Access to the path is denied что делать
I gave full control to this folder (savehere) to network service and iis_iusrs , even gave full control to everyone but still getting this exception. I tried to give access via explorer and via IIS manager, still no luck
I'm doing it on Windows server 2008 R2 and IIS 7.5, Who do I need to give access?
20.7k 15 15 gold badges 72 72 silver badges 98 98 bronze badges 11.6k 24 24 gold badges 75 75 silver badges 108 108 bronze badges31 Answers 31
An UnauthorizedAccessException means one of 4 things:
- The caller does not have the required permission.
- The file is an executable file that is in use.
- Path is a directory.
- Path specified a read-only file.
I also had the problem, hence me stumbling on this post. I added the following line of code before and after a Copy / Delete.
This is an old issue, but I ran into it while searching. Turns out that I was missing the actual filename component in the save path for SaveAs.
3,084 1 1 gold badge 20 20 silver badges 43 43 bronze badgesWhen a user tries to connect to your Web site, IIS assigns the connection to the IUSER_ComputerName account, where ComputerName is the name of the server on which IIS is running. By default, the IUSER_ComputerName account is a member of the Guests group. This group has security restrictions. Try to grand access to IUSER_ComputerName to that folder
Here is very good described answer about IIS security
Hope this helps
47.8k 30 30 gold badges 144 144 silver badges 178 178 bronze badgesthis would be incorrect File.Move(args[0],"c:\\crp");
So, this would be correct File.Move(args[0],"c:\\crp\\a.a");
The same goes for File.Copy
Right click on Visual studio and click Run as Administrator
If this is an IIS website that is having the problem, check the Identity property of the advanced settings for the application pool that the site or application uses. You may find that it is set to ApplicationPoolIdentity, and in that case then this is the user that will have to have access to the path.
Or you can go old style and simply set the Identity to Network Service, and give the Network Service user access to the path.
1,613 1 1 gold badge 23 23 silver badges 31 31 bronze badgesYou need to modify the privileges of the folder you're trying to delete from/save to. Right-click on the containing folder and use the Security tab to permit modify rights for the user your application runs under.
An UnauthorizedAccessException exception is thrown when the operating system denies access because of an I/O error or a security error.
If you are attempting to access a file or registry key, make sure it is not read-only.
I have also faced this issue when my window service started throwing the exception
So as a solution, I checked the user account associated with my service, as shown in below screen capture
So in my case it was NETWORK SERVICE
And then went to the folder properties to check if the associated user account also exists under their permission tab. It was missing in my case and when I added it and it fixed my issue.
For more information please check the below screen capture
The exception that is thrown when the operating system denies access because of an I/O error or a specific type of security error.
I hit the same thing. Check to ensure that the file is NOT HIDDEN.
same issue for me too, I was pointing the folder instead of file.
so make sure in path, give path+filename
Check your files properties. If the read-only is checked, uncheck it. This was my personal issue with the UnauthorizedAccessException.
I got this error and solved it in just a moment. Don't know why all of my folders are read-only,I cancelled the read-only and apply it. However, it is still read-only. So I moved the file into the root folder, it works - so weird.
I was facing this error because
Sometimes when I Combine the path with File Name and FileName = ""
It become Path Directory not a file which is a problem as mentioned above
so you must check for FileName like this
I had the same problem on a newly moved website on a shared server. Solved through the web host panel (DotNetPanel) setting true the "allow write permissions". So if you are in a shared server before reviewing all code worth taking a look at the server configuration and could save you a lot of time.
Be aware that if you are trying to reach a shared folder path from your code, you dont only need to give the proper permissions to the physicial folder thru the security tab. You also need to "share" the folder with the corresponding app pool user thru the Share Tab
I had the exact error when deleting a file. It was a Windows Service running under a Service Account which was unable to delete a .pdf document from a Shared Folder even though it had Full Control of the folder.
What worked for me was navigating to the Security tab of the Shared Folder > Advanced > Share > Add.
I then added the service account to the administrators group, applied the changes and the service account was then able to perform all operations on all files within that folder.
I was trying to use System.IO.File.OpenWrite(path)
and it did not work because I was only passing OpenWrite() a path to a directory, but it requires a path all the way to the file you want to write. So a full path including the filename.extension at the end needs to be passed into OpenWrite to avoid UnauthorizedAccessException
1,159 1 1 gold badge 13 13 silver badges 28 28 bronze badgesFor those trying to make a UWP (Universal Windows) application, file permissions are much more restricted, and in general is deny by default. It also supersedes the system user permissions. You will basically only have access to files in either
- Your install location
- Your AppData location
- Files selected through the File or Folder picker
- Locations requested in your App Manifest
If you're using BitDefender there's a good chance its Safe Files feature blocked your operation. This is a form of Ransomware protection that comes with some of its more advanced versions.
