Alienware light fx payday 2 что это
To unlock this weapon, players had to create an account on the Alienware Alpha website to receive a code to enter on Steam.
There is a limited number of codes and the limit varies by region. In some regions, all codes have been claimed and this item can no longer be unlocked.
Overview [ ]
The Alpha Mauler is more-or-less a reskin of the Ding Dong Breaching Tool, they both perform similarly and uses the same animations. However, the Alpha Mauler is always available once unlocked, while the Ding Dong Breaching Tool has an unlock level of 48.
Claire 12G
Двуствольное ружье 12-го калибра, являющееся своеобразным аналогом Joceline O/U 12G и Mosconi 12G в слоте дополнительного оружия. Как и в случае со своими собратьями, отличается высокой потенциальной скрытностью, которую могут использовать игроки, предпочитающие навыки Беглеца.
Для наиболее эффективного использования данного дробовика следует прокачивать левую ветку навыков Штурмовика.
Плюсы [ ]
- Высокий урон
- Быстрая перезарядка
- Высокая потенциальная скрытность
Минусы [ ]
- Высокая стоимость
- Сильная отдача
- Модификации способны улучшить лишь скрытность.
Модификации [ ]
000 Дробь (ориг. 000 Buckshot)
Дробовики в игре, заряженные дробью 000, выпускают такое же количество пуль, как если бы они были оснащены картечью 00, несмотря на то, что эти снаряды в действительности содержат меньше дробинок.
000 Дробь (ориг. 000 Buckshot)
Дробовики в игре, заряженные дробью 000, выпускают такое же количество пуль, как если бы они были оснащены картечью 00, несмотря на то, что эти снаряды в действительности содержат меньше дробинок.
Взрывные боеприпасы (ориг. HE Round)
Взрывные боеприпасы
Флешетта (ориг. Flechette)
На самом деле Флешетта не всегда увеличивает эффективную дальность стрельбы дробовика. Тем не менее, они незначительно улучшают кучность из-за аэродинамической формы флешетты, а также имеют ограниченные возможности в бронебойности и заметно повышенную точность в случае флешетты из карбида вольфрама.
Бронебойная пуля (ориг. AP Slug)
Бронебойная пуля
- Использование Бронебойных пуль превращает дробовик в квази-снайперскую винтовку, поскольку разброс убирается.
- На корпусе Бронебойной пули напечатана маркировка «G4G3», что является литспиком имени «Гейдж».
Дыхание Дракона (ориг. Dragon's Breath Round)
Особые эффекты: Поджигает противников
Несовместим с глушителями «Тсс!» и «Тихий убийца».
Дыхание Дракона
Alien FX lights sync with music (W10)
As you all probably know, everytime a major update happens our Alien FX gets virtually useless.
I would like to know how I could sync my lights with songs now that I'm using Windows 10, because although Media Player has the plugin, nothing happens when I activate it.
Which model you using?
I have an Alienware 18X, Windows 10 Home, Media Player 12.0.10011.16397
I want to know this too lol :p
I am interested in this. Zog is not always on but he will chime in when he is. He is one of the top 3 smartest guys on AWA if you ask me.
Try This.
Depending on the Command Center used in Windows 10 and WMP, make sure you right click the alienware icon in the system tray and make sure "Enable 3rd party Effects" or "Enable Alienware AlienFX Events".. It should be one of those if I remember correctly. They have to be enabled for the WMP add-on to communicate with AlienFX properly..
In the Alienware Arena there is a key for PayDay 2 for Mauler, a hammer which to me looks pretty cool. Every time I click or tap on the section of "Get Key", it refreshes the page as soon as I click/tap on the "I am not a robot", is there a way to fix this. I also have noticed that every third click it gives an error message on the webpage instead of the usual annoying refresh. Any ideas will be helpful before the key disappears, unless that is the problem of the key being expired although I have refreshed the page and restarted laptop to see if it was just an update to a webpage I missed. Thank you for reading and any help is appreciated.
u might not be the proper lvl. try again after lvl increase.
HarkSublime said:u might not be the proper lvl. try again after lvl increase.
I am proper level it does not give me the warning of not being able to achieve key or having problems it just refreshes than crashes after 3 times, and there is no indication I'm the wrong level in the description, though thank you for replying.
where do i find it?
Check the Community Giveaway section of the forum, you might get lucky
KingNeko said:In the Alienware Arena there is a key for PayDay 2 for Mauler, a hammer which to me looks pretty cool. Every time I click or tap on the section of "Get Key", it refreshes the page as soon as I click/tap on the "I am not a robot", is there a way to fix this. I also have noticed that every third click it gives an error message on the webpage instead of the usual annoying refresh. Any ideas will be helpful before the key disappears, unless that is the problem of the key being expired although I have refreshed the page and restarted laptop to see if it was just an update to a webpage I missed. Thank you for reading and any help is appreciated.
The site is experiencing some issues lately, i would suggest you clear cache, re-login and try again.
KingNeko said:In the Alienware Arena there is a key for PayDay 2 for Mauler, a hammer which to me looks pretty cool. Every time I click or tap on the section of "Get Key", it refreshes the page as soon as I click/tap on the "I am not a robot", is there a way to fix this. I also have noticed that every third click it gives an error message on the webpage instead of the usual annoying refresh. Any ideas will be helpful before the key disappears, unless that is the problem of the key being expired although I have refreshed the page and restarted laptop to see if it was just an update to a webpage I missed. Thank you for reading and any help is appreciated.
The site is experiencing some issues lately, i would suggest you clear cache, re-login and try again.
Thank you for solution.
KingNeko said:In the Alienware Arena there is a key for PayDay 2 for Mauler, a hammer which to me looks pretty cool. Every time I click or tap on the section of "Get Key", it refreshes the page as soon as I click/tap on the "I am not a robot", is there a way to fix this. I also have noticed that every third click it gives an error message on the webpage instead of the usual annoying refresh. Any ideas will be helpful before the key disappears, unless that is the problem of the key being expired although I have refreshed the page and restarted laptop to see if it was just an update to a webpage I missed. Thank you for reading and any help is appreciated.
The site is experiencing some issues lately, i would suggest you clear cache, re-login and try again.
Thank you for solution.
No problem. Hope it worked.
Thanx for info place ><
Wow well I could not get it fixed in the end, no matter what I tried, I hope the bug gets fixed soon, and thank you Suirei for helping me in getting the key I wish there was an Honor system so I could make multiple accounts to just honor give you @Suirei
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