Pci bus enumeration 94 ошибка
14 Reserved.
15 Pre-memory North-Bridge initialization is started.
18 Reserved.
19 Pre-memory South-Bridge initialization is started.
2F Memory initialization.
31 Memory installed.
36 CPU PEI initialization.
3A IOH PEI initialization.
3E PCH PEI initialization.
4F Reserved.
60 DXE Core is started.
61 NVRAM initialization.
62 Installation of the PCH runtime services.
67 CPU DXE initialization is started.
68 PCI host bridge initialization is started.
69 IOH DXE initialization.
6A IOH SMM initialization.
6F Reserved.
70 PCH DXE initialization.
71 PCH SMM initialization.
72 PCH devices initialization.
77 PCH DXE initialization (PCH module specific).
78 ACPI Core initialization.
79 CSM initialization is started.
7F Reserved for AMI use.
8F Reserved for OEM use (OEM DXE
initialization codes).
90 Phase transfer to BDS (Boot Device Selection) from DXE.
91 Issue event to connect drivers.Regular Boot
92 PCI Bus initialization is started.
93 PCI Bus hot plug initialization.
94 PCI Bus enumeration for detecting how many resources are requested.
95 Check PCI device requested resources.
96 Assign PCI device resources.
97 Console Output devices connect(ex.Monitor is lighted).
98 Console input devices connect(ex.PS2/USB keyboard/mouse are activated).
99 Super IO initialization.
9A USB initialization is started.
9B Issue reset during USB initialization process.
9C Detect and install all currently connected USB devices.
9D Activated all currently connected USB devices.
9F Reserved.
A0 IDE initialization is started.
A1 Issue reset during IDE initialization process.
A2 Detect and install all currently connected IDE devices.
A3 Activated all currently connected IDE devices.
A4 SCSI initialization is started.
A5 Issue reset during SCSI initialization process.
A6 Detect and install all currently connected SCSI devices.
A7 Activated all currently connected SCSI devices.
A8 Verify password if needed.
A9 BIOS Setup is started.
AA Reserved.
AB Wait user command in BIOS Setup.
AC Reserved.
AD Issue Ready To Boot event for OS Boot.
AE Boot to Legacy OS.
AF Exit Boot Services.
B0 Runtime AP installation begins.
B1 Runtime AP installation ends.
B2 Legacy Option ROM initialization.
B3 System reset if needed.
B(4,5) USB(PCI) device hot plug-in.
B6 Clean-up of NVRAM.
B7 Reconfigure NVRAM settings.
CF Reserved.
E0 S3 Resume is stared(called from DXE IPL).
E1 Fill boot script data for S3 resume.
E2 Initializes VGA for S3 resume.
E3 OS S3 wake vector call.S3 Resume
F0 Recovery mode will be triggered due to invaild firmware volume detection.
F1 Recovery mode will be triggered by user decision.
F2 Recovery is started.
F(3,4)Recovery firmware image is found(loaded)
F7 Reserved for future AMI progress codes.
55 Memory initialization error occurs.
56 Invalid CPU type or speed.
57 CPU mismatch.
58 CPU self test failed or possible CPU cache error.
59 CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed.
5A Internal CPU error.
5B Reset PPI is failed.
5F Reserved.
D(0,1,2)-(CPU,IOH,PCH) initialization error.
D3 Some of the Architectural Protocols are not
D4 PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources.
D5 No Space for Legacy Option ROM initialization.
D(6,7) No Console Output(input) Devices are found.
D8 It is an invaild password.
DF Reserved.
E8 S3 resume is failed.
E9 S3 Resume PPI is not found.
EA S3 Resume Boot Script is invaild.
EB S3 OS Wake call is failed.
EF Reserved.
F8 Recovery PPI is invaild.
F9 Recovery capsule is not found.
FA Invalid recovery capsule.
А на монитор что-нибудь выводит? К этому времени видеокарта должна быть проинициализирована. Попробовать clear cmos для начала и проверить память.
Code 94 - Disable A-20 Line.
Неисправности комьютеров Как найти дефект в компьютере Сигналы BIOS и POST Прошивка BIOS компьютера Схемы компьютеров и их блоков
Какие типовые неисправности в компьютерах?
