Texmaker файл с логом не найден
I am BRAND NEW to LaTex and TexMaker. However, it was working before. I made a document before and used R with it and everything. Then I updated my Mac and it keeps saying "Log file not found" even though I'm opening the previously mentioned document just for practice. I read online to try uninstalling and installing, but the same problem is occurring.
If anyone can explain what to do in very basic basic speak, that would be great.
1 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges2 Answers 2
I had the same problem, after upgrading to OS X El Capitan. I have MacTEX-2016 distribution, but this also applies to later versions.
At document "What is installed.pdf" of MacTEX-2016 distribution, in page 3 you can read:
Our package also installs a crucial symbolic link:
This link points through the TeX Dist Data structure to the executables directory of the active distribution. Consequently, all GUI apps should be configured to find TeX at this location. This automatically happens for GUI applications provided by MacTeX. Users should not attempt to rewrite this link themselves when changing distributions; instead use the “Reconfigure Distributions. ” command in TeX Live Utility described earlier.
Before 2015, MacTeX created a different symbolic link for the purpose, /usr/texbin. This changed in 2015 because El Capitan does not allow users to write into the /usr folder, although users can still write to /usr/local. The links /Library/TeX/texbin and /usr/texbin point to exactly the same spot and are entirely equivalent. Some third party GUI apps may still use /usr/texbin; reconfigure them to use /Library/TeX/texbin on El Capitan and higher.
For compatibility reasons, MacTeX installs both of these links on systems older than El Capitan. Only /Library/TeX/texbin is written on El Capitan and higher.
Thus, the path /Library/TeX/texbin is the location of all executables, and Texmaker should be configured properly at Preferences -> Commands using this path.
I installed Texmaker allowing it to use the default directory on the C drive.
- Windows: 7 Ultimate 64-bit
- Texmaker 3.4.1 for Windows
I then did A Local guide for using Texmaker (There use to be a link to this but it is now dead)
Basically create a simple Hello World document and save it.
When I went to process the file
What I checked
I checked the configuration (Options -> configure Texmaker) and found no option for log files.
I checked for a log file under the C:\Program Files (x86)\Texmaker and found none.
I checked for a log path in the Windows registry using regedit and found none.
I checked the Texmaker issues and found Issue 97 but it does not help.
After reading answer
I installed MiKTeX as an administrator (didn't work as user) and chose the default options. After MiKTeX installed I was able to create a PDF file using Texmaker.
Also, correctly setting the PDF viewer options
I was able to preview the pdf in Texmaker
What I learned
Texmaker is a LaTeX editor which generates a file containing LaTeX markup.
MiKTeX is a program that converts the LaTeX markup into an output format such as PDF.
623 1 1 gold badge 7 7 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges Had the same error in Ubuntu - turned out I had forgotten the .tex extension from the end of my file name. After renaming the file to add .tex to the end, the problem disappeared.8 Answers 8
You also need to install a TeX distribution, i.e. MiKTeX or TeX Live. The TeX distribution contains all the machinery needed to process source code and produce typeset documents; Texmaker is just a front end.
40.1k 7 7 gold badges 101 101 silver badges 173 173 bronze badges Even with MikTex installed, I still get the error. However, I have had success, albeit inconsistently, that running ALL of the updates through the MikTex console resolves the problem. I am guessing there is/are packages that might be contributing to this - even with a bare minimal documentclass begindocument . @elikakohen --- The best thing to do in these circumstances is try compiling from the command line, i.e. open up whatever terminal windows provides these days, cd into the relevant directory and do pdflatex myfile.tex . If this works then the issue is related to TeXmaker. If it fails then there is a problem with the document, or a package.It is not enough to just have the TeX distribution installed, it is also necessary to add the MiKTeX bin to the path or else change the commands in the configuration to use the full path to each executable (i.e., if you look at the actual commands being called they are just "latex", "pdflatex", etc. without the path to the executable).
In my case I had MiKTeX installed and working with another editor, but it would not work with TeXMaker - adding the path to the bin to my window Path environment variable resolved the issue for me. For me this path is:
C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64
6,846 8 8 gold badges 44 44 silver badges 55 55 bronze badges Welcome to TeX.sx! Feel free to visit our TeX.SX starter guide to get the most out of this site.If you still get error: Log file not found!, when using Texmaker when you have done everything (installed MiKTex, installed Texmaker, and checked if the binary for MiKTeX is already in your windows environment varible) then simply close the Texmaker and reopen it as an administrator. Right click on the executable for Texmaker and "Run as administrator". This worked for me!
