A plague tale innocence coats of arms dlc что это
О, тут можно выбрать герб своей семьи и изменить цвет одежды главных героев? Круто. Как это абсолютно бесполезно? В смысле герои потом переоденутся во второй главе и мы больше не увидим выбранной одежды? Ну офигеть, круто. Так это ещё и бонус за предзаказ? Как интересно.
Ладно, давайте я подробнее распишу. Сие DLC позволит вам выбрать фамильный герб семейства де Рун. Благодаря этому изменится изображение на щитах в имении, которые вы увидите один единственный раз в 1 главе (самом начале) и ещё изменится изображение на амулетах, которые носят Амисия и Гюго в 1-ой главе и первой половине 2-ой главы. Ещё это меняет цвет одежды героев, которую они носят в 1-ой главе и первой половине 2-ой главы. Потом они встречают бабушку, которая им даёт одежду своих погибших внуков и всё. Ну ладно, у Амисии из под корсета будет торчать кусочек её старой одежды, которую вы перекрасили, это так важно, шо я сам в шоке.
Короче, абсолютно бесполезное дополнение, которое вообще ничего не меняет, не привносит и не играет никакой роли, применение которого визуально вы видите только в самом начале, а потом всю игру будете бегать в дефолтной одежде, которую дала бабуля. У Гюго - это жёлтая рубаха и красный шарфик, а у Амисии - как бы описать, костюм вора, убийцы? Ну короче такая кожаная одежда с корсетом и налокотником, что навевает определённые мысли о том, чем занимались внуки этой бабушки. Ближайший аналог, который сразу всплыл в голове - костюм Гаррета из серии игр Thief. Потом под конец Амисия его ещё подкрутит, волчий воротник добавит, крутые кожаные сапоги где-то сп*здит. Ну короче в конце она будет круто выглядеть, что никак к этому бесполезному DLC не относится.
Как бонус за предзаказ - ок, но покупать это абсолютно бесполезное и ничего не меняющее дополнение за 69 рублей? Да чёрт знает.
Системные требования
- Требуются 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-2120 (3.3 GHz)/AMD FX-4100 X4 (3.6 GHz)
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 2 GB, GeForce GTX 660/Radeon HD 7870
- Место на диске: 50 GB
- Требуются 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-4690 (3.5 GHz)/AMD FX-8300 (3.3 GHz)
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 4 GB, GeForce GTX 970/Radeon RX 480
- Место на диске: 50 GB
© 2019 Asobo Studio and Focus Home Interactive. A Plague Tale: Innocence is developed by Asobo Studio and published by Focus Home Interactive. A Plague Tale: Innocence and its logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Focus Home Interactive. The game and technology are the property of Asobo Studio. All rights reserved.
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Вместе с юной Амицией и ее пятилетним братом Гуго отправляйтесь в опасное путешествие по Франции, которая переживает один из самых жутких периодов своей истории. Спасаясь от Инквизиции и орд голодных крыс, дети научатся доверять друг другу и попытаются отыскать свое место в жестоком, беспощадном мире.
A plague tale innocence coats of arms dlc что это
Yeah, I'd rather they cut 30% of the content from the game and sell that as dlc! . wait what are we upset about again? Costumes? srsly?
Not sure if you've heard, but microtransactions only being cosmetics is widely agreed to be the correct way to do microtransactions. Your weird imaginings about cash shops and buying food are. well, they're weird. My guess is you're one of those people who is a bit too extremely hateful of microtransactions, and it's made you go all funny in the head.
No Foxi, It's like Neozanmato said. I was hyped for the game, and then seeing that. well that shows me hints of the game's direction. Grim Dark? Sure, but first pick out your favorite clothes from your wardrobe! Now let's throw in some loot boxes to really feel like a big game dev!
No, I don't think the "majority" you pretend to speak for with that "widely" comment actually think that cosmetics are acceptable. It's more like a "lesser of two evils". but the cosmetics in this game are VERY stupid in a single player game, and even more stupid in this one about the plague. you know the lack of everything including life. Why the hell would the character, me, or like. anyone care about the coat of arms they are wearing during the Plague!