Профессиональные мастера как правило знают все типовые дефекты и виды их проявления. Тем не менее кратко перечислим проявления для тех кто впервые попал на страницы форума:
- не включается (нет реакции на кнопку вкл.)
- не включается (есть реакция на кнопку вкл.)
- после включения выдает сигнал ошибки (пищит)
- после включения сразу отключается
- не загружается операционная система
- периодически отключается в процессе работы
- не функционирует какое-либо устройство
Как найти неисправный элемент?
В двух словах не возможно указать всю методику поиска неисправности. Во первых необходимо определить неисправный блок. Для этого требуется понимать аппаратное устройство ПК, взаимную связь его отдельных блоков(модулей) внутри системного блока либо внешних устройств:
- Блок питания
- Материнская плата
- Процессор
- Оперативная память
- Жёсткий диск
- Видеокарта
- Звуковая карта
- DVD-привод
- Внешние устройства
Что такое сигналы BIOS и POST?
Большинство мастеров знают, что БИОС-ы cовременных компютеров производят самотестирование при включениии. Обнаруженные ошибки сигнализируют звуковым сигналом и через внутреннюю программу POST (англ. Power-On Self-Test) — самотестирование при включении.
Как перепрошить BIOS?
Существует три основных способа обновления БИОС материнской платы:
- внутренним ПО самого БИОС-а
- специальной утилитой из DOS или Windows
- прошить чип БИОС-а программатором
Где скачать схему компьютера?
На сайте уже размещены схемы и сервисные мануалы. Это схемы на блоки питания, материнские платы, различные интерфейсы, и прочие. Они находятся в самих темах и отдельных разделах:
I upgraded my old PC with the new 3900X, and therefore changed most of its hardware. But I run into many problems while trying to start the PC.
First, some background information:
Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 Gaming 8G (rev. 1.0) (2.5 years old)
Asus Phoebus Solo (probably 5 years old)
bequiet DarkPower Pro 10 with 650W (7 years old)
I ordered the following components:
AMD Ryzen 3900X
Gigabyte X570 Master
Corsair 2x16GB with 3200 MHz (officially supported by the motherboard)
bequiet Dark Rock Pro 4
Samsung NVMe SSD 500 GB
Since the 3900X as well as the RAM was not available (and I was a little bit impatient :D), I also ordered the Ryzen 3200G and a Corsair 2x8 GB 3000 MHz kit as interim solution. The motherboard, the 3200G, the NVMe SSD and the 16 GB RAM arrived, and I assembled the PC. It run okay for the two weeks except three problems:
The booting was pretty slow, compared to my 7 year old PC. I thought the BIOS had maybe some minor bugs, but at least it started and I got into windows.
The graphics card driver crashed with several games with Event ID 13 from nvlddmkm. This was new and never happened on the old system. A reinstall of the graphic cards driver seemed to fix it temporally.
The real problem started with the arrival of the 3900X and the 32 GB kit. I swapped CPU and RAM, and started the PC. I never got into windows, because the BIOS gets stuck most of the time at code "b2" or "94". Sometimes I got into the BIOS, but this is pretty random. I cannot reproduce a specific error, usually the fan starts spinning, the bios code changes for several minutes until it gets stuck at b2 or 94 and the error LED for vga is on. But I also got code 78 (but far less often). If I got to the BIOS, the error appears at the next reboot.
According to the handbook, the codes mean the following:
94 - PCI Bus enumeration for detecting how many resources are requested
B2 - Legacy Option ROM initialization
78 - ACPI Core initialization
Cleared CMOS with the button on the mainboard as well as removing the battery
Changed RAM (32 GB 3200 MHz kit and 16 GB 3000 MHz)
I swapped the graphics card for an old GTX 660 Ti
I unplugged every SATA device and removed the NVMe SSD
Removed the Phoebus sound card
Flashed different BIOS versions, from the old F4 to the lasted beta bios
I also swapped the CPU back to 3200G, but kept the 32 GB RAM kit installed. The PC takes a lot of time (probably a minute) to boot, but I got into windows. As soon as I swapped back to the 3900X, the booting problems occur again.
Since I swapped most of the hardware, I suspect I got a broken 3900X or some strange error with PCI handling between the CPU and the motherboard?
