7 days to die кто такой дюк
Фишки казино Дюка - это валюта в игре. Используется в операциях с торговцами и торговыми автоматами. Игрок может получить фишки обыскивая кассовые аппараты, продавая старую валюту или продавая торговцам другие предметы.
7 days to die кто такой дюк
The reason Duke Casino Tokens are the main currency is for similar reasons to the Fallout universe. 'Dollars' are a worthless currency without the government backing them, so the remaining society post-apocalypse found something else to use.
And that is perhaps the source of confusion here, 7 Days to Die takes place after world war 3- It's a post-apocalyptic scenario, rather than being just an event in an otherwise normal world.
Translated with google translate, so. sorry if the translation is bad.
Жетоны казино Duke являются основной валютой по тем же причинам, что и во вселенной Fallout. «Доллары» - бесполезная валюта без поддержки правительства, поэтому оставшееся после апокалипсиса общество нашло что-то еще, что можно использовать.
И это, возможно, источник путаницы здесь, действие 7 Days to Die происходит после мировой войны 3 - это постапокалиптический сценарий, а не просто событие в нормальном мире.
Переведено с помощью Google Translate, так что . извините, если перевод плохой.
7 days to die кто такой дюк
1"How to get 2000+ Dukes easily in 7 Days to Die.
It's Alpha 15 and there's a ton of cool new stuff in 7 Days to Die. Most notably, there's now actually a use for Duke Casino coins (apart from scrapping them) and that's NPC traders!
The zombie world can be menacing, tough and hard to survive, but not if your rich! In this guide, I'll show you how to get 2000+ dukes (even possible from Day 1) which you can use to buy a whole heap of supplies, tools, food and drink. Setting yourself up with a whole bunch of equipment quicker than ever.
7 Days to Die is an open world survival game, first released for PC and now available on next generation consoles PS4 and Xbox One.
The game has redefined how survival games can be played, letting you literally doing anything you wish in the zombie inhabited, vast destructible world.
The game mixes survival through the need to eat, drink and evade the weather to a first person shooter, to tower defense, building and crafting with role-playing elements all mixed into one. Not one gameplay is the same, especially not in random gen as each time you start a new game, the entire game world map is created uniquely, offering a brand new experience every time.
When you first start in 7 Days to Die, you'll spawn within the world with only a handful of supplies to get you through the first day, you'll need to gather supplies, create tools, loot, kill zombies, hunt animals, explore, mine, grow your character's skills and to unlock new abilities and more if you want to take on the world in your own style, whether that be to roam the endless world map or stay put and build your own custom designed zombie-proof base. Anything is possible in 7 Days and that's what makes the game so fun, replayable and awesome to watch.
What is the lore for 7 Days to Die?
Thanks for the info friend.
Though i was hoping for something more detailed but i guess
i get what i can get.
Omg yesss! I was just saying this game needs a boss.. one that u have to be prepared for in a real way.. but also some guys that are just mini bosses would be good. I saw they added a guy that explodes so that’s cool. Want more!
How did it all end, and how did it all start? One word: Shamway
Does that make me a firm Shamway believer? Maybe. :P
It so was shamway too. I keep forgetting the secret recipe
What about bobs boars and Carl’s corn.. do they play a role? I mean grace is definitely not a normal boar.
TL;DR: War. Devastation. Radiation. Zombies. Nom nom nom.
Then who you play as didnt pay up in time during the apocalypse so we got our asses beat,gear stolen and left to die. Some guy named noah found us gave us some basic supply and a guide to help us survive. And whats probably gonna happen wherever they add bosses is we are gonna have to fight the duke at his base(most likey in navezgane world probably not random gen)
From stuff i read and some small in game stuff at the beginning is some war happen in navezgane destroying the world leaving a wasteland, burning some forests down, and causing zombies. We the player didnt pay the duke in time so we got our ass kicked,gear stolen, and left die. Some guy named noah found us,left us some small suppy and a guide to survive. Duke will probably be the final boss and we have to find his base( most likely in navezgane map) and we have to kill him or talk to him.
Выпадение фишек в Альфа 16
Шансы:1 - Оч высокий
2 - Высокий
3 - Выше сред.
4 - Средний
5 -Ниже сред.
6 - Низкий × 3к-40к останки зомби, кассы 1-60, зомби скейтер, зомби хазмат Зомби Байкер, зомби стриптизёрша, зомби солдат, зомби ковбой, Apache Artifact Chest
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