Как пройти пиксель ган цитадель
With all the champions recruited, the Newbie goes to Cubic's citadel to stop it once and for all. However, the Admin, who takes the form of the Newbie, begins cloning itself to stop the Newbie and the champions.
The citadel is heavily inspired by Parkour City 3018, where most of the map takes place on rooftops.
The player is spawned in front of the ship, where most of the characters can be seen as background characters. In most of the outdoor areas, there are pathways and AC units acting as cover. Underneath the spawning area, there is a room with cases and energy units.
- Be careful when traversing around the map since Network Streamer Admins can sneak up behind you.
- Keep an eye on your surroundings while you are hiding from enemies.
- Most enemies are ranged, so keep moving and keep your distance.
- Be aware of the Rifle Admins as their accuracy is pinpoint so you will not be able to dodge their bullets.
- You can hide where the gem is located and pick off enemies one by one with the Disconnector as they try to go down the ladder. Be careful, though. If they land on the platform they will be able to shoot.
- Also this tactic may require a large amount of time and you may not get 3 stars with this tactic due to not defeating all enemies quickly.
- In addition, maneuver around the small buildings since the Admin can shoot at high range.
- Do not get too close to the admin as he can deal a very high amount of damage on you if you do so.
Hidden Coin and Gem
A hidden coin can be seen behind one of cases in the room underneath where the player spawns.
The hidden gem is located on a hidden balcony right of the map. The player is required to drop down to pick it up on the bounce pad.
Note: Rewards from Campaign levels (not counting last levels) will only be given if the user has three stars. Players can't earn hidden coins and hidden gems in Offline Mode either. However, players may still advance through levels they haven't completed yet in offline mode.
Pixelated World
Block World
Crossed Worlds
Crossed Worlds was released on the 20th of June 2015 as part of the 10.0.0 update. It features the hero, the girl, and the Dragon. When a player completes the last level of this world, they will get a free gun (the 0xBadc0de) as a reward, as well as 15 . It contains 5 stages.
Virtual Worlds
Virtual Worlds, currently the most anticipated world to date, was released on February 26th, 2019 as part of the 16.0.0 update. It picks off from the events of the previous world. When the player completes the world, they will receive the Cubic Hat as a reward. It contains 6 stages. Take caution this is more difficult than the previous worlds and requires all previously completed levels to have three stars.
Part One: Pixelated World
At 4:15 AM in San Blockcisco, a survivor is woken up by a horde of zombies. One was digging, while the others were scratching on his wall, aware of his presence. He grabs a gun and defeats them all. He then hears a cry for help followed by some bells tolling in a nearby church. He rushes to help, but has to defeat another horde of monsters. He was unable to save the person in time. He finds a zombie evacuation plan lying next to the person he tried to save. He suggests to himself that he should go to the City, so he goes outside of the cemetery and finds a police car.
He then drives off to the city. He defeats another horde of monsters but finds a hospital entry card on the boss. He then goes to the Hospital, searching for answers, only to realize that it was a terrible mistake, since there were zombified patients inside.
Shutting the hospital doors on many zombie arms, he spots a helicopter. He runs after it, trying to alert the pilot to help him. However the helicopter flies over the Bridge. The survivor then pursues the helicopter into the bridge, only to find that the bridge has been split in two parts. He looks down and sees that the helicopter has crashed into an offshore prison. With another horde of monsters behind him, he is forced to jump and swims to the prison.
After defeating yet another horde of zombified prisoners and policemen, The survivor manages to get to the roof of the prison only to find that the helicopter pilot is dead. However, he did find a letter labeled "Top Secret." He opens it and finds a map showing how to get to Area 52 through the Forest.
He then starts walking to the forest, remembering how much he liked it as a child, hoping it's still safe. After surviving a horrible night with monsters, such as the Slenderman, in the forests, he arrives at the gates of Area 52 and finds a way in.
After surviving another wave of monsters, he finds a surviving scientist. The scientist gives the survivor a map to the portal which released all of the monsters. The scientist points to a Jeep and suggests that the survivor should use it. The survivor takes the Jeep to the location of the portal: the School. He defeats all the enemies and finds the portal.
He remembers his home before it was ruined. He angrily jumps through the portal saying that he will have his revenge and will destroy the source of the monsters.
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