the controller.
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alone in the dark 5 неудобное управление подскажите как настроить его .
. не через внутренние настройки, а чтоб непосредственно в нужном файле установить управление камерой.
- Хочу сделать что бы в режиме от третьего лица поварачивало (влево и вправо) при помощи мыши.
Если настраивать своё управление в настройках игры, эти же установленные игроком "кнопки" в какой-то файл же записываються.
а разве так можно.. ? эта ж игра вообще по моему под PS заточена.. . точнее наоборот, создана она для PS, а заточили её под PC. Вот поэтому и управление корявое..
How to use x360ce emulator with Alone in the Dark on PC
In this tutorial you will find steps to make x360ce work with Alone in the Dark. This method also works with any game – just do the same easy steps, no special skills needed to make any controller work as an Xbox 360 gamepad. Emulator allows your controller (joystick, wheel, gamepad, etc.) to operate as the most common device, recognized by most of the games without any additional settings and workarounds.
1. The first step is to download x360ce zip file from official site. You have to select 32 or 64 bit version (same as the version of Alone in the Dark you use). If you don’t know the version of your game or download wrong one accidentally, you will be notified later and have a chance to use another version.
2. Now we have to find the installation folder of your game. You can easily do this by looking into game shortcut settings or finding the game in your Steam library list. If you choose the Steam variant, right click the game name and select “Properties”.
3. Navigate to “Local files” tab and press “Browse local files. ” button.
4. Now you need to find the folder with Alone in the Dark executable. In the example picture they are located in Binaries / Retail subfolder. You need to extract downloaded x360ce ZIP file to folder with your game executable file.
5. Click on x360ce exe file with the right mouse button and select “Run as administrator” from dropdown menu.
6. You will see window with warning – “xinput 1_3.dll was not found. This file is required for emulator to function properly.” Don’t worry, just click “Create” button to make them appear.
7. When x360ce will inform you that new device was detected, use automatic search for settings from internet – just hit “Next” button.
8. Click “Finish”, when installation completed.
9. Hit the “Auto” button to make all settings set to defaults. Confirm changes by clicking “Yes” in popup window. All the buttons will be filled automatically.
10. Now just hit “Save” button to make all your settings saved. You can also change buttons assignment before hitting “Save”, if you like.
Now you can normally launch Alone in the Dark and use your controller with x360ce emulator – it will be starting automatically with each game launch.
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