Make sure to grant your application access in BitDefender and try again.
Some more details can be found in this BitDefender support page.
In my case the problem was Norton. My in-house program doesn't have the proper digital signature and when it tried to delete a file it gave the UnauthorizedAccessException.
If it give you a notification, you can handle it from there. In my case it didn't give a notification that I noticed. So here's how to keep Norton from blocking the program.
- Open Norton
- Click the down arrow
- Click History
- Find activity by program
- Click More Options
- Click Exclude Process
To solve this problem, I follow the Scot Hanselman approach at Debugging System.UnauthorizedAccessException (often followed by: Access to the path is denied) article, the code with example is bellow:
823 1 1 gold badge 4 4 silver badges 14 14 bronze badgesIn my case it was my AVG anti-virus that triggered the exception.
I added my VS Projects directory to the "Allowed" list. And I had to add the executable to the AVG exceptions list after I copied the .exe to my App directory.
1,723 1 1 gold badge 30 30 silver badges 34 34 bronze badgesI too faced the same problem when trying to do this after deployment at server:
I granted permission in IIS to other group including administrator and my problem got solved.
I have found that this error can occur in DESIGN MODE as opposed to ? execution mode. If you are doing something such as creating a class member which requires access to an .INI or .HTM file (configuration file, help file) you might want to NOT initialize the item in the declaration, but initialize it later in FORM_Load() etc. When you DO initialize. Use a guard IF statement:
This will keep the MSVS Designer from trying to create an INI or HTM file when you are in design mode.
I had this error thrown when I tried to rename a folder very rapidly after it had been either moved or created.
A simple System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); solved it:
2,224 3 3 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 25 25 bronze badges Think it would be better if you checked if the folder existed before moving it rather than sleeping for half a second. if the OS is busy the previous move might take longer than half a second, and your back to the same issue. This piece of code is very dangerous. It repeats the RenameFile method no matter what exception is thrown! It could cause the app to crash if the cause of exception is an actual permission problemIn my particular case I was repeatedly creating and deleting 10000 folders. It seems to me that the problem was in that although the method Directory.Delete(path, true) returns, the underling OS mechanism may still be deleting the files from the disk. And when I am starting to create new folders immediately after deletion of old ones, some of them are still locked because they are not completely deleted yet. And I am getting System.UnauthorizedAccessException: "Access to the path is denied".
Using Thread.Sleep(5000) after Directory.Delete(path, true) solves that problem. I absolutely agree that this is not safe, and I am not encouraging anyone to use it. I would love to here a better approach to solve this problem to improve my answer. Now I am just giving an idea why this exception may happen.
First just check the path if the colon(:) character is missing or not after the drive letter. If colon is not missing then you can check if access/write permission is granted for that path. I had the same issue and i was only missing the colon, permission and everything else was fine.
will work fine but,
will give you access denial error.
I also ran into this post as dealing with the same issue. Looks like the file is in use and hence not able to write to it. Though not able to figure it out, which process is using it. Signed out the other user who was logged in in that box, dont see any users who is holding it. Any quick tips regarding on how to find the same.
Для работы с файлами в UWP предусмотрен класс ApplicationData.У него есть свойства для доступа к различным папкам:
- LocalCacheFolder
- LocalFolder
- RoamingFolder
- SharedLocalFolder
- TemporaryFolder
Для каждого приложения UWP создаются свои папки для хранения данных приложения. И эти папки имеют свои предназначение.
Для работы с файлам в UWP предполагается использовать ApplicationData.
Для работы непосредственно с файлом в UWP существует класс StorageFile. Прочитайте статью о работе с файлами в UWP по данной ссылке.
Если вкратце, то код примерно должен быть таким:
Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ здесь.
Ошибка "Access denied for user . (using password: YES)"
Здравствуйте. Я пытаюсь вытащить значения из бд,но столкнулся с такой проблемой "Access denied for.
Ошибка "Forbidden Access denied"
Доброго времени суток! Перенесли сервер с Bitrix корпоративный портал в новый дата-центр.
Ошибка в Eclipse "Type Program "make" not found in PATH"
Установил на комп Eclipse, MinGW, попробовал запустить уже готовый хэлловорлд, эклипс выдал ошибку.
I have read a similar post, but i just cant figure out the problem.
I have changed the windows permissions and changed routes.
