Как переводится компьютер с английского
«Computer Virus Association» - перевод на английский
computerThe idea was to use a computer to learn these patterns, and so we gave the computer the existing texts.
expand_more Мы решили использовать компьютер для изучения этих схем, и внесли в компьютер существующие тексты.
Malware can get onto your computer in a number of different ways.
Опасные программы могут проникнуть на ваш компьютер различными способами.
So all this vast amount of information is then fed into the computer, and the computer can do two things.
Затем все это огромное количество информации подается в компьютер, а компьютер выполняет два этапа.
computable computability computationOnce you've done that, then there's the computation step.
And it doesn't just apply to computation.
computationalSo that's essentially the computational equivalent of two light switches.
expand_more То есть, фактически, это компьютерный эквивалент двух выключателей.
But where I think computational speed is most applicable is in that of imaging.
Но как мне кажется, компьютерная скорость особенно применима в отображении внутренней структуры тела.
Computer Virus Association [аббревиатура]
Примеры использования
English Russian Контекстуальные примеры "computer" в русско
Данные предложения взяты с внешних ресурсов и могут быть неточными. bab.la не несёт ответственность за их содержание.
So eight minutes and an embedded computer seemed to be all that we needed there.
Получается, все, что было нужно - это 8 минут и встроенный компьютер.
And so I made this thing in nearly the same way as you make a computer chip.
Этот предмет я сделал почти по той же технологии, что используют для производства чипов.
SSL encrypts the communication channel between Google and a searcher's computer.
При поиске через SSL шифруется канал связи между серверами Google и компьютером пользователя.
This is exactly what you expect, especially if you haven't interacted with a computer before.
Это именно то, что вы хотите, особенно, если вы раньше не работали на компьютере.
I have one slide on my other life, the computer life, and that's the slide here.
У меня есть слайд о моей другой жизни, компьютерной жизни, вот он.
When I was a student at MIT, we all shared one computer that took up a whole building.
Когда я был студентом в МТИ, на нас на всех имелся один, занимавший всё здание, компьютер.
Drag the file into Google Chrome from your computer desktop or folder.
Перетащите файл в Google Chrome из папки или с рабочего стола компьютера.
To download an image or video to your computer, select the thumbnail.
Чтобы загрузить изображение или видео на компьютер, выберите значок файла.
And we have . this computer screen can actually see the mosquitoes as they fly around.
А здесь — экран компьютера, на котором можно видеть летающих москитов.
A firewall can be software running on a computer, or it can be a standalone hardware device.
Это может быть как программа, установленная на компьютере, так и отдельное устройство.
So, I kind of believe that we're in like the "cave-painting" era of computer interfaces.
Что касается компьютерного интерфейса, думаю, мы все еще находимся в эре пещерного рисунка.
We used a computer vision tracking system in order to know where they were.
Мы использовали визуальную систему слежения, чтобы знать, где они.
So here, I have my computer set up with the projector, and I have a Wii remote sitting on top of it.
Здесь у меня настроенный компьютер с проектором, и контроллер Ви лежащий на нем.
And they get a message by computer saying person one sent you this amount of money.
We could describe it using modern computer terminology as a kind of read-write culture.
Мы могли бы описать её, заимствуя компьютерную терминологию, как культуру для чтения и записи.
And along the way they created a breakthrough in computer visualization.
И одновременно сделали прорыв в области компьютерной визуализации.
Malware can get onto your computer in a number of different ways.
Опасные программы могут проникнуть на ваш компьютер различными способами.
In the tablet computer there are 21 factory pre-selected music albums installed.
На Apple iPad в нетбуке установлен 21 музыкальный альбом.
This passphrase is stored on your computer and isn’t sent to Google.
Она хранится локально на вашем компьютере и в Google не отправляется.
When you delete a user, all the data associated with the user will be erased from the computer.
После удаления пользователя все связанные с ним данные также будут удалены с компьютера.
Монолингвальные примеры
English Как использовать "computer" в предложении
The local library information network has 98 computers.
Computers join if there are fewer than four players.
The rest of the time you are just moving where the computer is telling you to.
It is small and fast and supports multiprocessor computers.
The lamellas which form are scanned by a computer and fitted together to match the forms of the following un-edged lamella.
English Как использовать "computable" в предложении
It uses a dynamic "computable general equilibrium" model designed to capture the interrelationships between 79 industries, divided into states and regions.
They have shown that large arrays of these nano-magnets can be used to store computable information.
It's probability was computable (black swan events are not supposed to be).
There is not a unique computable answer to that question.
Where this is really going is toward computable medicines, that is medicines that compute within the body.
English Как использовать "computability" в предложении
Her work applies a mathematical approach to explore the inherent limits on computability and complexity in distributed systems.
I'll talk about the big questions that are tackled by mathematical logic and computability theory-what is computation?
There are many supposedly real world applications of computability, but most of them are theoretical and don't apply to situations we are likely to encounter.
One of the big topics of computer science is computability and it can often seem mysterious and strange.
To be 100% clear this is a general discussion about ways of thinking about computability and not formal theorem and proof.
English Как использовать "computation" в предложении
State taxes are generally treated as a deductible expense for federal tax computation.
This utilizes substantially less storage (tens of percents) for many types of data at the cost of more computation (compress and decompress when needed).
Computations later proved that the driver had apparently shut off power where required, but had not made a brake application.
This can not be proved, since the notion of finite computation is not defined, but it serves as a heuristic principle.
Its computation time is exponential in the number of markers.
English Как использовать "computational" в предложении
We will need new kinds of financial analysis to understand and regulate erratic market behaviors that the new computational systems already allow.
First, it allows us to chalk up any kind of computational social change as pre-determined and inevitable.
Instead of relying on large sensors and mechanical apertures, computational photography sees smartphones using their processing oomph to generate some interesting effects.
Maybe we can find that by searching some chunk of the computational universe.
Scientists had to wait for the tools of high-powered video analysis and computational modeling.
«computer game» - перевод на русский
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Researchers studied the effects of playing an avatar -- a figure representing a person in a
Данные предложения взяты с внешних ресурсов и могут быть неточными. bab.la не несёт ответственность за их содержание.
«computer gaming» - перевод на русский
is a major influence in driving personal computer processing speed increases, and advances in internet access.
is headed in a different direction as compared to console and mobile gaming.
Will the partnership be for creating theme park rides; or will it be for special movie effects or for
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