Ошибка сони вегас краш
This is the first time I am actually writing a forum post EVER in my entire life.
I don't know what's needed, so I'm gonna provide you with all possible details I can come up with.
So here is the problem first:
I am using Windows 10 64Bit and bought Sony Vegas Pro 13 64Bit a couple of days ago off of Amazon. It was brand new.
I installed it properly and so on.
Everything was fine until I finished editing my video. However, after that nothing was fine anymore, and turns out I do in fact got a huge problem.
I can edit videos as much as I want totally fine, however once I click on "render as. " Sony Vegas 13 instantly crashes.
I tried googling the error code, but couldn't come up with a single solution for my problem. I tried several other things. Disabling GPU Acceleration, Installing Quick-Time, Setting the .exe under compatibility to Vista and run as administrator and many more stuff, but nothing worked.
My System:
Windows 10 Home (64Bit)
Intel Core I7-4790 Quadcore / 3.60GHz
AMD Radeon R7 370
I hope this is enough for now.
My Sony Vegas Pro 13 version is updated, and I installed the 64Bit version.
No previous Sony Vegas version was on my PC, since I haven't had this program before on my Computer. However, on my friend's PC it seems to work just fine.
Here is the exact crash-report Sony Vegas 13 gives me after it crashes:
Problem Description
Application Name: Vegas Pro
Application Version: Version 13.0 (Build 453) 64-bit
Problem: Unmanaged Exception (0xc0000374)
Fault Module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Fault Address: 0x000000007764C7A9
Fault Offset: 0x00000000000DC7A9
Fault Process Details
Process Path: F:\Sony Vegas\x86\FileIOSurrogate.exe
Process Version: Version 13.0 (Build 453)
Process Description: File I/O surrogate (not visible)
Process Image Date: 2015-06-05 (Fri Jun 05) 14:51:54
I'd like to add, that I am not a professional. If you know how to help me, please make sure to explain it to me in easy steps how to fix it (if possible) because my general english vocabulary lacks, and I am not a computer expert.
If you know this problem, and maybe know how to fix it, then please help me. I worked hours upon hours on this project, I need to finally render and upload it.
PS: I tried several other projects, simple projects where I just added a picture, text sound or anything else and tried to render it. Still no luck, so I can definitely say that my project-file is not corrupt.
I hope you can help me.
Edit: I also made a couple of clean installs when I tried to figure out the problem myself. Nothing worked.
In case anybody else had this problem, new installation of VP13 suite with all packages installed, on launch of Vegas I would get "Vegas Pro has stopped working" after "Initializing GPU-accelerated video processing". Tried switching between Intel and Radeon 7970M graphics card, no difference.
The fix for me was to hold the SHIFT key while launching Vegas with the mouse. After that initial launch, I was able to quit and relaunch without needing to hold the SHIFT key. So far Vegas is working great with this workaround.
Hope this info is helpful to somebody out there
Holding Ctrl + Shift while starting Vegas will reset all preferences and delete cached data prior to loading the program. If you have recently installed new hardware (especially a new graphics card), this is necessary because Vegas may be loading settings for your old hardware. This has been happening to me for a while. I usually fire up a debugger and get past the crash, but today it started crashing again during rendering, non-recoverable at that point. I found this and tried it, but it still shows the same symptoms at startup. I also updated to the current build (13.0.453) with the same symptoms. Very frustrating. If anyone has other pointers, love to hear them. Never mind, a link or two down in Google turned up a YouTube video someone posted, suggesting to uninstall part of the AMD catalyst manager, that worked.Nice tip,but does not work for me. I have tried uninstall/reinstall twice, including removing all residual settings left after uninstall. Immediate crash, unusable. I added another monitor, but not vid card. I tried disabling the third display, and launching and crashed. However, this time the Ctrl+Shift did work - in that I got the option to restore all settings to defaults, but after this it crashed again (GPU load as usual).
<Vent>This is out of the blue- no hardware changes. The inability to even clean and launch is unbelievable - after 25 years in the industry, I can't think of an app so prone to corruption and crashing. Unfortunately - I like the product when it's working, and I have hundreds of projects I don't want to abandon. But boy, it ticks me off. </Vent>
How many GPU card do you have in your system and what is your motherboard spec?Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.
System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A
Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP
CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner
PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)
I have two GPUs, but neither has changed. However, I did add a third monitor, though I also tried disabling it. But after restoring C drive back to earlier state I realized that it could not be OS but had to be hardware (which in my mind had not changed, but there was that monitor. ). The new monitor is a 24", vs a pair of identical 22", so I reasoned that the app might be getting confused about geometry of work area. Sure enough, I was able to bring Vegas up on the new monitor only. But to make the other two work, I isolated the larger monitor on one card, and hooked up the two 22" on the other and Vegas is back.
In 25 years I've never seen a monitor crash an App. Once again, Vegas wins first prize for most fragile error handling. Sheesh!
If VEGAS Pro is hanging or crashing during rendering (or editing), here are some things you can try to troubleshoot it.
First read this post about troubleshooting crashing and stability. In particular, consider the sections about.
- Disabling so4compoundplug. TRY THIS FIRST if VEGAS is hanging during editing, and so4compoundplug is the decoder plug-in in use.
- Disabling GPU acceleration. TRY THIS NEXT!
- Setting Dynamic RAM Preview max to zero. TRY THIS NEXT!
- Overheating. This is often a cause of problems during rendering, especially on laptops.
