7 days to die как редактировать карту
7 Days to Die
20 ноя. 2018 в 8:31 How do we save changes made in editor in order to play in the actual game ?And how we delete world editor's created worlds ? 19 янв. 2019 в 3:39
Same problem!
Everything I do in the world editor doesn't save in game.
An easy workaround could be to unlock, in game, the terrain modify tools of the world editor .
but it seems impossible.
Are you Starting a New Game after making and saving your changes in the world editor?
Editing Tools > World Editor
Make changes
New Game
Select World
Logs, examples of your workflows?
19 янв. 2019 в 10:18Hi!
thanks for your attention, here my workflow:
1- I generate a new custom world
2- edit this world (with terrain modifications, buildings etc.. in creative mode)
3- save (both with "save" UI button and "saveworld" console command)
4- start a new game in the same edited world
= I start in the same place , but without any of the modification done into the world editor.
I didn't find any answer online .
What I'm missing?
Is the "world editor" still a "work in progress"?
Am I doing mistakes?
thanks for your attention, here my workflow:
1- I generate a new custom world
2- edit this world (with terrain modifications, buildings etc.. in creative mode)
3- save (both with "save" UI button and "saveworld" console command)
4- start a new game in the same edited world
= I start in the same place , but without any of the modification done into the world editor.
I didn't find any answer online .
What I'm missing?
Is the "world editor" still a "work in progress"?
Am I doing mistakes?
I'm confused as to what you mean for steps 1 and 2
1). generate a new world how? Tools > World Editor?
2). creative mode as in starting a new game with creative enabled on that world? Or do you mean in Tools > World Editor?
I tried both following ways, A and B:
way A)
---- Editing Tools > Random Gen previewer
(You type a seed value, choose the size, and it generate a new fractal random world.)
----Editing Tools > World Editor
(I select the previously random generated world to modify it. )
way B)
---- Editing Tools > World Editor (directly, without previously generate a new fractal world)
In this case I can see only the "Navezgane" terrain selectable.
In both cases I modify the terrain using the Z button to create the bounding box and , for example, fill it with matter ( "L" button ), or deleting matter ("J" button).
This "Level tool" works only in Editing Tools>World editor,
because in-game , if I activate the creative mode and developer mode, i can only use the Z button to draw the blue bounding box, but I'm not allowed to fill or delete the selection with J and L.
Everything I do in the Editing Tools> World Editor (both Navezgane or any new generated world)
doesn't affect that world in-game.
I can modify and save it only in-game, with the in-game creative mode, that is not so complete as in world editor (doesn't work the J and L button, for example).
AWWW--- It's so difficult to explain! XD
Thanks for your patience!
I tried both following ways, A and B:
way A)
---- Editing Tools > Random Gen previewer
(You type a seed value, choose the size, and it generate a new fractal random world.)
----Editing Tools > World Editor
(I select the previously random generated world to modify it. )
way B)
---- Editing Tools > World Editor (directly, without previously generate a new fractal world)
In this case I can see only the "Navezgane" terrain selectable.
In both cases I modify the terrain using the Z button to create the bounding box and , for example, fill it with matter ( "L" button ), or deleting matter ("J" button).
This "Level tool" works only in Editing Tools>World editor,
because in-game , if I activate the creative mode and developer mode, i can only use the Z button to draw the blue bounding box, but I'm not allowed to fill or delete the selection with J and L.
Everything I do in the Editing Tools> World Editor (both Navezgane or any new generated world)
doesn't affect that world in-game.
I can modify and save it only in-game, with the in-game creative mode, that is not so complete as in world editor (doesn't work the J and L button, for example).
AWWW--- It's so difficult to explain! XD
Thanks for your patience!
7 days to die как редактировать карту
7 Days to Die
11 фев. 2017 в 14:50 I will glad to see a Map editor in this very good game ♥♥ 11 фев. 2017 в 18:59 11 фев. 2017 в 19:12Map editor came out 3 years ago:
12 фев. 2017 в 1:30Map editor came out 3 years ago:
12 фев. 2017 в 3:23Map editor came out 3 years ago:
AFAICS that's only a prefab editor, nothing to do with maps. There is a 'world editor' button in Hal's tool (never tested). 12 фев. 2017 в 4:44 AFAICS that's only a prefab editor, nothing to do with maps. There is a 'world editor' button in Hal's tool (never tested). Doesn't sound like is much used or even works, I've never heard here on the forums people saying: "Hey! Here's my custom made world map! Download it from this link and tell me what you think!". :-| 12 фев. 2017 в 4:55 There is a 'world editor' button in Hal's tool (never tested). 12 фев. 2017 в 6:14 @WaveThat's cool, they should use it to make multiple ready to play maps other than Navezgane. :-] 12 фев. 2017 в 11:26 @Wave
That's cool, they should use it to make multiple ready to play maps other than Navezgane. :-]
1) they are still building and adding to navezgane
2) they spent a huge amount of time creating the random generator so that players will never run out of new maps
3) they are tweaking the world building tools so that players can build custom maps for each other ready to play
The games simply not anywhere near done yet
12 фев. 2017 в 12:16 @WaveThat's cool, they should use it to make multiple ready to play maps other than Navezgane. :-]
1) they are still building and adding to navezgane
2) they spent a huge amount of time creating the random generator so that players will never run out of new maps
3) they are tweaking the world building tools so that players can build custom maps for each other ready to play
The games simply not anywhere near done yet 1) I was not referring to TFP
2) I was not referring to TFP
3) I was not referring to TFP
Send me a freinds request m8 and I'll tell you all about the game, lol.