Again, I mention the Horse Armor for a reason, it's the exact moment when most people's mind were blown in thinking that we'd want to pay for a cosmetic, when it's well known that anyone can do that real quick. It's a joke. This is the game Devs pretending that they are EA, and thinking they need to require preorder bonus DLC to sell their game. Or.. you know.. they could just make a good game that already has that content in there. and then sell actual content as DLC later. after they proved their game was good. Silly thought, I know. (Side note: This could all be their publishers forcing it on them. So, Asobo Studios and Kevin, if you didn't want to do this. i'm sorry and I hope you find a better publisher in the future)
3 апр. 2019 в 21:58 Grrr. optional DLC to make some extra money for future products and paying employees? How dare they! Grrr. Making optional preorder DLC this is both meaningless and ruins the atmosphere? How dare they! Oh yeah, and yes pointless preorder dlc is definitely what helps the employees, right? If only Bioware had known and done that to Anthem, their employees would all be fine! how about instead we remove pointless dlc, just lower the profit of the publisher, and pay their employees more without pointless dlc? Nah. 3 апр. 2019 в 23:33Here is the part that makes you look like a whiner not worth taking seriously.
Anything that is optional is not worth complaining about and those that do are either bored, stupid or idealogically driven and. well here we are.
Anything that is optional is not worth complaining about Wow, if that isn't a big ol' fallacy. I think you've been arguing everything BUT the point. My argument remains that the DLC both makes them look stupid, ruins the atmosphere they have going for the game, and is only there because of very bad game industry standards. None of those are altered by it being optional in game. It's still there. in the store. making the game look bad. 4 апр. 2019 в 2:26 Anything that is optional is not worth complaining aboutWow, if that isn't a big ol' fallacy. I think you've been arguing everything BUT the point. My argument remains that the DLC both makes them look stupid, ruins the atmosphere they have going for the game, and is only there because of very bad game industry standards. None of those are altered by it being optional in game. It's still there. in the store. making the game look bad. And complaining abput optional DLC makes you look stupid, ruins the forum atmosphere.
But hey keep conplaining , maybe they will cwotow to you and remove it. Until then you just saound entitled and misaimed. There are legit things to complain about and yet, again, here we are.
Never change anon.
Im gonna go ahead and stop replying so this pointless topic stops getting bumped.
And complaining abput optional DLC makes you look stupid, ruins the forum atmosphere.
But hey keep conplaining , maybe they will cwotow to you and remove it. Until then you just saound entitled and misaimed. There are legit things to complain about and yet, again, here we are.
Wait, do you even know what a fallacy is? Maybe I was thinking you'd understand your own flaw too much. That was my bad. You think I'm complaining about it being optional, yet I have made no comment of such. It unused, not activated, not purchased even doesn't change it's flaws. You simply want to change arguments to some strange "complaining about dlc is stupid" argument. Which.. again, not an argument about what I pointed out.
I was pointing out it was a bad idea for the Devs to have this DLC at all. It just makes them look bad. and weak. and money grubby for no reason. The amount of money made by someone buying that DLC later (Or.. somehow buying it ONLY because of it) will not help them if it makes others not buy the WHOLE game in disgust. Besides. I wasn't even arguing. I was making a joke about their laughable DLC in hope they might in the future not make such bad decisions. Just make DLC more. meaningful, and definitely don't let it ruin the atmosphere of your game. Just silly really.
4 апр. 2019 в 21:39And complaining abput optional DLC makes you look stupid, ruins the forum atmosphere.
But hey keep conplaining , maybe they will cwotow to you and remove it. Until then you just saound entitled and misaimed. There are legit things to complain about and yet, again, here we are.
Wait, do you even know what a fallacy is? Maybe I was thinking you'd understand your own flaw too much. That was my bad. You think I'm complaining about it being optional, yet I have made no comment of such. It unused, not activated, not purchased even doesn't change it's flaws. You simply want to change arguments to some strange "complaining about dlc is stupid" argument. Which.. again, not an argument about what I pointed out.
