Как клонировать виртуальную машину vmware
Cloning a virtual machine creates a virtual machine that is a copy of the original. The new virtual machine is configured with the same virtual hardware, installed software, and other properties that were configured for the original virtual machine.
Note: When heavily loaded applications, such as load generators, are running in the guest operating system during a clone operation, the virtual machine quiesce operation can fail and VMware Tools might be denied CPU resources and time out. It is recommended that you quiesce the virtual machines running lower I/O disk operation.Prerequisites
If a load generator is running in the virtual machine, stop it before you perform the clone operation.
You must have the following privileges to clone a virtual machine:
- Virtual machine . Provisioning . Clone virtual machine on the virtual machine you are cloning.
- Virtual machine . Inventory . Create from existing on the datacenter or virtual machine folder.
- Virtual machine . Configuration . Add new disk on the datacenter or virtual machine folder.
- Resource . Assign virtual machine to resource pool on the destination host, cluster, or resource pool.
- Datastore . Allocate space on the destination datastore or datastore folder.
- Network . Assign network on the network to which the virtual machine will be assigned.
- Virtual machine . Provisioning . Customize on the virtual machine or virtual machine folder if you are customizing the guest operating system.
- Virtual machine . Provisioning . Read customization specifications on the root vCenter Server if you are customizing the guest operating system.
Right-click a virtual machine and select Clone > Clone to Virtual Machine .
The template name determines the name of the files and folder on the disk. For example, if you name the template win8tmp, the template files are named win8tmp.vmdk, win8tmp.nvram, and so on. If you change the template name, the names of the files on the datastore do not change.Folders provide a way to store virtual machines and templates for different groups in an organization and you can set permissions on them. If you prefer a flatter hierarchy, you can put all virtual machines and templates in a datacenter and organize them in a different way.
The Compatibility pane shows the result from the compatibility checks.If the virtual machine that you clone has an NVDIMM device and virtual PMem hard disks, the destination host or cluster must have available PMem resource. Otherwise, you cannot proceed with the task.
If the virtual machine that you clone does not have an NVDIMM device, but it has virtual PMem hard disks, the destination host or cluster must have available PMem resource. Otherwise, all the hard disk of the destination virtual machine will use the storage policy and datastore selected for the configuration files of the source virtual machine.
- Select the format for the virtual machine's disks.
Option Action Same format as source Use the same format as the source virtual machine. Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed Create a virtual disk in a default thick format. Space required for the virtual disk is allocated during creation. Any data remaining on the physical device is not erased during creation, but is zeroed out on demand at a later time on first write from the virtual machine. Thick Provision Eager Zeroed Create a thick disk that supports clustering features such as Fault Tolerance. Space required for the virtual disk is allocated at creation time. In contrast to the thick provision lazy zeroed format, the data remaining on the physical device is zeroed out during creation. It might take longer to create disks in this format than to create other types of disks. Thin Provision Use the thin provisioned format. At first, a thin provisioned disk uses only as much datastore space as the disk initially needs. If the thin disk needs more space later, it can grow to the maximum capacity allocated to it. - (Optional) Select a storage policy from the VM Storage Policy drop-down menu.
The list shows which datastores are compatible and which are incompatible with the selected virtual machine storage policy.
The list shows which datastores are compatible and which are incompatible with the selected virtual machine storage profile.
The list shows which datastores are compatible and which are incompatible with the selected virtual machine storage policy.
Всем привет сегодня посмотрим как сконвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5. Давайте рассмотрим задачу, есть виртуальная машина на vMware Workstation и вам нужно чтобы она работала, на ESXi, для этого ее нужно сконвертировать иначе могут быть синие экраны, для конвертации нам поможет программный продукт VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.x.x, ранее он нам помог уже сделать конвертацию физической машины в виртуальную среду, так как мир уже давно пришел к тому ,что нужно лучше утилизировать имеющиеся ресурсы физических сервером и виртуализация оказалась настоящим прорывом.
Запускаем VMware vCenter Converter Standalone, и нажимаем Convert machine
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-02
В Select Source Type выбираем VMware Workstation or other VMware virtual machine и нажимаем browse
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-03
Указываем месторасположение вашей виртуальной машины у меня это 1C-Битрикс Виртуальная машина 5.1. И нажимаете открыть.
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-04
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-05
Указываем данные для авторизации на сервере vCenter, это может быть, как локальная учетная запись, так и доменная.