I googled for the BIOS codes, and usually the people said that the GPU has a fault. Since I swapped it, and the error continues, I think my GPU is fine (but the driver crashes with the 3200G were suspect)?
My PSU is slowly failing and causes the errors?
Does anybody have another idea what could maybe the error? My last option is to send back the motherboard and 3900X, but the next delivery of 3900Xs will arrive in a week or more, so I will be without a PC another week. Therefore, I try to avoid it.
11 Pre-memory CPU initialization is started.
14 Reserved.
15 Pre-memory North-Bridge initialization is started.
18 Reserved.
Показать полностью.
19 Pre-memory South-Bridge initialization is started.
2F Memory initialization.
31 Memory installed.
36 CPU PEI initialization.
3A IOH PEI initialization.
3E PCH PEI initialization.
4F Reserved.
60 DXE Core is started.
61 NVRAM initialization.
62 Installation of the PCH runtime services.
67 CPU DXE initialization is started.
68 PCI host bridge initialization is started.
69 IOH DXE initialization.
6A IOH SMM initialization.
6F Reserved.
70 PCH DXE initialization.
71 PCH SMM initialization.
72 PCH devices initialization.
77 PCH DXE initialization (PCH module specific).
78 ACPI Core initialization.
79 CSM initialization is started.
7F Reserved for AMI use.
8F Reserved for OEM use (OEM DXE
initialization codes).
90 Phase transfer to BDS (Boot Device Selection) from DXE.
91 Issue event to connect drivers.Regular Boot
92 PCI Bus initialization is started.
93 PCI Bus hot plug initialization.
94 PCI Bus enumeration for detecting how many resources are requested.
95 Check PCI device requested resources.
96 Assign PCI device resources.
97 Console Output devices connect(ex.Monitor is lighted).
98 Console input devices connect(ex.PS2/USB keyboard/mouse are activated).
99 Super IO initialization.
9A USB initialization is started.
9B Issue reset during USB initialization process.
9C Detect and install all currently connected USB devices.
9D Activated all currently connected USB devices.
9F Reserved.
A0 IDE initialization is started.
A1 Issue reset during IDE initialization process.
A2 Detect and install all currently connected IDE devices.
A3 Activated all currently connected IDE devices.
A4 SCSI initialization is started.
A5 Issue reset during SCSI initialization process.
A6 Detect and install all currently connected SCSI devices.
A7 Activated all currently connected SCSI devices.
A8 Verify password if needed.
A9 BIOS Setup is started.
AA Reserved.
AB Wait user command in BIOS Setup.
AC Reserved.
AD Issue Ready To Boot event for OS Boot.
AE Boot to Legacy OS.
AF Exit Boot Services.
B0 Runtime AP installation begins.
B1 Runtime AP installation ends.
B2 Legacy Option ROM initialization.
B3 System reset if needed.
B(4,5) USB(PCI) device hot plug-in.
B6 Clean-up of NVRAM.
B7 Reconfigure NVRAM settings.
CF Reserved.
E0 S3 Resume is stared(called from DXE IPL).
E1 Fill boot script data for S3 resume.
E2 Initializes VGA for S3 resume.
E3 OS S3 wake vector call.S3 Resume
F0 Recovery mode will be triggered due to invaild firmware volume detection.
F1 Recovery mode will be triggered by user decision.
F2 Recovery is started.
F(3,4)Recovery firmware image is found(loaded)
F7 Reserved for future AMI progress codes.
55 Memory initialization error occurs.
56 Invalid CPU type or speed.
57 CPU mismatch.
58 CPU self test failed or possible CPU cache error.
59 CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed.
5A Internal CPU error.
5B Reset PPI is failed.
5F Reserved.
D(0,1,2)-(CPU,IOH,PCH) initialization error.
D3 Some of the Architectural Protocols are not
D4 PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources.
D5 No Space for Legacy Option ROM initialization.
D(6,7) No Console Output(input) Devices are found.
D8 It is an invaild password.
DF Reserved.
E8 S3 resume is failed.
E9 S3 Resume PPI is not found.
EA S3 Resume Boot Script is invaild.
EB S3 OS Wake call is failed.
EF Reserved.
F8 Recovery PPI is invaild.
F9 Recovery capsule is not found.
FA Invalid recovery capsule.
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