This does not sound at all safe to me! (Is this safe on Windows? I know Windows is different. ) @cfr - yeah, it is a really bad idea to run programs like this as admin. And, it should be reported as a defect if necessary. I have had problems with the miktecx/texmaker combo on every computer I use. I have found that doing a full uninstall of all of these programs, then installing MikTeX FIRST and fully (as administrator, mind you) BEFORE initiating a TexMaker install usually does the job 99 times out of 100.It is possible in when using a version of Texmaker based on QT5 that you get this error even with you Tex framework available on the path. Make sure that the document you are trying to compile has a .tex prefix, it will not work otherwise.
Welcome to TeX.SX! You can have a look on our starter guide to familiarize yourself further with our format.I was using a portable version of miktex with texmaker. Before using the texmaker you need to click on the Miktex box, then a blue box appears at the bottom of your page. Then you can reopen the texmaker and it will work.
This also occurs if you already have an install of MikTex but for some reason it gets broken. As happened to me this morning :S The fix is to simply as MikTex to update. It will then tell you there is a problem as it can't find itself, but offers to fix the problem. Update any files you want to update eh Presto, problem solved.
Another alternative cause for this error to occur is the directory name being too long! (This happened to me). If this is the case, change the folder to Desktop and everything should go right.
I just found out that when you try to export to another file name using %& -job-name=filename in the first line without running the .tex with the original filename at least a single time, the "log not found" erros pops up.
I found a work-around!
I have had this problem with both TeXStudio and TeXMaker, (off and on for 6 months+). I have manually updated all kinds of environment variables, uninstalled, reinstalled, and updated every Miktex package, insatalled and ran as admin, (totally a bad idea), made a shared installation, single user, etc.
And yet, I still have the error - which means it's not really either a TexMaker or TexStudio error …
What seems to be working for me, now, is reseting the config, creating a bare minimum document, and then recompiling with the most basic latex compiler, (though the UI). I then go through each of the different compilers until I get to XelaTeX and finally to LuaLaTeX.
I have no idea why, but I am guessing the plain Latex compiler is doing some initializing stuff that the other compilers are having trouble with. (The XeLatex and LUALaTeX compilers seem to be missing an initializing step - and I really think this a defect). I call Voodoo.
Я попытался переустановить MikTeX и Texmaker, но все равно получаю ту же проблему.
У кого-нибудь есть идея?
У меня есть ошибки «log file not found», но PDF успешно сгенерирован.
По-видимому, это вызвано параметром -output-directory =/tmp в моей конфигурации для исполняемого файла латекса. Texmaker ищет файл журнала в том же каталоге, что и ваш исходный файл.
Я смог решить это, создав пустой файл в том же каталоге, что и мой .tex-файл.
Например, если ваш файл называется myfile.tex , создайте пустой файл в том же каталоге, который называется myfile.log . Он подавляет ошибку.
Вы также можете ln -s /tmp/myfile.log ./ в каталоге проекта, который подавляет ошибку и показывает вам журнал ошибок , если вы делаете при возникновении ошибок.
Я использую Texmaker v3.2 на Ubuntu 12.04.
Texmaker -> Options/Configure Texmaker/Commands/LaTeX.
щелкните значок папки и найдите этот файл:
Texmaker -> Options/Configure Texmaker/Commands/PdfLaTeX.
Я решил проблему через один час, удалив MikTex и Texmaker и снова установив ее . (после многочасовых попыток решить проблему . )
Я уже размещал это в комментариях, но, похоже, это общая проблема. Как упоминает @texenthusiast, вы хотите убедиться, что из командной строки вы можете использовать pdflatex (или любой другой компилятор LaTeX, который вы хотите использовать). Ниже приведено описание Windows :
- Убедитесь, что у вас установлен MiKTex (или какой-либо другой дистрибутив TeX или LaTeX).
- Убедитесь, что в Windows PATH добавлена двоичная папка. Для этого следуйте этим инструкциям о том, как редактировать свою систему PATH переменная. Это список папок, разделенных точкой с запятой, откуда он будет искать любой исполняемый файл, который вы пытаетесь использовать (например, pdflatex). Добавьте к нему свою папку с битами MiKTex. Для меня это: c: \ Program Files \ MiKTeX 2.9 \ miktex \ bin \ x64 \ .
- Переменная PATH (для некоторой отсталой причины) имеет максимальную длину 1000 символов или около того. Если вы, как и я, склонны превышать этот предел, вы можете взглянуть на эту дискуссию по этому вопросу.
- Всегда перезагружайте редактор (или терминал командной строки) после изменения системных переменных (они загружаются при запуске программы).