12 фев. 2017 в 13:55Send me a freinds request m8 and I'll tell you all about the game, lol. :wololo:
12 фев. 2017 в 17:41 2) they spent a huge amount of time creating the random generator so that players will never run out of new mapsAs practice shows the random generated maps looks the same. Just some random variations of the same map idea. Random generator can generate millions but the same-looking maps. Hand-made maps are unique because different creators have their own vision about the map and the world. 12 фев. 2017 в 19:19 @Wave
That's cool, they should use it to make multiple ready to play maps other than Navezgane. :-] You could make maps to gain even more friends.^^
I count on you. 13 фев. 2017 в 0:22 @Wave
That's cool, they should use it to make multiple ready to play maps other than Navezgane. :-]
You could make maps to gain even more friends.^^
I count on you. I would, but my free gaming time is limited I'm sorry.
I was hoping more that some college student or some youngster like that could take the job?
It would be cool however to be able to generate maps from Random and then edit them in whatever way we need (or is it already working like that??).
13 фев. 2017 в 2:30 I was hoping more that some college student or some youngster like that could take the job?Don't rely on younger generations. “They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.” ;)
It would be cool however to be able to generate maps from Random and then edit them in whatever way we need (or is it already working like that??).I am not sure about that. I think you can use and edit the rwg maps. However, the tools for that seem to be very rudimentary.
It's also possible to create an own random map generator (but without buildings and there are a few other limitations atm).
7 days to die как редактировать карту
Выкладываем сюда свои работы и делимся опытом работы в редакторе
управление в редакторе
Lshift фокус на объекте
Lshift +lm удалить
z- сетка
lm- отменить выбор секции
Lalt- показать границы секции
G- hold- двигать секцию мышкой
G- hold(sp,c,w,s,a,d) двигать секцию поблочно
Lshift+G- hold - изменить размер секции
l- заполнить выбранным блоком
j- очистить секцию от блока
x- поворот секции
lctrl+g поворот блоков в секции
bcps- удалить выборку с готовой секции
ctrlc-ctrlv копировать - вставить
Сегодня ломал голову как же в свой префаб добавить зомби из креатива, спящие которые. Методом тыка получилась такая схема. Видео снимать не буду, опишу на словах.
В префабе к примеру в комнате расставляем sleeper зомби из креатива. В меню во вкладке Level Tools должна стоять галочка Show sleeper volume. Далее нажимаем F6 ставим галочку From Static Spawner и внизу нажимаем Sleeper Volume. Появляется куб
зеленый куб. Его можно двигать (G- hold- двигать секцию мышкой). А также менять размер (Lshift+G- hold - изменить размер секции) щелкаем на стрелочки и меняем размер. Примерно подгоняем куб под комнату. Это будет зона спавна где расставлены наши зомби. Когда закончили с размером куба нажимаем z. Все зона готова и становится синей как на скрине. Если нужно настроить зону ее нужно выбрать Lshift +lm. И нажимаем k, появятся настройки зоны и какие группы зомбей там можно выбрать для спавна.
теперь в игре в этом префабе будут спавнится выбранные зомби. У каждого маникена-зомби можно настроить отдельно параметры реагирования на слух и зрение как я понял.
PREFAB EDITOR (Редактор локаций)
Prefab Editor - это, пока что, тестовый образец программы редактор зданий для игры 7 days to die с множеством функций.
Данная программа поможет вам создавать здания любой сложности, единственное, что от вас потребуется, это развитое пространственное мышление и навыки ориентации в трехмерной системе координат X Y Z.
В редакторе уже есть на данный момент все типы блоков и возможность задать им любую текстуру из доступных в игре.
Изображения окна программы
Особенности текущей версии программы:
Максимальный размер здания в этой версии - 1024 x 1024 x 256 блоков (длина x ширина x высота).
После установки программы вам потребуется её обновить, чтобы получить актуальную версию.
Программа на данный момент очень требовательна к ресурсам ПК и при рекомендуемых настройках программы, показанных ниже на скриншоте будет потреблять
12 - 14 ГБ оперативной памяти.
Рекомендуемые настройки программы
Известные проблемы текущей версии:
- Редактор не отображает текстуры по умолчанию (текстуры неокрашенных блоков).
- Для некоторых блоков (например, рампы) неправильно отображаются текстуры / краски
- Вы можете создавать все (даже воздух). Это не должно препятствовать загрузке проекта в игру, но может увеличить размер файла prefab.
Инструкции по использованию
Автор выражает благодарность пользователям форума Guppy, Slaan и Jackelmyer, благодаря появились эти видео уроки (уроки примерно отсортированы в порядке роста уровня сложности):
Ссылки для скачивания
Ссылка для загрузки (Windows 32 bit):
Mediafire - 32 бит или Dropbox - 32 бит.
Ссылка для скачивания (Windows 64 бит):
Mediafire - 64 бит или Dropbox - 64 бит.
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