When i try to save a file it throws me the exception:
Ошибка доступа "Access to the path is denied."
Как я понял uwp запрещает читать и изменять файлы для безопасности (где-то прочитал)
Писал этот же код в консоле и всё работает отлично.
Ошибка "Access denied" error 5 при вызове VirtualQueryEx
Всем привет. Не могу понять в чём проблема, запускаю программу от имени администратора, но данные.
Писал этот же код в консоле и всё работает отлично. Я не шибко знаю UWP, можно сказать почти не знаю.
Но где-то наталкивался на такое, что в UWP нет доступа к коревому каталогу (или он не тривиальный).
Попробуйте поместить файл в какую-то папку.
7 Answers 7
You are trying to create a FileStream object for a directory (folder). Specify a file name (e.g. @"D:\test.txt") and the error will go away.
By the way, I would suggest that you use the StreamWriter constructor that takes an Encoding as its second parameter, because otherwise you might be in for an unpleasant surprise when trying to read the saved file later (using StreamReader).
6,241 1 1 gold badge 25 25 silver badges 24 24 bronze badges A doubt. How can i read the route of the place where the user wants to save the file so i can save the route in string route? @aerojun: This is actually another question, but I think what you will need (assuming "route" denotes "path") is the SaveFileDialog class as well as the path management methods in the static Path class.Did you try specifing some file name?
tl;dr version: Make sure you are not trying to open a file marked in the file system as Read-Only in Read/Write mode.
I have come across this error in my travels trying to read in an XML file. I have found that in some circumstances (detailed below) this error would be generated for a file even though the path and file name are correct.
- The path and file name are valid, the file exists
- Both the service account and the logged in user have Full Control permissions to the file and the full path
- The file is marked as Read-Only
- It is running on Windows Server 2008 R2
- The path to the file was using local drive letters, not UNC path
When trying to read the file programmatically, the following behavior was observed while running the exact same code:
- When running as the logged in user, the file is read with no error
- When running as the service account, trying to read the file generates the Access Is Denied error with no details
In order to fix this, I had to change the method call from the default (Opening as RW) to opening the file as RO. Once I made that one change, it stopped throwing an error.
Why is access to the path denied?
I am having a problem where I am trying to delete my file but I get an exception.
Also I should note that the folder I am trying to delete from has full control to network services.
The full exception message is:
24 Answers 24
Access to the path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite\images\savehere' is denied
Read the message carefully. You are trying to save to a file that has the same name as the directory. That cannot work, you can't overwrite a directory filled with files with a single new file. That would cause undiagnosable data loss, "Access to the path is denied" is the file system fighting back to prevent that from happening.
The exception message is not ideal, but it comes straight from the OS and they are cast in stone. The framework often adds extra checks to generate better messages, but this is an expensive test on a network. Perf is a feature too.
You need to find out from the application pool for the website what is the identity it is running under (by default this is Application Pool Identity ) and grant that the correct permissions.
I was having the same problem while trying to create a file on the server (actually a file that is a copy from a template).
Here's the complete error message:
After doing this everything works as expected.
95.4k 42 42 gold badges 349 349 silver badges 456 456 bronze badgesI had exactly the same problem.
The solution was that the file I was trying to access was readonly, as it was copied from a template file that was readonly.
I got this problem when I try to save the file without set the file name.
Old Code
Working Code
My problem was that I had to ask for Read access only:
7,194 5 5 gold badges 48 48 silver badges 52 52 bronze badgesI Solved with this setting:
IIS > Application Pools > [your site] > Advanced Settings. > Identity > Built-in accound > LocalSystem
What Identity is your Application Pool for the Web application running as, to troubleshoot, try creating a new App Pool with say Network Service as its identity and make your web application use that new App Pool you created and see if the error persists.
29.7k 11 11 gold badges 69 69 silver badges 98 98 bronze badgesThe following tip isn't an answer to this thread's original question, but might help some other users who end up on this webpage, after making the same stupid mistake I just did.
I was attempting to get an ASP.Net FileUpload control to upload it's file to a network address which contained a "hidden share", namely:
I didn't understand it. If I ran the webpage in Debug mode in Visual Studio, it'd work fine. But when the project was deployed, and was running via an Application Pool user, it refused to find this network directory.
I had checked which user my IIS site was running under, gave this user full permissions to this directory on the "MyNetworkServer" server, etc etc, but nothing worked.
The reason (of course!) is that only Administrators are able to "see" these hidden drive shares.
My solution was simply to create a "normal" share to
and this got rid of the "Access to the path. is denied" error. The FileUpload was able to successfully run the command
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