- Using VEGAS-friendly media formats.
Check you have plenty of disk space on the drive that you are rendering to. Some renders can be huge.
It's a good idea to restart VEGAS Pro before an important render to flush the buffers and cache. You may even choose to reboot the computer, especially if you don't shut it down often.
Try purging the unused media from your project to free up system resources. It can also make a big difference to how quickly your project loads. This is done using the button at the top left of your Project Media Window.
Sony Vegas Pro 13.0 and earlier:
The problem might be caused by a 3rd-party plugin, or even a native FX. Try bypassing any particularly demanding FX first by unchecking them in the appropriate FX settings window. If that solves the problem then try an alternative plug-in if possible and report the problem.
If it always hangs at the same frame or place, the media may be corrupt. Try replacing the media at that point with recaptured or newly transcoded files.
If the render hangs or fails well into the timeline, try rendering it in shorter sections to intermediate files, then import those into a new project to stitch together. Be sure your intermediate render settings (resolution, frame rate etc.) match your project properties (which should normally match your source media properties) or your destination properties (more info here).
The same format (codec) as your destination delivery format might work OK as an intermediate file, but you may wish to increase the bit rate to maintain quality. Other good choices for high-quality intermediates might include Sony XAVC Intra, Cineform (installed with GoPro Studio which is now part of GoPro Quik Studio), MagicYUV (lossless VFW codec), and high-bitrate AVC.
Some 3rd-party plugins allow you to automatically render regions. These include Vegasaur Transcoder (discussion) and VASST Render Assistant.
Further to that, you could try splitting your project into smaller projects for editing and rendering. For example if your project is 30 minutes long, you could work on three 10-minute projects. After editing each section separately, render an intermediate file from each and import them into a new project to stitch together.
If you are using custom settings for rendering, try rendering using a standard template without any customization applied. If that solves the problem, customize the settings one by one until you find which setting causes the problem.
If your media files are scattered across multiple drives, try moving them to a single drive. A dedicated media drive that is separate from your system drive can help.
If you are using VEGAS Pro 14 or later and your Deinterlace method is set to "Smart adaptive (GPU only)" in the Project Properties, try setting it to something else such as "Interpolate fields" (reported case). However smart adaptive deinterlacing does work well.
If you render MAGIX AVC/AAC MP4, a temp file (with a name such as "skeo", "s3v4" or "s94c") is written to the Windows temp folder, which by default is C:\user\"name"\appdata\local\temp\ folder. This will cause the render to fail if that drive runs out of space. A workaround is to change the Windows temp folder location using the TMP environment variable, as described here and here.
If rendering hangs VEGAS Pro with Windows 10 Creators Edition or later, a package of measures might be required to work around the problem, involving some or all of these steps:
- Plug monitor into discrete graphics card, not Intel integrated graphics port.
- Clean reinstall of discrete graphics card drivers
- In Internal Preferences (hold SHIFT while clicking "Preferences" to access):
- Set "Disable multi-core rendering" to TRUE
- Set "Enable multi-core rendering for playback" to FALSE
- Set "Dynamic RAM Preview max" to 0
- Set "GPU acceleration of video processing" to Off
If the above steps do not help you solve the problem, make a forum post and/or support request, including the following information:
Друзья мои, в этой маленькой полезной статье я хочу предостеречь вас от возникновения различных ошибок, которые могут случиться при работе с нашим любимым видеоредактором Sony Vegas Pro.
Может случиться так, например, что Вегас откажется работать с каким-либо файлом, или просто не будет его отображать. Да и другие неурядицы могут возникать, в том числе и при сохранении готового видео.
Сегодня я вам расскажу о том, как избежать наиболее распространенных ошибок при работе в Sony Vegas Pro.
Избавляемся от ошибок в работе Sony Vegas
Если Ваш Вегас выдает какую-то ошибку или не читает какой-то файл, или же отказывается с чем-то работать, то зачастую это указывает на то, что ему не хватает каких-то кодеков в Вашей системе. Чтобы избежать подобных неурядиц и обезопасить себя от возникновения подобных ошибок, я настоятельно рекомендую установить Вам дополнительно пакет кодеков.
И мой Вам совет установить пакет кодеков K-Lite Mega Codec Pack.
Вообще, я бы даже рекомендовала Вам устанавливать этот пакет сразу после переустановки операционной системы.
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack – это наиболее полный и, пожалуй, самый распространенный пакет кодеков, фильтров, а также различных связанных с ними инструментов.
Чем так хорош этот пакет?
Этот пакет хорош тем, что он исключает возникновение конфликтов между различными кодеками, позволяет воспроизводить все популярные и многие редкие аудио и видео форматы, также данный пакет можно в любое время полностью или частично при необходимости удалить.
К тому же он очень прост в установке, так что я не стану на этом останавливаться.
Еще раз повторюсь, что, установив пакет кодеков K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, Вы избежите не только проблем при работе в Сони Вегас, но и получите прекрасную возможность просматривать на своем компьютере видео и прослушивать аудио файлы даже многих редких форматов. В том числе и тех, которые прежде у Вас, возможно, не открывались.
В общем, от всей своей широкой души и чистого сердца – рекомендую!
PS: Также часто возникает ситуация, когда Вегас выдает ошибку, если не находит нужный файл при открытии проекта. Подробнее об этом читайте в этой статье.
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Друг мой, рада видеть Вас на своем блоге!
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