I was pointing out it was a bad idea for the Devs to have this DLC at all. It just makes them look bad. and weak. and money grubby for no reason. The amount of money made by someone buying that DLC later (Or.. somehow buying it ONLY because of it) will not help them if it makes others not buy the WHOLE game in disgust. Besides. I wasn't even arguing. I was making a joke about their laughable DLC in hope they might in the future not make such bad decisions. Just make DLC more. meaningful, and definitely don't let it ruin the atmosphere of your game. Just silly really. And maybe you lack basic comprehension skills. Thats my bad. You complaining AT ALL is pointless BECAUSE the thing you are complaining about is optional and not even relevant to you.
Jesus man. All sniping aisde. I really dont think your this stupid so you must be purposefully misreading what I said in order to argue.
Youre personal hangups are on you. And until otherwise noted they ONLY apply to you. Now chill out and move on. Clearly you arent getting this game.
Okay, well I can explain what a fallacy is to you, since you're apparently still actually going to talk.
A fallacy is the use of invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning in the construction of an argument. To help there is even a nice pyramid called Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement you could search out. You're on about level 2, Ad Hominem. You're thinking attacks on me make my argument less valid.. when in reality it just makes you look like you only know how to be a rude person.
Honestly if you're not going to actually try to listen and talk about the topic, you may want to leave. No one is forcing you to stay here, but if you do want to stay; I would appreciate if you at least focus on the statements I've made and not act too childish about it. You're still arguing about things that are not part of the argument.
5 апр. 2019 в 1:39Okay, well I can explain what a fallacy is to you, since you're apparently still actually going to talk.
A fallacy is the use of invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning in the construction of an argument. To help there is even a nice pyramid called Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement you could search out. You're on about level 2, Ad Hominem. You're thinking attacks on me make my argument less valid.. when in reality it just makes you look like you only know how to be a rude person.
Honestly if you're not going to actually try to listen and talk about the topic, you may want to leave. No one is forcing you to stay here, but if you do want to stay; I would appreciate if you at least focus on the statements I've made and not act too childish about it. You're still arguing about things that are not part of the argument. Im getting a lecture about logical fallacies that started his OP with a Reductio ad Adsurdum. Please. You poisoned the well from your second sentence on.
You wanna throw around logical fallacies qfter taking a 101 clas in logic? Go back to school and learn that to avoid using them yourself.
Me insulting you "ad hominem" is a result of your blatant use of the above and i explained this in plain english twice to you. The ad hominem attack is in addition to me just flat out denying your logic with how irrelevant it was. A bonus if you will.
Read more child.
But hey youre right. i will leave. Im wasting my time that without mmy bumping it would have died for the trollish bull it is.
What a shame. You still talk about it, but don't live to your own standard. You keep stating that you understand what I'm talking about, so then.. you know. actually talk about the central point? I think my joking attitude in the OP would explain why I was going to such absurd levels. It didn't make my points less valid, just made them more fun and funny to me. The first person the responded it seem to both understand and enjoy it. You, however, did literally state a reductio ad absurdum with your "Anything that is optional is not worth complaining about and those that do are either bored, stupid or idealogically driven" and I won't go into further detail because the other half of your argument has just been red herrings as is.
The fact still remains that this DLC does more harm to the game then it does good. That you don't try to prove, and that you just pretend I have other issues with the DLC, just further makes your continued part of this conversation rather pointless. You can keep going of tangent, but that doesn't make the DLC a bad move by the development team in both ruining their marketing pitch. I mean honestly, feel free to keep trying. I'd love to help you understand, but I'd hope you'd actually try and listen instead of pretending you're not off topic.
A plague tale innocence coats of arms dlc что это
11 сен. 2020 в 10:35I might consider buying this on sale, but I'm not sure if it improves anything.
I've seen the screenshot of three not particularly medieval-looking coats of arms with the associated costumes. If I had a screenshot of what the original COA's and costumes looked like to compare to the DLC it would help me make up my mind.
As things stand, I'm not sure the DLC adds anything. The outline of the bare branches of that tree looks jarringly modern rather than 14th century, which sort of kills the immersion.
It's a shame this game came out when the real world was going through a plague. The Black Death is not really something people want to be reminded of right now.
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