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-06
Указываем название машины как она будет называться в vCenter и жмем next
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-07
Выбираем хост, на котором она будет работать, по умолчанию vm будет выключена, так, что если у вас кластер с общими дисками, то хост может быть любым.
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-08
Задаем настройки по ресурсам, чем хорошо, можно сразу задать, сколько ОЗУ, CPU вы готовы выделить для работы сервера.
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-09
Нажимаем кнопку "Finish"
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-10
Начнется конвертация, сам процесс занимает разное время все зависит от размера виртуальной машины, у меня были случаи, что процесс шел более суток.
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-11
Видим, что все успешно закончено. Осталось проверить на наличие синих экранов и работоспособность сервисов.
Как конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5-12
Вот так вот просто конвертировать виртуальную машину vMware Workstation в ESXI 5.5.
Cloning a virtual machine creates a virtual machine that is a copy of the original. The new virtual machine is configured with the same virtual hardware, installed software, and other properties that were configured for the original virtual machine.
For information about persistent memory and PMem storage, see the vSphere Resource Management guide.
For information how to configure the virtual machine hardware options, see Configuring Virtual Machine Hardware and Configuring Virtual Machine Options
Note: When heavily loaded applications, such as load generators, are running in the guest operating system during a clone operation, the virtual machine quiesce operation might fail. VMware Tools might be denied CPU resources and time out. You can quiesce the virtual machines running lower I/O disk operation. Important: If you clone an encrypted virtual machine, you cannot change the storage policy. For information about cloning an encrypted virtual machine, see vSphere Security .Prerequisites
If a load generator is running in the virtual machine, before you perform the clone operation, you must stop the load generator.
You must have the following privileges to clone a virtual machine:
- Virtual machine . Provisioning . Clone virtual machine on the virtual machine you are cloning.
- Virtual machine . Inventory . Create from existing on the data center or virtual machine folder.
- Virtual machine . Configuration . Add new disk on the data center or virtual machine folder.
- Resource . Assign virtual machine to resource pool on the destination host, cluster, or resource pool.
- Datastore . Allocate space on the destination datastore or datastore folder.
- Network . Assign network on the network to which you assign the virtual machine.
- Virtual machine . Provisioning . Customize on the virtual machine or virtual machine folder if you are customizing the guest operating system.
- Virtual machine . Provisioning . Read customization specifications on the root vCenter Server if you are customizing the guest operating system.
- If the virtual machine that you clone has an NVDIMM device and virtual PMem hard disks, the destination host or cluster must have an available PMem resource. Otherwise, you cannot proceed with the task
- If the virtual machine that you clone does not have an NVDIMM device, but has virtual PMem hard disks, the destination host or cluster must have an available PMem resource. Otherwise, all hard disks of the destination virtual machine will use the storage policy and datastore selected for the configuration files of the source virtual machine.
- To access customization options for Windows guest operating systems, Microsoft Sysprep tools must be installed on the vCenter Server system. Sysprep Tool is built into the Windows Vista and Windows 2008 and later operating systems. For details about this and other customization requirements, see Guest Operating System Customization Requirements.
Right-click a virtual machine and select Clone > Clone to Virtual Machine .
The template name determines the name of the files and folder on the disk. For example, if you name the template win8tmp , the template files are named win8tmp.vmdk , win8tmp.nvram , and so on. If you change the template name later, the names of the files on the datastore do not change.Folders provide a way to store virtual machines and templates for different groups in an organization and you can set permissions on them. If you prefer a flatter hierarchy, you can put all virtual machines and templates in a data center and organize them in a different way.
Имеется бесплатная версия VMware ESXi 5.5. Необходимо клонировать существующую виртуальную машину с установленным Linux Debian на котором крутится система Service Desk OTRS.
Для того, что бы клонировать виртуальную машину на ESXi с помощью VMware vSphere Client необходимо:
Пойдет процесс копирования файлов конфигурации и диска виртуальной машины.
VMware vSphere Client, Datastore Browser
VMware vSphere Client, Add to Inventory
Важное замечание!
Загружаем новую виртуальную машину и нажимаем кнопку запуска консоли виртуальной машины,
Запуск консоли виртуальной машины
появится окно с просьбой указать, данная виртуальная машины скопированная или перенесенная виртуальная машину, выберете необходимое.
Похожие записи.
Андрей Торженов
В профессиональной сфере занимаюсь всем, что связанно с IT. Основная специализация - VoIP и сети передачи данных. Стараюсь не заниматься Windows серверами (но иногда приходится) и 1С.Latest posts by Андрей Торженов (see all)
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