У меня была та же проблема, но она была решена следующим образом:
In Options->Commands, I didn't use the complete paths, just the names of the commands for latex, pdflatex and xelatex.
I.e. I typed latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex and not C:\MikTex\miktex\bin\latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
Прежде чем попробовать это, откройте командную строку и убедитесь, что эти команды существуют.
Я использую Windows XP на старой машине (2007), но последние версии MiKTEX и texmaker.
Я не знаю, работает ли это для вас, но вы можете попробовать .
Я решил эту проблему в латексной версии Texmaker, добавив расширение «.tex» в имя файла, которое, по-видимому, не работает автоматически с помощью «Сохранить как».
Таким образом, у меня было «document.v2» в качестве имени файла, и он дал мне такую же ошибку, но «document.v2.tex» разрешил ее.
I was able to resolve this error on Ubuntu 14.04 with TexMaker 4.1 by going to Options -> Settings File -> Reset Settings .
Я подумал, что где-то был файл конфигурации, который все еще ссылался на старый путь после того, как я удалил все файлы, кроме файла .tex , в моей папке проекта.
В моем случае проблема заключалась в двойном пробеле в имени файла tex. Замена его на одно пространство полностью разрешила проблему.
В Windows, похоже, проблема, когда переменная path содержит пробельный символ.
- latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex and
- pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
Это должно работать, потому что оба бинарных файла (латекс и pdflatex) находятся в переменной среды PATH ( pdflatex может быть запущен из cmd без полного пути). Тем не менее, и это мое лучшее предположение, кажется, что Texmaker не выходит из путей правильно и пробел в пути не работает. Чтобы обойти это, вы должны предоставить полные команды в настройках, избегая их правильно:
- "C: \ Users \ YOUR_USERNAME \ AppData \ Local \ Programs \ MiKTeX 2.9 \ miktex \ bin \ latex.exe" -interaction = nonstopmode% .tex
- "C: \ Users \ YOUR_USERNAME \ AppData \ Local \ Programs \ MiKTeX 2.9 \ miktex \ bin \ pdflatex.exe" -synctex = 1 -interaction = nonstopmode% .tex
Эти пути могут отличаться для вас, но, по крайней мере, YOUR_USERNAME должен быть заменен, конечно. Главное, что есть пробел, а именно в части MiKTeX 2.9 , что делает необходимым, чтобы в пути к двоичному образу были кавычки ( " ).
Кроме того, мы создали файл .log вручную в папке. Я не уверен, что это необходимо после исправления вышеупомянутой проблемы с конфигурацией.
At the moment I'm having a problem when trying to view my LaTeX file as a PDF. Whether I do it internal or external I both the error "File not found.".
I have no idea what file it means. I've read somewhere it has to with my Acrobat Reader, but I still can't get it fixed. And I think it's worth mentioning that I work on Windows 7, as I've also read that Texmaker on Windows has some bugs.
Any help will be appreciated!
193k 15 15 gold badges 346 346 silver badges 535 535 bronze badges 443 1 1 gold badge 4 4 silver badges 6 6 bronze badges Have you compiled the document with e.g. pdflatex (Tools --> pdfLateX in Texmaker), so there actually is a PDF file to view?2 Answers 2
The "View PDF" button in TeXmaker only opens an already existing file, that has the same basename as your .tex file. Meaning, if you're writing in a file called MyReport.tex , it will look for a file called MyReport.pdf in the same folder as the .tex file, and open this in the specified viewer.
To create a PDF from the source, you have to compile the document. The easiest way to do this is usually to use pdflatex , which in TeXmaker is called with Tools --> pdfLaTeX (shortcut F6), after which you can view the PDF (shortcut F7). There are also buttons on the toolbar for both
193k 15 15 gold badges 346 346 silver badges 535 535 bronze badges even after pressing f6 i am not getting any output in the pdf reader. please need help. I have the same problem. I tried opening my tex file in another latex compiling software (Texshop) and it is still not producing a pdf. I fixed the problem. I have no idea how. I tried compiling in Latex, pdflatex etc. In the end it created a pdf output when I compiled in Xelatex. @esmitex If it worked with xelatex but not with pdflatex , you have probably loaded a package that can only be used with the former, such as fontspec or unicode-math . Depending on package the error message may state this clearly.For anyone still struggling with this problem, this is what worked for me. I was using \includeonlyframes to compile a single frame. This allows me to compile only frames with the label current. However, none of my frames were labelled as current. Consequently, when I do QuickBuild, TexMaker cannot find any frames with the label current and thus does not generate any pdf (although it compiles). As a result, I got the file not found error, which essentially means that there is not pdf in the first place because of the way I compiled.
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